3,618 research outputs found

    Arterial microanatomy determines the success of energy-based renal denervation in controlling hypertension

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    Renal denervation (RDN) is a treatment option for patients with hypertension resistant to conventional therapy. Clinical trials have demonstrated variable benefit. To understand the determinants of successful clinical response to this treatment, we integrated porcine and computational models of intravascular radiofrequency RDN. Controlled single-electrode denervation resulted in ablation zone geometries that varied in arc, area, and depth, depending on the composition of the adjacent tissue substructure. Computational simulations predicted that delivered power density was influenced by tissue substructure, and peaked at the conductivity discontinuities between soft fatty adventitia and water-rich tissues (media, lymph nodes, etc.), not at the electrode-tissue interface. Electrode irrigation protected arterial wall tissue adjacent to the electrode by clearing heat that diffuses from within the tissue, without altering periarterial ablation. Seven days after multielectrode treatments, renal norepinephrine and blood pressure were reduced. Blood pressure reductions were correlated with the size-weighted number of degenerative nerves, implying that the effectiveness of the treatment in decreasing hypertension depends on the extent of nerve injury and ablation, which in turn are determined by the tissue microanatomy at the electrode site. These results may explain the variable patient response to RDN and suggest a path to more robust outcomes.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant R01 GM-49039

    Pulmonary sarcoidosis is associated with exosomal vitamin D-binding protein and inflammatory molecules

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    BACKGROUND: Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory granulomatous disorder characterized by accumulation of TH1-type CD4+T cells and immune effector cells within affected organs, most frequently the lungs. Exosomes are extracellular vesicles conveying intercellular communication with possible diagnostic and therapeutic applications.OBJECTIVES: Weaimed to provide an understanding of the proinflammatory role of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) exosomes in patients with sarcoidosis and to find candidates for disease biomarkers.METHODS: Weperformed a mass spectrometric proteomics characterization of BALF exosomes from 15 patients with sarcoidosis and 5 healthy control subjects and verified the most interesting results with flow cytometry, ELISA, and Western blot analyses in an additional 39 patients and 22 control subjects.RESULTS: Morethan 690 proteins were identified in the BALF exosomes, several of which displayed significant upregulation in patients, including inflammation-associated proteins, such as leukotriene A4 hydrolase. Most of the complement-activating factors were upregulated, whereas the complement regulator CD55 was seen less in patients comparedwith healthy control subjects. In addition, for the first time, we detected vitamin D-binding protein in BALF exosomes, which was more abundant in patients. To evaluate exosome-associated vitamin D-binding protein as a biomarker for sarcoidosis, we investigated plasma exosomes from 23 patients and 11 healthy control subjects and found significantlyhigher expression in patients.CONCLUSION: Together,these data contribute to understanding the role of exosomes in lung disease and provide suggestions for highly warranted sarcoidosis biomarkers. Furthermore, the validation of an exosome-associated biomarker in the blood of patients provides novel, and less invasive, opportunities for disease diagnosis.</h4

    Synergistic use of glycomics and single-molecule molecular inversion probes for identification of congenital disorders of glycosylation type-1

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    Congenital disorders of glycosylation type 1 (CDG-I) comprise a group of 27 genetic defects with heterogeneous multisystem phenotype, mostly presenting with nonspecific neurological symptoms. The biochemical hallmark of CDG-I is a partial absence of complete N-glycans on transferrin. However, recent findings of a diagnostic N-tetrasaccharide for ALG1-CDG and increased high-mannose N-glycans for a few other CDG suggested the potential of glycan structural analysis for CDG-I gene discovery. We analyzed the relative abundance of total plasma N-glycans by high resolution quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry in a large cohort of 111 CDG-I patients with known (n = 75) or unsolved (n = 36) genetic cause. We designed single-molecule molecular inversion probes (smMIPs) for sequencing of CDG-I candidate genes on the basis of specific N-glycan signatures. Glycomics profiling in patients with known defects revealed novel features such as the N-tetrasaccharide in ALG2-CDG patients and a novel fucosylated N-pentasaccharide as specific glycomarker for ALG1-CDG. Moreover, group-specific high-mannose N-glycan signatures were found in ALG3-, ALG9-, ALG11-, ALG12-, RFT1-, SRD5A3-, DOLK-, DPM1-, DPM3-, MPDU1-, ALG13-CDG, and hereditary fructose intolerance. Further differential analysis revealed high-mannose profiles, characteristic for ALG12- and ALG9-CDG. Prediction of candidate genes by glycomics profiling in 36 patients with thus far unsolved CDG-I and subsequent smMIPs sequencing led to a yield of solved cases of 78% (28/36). Combined plasma glycomics profiling and targeted smMIPs sequencing of candidate genes is a powerful approach to identify causative mutations in CDG-I patient cohorts

    The impact of human breast milk components on the infant metabolism

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    Background & aims Breastfeeding is beneficial for mothers and infants. Underlying mechanisms and biochemical mediators thus need to be investigated to develop and support improved infant nutrition practices promoting the child health. We analysed the relation between maternal breast milk composition and infant metabolism. Methods 196 pairs of mothers and infants from a European research project (PreventCD) were studied. Maternal milk samples collected at month 1 and month 4 after birth were analysed for macronutrient classes, hormone, and fatty acid (FA) content. Phospholipids, acylcarnitines, and amino acids were measured in serum samples of 4-month old infants. Associations between milk components and infant metabolites were analysed with spearman correlation and linear mixed effect models (LME). P-values were corrected for multiple testing (P-LME). Results Month 1 milk protein content was strongly associated with infant serum lyso-phosphatidylcholine (LPC) 14: 0 (P-LME = 0.009). Month 1 milk insulin was associated to infant acetylcarnitine (P-LME = 0.01). There were no associations between milk protein content and serum amino acids and milk total fat content and serum polar lipids. Middle- and odd-chain FA% in breast milk at both ages were significantly related to serum LPC and sphingomyelins (SM) species in infant serum (all P-LME < 0.05), while FA% 20: 5n(-3) and 22: 6n(-3) percentages were significantly associated to serum LPC 22:6 (P-LME = 1.91x10(-4)/7.93x10(-5)) in milk only at month 4. Other polyunsaturated fatty acids and hormones in milk showed only weak associations with infant serum metabolites. Conclusions Infant serum LPC are influenced by breast milk FA composition and, intriguingly, milk protein content in early but not late lactation. LPC 14:0, previously found positively associated with obesity risk, was the serum metabolite which was the most strongly associated to milk protein content. Thus, LPC 14:0 might be a key metabolite not only reflecting milk protein intake in infants, but also relating high protein content in milk or infant formula to childhood obesity risk

    Methylation deficiency disrupts biological rhythms from bacteria to humans

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    メチル化と体内時計が生命誕生以来の密な関係にあることを発見 --生命の起源に学ぶヒト障害の新治療法--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2020-05-27.The methyl cycle is a universal metabolic pathway providing methyl groups for the methylation of nuclei acids and proteins, regulating all aspects of cellular physiology. We have previously shown that methyl cycle inhibition in mammals strongly affects circadian rhythms. Since the methyl cycle and circadian clocks have evolved early during evolution and operate in organisms across the tree of life, we sought to determine whether the link between the two is also conserved. Here, we show that methyl cycle inhibition affects biological rhythms in species ranging from unicellular algae to humans, separated by more than 1 billion years of evolution. In contrast, the cyanobacterial clock is resistant to methyl cycle inhibition, although we demonstrate that methylations themselves regulate circadian rhythms in this organism. Mammalian cells with a rewired bacteria-like methyl cycle are protected, like cyanobacteria, from methyl cycle inhibition, providing interesting new possibilities for the treatment of methylation deficiencies

    Upper limits on the strength of periodic gravitational waves from PSR J1939+2134

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    The first science run of the LIGO and GEO gravitational wave detectors presented the opportunity to test methods of searching for gravitational waves from known pulsars. Here we present new direct upper limits on the strength of waves from the pulsar PSR J1939+2134 using two independent analysis methods, one in the frequency domain using frequentist statistics and one in the time domain using Bayesian inference. Both methods show that the strain amplitude at Earth from this pulsar is less than a few times 102210^{-22}.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the Proceedings of the 5th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves, Tirrenia, Pisa, Italy, 6-11 July 200

    Improving the sensitivity to gravitational-wave sources by modifying the input-output optics of advanced interferometers

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    We study frequency dependent (FD) input-output schemes for signal-recycling interferometers, the baseline design of Advanced LIGO and the current configuration of GEO 600. Complementary to a recent proposal by Harms et al. to use FD input squeezing and ordinary homodyne detection, we explore a scheme which uses ordinary squeezed vacuum, but FD readout. Both schemes, which are sub-optimal among all possible input-output schemes, provide a global noise suppression by the power squeeze factor, while being realizable by using detuned Fabry-Perot cavities as input/output filters. At high frequencies, the two schemes are shown to be equivalent, while at low frequencies our scheme gives better performance than that of Harms et al., and is nearly fully optimal. We then study the sensitivity improvement achievable by these schemes in Advanced LIGO era (with 30-m filter cavities and current estimates of filter-mirror losses and thermal noise), for neutron star binary inspirals, and for narrowband GW sources such as low-mass X-ray binaries and known radio pulsars. Optical losses are shown to be a major obstacle for the actual implementation of these techniques in Advanced LIGO. On time scales of third-generation interferometers, like EURO/LIGO-III (~2012), with kilometer-scale filter cavities, a signal-recycling interferometer with the FD readout scheme explored in this paper can have performances comparable to existing proposals. [abridged]Comment: Figs. 9 and 12 corrected; Appendix added for narrowband data analysi

    Search for gravitational wave bursts in LIGO's third science run

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    We report on a search for gravitational wave bursts in data from the three LIGO interferometric detectors during their third science run. The search targets subsecond bursts in the frequency range 100-1100 Hz for which no waveform model is assumed, and has a sensitivity in terms of the root-sum-square (rss) strain amplitude of hrss ~ 10^{-20} / sqrt(Hz). No gravitational wave signals were detected in the 8 days of analyzed data.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. Amaldi-6 conference proceedings to be published in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Quantum state preparation and macroscopic entanglement in gravitational-wave detectors

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    Long-baseline laser-interferometer gravitational-wave detectors are operating at a factor of 10 (in amplitude) above the standard quantum limit (SQL) within a broad frequency band. Such a low classical noise budget has already allowed the creation of a controlled 2.7 kg macroscopic oscillator with an effective eigenfrequency of 150 Hz and an occupation number of 200. This result, along with the prospect for further improvements, heralds the new possibility of experimentally probing macroscopic quantum mechanics (MQM) - quantum mechanical behavior of objects in the realm of everyday experience - using gravitational-wave detectors. In this paper, we provide the mathematical foundation for the first step of a MQM experiment: the preparation of a macroscopic test mass into a nearly minimum-Heisenberg-limited Gaussian quantum state, which is possible if the interferometer's classical noise beats the SQL in a broad frequency band. Our formalism, based on Wiener filtering, allows a straightforward conversion from the classical noise budget of a laser interferometer, in terms of noise spectra, into the strategy for quantum state preparation, and the quality of the prepared state. Using this formalism, we consider how Gaussian entanglement can be built among two macroscopic test masses, and the performance of the planned Advanced LIGO interferometers in quantum-state preparation