207 research outputs found

    Establishment, measurement and calculation of calibration field for calibrating

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    The diploma thesis deals with the establishment of a geodetic network for the purpose of calibration fields for calibration of cameras on unmanned aircraft from stabilization to the final coordinates of points. We describe all procedures that have to be made. The specially designed geodetic points from stainless steel were stabilized in the kerbside on parking lot petrol station in Vipava. Measurements were simulated before the measurement in different ways with the aim of determining the quality of points positions. Moreover, we have made measurement of the geodetic network, where we put a lot of attention to the precise signaling points. Preliminary data preparation is followed by leveling redundant measurements, especially for height and the situation in the horizontal plane. Some of the points positions were determined by an eight-hour static measurement of GNSS in Slovenian realization coordinate system ETRS89. Furthermore, with similarity transformation to date these points we transformed the positions of points where we passed only classical geodetic measurements. The final result of the diploma thesis are transformed coordinates of all the points of geodetic network calibration field in the coordinate system ETRS89

    Rozwój gniazda słowotwórczego rdzenia „czar‑”

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    Assuming that the language evolution is tightly connected to mentality changes of its users, the article discusses the semantic development and pragmatic context of words deriving from the word formation sub‑entry from the root of czar‑. Contrasting romantic sources (Berwiński, Maciejowski) with modern interpretations (Reynolds, Janion), it illustrates interesting relations between a social role of gender and language vocabulary

    Okultyzm, polityka, psychoanaliza

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    Okultyzm jawi się zatem jako narzędzie politycznego oporu. Jest wymierzone przeciwko społecznej władzy, bo w romantycznym geście wynosi ponad nią jednostkę. Bunt magiczny nie prowadzi do żadnej wspólnej wizji władzy alternatywnej. Żadnych konkretnych politycznych rozwiązań. One istnieją, lecz na poziomie indywidualnym, stosownym dla każdej jednostki, dla każdego adepta. Nie można więc stwierdzić, jak Adorno, Eco czy Orwell, że okultyzm jest ze swej natury faszystowski. Będzie to równie nieprawdziwe, jak twierdzenie, że okultyzm jest ze swej natury komunistyczny. Okultyzm nie ma jasno określonej (czy niejasno implikowanej) orientacji politycznej. Mają ją natomiast, w całej gamie możliwych odcieni, jego adepci

    Tożsamość katoptryczna w nowelistyce Stefana Grabińskiego

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    The article attempts to discuss the recurring theme of Stefan Grabiński’s short stories, called here “the catoptric identity”. “The catoptric identity” is understood as all kinds of reflections or multiplications of identity. In the first part of the article, the author points to numerous realizations of the catoptric theme in Grabiński’s short stories, and in the two following parts a detailed analysis of his two short stories — Problemat Czelawy [Czelawa’s Problem], and Dziedzina [The Domain] — is carried out

    Development of a novel, high-affinity ssDNA trypsin inhibitor

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    Inhibitors of serine proteases are not only extremely useful in the basic research but are also applied extensively in clinical settings. Using Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment (SELEX) approach we developed a family of novel, single-stranded DNA aptamers capable of specific trypsin inhibition. Our most potent candidate (T24) and its short version (T59) were thoroughly characterised in terms of efficacy. T24 and T59 efficiently inhibited bovine trypsin with Ki of 176 nM and 475 nM, respectively. Interestingly, in contrast to the majority of known trypsin inhibitors, the selected aptamers have superior specificity and did not interact with porcine trypsin or any human proteases tested. These included plasmin and thrombin characterised by trypsin-like substrate specificity. Our results demonstrate that SELEX may be successfully employed in the development of potent and specific DNA based protease inhibitors.publishedVersio

    Crystal structure of mannose specific IIA subunit of phosphotransferase system from Streptococcus pneumoniae

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae is a frequent bacterial pathogen of the human respiratory tract causing pneumonia, meningitis and sepsis, a serious healthcare burden in all age groups. S. pneumoniae lacks complete respiratory chain and relies on carbohydrate fermentation for energy generation. One of the essential components for this includes the mannose phosphotransferase system (Man-PTS), which plays a central role in glucose transport and exhibits a broad specificity for a range of hexoses. Importantly, Man-PTS is involved in the global regulation of gene expression for virulence determinants. We herein report the three-dimensional structure of the EIIA domain of S. pneumoniae mannose phosphotransferase system (SpEIIA-Man). Our structure shows a dimeric arrangement of EIIA and reveals a detailed molecular description of the active site. Since PTS transporters are exclusively present in microbes and sugar transporters have already been suggested as valid targets for antistreptococcal antibiotics, our work sets foundation for the future development of antimicrobial strategies against Streptococcus pneumoniae.ISSN:1420-304

    Coping with stress and hypertension-mediated organ damage

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    Aim of the study: Chronic exposure to high blood pressure may lead to the development of hypertensionmediated organ damage (HMOD). This study compares styles and strategies of coping with stress in hypertensive patients with arterial stiffness or left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and in individuals with hypertension, but without HMOD. Material and methods: Each study participant (n=93) underwent the following procedures: clinical assessment, echocardiography, pulse wave velocity measurement and psychological testing. Blood pressure in the study group was measured using ABPM method. Carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV) was assessed to identify patients with arterial stiffness. Left ventricular mass index was measured to diagnose LVH. Each patient was also assessed using three psychometric tools: PSS-10, CISS and Brief COPE. Results: Subjects with arterial stiffness (increased PWV) scored significantly lower than patients with normal PWV in three scales: CISS Avoidance-oriented coping (median values: 39 vs. 41.5; p=0.042), Brief COPE Self-distraction (median values: 1.5 vs. 2; p=0.013) and Brief COPE Venting (median values: 1 vs. 1.5; p=0.037). Individuals with LVH had significantly lower results in Brief COPE Use of emotional support scale than hypertensive subjects with normal left ventricular mass index (median values: 1.5 vs. 2; p=0.041). Discussion: In our study group, hypertensive patients with HMOD preferred different coping styles and strategies than individuals with hypertension, but without vascular and cardiac damage. The mechanism underlying these differences is probably complex. Conclusions: HMOD may be associated with coping styles and strategies, but further research is necessary to fully understand the results of this study

    Structural basis for small molecule targeting of the programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1)

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    Targeting the PD-1/PD-L1 immunologic checkpoint with monoclonal antibodies has provided unprecedented results in cancer treatment in the recent years. Development of chemical inhibitors for this pathway lags the antibody development because of insufficient structural information. The first nonpeptidic chemical inhibitors that target the PD-1/PD-L1 interaction have only been recently disclosed by Bristol-Myers Squibb. Here, we show that these small-molecule compounds bind directly to PD-L1 and that they potently block PD-1 binding. Structural studies reveal a dimeric protein complex with a single small molecule which stabilizes the dimer thus occluding the PD-1 interaction surface of PD-L1s. The small-molecule interaction "hot spots" on PD-L1 surfaces suggest approaches for the PD-1/PD-L1 antagonist drug discovery

    Molecular basis for the bifunctional Uba4-Urm1 sulfur-relay system in tRNA thiolation and ubiquitin-like conjugation.

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    The chemical modification of tRNA bases by sulfur is crucial to tune translation and to optimize protein synthesis. In eukaryotes, the ubiquitin-related modifier 1 (Urm1) pathway is responsible for the synthesis of 2-thiolated wobble uridine (U34 ). During the key step of the modification cascade, the E1-like activating enzyme ubiquitin-like protein activator 4 (Uba4) first adenylates and thiocarboxylates the C-terminus of its substrate Urm1. Subsequently, activated thiocarboxylated Urm1 (Urm1-COSH) can serve as a sulfur donor for specific tRNA thiolases or participate in ubiquitin-like conjugation reactions. Structural and mechanistic details of Uba4 and Urm1 have remained elusive but are key to understand the evolutionary branch point between ubiquitin-like proteins (UBL) and sulfur-relay systems. Here, we report the crystal structures of full-length Uba4 and its heterodimeric complex with its substrate Urm1. We show how the two domains of Uba4 orchestrate recognition, binding, and thiocarboxylation of the C-terminus of Urm1. Finally, we uncover how the catalytic domains of Uba4 communicate efficiently during the reaction cycle and identify a mechanism that enables Uba4 to protect itself against self-conjugation with its own product, namely activated Urm1-COSH