24 research outputs found


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    Okvirne armiranobetonske (AB) konstrukcije dominantno se koriste za izvodenje niskih i srednje visokih građevina na području Republike Hrvatske, te ponekad je ovakve građevine u seizmički aktivnim zonama potrebno ojačati, kako bi prema potrebi povećali nosivost, krutost i/ili duktilnost osnovne nosive konstrukcije. U ovoj disertaciji razrađena je upotreba zidanih ispuna, s različitim tipovima veza ispuna i AB okvira, kao element ojačanja osnovne AB konstrukcije za potresna djelovanja. Poznato je da prisustvo ispuna, i bez dodatnog povezivanja s okvirom, značajno mijenja dinamički odgovor konstrukcije, pri čemu elementi ispuna ne mogu biti zanemareni pri dinamičkoj ili statičkog analizi građevine. Postojeći važeći propisi ne sadrže pojašnjenja o utjecaju ovakvih ojačanih konstrukcija, sto čini ovo područje dodatno zanimljivim. Dosadašnje spoznaje pokazale su da jednolika prisutnost zidanog ispuna doprinosi većoj krutosti i nosivosti sustava, pri čemu konstrukcija doživljava manje globalne pomake, time i manja oštećenja, sto se često smatra pozitivnim učincima zidanog ispuna. S druge strane prisutnost ispuna može dovesti do lokalnih ili globalnih plastičnih deformacija osnovne okvirne konstrukcije, formirajući tako kratke stupove, posmične slomove čvorova stup-greda, ili formiranje tzv. mekane etaže, te redukcije duktilnosti pojedinih elemenata i/ili konstrukcije u cjelini, sto su dakako jedni od negativnih učinaka ispuna. Ojačanjem okvira dodavanjem ispuna u kombinaciji s međusobnim vezama nastoji se prvenstveno poboljšati međudjelovanje ispuna i okvira, koje se može promatrati i kroz doprinos duktilnosti sustava, te kroz reduciranje mogućih negativnih učinaka ispuna spomenutih ranije, na jednorasponskim jednoetažnim uzorcima. Doktorska disertacija obraduje ponašanje praznih ravninskih AB okvira, te ravninskih AB okvira ojačanih dodavanjem zidanog ispuna u kombinaciji s međusobnim vezama ispuna i elemenata okvira, za potresna djelovanja. Koristeći dosadašnje spoznaje o kompozitnom sustavu okvira s ispunom, te njihovom međudjelovanju, primarni cilj ove disertacije bio je istražiti mogućnosti korištenja zidova ispuna u AB okvirima kao metodu ojačanja, promatrajući pri tome cikličke odzive dobivene eksperimentalnim ispitivanjem pojedinih modela u svojoj ravnini. Kako bi doprinijeli razumijevanju ojačanja okvira pomoću zidanih ispuna, provedena su eksperimentalna i numerička istraživanja. Eksperimentalni dio istraživanja proveden je na 10 jednorasponskih i jednoetažnih uzoraka duktilnih i neduktilnih armiranobetonskih okvira ojačanih zidanih ispunom (šuplja glinena blok i puna opeka), te 7 srodnih referentnih uzoraka korištenih za evaluaciju ojačanja ispunom i kvalitetu veza ispuna i okvira. Uz statičko cikličko ispitivanje samih uzoraka okvira, provedeno je ispitivanje i mehaničkih karakteristika ugrađenih materijala (betona, armature, zidnih elemenata, zida, morta i kompozitnih materijala). Uzorci okvira izvedeni su u mjerilu 1:2.5 za duktilne, odnosno 1:2 za neduktilne okvire, ispitanih pri stalnim vertikalnim i uvećavanim horizontalnim cikličkim opterećenjem (engl. Static Reversed-Cyclic Test). Ispitni uzorci mogu se grupirati prema vrsti zidnog elementa (šuplji glineni blok i puna opeka), prema tipu AB okvira (duktilni i neduktilni), te tipu veza ispuna i okvira. Ovime dobivamo ukupno 6 različitih konguracija ojačanja, od kojih su pojedini primijenjeni na dva tipa ispuna. Obradom vlastitih eksperimentalnih ispitivanja prikazane su karakteristike u ponašanju svakog uzorka, te utvrđen je najpogodniji tip ojačanja za duktilne i neduktilne okvire. Za sve eksperimentalne uzorke, od kojih su 10 izvornih i 7 referentnih, provedena je kalibracija istih pomoću nelinearnih makro{modela u programu OpenSees (PEER, Berkeley, opensees.berkeley.edu). Numerički modeli temeljeni su na tzv. grednim elementima za stupove i grede, te tlačnim dijagonalama za zidove ispuna, za koje je postignuto zadovoljavajuće poklapanje cikličkih odziva u odnosu na eksperimente. Isti modeli korišteni su u numeričkoj studiji slučaja, za predviđanje dinamičkog odziva s primjenom na realnoj građevini (Tsukuba, Japan) putem IDA analiza, pri čemu su konstruirane IDA krivulje i krivulje oštetljivosti, krivulje ranjivosti, krivulje gubitaka za svaki tip ojačanja posebno, kako bi ocijenili učinkovitost pojedinog ojačanja u odnosu na referentne modele. Na kraju je ukratko prikazana i eksperimentalna studija slučaja prostorne FRAMA građevine, Model #1 i Model #2 (FRAmed-MAsonry Composites for Modelling and Standardization, framed-masonry.com), koja je izvedena u mjerilu 1:2.5, te dinamički ispitana na potresnoj platformi u institutu IZIIS (Institut za Zemljotresno Inženjerstvo i Inženjersku Seizmologiju, iziis.edu.mk), Skoplje, Makedonija. FRAMA građevina, Model #1 i #2 sadrže vrlo slične karakteristike u geometriji, vrsti ispuna i tipu ojačanja kao sto je to slučaj s pojedinim izvornim ravninskim eksperimentalnim uzorcima iz prvog dijela istraživanja. FRAMA Model #1 reprezentira osnovni model AB okvira sa zidanim ispunom od šuplje blok opeke, bez dodatnih veza ispuna i okvira, dok Model #2 reprezentira ojačan model izveden na prethodno ispitanom AB okviru (Model #1), pri čemu je korištena puna opeka u kombinaciji s vertikalnim serklazima. U kratko su prikazani globalni dinamički odzivi, maksimalni međukatni pomaci i usporedba vlastitih frekvencija Modela #1 i #2 kao evaluaciju ojačanja Modela #2 u odnosu na Model #1.Reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures are dominantly used for the construction of low and medium{high structures on the territory of Croatia, and sometimes such structures in seismically active zones need to be strengthened to increase the lateral bearing capacity, stiness and/or ductility of the primary bearing structure. In this dissertation, the use of masonry inlls, with dierent types of connection between the inll and the RC frame, was elaborated as an element for strengthening the basic RC structure for the earthquake action. It is known that the presence of inlls, and without any additional connection with the frame, signicantly changes the dynamic response of the structure, whereby the inll elements can not be neglected in the dynamic or static analysis of the structure. Existing valid regulations do not contain any clarication of the impact of such reinforced structures, which makes this area even more interesting. The present ndings have shown that the uniform presence of masonry inlls contributes to greater stiness and lateral (in-plane) bearing capacity, with the structure experiencing less global displacements, and thus less damage, which is often considered to be positive eects of masonry inlls. On the other hand, the presence of inlls can lead to local or global plastic deformations of the primary frame structure, forming short columns, shear failures of the beam-column joints or forming the so-called soft storey mechanisms, and reduction of the ductility of individual elements and/or structure as a whole, which are certainly one of the negative eects of inlls. By strengthening the frame by adding inlls in combination with mutual interconnection, it is primarily intended to improve the interaction between the inll and the frame, which can be observed also through the contribution of the ductility of the system, and by reducing the possible negative eects of the inll mentioned earlier, on the one-bay, one-storey specimens. The doctoral dissertation deals with the behaviour of bare planar RC frames, as well as the planar RC frames strengthened by the addition of masonry inlls in combination with the mutual interconnection of the inll and the frame elements for the earthquake action. Using the present knowledge of the composite inlled{frame system and their interaction, the primary aim of this dissertation was to explore the possibilities of using the inll walls in RC frames as a strengthening method, observing the in-plane cyclic responses obtained by experimental testing of particular specimens. In order to contribute to understanding the strengthening of the frame by masonry inlls, experimental and numerical researches have been carried out. The experimental part of the study was carried out on 10 one{bay, one-storey specimens of ductile and non-ductile RC frames strengthened with masonry inll (hollow clay block and solid clay bricks units) and 7 related reference specimens used for evaluation of inll strengthening and the quality of the inll and frame mutual interconnection. In addition to the static cyclic test of specimens itself, the mechanical characteristics of the embedded materials were also tested (concrete, reinforcement, wall elements, masonry, mortar and composite materials). Frame specimens are built in scale 1:2.5 for ductile and 1:2 for non-ductile frames, tested at constant vertical and incrementally increased horizontal cyclic load (static reversed-cyclic test). The test specimens can be grouped according to the type of inll element (hollow clay block and solid clay brick units), type of RC frame (ductile and non-ductile), and type of connection between the inll and the frame. This provides a total of 6 diferent strengthening congurations, of which some are applied to two types of inll. By analysing the results of these experimental studies, the characteristics of the behaviour of each specimen were presented, and the most suitable type of strengthening for the ductile and non-ductile frames was determined. For all experimental specimens, of which 10 original and 7 used as references, the same calibration was carried out using nonlinear macro-models in OpenSees (PEER, Berkeley, opensees.berkeley.edu). Numerical models are based on so- called beam-column elements for columns and beams, and specic type of compressive/tensile elements for inll walls, for which satisfactory responses to cyclic responses have been achieved with respect to experiments. The same models were used in the numerical case study for predicting the dynamic response to the application on a real building (Tsukuba, Japan) by Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA), where IDA curves, fragility curves, vulnerability curves and loss curves were designed for each type of strengthening separately to evaluate the eciency of a particular strengthening in relation to reference models. Finally, an experimental case study of the spatial FRAMA building, Model #1 and Model #2 (FRAmed-MAsonry Composites for Modelling and Standardization, framed-masonry.com), which was built in scale of 1:2.5 and dynamically tested shaking table at the IZIIS (Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, iziis.edu.mk), Skopje, Macedonia. The FRAMA building, Model #1 and #2, have very similar characteristics in geometry, type of inll and strengthening type, as is the case with some original planar experimental specimens from the first part of the research. FRAMA Model #1 represents the reference RC frame with masonry inlls of a hollow clay block, without additional mutual interconnections between the inlls and the frame, while Model #2 represents a strengthened model derived from a previously tested RC frame (Model #1), using a solid clay brick in combination with vertical tie-columns. Global dynamic responses, maximum intermediate drifts, and comparison of fundamental frequency of Model #1 and #2 are shown briefly, as an strengthening evaluation of Model #2 with respect to Model #1


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    Utjecajne funkcije i njihov grafički prikaz - utjecajne linije, koriste se kod proračuna konstrukcija izloženih djelovanju pokretnih opterećenja. Njima se određuje položaj pokretnog opterećenja koji će dati najnepovoljnije utjecaje na konstrukciju (maksimalne unutarnje sile i pomake) ili njezine dijelove. Cilj ovog rada je analizirati utjecajne linije statički određenih i neodređenih sustava dobivenih programskim paketom Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis, te ih usporediti s jednakima, dobivenima analitičkim putem. U novije vrijeme računala su postala nezamjenjivi alat svakom inženjeru u praksi, no ipak je potrebno dobivene numeričke rezultate raznim programskim paketima prihvatiti uz oprez, te proučiti ograničenja svakog programa. Na nekoliko jednostavnih primjera statički određenih i neodređenih sustava proučene su utjecajne linije dobivene programskim paketom Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis, te uočena dobra podudarnost rješenja s analitičkim rezultatima. Sve dobivene pogreške tijekom rada mogu se generalizirati i korigirati ulaznim parametrima programa, a rezultate dobivene ovim putem možemo koristiti u statičkim proračunima konstrukcija.Influence functions and their graphical representation – influence lines are used in calculation of structures exposed to moving loads. They are used to determine the position of the moving load that will give the most adverse impacts of construction or its components (maximum internal forces, deflections and displacements), and to determine the values of these quantities. The aim of this work is to analyse influence lines of statically determined and indetermined systems obtained by software, and compare them with the same obtained by analytic methods. In recent years, computers have become an indispensable tool to every engineer in practice, and it is necessary to accepted numerical results obtained by various applications with exceptional caution, and also study the possible limitations of some software. A few examples of statically determined and indetermined systems are studied influence lines obtained software package Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis and observed a good correlation with the analytical results. The resulting operating errors can be generalized and corrected by the input parameters of the program, so the results can be used for static analysis of structures


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    In many seismic areas, reinforced-concrete frames are filled with masonry infill walls. The behavior of these structural composite systems are difficult to model, and existing regulations lack guidelines for their design. In most cases, the masonry infill is excluded from the design process because it is considered a non-structural element. However, excluding them can have significant negative consequences. A properly modeled and designed reinforced-concrete frame with infill can significantly affect the strength, stiffness, and energy dissipation of the frame structure. In fact, a masonry infill combined with a relatively flexible reinforced-concrete frame certainly takes part in the resistance to horizontal actions. To investigate this issue, we modeled the behavior of frame structures with masonry infills in three ways: First, we used a linear seismic method of equivalent horizontal forces, applied to six models with different heights, modeling the masonry infill with “shell” finite elements. Second, we performed the same analysis with a “link” element as a compressive strut. Third, we used nonlinear dynamic analysis to consider the concentrated plasticity of columns and beams and a nonlinear model with the masonry infill considered a compressive strut. In each modeling approach, the masonry infill significantly affected the behavior of the structures and their dynamic response to seismic actions.U mnogim zemljama i seizmičkim područjima, armiranobetonski okviri ispunjeni su zidanom ispunom, tako predstavljajući konstrukcijski kompozitni sustav čije ponašanje je teško predvidjeti i modelirati, što vodi do nedostatka smjernica za projektiranje u postojećim propisima. Zidane ispune najčešće se smatra nekonstrukcijskim elementom te se redovito ne uključuju u proračun, što može imati znatne negativne posljedice. Dokazano je da pravilno modeliran i projektiran armiranobetonski okvir s ispunom ima bitan utjecaj na čvrstoću, krutost i disipaciju energije okvirnih konstrukcija. Naime, smatra se da zidana ispuna, u kombinaciji s relativno fleksibilnim armiranobetonskim okvirima, zasigurno preuzima jedan dio otpornosti na horizontalno djelovanje. S obzirom na ovu problematiku, provedena su tri načina modeliranja ponašanja okvirne konstrukcije sa zidanom ispunom. Prvi pristup je linearna seizmička analiza metodom ekvivalentnih sila na šest različitih modela po visini, te dva načina modeliranja zidane ispune – pomoću “shell” konačnih elemenata te pomoću “link” tlačne dijagonale, programom CSi SAP2000. Drugi pristup obrađuje nelinearnu dinamičku analizu s koncentriranim plastičnostima za stupove i grede te nelinearni model tlačnih dijagonala za zidanu ispunu. Zaključeno je da zidana ispuna u svakom pristupu modeliranja bitno utječe na ponašanje konstrukcije i dinamičke karakteristike pri potresnim djelovanjima

    Reliability analysis of reinforced concrete frame by Finite Element Method (FEM)

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    Cilj ovog rada je prezentirati mogućnosti nelinearnog modeliranja armiranobetonskog (AB) ravninskog okvira i njegove analize pouzdanosti metodom konačnih elemenata (MKE). Studija se sastoji od eksperimentalnog i numeričkog modela [1]. Ukratko je prikazan primjer numeričke kalibracije eksperimenta, nakon čega je numerički model nadograđen u svrhu analize pouzdanosti. Kalibracije i analize pouzdanosti modela provedene su računalnim programom OpenSees [2]. Na temelju monotonog odziva postupnim guranjem okvira, dopunjen je numerički model s parametrima slučajnih varijabli, s ciljem analiziranja pouzdanosti ograničavanjem horizontalnog međukatnog pomaka. Korištene su metode analize pouzdanosti FOSM, FORM, SORM i Monte Carlo simulacije, nakon čega su prezentirani osnovni rezultati i izvedeni zaključci.The aim of this paper is to present the possibilities of nonlinear modelling of reinforced concrete (RC) plane frame and its reliability analysis by Finite Element Method (FEM). The study consists of an experimental and numerical model [1]. An example of numerical experiment calibration is shown briefly, after which the numerical model is upgraded for reliability analysis purposes. Calibration and model reliability analysis were performed by the OpenSees computer program [2]. Based on the pushover response, a numerical model with random variable parameters has been updated to analyse the reliability by limiting the lateral displacement. FOSM, FORM, SORM and Monte Carlo simulation methods were used, after which basic results and conclusions were presented

    Weakly supervised training of universal visual concepts for multi-domain semantic segmentation

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    Deep supervised models have an unprecedented capacity to absorb large quantities of training data. Hence, training on multiple datasets becomes a method of choice towards strong generalization in usual scenes and graceful performance degradation in edge cases. Unfortunately, different datasets often have incompatible labels. For instance, the Cityscapes road class subsumes all driving surfaces, while Vistas defines separate classes for road markings, manholes etc. Furthermore, many datasets have overlapping labels. For instance, pickups are labeled as trucks in VIPER, cars in Vistas, and vans in ADE20k. We address this challenge by considering labels as unions of universal visual concepts. This allows seamless and principled learning on multi-domain dataset collections without requiring any relabeling effort. Our method achieves competitive within-dataset and cross-dataset generalization, as well as ability to learn visual concepts which are not separately labeled in any of the training datasets. Experiments reveal competitive or state-of-the-art performance on two multi-domain dataset collections and on the WildDash 2 benchmark.Comment: 27 pages, 16 figures, 10 table


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    Utjecajne funkcije i njihov grafički prikaz - utjecajne linije, koriste se kod proračuna konstrukcija izloženih djelovanju pokretnih opterećenja. Njima se određuje položaj pokretnog opterećenja koji će dati najnepovoljnije utjecaje na konstrukciju (maksimalne unutarnje sile i pomake) ili njezine dijelove. Cilj ovog rada je analizirati utjecajne linije statički određenih i neodređenih sustava dobivenih programskim paketom Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis, te ih usporediti s jednakima, dobivenima analitičkim putem. U novije vrijeme računala su postala nezamjenjivi alat svakom inženjeru u praksi, no ipak je potrebno dobivene numeričke rezultate raznim programskim paketima prihvatiti uz oprez, te proučiti ograničenja svakog programa. Na nekoliko jednostavnih primjera statički određenih i neodređenih sustava proučene su utjecajne linije dobivene programskim paketom Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis, te uočena dobra podudarnost rješenja s analitičkim rezultatima. Sve dobivene pogreške tijekom rada mogu se generalizirati i korigirati ulaznim parametrima programa, a rezultate dobivene ovim putem možemo koristiti u statičkim proračunima konstrukcija


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    Autonomna disrefl eksija (AD) jest sindrom koji se javlja u osoba s visokom lezijom kralježnične moždine. Posljedica je aktivacije simpatičkog sustava štetnim podražajem nastalim ispod nivoa ozljede (najčešće distenzija i/ili iritacija mokraćnog mjehura, konstipacija). Aktivacija simpatičkog sustava dovodi do porasta arterijskoga krvnog tlaka jer ga kompenzatorni mehanizmi, zbog oštećenja kralježnične moždine, ne mogu adekvatno regulirati. Najvažnija joj je manifestacija arterijska hipertenzija jer može dovesti do cerebrovaskularnih i kardiovaskularnih komplikacija pa i smrti. Osnova liječenja jest što ranije prepoznavanje i uklanjanje uzroka AD-a. U bolesnika u kojih je tlak visok ili se ne spušta unatoč uklanjanju uzroka nužno je započeti s antihipertenzivnom terapijom (nifedipin, kaptopril ili nitroglicerin). Izuzetno je bitna i prevencija ovog stanja koja se sastoji u sprečavanju nastanka mogućih okidača, a u prvom redu to znači osiguravanje prikladnoga mikcijskog programa i rada crijeva. Također je nužna edukacija bolesnika, osoba koje se skrbe o njima i zdravstvenih radnika o ovom sindromuAutonomic dysrefl exia (AD) is a syndrome that occurs in patients with high spinal cord lesion. It is caused by activation of sympathetic nervous system by a noxious stimulus below the level of injury, usually consisting of distention and/or irritation of the bladder or constipation. Sympathetic system activation leads to blood pressure elevation because compensatory mechanisms cannot properly regulate blood pressure due to the spinal cord lesions. The most important manifestation of AD is arterial hypertension because of the possible cerebrovascular and cardiovascular complications, including death. Initial treatment consists of recognition of the symptoms and resolution of the cause. In patients with high blood pressure antihypertensive therapy is initiated (with nifedipine, captopril and nitroglycerin). Prevention is also a very important task, with the goal of infl uencing all possible triggers of this condition, specially micturition and colon disorders. One of the most important tasks is educating patients, their caregivers and health professionals about A


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    Autonomna disrefl eksija (AD) jest sindrom koji se javlja u osoba s visokom lezijom kralježnične moždine. Posljedica je aktivacije simpatičkog sustava štetnim podražajem nastalim ispod nivoa ozljede (najčešće distenzija i/ili iritacija mokraćnog mjehura, konstipacija). Aktivacija simpatičkog sustava dovodi do porasta arterijskoga krvnog tlaka jer ga kompenzatorni mehanizmi, zbog oštećenja kralježnične moždine, ne mogu adekvatno regulirati. Najvažnija joj je manifestacija arterijska hipertenzija jer može dovesti do cerebrovaskularnih i kardiovaskularnih komplikacija pa i smrti. Osnova liječenja jest što ranije prepoznavanje i uklanjanje uzroka AD-a. U bolesnika u kojih je tlak visok ili se ne spušta unatoč uklanjanju uzroka nužno je započeti s antihipertenzivnom terapijom (nifedipin, kaptopril ili nitroglicerin). Izuzetno je bitna i prevencija ovog stanja koja se sastoji u sprečavanju nastanka mogućih okidača, a u prvom redu to znači osiguravanje prikladnoga mikcijskog programa i rada crijeva. Također je nužna edukacija bolesnika, osoba koje se skrbe o njima i zdravstvenih radnika o ovom sindromuAutonomic dysrefl exia (AD) is a syndrome that occurs in patients with high spinal cord lesion. It is caused by activation of sympathetic nervous system by a noxious stimulus below the level of injury, usually consisting of distention and/or irritation of the bladder or constipation. Sympathetic system activation leads to blood pressure elevation because compensatory mechanisms cannot properly regulate blood pressure due to the spinal cord lesions. The most important manifestation of AD is arterial hypertension because of the possible cerebrovascular and cardiovascular complications, including death. Initial treatment consists of recognition of the symptoms and resolution of the cause. In patients with high blood pressure antihypertensive therapy is initiated (with nifedipine, captopril and nitroglycerin). Prevention is also a very important task, with the goal of infl uencing all possible triggers of this condition, specially micturition and colon disorders. One of the most important tasks is educating patients, their caregivers and health professionals about A


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    Autonomna disrefl eksija (AD) jest sindrom koji se javlja u osoba s visokom lezijom kralježnične moždine. Posljedica je aktivacije simpatičkog sustava štetnim podražajem nastalim ispod nivoa ozljede (najčešće distenzija i/ili iritacija mokraćnog mjehura, konstipacija). Aktivacija simpatičkog sustava dovodi do porasta arterijskoga krvnog tlaka jer ga kompenzatorni mehanizmi, zbog oštećenja kralježnične moždine, ne mogu adekvatno regulirati. Najvažnija joj je manifestacija arterijska hipertenzija jer može dovesti do cerebrovaskularnih i kardiovaskularnih komplikacija pa i smrti. Osnova liječenja jest što ranije prepoznavanje i uklanjanje uzroka AD-a. U bolesnika u kojih je tlak visok ili se ne spušta unatoč uklanjanju uzroka nužno je započeti s antihipertenzivnom terapijom (nifedipin, kaptopril ili nitroglicerin). Izuzetno je bitna i prevencija ovog stanja koja se sastoji u sprečavanju nastanka mogućih okidača, a u prvom redu to znači osiguravanje prikladnoga mikcijskog programa i rada crijeva. Također je nužna edukacija bolesnika, osoba koje se skrbe o njima i zdravstvenih radnika o ovom sindromuAutonomic dysrefl exia (AD) is a syndrome that occurs in patients with high spinal cord lesion. It is caused by activation of sympathetic nervous system by a noxious stimulus below the level of injury, usually consisting of distention and/or irritation of the bladder or constipation. Sympathetic system activation leads to blood pressure elevation because compensatory mechanisms cannot properly regulate blood pressure due to the spinal cord lesions. The most important manifestation of AD is arterial hypertension because of the possible cerebrovascular and cardiovascular complications, including death. Initial treatment consists of recognition of the symptoms and resolution of the cause. In patients with high blood pressure antihypertensive therapy is initiated (with nifedipine, captopril and nitroglycerin). Prevention is also a very important task, with the goal of infl uencing all possible triggers of this condition, specially micturition and colon disorders. One of the most important tasks is educating patients, their caregivers and health professionals about A