254 research outputs found

    Edible leafy vegetables from West Africa (Guinea-Bissau): consumption, trade and food potential

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    Wild Edible Plants are common in the diet of rural communities of sub-Saharan Africa. In Guinea-Bissau, West Africa, wild plant resources are widely used in human diet, but very few studies have addressed them. The aim of this study is to reveal: (1) the wild and semi-cultivated leafy vegetables consumed in Guinea-Bissau; and (2) the nutritional composition of those plants traded at the largest country market in Bissau. Our results revealed that 24 native or naturalized species with edible leaves are currently consumed by Guinea-Bissau population. Five of them were found at the market: dried leaves of Adansonia digitata, Bombax costatum and Sesamum radiatum, and fresh leaves and shoots of Amaranthus hybridus and Hibiscus sabdari a. The analysis of the nutritional properties revealed that leaves contain a significant amount of protein (10.1–21.0 g/100 g, dry basis), high values of macronutrients and micronutrients, as well as of phenolic compounds (13.1–40.3 mg GAE/g) and a considerable antioxidant capacity (DPPH 111.5–681.9 mg Eq Trolox). Although price and availability vary among the leafy vegetables analyzed, these traditional foods appear to be a good dietary component that can contribute to food security in Guinea-Bissau and in other West African countries, as these species are widely distributed in this regioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Origin of the Apparent Hysteretic Friction in Granular Rheology

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    In the transition from a flowing to a stationary regime, granular material exhibits hysteretic behaviour, illustrated by a difference between the critical starting and stopping angle. The hysteretic phenomena have commonly been attributed to the rheological parameters of the medium, leading to the development of sophisticated, but often complex constitutive relations based on different physical explanations occurring at the particle scale. While the definition of one all-encompassing rheological law is still open for debate, one of the most widely accepted theories is the μ(I)-rheology. Nevertheless, the theory is sometimes considered to be incomplete, since it is not an inherently hysteretic model. Here, however, it is argued that we should not look for the origin of the hysteretic behaviour in the rheological parameters, but instead the observed phenomena can be attributed to the role of momentum. To support this argument, this study firstly presents the development of a one-dimensional model which is capable, to an extent, of describing the observed phenomena, without requiring any new constitutive assumptions apart from the μ(I)-rheology. The solution is initially presented in a depth-averaged framework, and subsequently, takes form as a depth-resolved erosion model. Secondly, the role of the momentum, reflected through the control parameters: the angular rate at which the inclination angle is changed and the threshold velocity, defined as the velocity of the granular layer at the onset of flow, is evaluated through a set of experiments. The experimental results show that the observed phenomena in the transition from static to dynamic granular rheology can be explained by the generation and transfer of momentum. This study, therefore, stresses that before developing new constitutive concepts, the contribution of momentum as part of the boundary value problem needs to be isolated and properly understood

    La culture de l'amarante, légume-feuilles tropical : avec référence spéciale au sud-Dahomey

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    1. INTRODUCTIONAmaranth is the most cultivated leaf vegetable of the humid tropics and as such comparable to spinach in the temperate regions. Efforts to improve the crop are hampered by a shortage of knowledge. The object of this study is to fill up a part of this gap. The experimental data were gathered at a horticultural extension centre in Dahomey (Centre de Formation Horticole et Nutritionnelle, Porto-Novo) and at the Agricultural University of Wageningen.2. THE CULTIVATION OF AMARANTH IN SOUTH-DAHOMEYThe densely populated southern part of Dahomey has a humid tropical climat. The dry season lasts from December to March. On the compounds and in the fields, amaranth is found almost exclusively in the rainy season (April-November) but the marketgardeners around the big cities cultivate this crop under irrigation throughout the year. In the main rainy season (May-July) harvests are low as a result of an excess of diseases and pests and probably also by leaching of the soil and by a lower light intensity.The following cultivation methods can be distinguished:a. transplanting with narrow spacing (< 10 x 10 cm) and harvesting after 3 to 4 weeks by uprooting,b. transplanting with wide spacing (>20 x 20 cm) and harvesting by repeated cuttings, during 2 to 3 months.Direct sowing sometimes is practised as mixed cropping with food crops and in compounds, but not by the market-gardeners. Objections against this method are the longer occupation of the plot, weed growth, and a product with a heterogeneous quality.While growing amaranth, the gardeners have to contend mainly with the following problems:1. to obtain good quality seeds2. to choose the most suitable cultivation method (spacing, havest time, frequency and height of cutting)3. to improve and maintain the soil fertility4. to control diseases, pests and weeds. See table 1-4 and figure 1.3. CONSUMPTION AND FOOD VALUEThe consumption of leaf vegetables in the humid tropics amounts to about 25 g per person per day net weight or 40 g of rough product. Extreme amounts of 250 g occur. Nutritionists advise a daily intake of 100 g for balancing the usually one- sided menu in the tropics. In Dahomey and in many other regions, about half of the consumption of leaf vegetables consists of amaranth.Leaf vegetables are rich in food-stuffs, especially provitamin A, vitamin C, iron and calcium, while also the protein content is quite important, especially for children who do not receive enough animal protein. When calculated on dry matter base, the food value of different species of dark green leaves does not show much variation. The dry matter content in itself is important, as it may vary from 15 % (for instance Amaranthus cruentus) to 6 % (for instance Basella alba). Loss of food- stuffs (like vitamin Q can be kept low, if the vegetables are cooked with very little water and during a short time and if no potash but salt is used. Throwing away the cooking liquid is often unavoidable.If the consumption does not exceed 100 g per person per day, oxalic acid and free nitrates in amaranths are most unlikely to be harmful.See table 5-9 and figure 2.4. BOTANY AND GEOGRAPHYThe collective name 'amaranth' for this group of leaf vegetables comprises all species and cultivars of the family of Amaranthaceae, principally Amaranthus cruentus L., A. dubius Mart. ex Thell., A. tricolor L. and Celosia argentea L. The taxonomic distinction between species is difficult and many synonyms exist. The grain-amaranth, still cultivated in tropical mountanous regions of America and Asia (A. caudatus L., A. hypochondriacus L. and A. cruentus L.) are also used as leaf vegetables.See figure 3 - 8.5. GROWTH ANALYSESAmaranthus cruentus and Celosia argentea both appear to be quickly growing plants. The former differs from the latter by a somewhat faster initial development, a higher dry matter content, a shorter generative phase and a higher seed production.Harvesting by uprooting yields the highest leaf production about six weeks from transplanting, when the plants become generative. Gardeners commonly harvest some weeks earlier because then quality is better (less and more tender stems). In a field trial Amaranthus produced 2.7 t of leaves (dry matter) per ha in six weeks, or 6.4 g.m-2.day -1and Celosia 2.3 t or 5.5 g.m -2.day -1. This leaf production might be increased to maximally 3.5 t in four weeks by various cultivation measures. When the leaves reach a closed cover with a leaf area (LAI) of about 7 times the surface of the soil, the bottom leaves will drop and no increase in total leaf weight can be obtained.Harvesting by regular cuttings causes that the plant tries to restore the lost leaf area after the cutting. To obtain a high total production the choice of a suitable spacing and harvest method (see ch. 7) and the prevention of early flowering are important (ch. 6).See table 10-13 and figure 9-16.6. ECOLOGICAL INFLUENCESThe photosynthesis of leaves of Amaranthus cruentus and of Celosia argentea was measured. The optimum temperature for Amaranthus was not reached at 40 °C whereas Celosia showed no increase of the photosynthesis rate above 35 °C. At 0.45 cal.cm -2.mn -1, the highest measured light intensity, and at 40°C, Amaranthus was not yet light-saturated, as opposed to Celosia. The photopressed in μg of CO 2 per cm 2of leaf area. When expressed in μg of CO 2 per mg of leaf dry matter, the photosynthetic rate of Amaranthus at low light intensities showed somewhat lower values than Celosia and at high light intensities higher values than Celosia. The transpiration coefficient of Celosia proved to be much higher than that of Amaranthus. Celosia has a lower diffusion resistance for water-vapour but a higher resistance for CO 2 . The conclusion that Amaranthus cruentus is a C4-cycle plant and Celosia argentea a C3-cycle plant, was confirmed by a study of the leaf anatomy.A number of cultivars, tested for day length reaction, were indifferent or behaved like qualitative or quantitative short-day plants. The early flowering of Amaranthus in Dahomey probably is not mainly a photoperiodical symptom, but more a result of waterstress, the use of too old seedlings for transplanting and cutting at a too high level during the first cutting.In relation to the frequent presence of palm trees in the fields of Dahomean gardeners, the influence of shade on leaf production was studied. Shade appeared to be disadvantageous. The decrease of production by shade is possibly worse for Amaranthus than for Celosia.See tabel 14-26 and figure 17-22.7. PLANT SPACING AND CULTIVATION METHODIf harvest is done by uprooting after 3 to 4 weeks from transplanting, a high planting density of about 100 plants per m2 will be desirable. Often the gardeners plant at denser spacing because of the frequent thinning out by a fungus disease Choanephora. If repeated cuttings are wanted, a number of 20 to 40 plants per m2 will be adequate. The first cutting should not be too low, for this impedes regrowth. A height of 20 cm appears to be suitable. If cutting at a higher level is practised early flowering may occur. A frequency of cutting every three weeks appears to be better than every two weeks.Both cultivation methods have advantages and disadvantages. For harvest by uprooting the labour intensive transplanting is a handicap, but weeding will not be necessary. If harvested by cuttings Choanephora may cause a lot of damage.See table 27-30 and figure 23-27.8. SOIL AND FERTILIZINGAmaranth is a crop which requires a high level of soil fertility and which is exhausting for the soil. A number of field trials have shown that amaranth has a good response to NPK-fertilizing with a high potassium content. Fresh town refuse appeared to be an excellent type of organic manure. Although the composition is very variable, this fresh town refuse generally has a high fertilizing value and a low C/N quotient. Composting appeared to be intensive in labour requirement and led to an important loss of minerals, especially of N, and a loss of C. On poor and moderately fertile soils, the application of 400 kg/ha of NPK (10-10-20) and 25 t/ha of town refuse is recommended. Without organic manure the duration of fertilizer influence will be shorter and leaching of part of it is risked.Split application of fertilizer may show good results, especially in the rainy season, on poor soils, and during a long cultivation period. Half of it may be applied during preparation of the plot, the other half during the growth period. It is applied in granular form or dissolved in the irrigation water.In Dahomey, the manuring of successive crops of amaranth and other vegetables during many years, with high applications of about 50 t/ha per cultivation has converted poor sandy soils into good soils for gardening. See table 31-51 and figure 28-29.9. DISEASES AND PESTSIn Dahomey, Amaranthus cruentus L. has been cultivated for years on the same plots without any rotation. This is possible because the plant is not affected by the common soil diseases which affect many other vegetables. The worst diseases and pests are:a. damping-off, caused by Pythium aphanidermatum (Eds.) Fitzp. Control by cultivation measures: sowing not too densely (2 g/m 2), no shade above the seedbed, good manuring with organic matter, good drainage. Celosia is less affected than Amaranthus.b. wetrot caused by Choanephora cucurbitarum (Berk. et Rav.) Thaxter, a fungus which may cause a lot of damage under wet conditions, especially after transplantation and after a cutting. The infection is less concentrated in spots than that of Pythium. Control measures: dense planting (open places of dead plants will then be filled up by neighbouring plants), no shade, good manuring, no scattering of woodash on plants, no ammonium sulfate in the sprinkling water. Weekly treatments with 3 kg/ha of maneb with carbatene may prevent damage. Celosia is less sensitive.c. caterpillar damage caused by Hymenia recurvalis F.; control with bromophos, carbaryl or lindane was satisfactory.d. stemborer Lixus truncatulus F. is the most noxious if it attacks young plants, less than four weeks old. Repeated treatments with the insecticides enumerated under c. appeared to be effective. It is recommended to use seedlings not older than three weeks for transplanting. Celosia is not affected.e. Meloidogyne incognita Chitwood is a serious pest of Celosia. Most Amaranthus cultivars appeared to be bad hostplants, therefore this crop is suitable for use in rotation schemes with sensitive vegetables. After soil fumigation with DD and a crop of Celosia the Meloidogyne population showed a quick recovery.See table 52-56.10. WEED CONTROLMost weeds can easily be controlled by weeding. An exception is Cyperus rotundus L., which has spoiled many plots of gardeners. In a control trial executed during the rainy season, weekly weeding appeared insufficient. A double spraying with glyphosate destroyed 95 % of the Cyperus tubers.See table 57-58.11. BREEDINGAll the tested Amaranthus species are monoecious wind pollinated plants. The hermaphrodite flowers of Celosia are pollinated by insects. In the field the percentage of self fertilization might be rather high. The chromosome number in the genus Amaranthus is 2 n = 32 (A. cruentus, A. caudatus), 2 n = 34 (A. tricolor) and 2 n = 64 (A. dubius). The chromosome number in the genus Celosia is 2 n = 36 or 72. Hybrids between several species of Amaranthus have been reported. Some breeding work has been done, for instance in India.In Dahomey, local and foreign cultivars were tested. The selection criteria are connected with growth habit, productivity, disease resistance and leaf quality (colour, taste). The following cultivars were selected: Amaranthus cruentus cv. Fotètè, A. dubius cv. Klaroen and Celosia argentea cv. Avounvô Rouge. A cultivar lacking anthocyan was selected from the last mentioned.In an hothouse in Wageningen, some thirty cultivars of six different species were observed. Marked phenotypical differences as to growth habit, production, daylength reaction, protein-N and oxalic acid content became evident. See table 59-60 and figure 30.12. MULTIPLICATIONIn Dahomey 2000 kg/ha of seeds could be harvested from the cv. Fotètè (spacing 40 x 70 cm) in three months. For the cv. Klaroen this amount was 600 kg in four months and for cv. Avounvô Vert 700 kg in five months. The 1000 grains weight of Amaranthus seeds is about 350 mg, that of Celosia seeds about 1 g. Fresh amaranth seed becomes germinative after drying. The light/dark reaction of the phytochrome is capable of inducing or inhibiting germinative power. Generally, seeds germinate better in the dark. Therefore in practice either the seed has to be lightly covered with soil or the seed bed should be covered.Various methods for preservation of seeds were tried out. Small quantities of dry seeds (humidity 12 %) in a well-closed pot, if so required with the addition of a dehydrator, can be kept viable for months. Large quantities stocked in cotton bags in an airconditioned room, keep their viability for at least one year.In Dahomey seeds are distributed in plastic bags. The quantity is based on 2 g of Amaranthus or 3 g of Celosia per m 2of seedbed, sufficient for 1000 plants. See table 61 - 62 and figure 3 1

    Deltakelse i et profesjonelt læringsfellesskap og kroppsøvingslæreres syn på danning: erfaringer fra et fire ukers Lesson Study - prosjekt

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    Denne masteroppgaven handler om hvordan profesjonelle læringsfellesskap kan påvirke kroppsøvingslæreres syn på dannelse. Formålet med denne studien var å utforske hvordan en intervensjonsperiode ville påvirke en gruppe informanters holdninger til det profesjonelle læringsfellesskapet, og deres kompetanse til å tilrettelegge for danning, etter erfaringer de får fra et fire ukers aksjonsforskningsprosjekt. Det er informantene sine erfaringer, tanker og opplevelser rundt profesjonelle læringsfellesskap og danning som danner grunnlaget for resultatene i oppgaven. Kroppsøving er et fag som skal stimulere til livslang bevegelsesglede og en fysisk aktiv livsstil (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2019, s.2). For å få til dette, krever det at faget legger til rette for positive opplevelser gjennom varierte aktiviteter og bevegelsesformer. Læreren har en stor oppgave for å gi elevene disse positive erfaringene, og vil derfor ha stor nytte av å ta del i et profesjonelt læringsfellesskap. Skolen forplikter seg til å opprette et godt profesjonelt læringsfellesskap, der lærerne får mulighet til å utvikle egen kompetanse og forståelse for faget, og dermed utvikle en sterkere pedagogisk praksis (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2017, s.20). Det teoretiske grunnlaget for oppgaven er delt inn i to hoveddeler, der det profesjonelle læringsfellesskapet og danning legges frem. Det profesjonelle læringsfellesskapet omhandler viktigheten og verdien av et profesjonelt samarbeid med et mål om å utvikle egen kompetanse for egen praksis. Videre tar oppgaven for seg danning, med utgangspunkt i Klafkis dannelsesteoretiske perspektiv. Dette er grunnet at hans perspektiv har et helhetlig syn på danning, noe som er relevant for kroppsøvingsfaget (Engebretsen, 2016, s. 94). Avslutningsvis omhandler det teoretiske grunnlaget kroppslig danning og dannelse i kroppsøving. Oppgaven har en kvalitativ tilnærming med intervjuer av totalt fem informanter på én skole, fordelt på fire klassetrinn. For å besvare problemstillingen ble det gjennomført en intervensjonsperiode som strakk seg over fire uker. Både før og etter intervensjonen ble læreres tanker og erfaringer rundt profesjonelle læringsfellesskap og danning kartlagt, gjennom kvalitative intervjuer. Fem måneder etter intervensjonsperioden ble det gjennomført en fokusgruppesamtale for å se om prosjektet hadde noen virkning. Funn i denne masteroppgaven viser til lav grad av endring i informantenes praksis, innenfor det profesjonelle læringsfellesskapet, i etterkant av intervensjonsperioden. Til tross for dette belyses viktigheten og verdien av samarbeid med kolleger i utarbeiding og planlegging av kroppsøvingsfagets praksis. Dessverre opplever informantene at det ikke rikelig med tid og ressurser til å arbeide i profesjonelle læringsfellesskap i kroppsøving på en god måte. Når det kommer til informantenes kompetanse til å legge til rette for dannelsesprosesser kan vi se tendenser til kompetanseutvikling. Informantene ble tydeligere på hva danning i kroppsøving innebærer, og hvordan tilrettelegge for dette. For å fremme en god dannelsesprosess for enkeltindividet var informantene spesielt opptatt av å fremme trygghet og mestring i faget, der dette burde skje gjennom å jobbe med et tema over en lenger periode. På denne måten kunne det gi en større sammenheng over praksisen som utføres i faget. Nøkkelord: kroppsøving, profesjonelle læringsfellesskap, danning, lesson study, kvalitativ metode, trygghetsfølelse, og mestring.This master's thesis is about how professional learning communities can influence physical education teachers' view of education. The purpose of this study was to explore how an intervention period would affect a group of informants' attitudes towards the professional learning community, and their competence to facilitate formation, after experiences they gain from a four-week action research project. It is the informants' experiences, thoughts and opinions around professional learning communities and formation that form the basis for the results in the thesis. Physical education is a subject that will stimulate lifelong enjoyment of movement and a physically active lifestyle (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2019, s.2). In order to achieve this, it requires that the subject facilitates positive experiences, through varied activities and forms of movement. The teacher has a big task to give the pupils these positive experiences and will therefore benefit greatly from taking part in a professional learning community. The school is obliged to create a good professional learning community, where the teachers have the opportunity to develop their own competence and understanding of the subject, and thus develop a stronger pedagogical practice (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2017, s.20). The theoretical basis for the thesis is divided into two main parts, where the professional learning community and formation are presented. The professional learning community deals with the importance and value of professional collaboration with the aim of developing one's own competence for one's own practice. Furthermore, the thesis deals with formation, based on Klafki's theoretical perspective on formation. This is because his perspective has a holistic view of education, which is relevant for the physical education subject (Engebretsen, 2016, s. 94). In conclusion, the theoretical basis deals with physical literacy and formation in physical education. The assignment has a qualitative approach with interviews of a total of five informants at one school, from four different grades. In order to answer the main topic question, an intervention period spanning four weeks was carried out. Both before and after the intervention, teachers' thoughts and experiences regarding professional learning communities and formation were mapped, through qualitative interviews. Five months after the intervention period, a focus group interview was conducted to see if the project had any effect. Findings in this master's thesis indicate a low degree of change in the informants' practice, within the professional learning community, after the intervention period. Despite this, the importance and value of collaboration with colleagues in the preparation and planning of the physical education subject's practice is highlighted. Unfortunately, the informants feel that there is not enough time and resources to work in professional learning communities in physical education in a good way. When it comes to the informants' competence to facilitate for formation, we can see tendencies towards competence development. The informants became clearer about what formation in physical education entails, and how to facilitate this. In order to promote a good educational process for the individual, the informants were particularly concerned with promoting security and mastery in the subject, where this should happen through working with a theme over a longer period. In this way, it could provide a greater coherence over the practice carried out in the subject. Keywords: physical education, professional learning communities, formation, lesson study, qualitative method, sense of security, master

    Deltakelse i et profesjonelt læringsfellesskap og kroppsøvingslæreres syn på danning: erfaringer fra et fire ukers Lesson Study-prosjekt

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    Denne masteroppgaven handler om hvordan profesjonelle læringsfellesskap kan påvirke kroppsøvingslæreres syn på dannelse. Formålet med denne studien var å utforske hvordan en intervensjonsperiode ville påvirke en gruppe informanters holdninger til det profesjonelle læringsfellesskapet, og deres kompetanse til å tilrettelegge for danning, etter erfaringer de får fra et fire ukers aksjonsforskningsprosjekt. Det er informantene sine erfaringer, tanker og opplevelser rundt profesjonelle læringsfellesskap og danning som danner grunnlaget for resultatene i oppgaven. Kroppsøving er et fag som skal stimulere til livslang bevegelsesglede og en fysisk aktiv livsstil (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2019, s.2). For å få til dette, krever det at faget legger til rette for positive opplevelser gjennom varierte aktiviteter og bevegelsesformer. Læreren har en stor oppgave for å gi elevene disse positive erfaringene, og vil derfor ha stor nytte av å ta del i et profesjonelt læringsfellesskap. Skolen forplikter seg til å opprette et godt profesjonelt læringsfellesskap, der lærerne får mulighet til å utvikle egen kompetanse og forståelse for faget, og dermed utvikle en sterkere pedagogisk praksis (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2017, s.20). Det teoretiske grunnlaget for oppgaven er delt inn i to hoveddeler, der det profesjonelle læringsfellesskapet og danning legges frem. Det profesjonelle læringsfellesskapet omhandler viktigheten og verdien av et profesjonelt samarbeid med et mål om å utvikle egen kompetanse for egen praksis. Videre tar oppgaven for seg danning, med utgangspunkt i Klafkis dannelsesteoretiske perspektiv. Dette er grunnet at hans perspektiv har et helhetlig syn på danning, noe som er relevant for kroppsøvingsfaget (Engebretsen, 2016, s. 94). Avslutningsvis omhandler det teoretiske grunnlaget kroppslig danning og dannelse i kroppsøving. Oppgaven har en kvalitativ tilnærming med intervjuer av totalt fem informanter på én skole, fordelt på fire klassetrinn. For å besvare problemstillingen ble det gjennomført en intervensjonsperiode som strakk seg over fire uker. Både før og etter intervensjonen ble læreres tanker og erfaringer rundt profesjonelle læringsfellesskap og danning kartlagt, gjennom kvalitative intervjuer. Fem måneder etter intervensjonsperioden ble det gjennomført en fokusgruppesamtale for å se om prosjektet hadde noen virkning. Funn i denne masteroppgaven viser til lav grad av endring i informantenes praksis, innenfor det profesjonelle læringsfellesskapet, i etterkant av intervensjonsperioden. Til tross for dette belyses viktigheten og verdien av samarbeid med kolleger i utarbeiding og planlegging av kroppsøvingsfagets praksis. Dessverre opplever informantene at det ikke rikelig med tid og ressurser til å arbeide i profesjonelle læringsfellesskap i kroppsøving på en god måte. Når det kommer til informantenes kompetanse til å legge til rette for dannelsesprosesser kan vi se tendenser til kompetanseutvikling. Informantene ble tydeligere på hva danning i kroppsøving innebærer, og hvordan tilrettelegge for dette. For å fremme en god dannelsesprosess for enkeltindividet var informantene spesielt opptatt av å fremme trygghet og mestring i faget, der dette burde skje gjennom å jobbe med et tema over en lenger periode. På denne måten kunne det gi en større sammenheng over praksisen som utføres i faget. Nøkkelord: kroppsøving, profesjonelle læringsfellesskap, danning, lesson study, kvalitativ metode, trygghetsfølelse, og mestring.This master's thesis is about how professional learning communities can influence physical education teachers' view of education. The purpose of this study was to explore how an intervention period would affect a group of informants' attitudes towards the professional learning community, and their competence to facilitate formation, after experiences they gain from a four-week action research project. It is the informants' experiences, thoughts and opinions around professional learning communities and formation that form the basis for the results in the thesis. Physical education is a subject that will stimulate lifelong enjoyment of movement and a physically active lifestyle (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2019, s.2). In order to achieve this, it requires that the subject facilitates positive experiences, through varied activities and forms of movement. The teacher has a big task to give the pupils these positive experiences and will therefore benefit greatly from taking part in a professional learning community. The school is obliged to create a good professional learning community, where the teachers have the opportunity to develop their own competence and understanding of the subject, and thus develop a stronger pedagogical practice (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2017, s.20). The theoretical basis for the thesis is divided into two main parts, where the professional learning community and formation are presented. The professional learning community deals with the importance and value of professional collaboration with the aim of developing one's own competence for one's own practice. Furthermore, the thesis deals with formation, based on Klafki's theoretical perspective on formation. This is because his perspective has a holistic view of education, which is relevant for the physical education subject (Engebretsen, 2016, s. 94). In conclusion, the theoretical basis deals with physical literacy and formation in physical education. The assignment has a qualitative approach with interviews of a total of five informants at one school, from four different grades. In order to answer the main topic question, an intervention period spanning four weeks was carried out. Both before and after the intervention, teachers' thoughts and experiences regarding professional learning communities and formation were mapped, through qualitative interviews. Five months after the intervention period, a focus group interview was conducted to see if the project had any effect. Findings in this master's thesis indicate a low degree of change in the informants' practice, within the professional learning community, after the intervention period. Despite this, the importance and value of collaboration with colleagues in the preparation and planning of the physical education subject's practice is highlighted. Unfortunately, the informants feel that there is not enough time and resources to work in professional learning communities in physical education in a good way. When it comes to the informants' competence to facilitate for formation, we can see tendencies towards competence development. The informants became clearer about what formation in physical education entails, and how to facilitate this. In order to promote a good educational process for the individual, the informants were particularly concerned with promoting security and mastery in the subject, where this should happen through working with a theme over a longer period. In this way, it could provide a greater coherence over the practice carried out in the subject. Keywords: physical education, professional learning communities, formation, lesson study, qualitative method, sense of security, master

    The effect of unfiltered coffee on potential biomarkers for colonic cancer risk in healthy volunteers: a randomized trial

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    Background: Epidemiologic studies suggest that coffee use might protect against colorectal cancer. Inconsistencies as to the effect of coffee use and colorectal cancer between epidemiologic studies might be related to the type of coffee brew. Objective: We studied the effect of unfiltered coffee consumption on putative biomarkers for colonic cancer risk. Design: A total of 64 healthy volunteers (31 men and 33 women), with a mean age of 43 ± 11 years were randomly assigned to two groups in a crossover design, with two intervention periods of 2 weeks separated by a washout period of 8 weeks. Treatments were 1 L of cafetiere (French press) coffee daily or no coffee. At the end of each intervention period, fasting blood samples, colorectal biopsies and 48 h faeces were collected. Results: No effect of coffee on colorectal cell proliferation, assayed by estimating the Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen labelling index, was seen. Additionally, no effects were seen on the concentrations of faecal soluble bile acids and colorectal mucosal glutathione S-transferase activity. However, unfiltered coffee significantly increased the glutathione content in the colorectal mucosa by 8% and in plasma by 15%. Other aminothiols in plasma also increased on coffee. Conclusion: Unfiltered coffee does not influence the colorectal mucosal proliferation rate, but might increase the detoxification capacity and anti-mutagenic properties in the colorectal mucosa through an increase in glutathione concentration. Whether this effect indeed contributes to a lower colon cancer risk remains to be established

    Infant embodiment and interembodiment

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    This article brings together a range of research and scholarship from various disciplines which have investigated and theorised social and cultural aspects of infants’ bodies within the context of contemporary western societies. It begins with a theoretical overview of dominant concepts of infants’ bodies, including discussion of the concepts of the unfinished body, civility and the Self/Other binary opposition as well as that of interembodiment, drawn from the work of Merleau-Ponty. Then follows discussion of the pleasures and challenging aspects of interembodiment in relation to caregivers’ interactions with infants’ bodies, purity, danger and infant embodiment and lastly practices of surveilling the vulnerable, ‘at risk’ infant body