76 research outputs found

    Impact of Anion Vacancies on the Local and Electronic Structures of Iron-Based Oxyfluoride Electrodes

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    The properties of crystalline solids can be significantly modified by deliberately introducing point defects. Understanding these effects, however, requires understanding the changes in geometry and electronic structure of the host material. Here we report the effect of forming anion vacancies, via dehydroxylation, in a hexagonal-tungsten-bronze–structured iron oxyfluoride, which has potential use as a lithium-ion battery cathode. Our combined pairdistribution function and density-functional–theory analysis indicates that oxygen vacancy formation is accompanied by a spontaneous rearrangement of fluorine anions and vacancies, producing dual pyramidal (FeF4)–O–(FeF4) structural units containing five-fold–coordinated Fe atoms. The addition of lattice oxygen introduces new electronic states above the top of the valence band, with a corresponding reduction in the optical band gap from 4.05 eV to 2.05 eV. This band gap reduction relative to the FeF3 parent material is correlated with a significant improvement in lithium insertion capability relative to defect-free compound

    A Reversible Phase Transition for Sodium Insertion in Anatase TiO<sub>2</sub>

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    Anatase TiO2 is a potential negative electrode for sodium-ion batteries. Thesodium storage mechanism is, however, still under debate, yet its comprehension is required to optimize the electrochemical properties. To clarify the sodium storage mechanism occurring in anatase, we have used both electrochemical and chemical routes from which we obtained similar trends. During the first discharge, an irreversible plateau region is observed which corresponds to the insertion of Na+ within the interstitial sites of anatase and is accompanied by a drastic loss of the long-range order as revealed by X-ray diffraction, high resolution of high angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscope (HAADF-STEM), and pair distribution function (PDF) analysis. Further structural analysis of the total scattering data indicates that the sodiated phase displays a layered-like rhombohedral R3m structure built from the stacking of Ti and Na slabs. Because of the initial 3D network of anatase, the reduced phase shows strong disorder due to cationic intermixing between the Ti and Na slabs and the refined chemical formula is (Na0.43Ti0.57)3a□0.22Na0.39Ti0.39)3bO2, where □ refers to vacancy. The presence of high valence Ti ions in the Na layers induces a contraction of the c-parameter as compared to the ordered phase. Upon desodiation, the structure further amorphized and the local structure probed by PDF is shown to be similar to the anatase TiO2, suggesting that the 3D network is recovered. The reversible sodium insertion/deinsertion is thus attributed to the rhombohedral active phase formed during the first discharge, and an oxidized phase featuring the local structure of anatase. Due to the amorphous nature of the two phases, the potential-composition curves are characterized by a sloping curve. Finally, a comparison between the intercalation of lithium and sodium into anatase TiO2 performed by DFT calculations confirmed that, for the sodiated phase, the rhombohedral structure is more stable than the tetragonal phase observed during the lithiation of nanoparticles

    The electrochemical storage mechanism in oxy-hydroxyfluorinated anatase for sodium-ion batteries

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    International audienceReplacing lithium ions with sodium ions as the charge carriers in rechargeable batteries can induce noticeable differences in the electrochemical storage mechanisms of electrode materials. Many material parameters, such as particle size, morphology, and the presence of defects, are known to further affect the storage mechanism. Here, we report an investigation of how the introduction of titanium vacancies into anatase TiO2 affects the sodium storage mechanism. From pair distribution function analysis, we observe that sodium ions are inserted into titanium vacancies at the early stage of the discharge process. This is supported by density functional theory calculations, which predict that sodium insertion is more favourable at vacancies than at interstitial sites. Our calculations also show that the intercalation voltage is sensitive to the anion coordination environment of the vacancy. Sodiation to higher concentrations induces a phase transition toward a disordered rhombohedral structure, similar to that observed in defect-free TiO2. Finally, we find that the X-ray diffraction pattern of the rhombohedral phase drastically changes depending on the composition and degree of disorder, providing further comprehension on the sodium storage mechanism of anatase

    Lithium Intercalation in Anatase Titanium Vacancies and the Role of Local Anionic Environment

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    The structure of bulk and nondefective compounds is generally described with crystal models built from well mastered techniques such the analysis of an X-ray diffractogram. The presence of defects, such as cationic vacancies, locally disrupt the long-range order, with the appearance of local structures with order extending only a few nanometers. To probe and describe the electrochemical properties of cation-deficient anatase, we investigated a series of materials having different concentrations of vacancies, i.e., Ti<sub>1–<i>x</i>–<i>y</i></sub>□<sub><i>x</i>+<i>y</i></sub>O<sub>2–4(<i>x</i>+<i>y</i>)</sub>F<sub>4<i>x</i></sub>(OH)<sub>4<i>y</i></sub>, and compared their properties with respect to defect-free stoichiometric anatase TiO<sub>2</sub>. At first, we characterized the series of materials Ti<sub>1–<i>x</i>–<i>y</i></sub>□<sub><i>x</i>+<i>y</i></sub>O<sub>2–4(<i>x</i>+<i>y</i>)</sub>F<sub>4<i>x</i></sub>(OH)<sub>4<i>y</i></sub> by means of pair distribution function (PDF), <sup>19</sup>F nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopies, to probe the compositional and structural features. Second, we characterized the insertion electrochemical properties vs metallic lithium where we emphasized the beneficial role of the vacancies on the cyclability of the electrode under high C-rate, with performances scaling with the concentration of vacancies. The improved properties were explained by the change of the lithium insertion mechanism due to the presence of the vacancies, which act as host sites and suppress the phase transition typically observed in pure TiO<sub>2</sub>, and further favor diffusive transport of lithium within the structure. NMR spectroscopy performed on lithiated samples provides evidence for the insertion of lithium in vacancies. By combining electrochemistry and DFT-calculations, we characterized the electrochemical signatures of the lithium insertion in the vacancies. Importantly, we found that the insertion voltage largely depends on the local anionic environment of the vacancy with a fluoride and hydroxide-rich environments, yielding high and low insertion voltages, respectively. This work further supports the beneficial use of defects engineering in electrodes for batteries and provides new fundamental knowledge in the insertion chemistry of cationic vacancies as host sites

    A Reversible Phase Transition for Sodium Insertion in Anatase TiO<sub>2</sub>

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    International audienceAnatase TiO2 is a potential negative electrode for sodium-ion batteries. The sodium storage mechanism is, however, still under debate, yet its comprehension is required to optimize the electrochemical properties. To clarify the sodium storage mechanism occurring in anatase, we have used both electrochemical and chemical routes from which we obtained similar trends. During the first discharge, an irreversible plateau region is observed which corresponds to the insertion of Na + within the interstitial sites of anatase and is accompanied by a drastic loss of the long-range order as revealed by x-ray diffraction, high resolution of high angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscope (HAADF-STEM) and pair distribution function (PDF) analysis. Further structural analysis of the total scattering data indicates that the sodiated phase displays a layered-like rhombohedral R-3m structure built from the stacking of Ti and Na slabs. Because of the initial 3D network of anatase, the reduced phase shows strong disorder due to cationic inter-mixing between the Ti and Na slabs and the refined chemical formula is (Na0.43Ti0.57)3a(0.22Na0.39Ti0.39)3bO2 where refers to vacancy. The presence of high valence Ti ions in the Na layers induces a contraction of the c-parameter as compared to the ordered phase. Upon de-sodiation, the structure further amorphized and the local structure probed by PDF is shown to be similar to the anatase TiO2 suggesting that the 3D network is recovered. The reversible sodium insertion/de-insertion is thus attributed to the rhombohedral active phase formed during the first discharge, and an oxidized phase featuring the local structure of anatase. Due to the amorphous nature of the two phases, the potential-composition curves are characterized by a sloping curve. Finally, a comparison between the intercalation of lithium and sodium into anatase TiO2 performed by DFT calculations confirmed that for the sodiated phase, the rhombohedral structure is more stable than the tetragonal phase observed during the lithiation of nanoparticles. In many areas of modern life, lithium-ion batteries are ubiquitous as energy-storage solutions. The growing demand for higher energy density and lower cost of electro-chemical energy storage devices, however, has motivated a search for auxiliary technologies based on alternative chemistries. 1,2 One possible candidate is the sodium-ion battery, which is attractive because of the high earth– abundance of sodium, and lower cost versus lithium-ion batteries, due to compatibility with aluminum as the an-odic current collector. 3-5 Development of sodium-ion batteries has been largely stimulated by knowledge of lithium-ion analogues. The intercalation of Na + or Li + ions into a host lattice can, however, give qualitatively different voltage profiles, corresponding to different intercalation mechanisms. For example, lithium insertion in Li4Ti5O12 is accompanied by a spinel to rock-salt phase transition. 6,7 The equivalent sodium insertion, however, proceeds via a complex three-phase–separation mechanism (spinel to two rock-salt phases of Li7Ti5O12 and Na6LiTi5O12). 8 Such differences in intercalation behaviour can often be attributed to different properties of Li versus Na, such as ionic radius and polarizability. 9, 10 In general, however, the performance of electrodes in sodium-ion batteries cannot be understood by simply extrapolating from their behaviour versus lithium, when it is necessary to carefully reexamine the sodium-intercalation behaviour

    Fluorinated carbonaceous nanoparticles as active material in primary lithium battery

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    In this work, we address the properties of fluorinated carbonaceous nanoparticles (F-CNPs) prepared using a low-temperature process in molten Li-Na-K carbonates at the eutectic composition. The electrochemical performance of these materials is evaluated as the positive electrode of primary lithium ion batteries. Structural analyses show that CNPs are composed of both amorphous and graphitized domains with low crystallinity that induces presence of different types of CO bonds. In contrast with commercial CFx materials, F-CNPs do not give rise to a flat potential plateau but exhibit a continuous decrease of the potential. The difference in the electrochemical performance observed for F-CNPs (CF∌0.43) can be significantly noted for high discharge at 1C rate, for which the discharge potential is about 0.7–0.9 V higher than that obtained with commercial CFx with an increase of the specific capacity to ca. 450 mA h g−1

    Use of inorganic fluorinated materials in lithium batteries and in energy conversion systems

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    After a review on the wide variety of inorganic fluorinated components in modern technologies, in particular for energy conversion/storage systems, the use of fluorinated carbons as electrodes for primary lithium batteries will be highlighted; in particular conventional graphite fluorides will be compared to recently investigated fluorinated carbon nanoparticles (F-CNPs) prepared from electrochemical reduction of molten carbonates

    Effet de la compression et de l ajout d additifs sur l amélioration des performances d un accumulateur au plomb

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    Les travaux de cette thÚse visent le développement d un accumulateur au plomb-acide aux propriétés améliorées en combinant l utilisation d additifs et la mise en compression des cellules. L utilisation d additifs poreux vise à favoriser la diffusion de l électrolyte au sein de la matiÚre active positive et l utilisation d additifs de conductivité tend à optimiser le réseau de conduction des matériaux actifs. Le maintien de la cohésion des matiÚres en cyclage est assuré par la mise en compression des électrodes. Dans cet objectif, un protocole de fabrication d électrodes positives a été développé au laboratoire. Un comportement de référence a ensuite été définit en déterminant les performances électriques et les caractéristiques des électrodes témoins soumises à des pressions allant de 0 à 1bar. Puis les effets des additifs ont été évalués lors d applications en compression. Notre but étant également une meilleure compréhension du systÚme plomb-acide et du mode de fonctionnement des additifs, des mécanismes pour expliquer l évolution texturale des matériaux actifs positifs en compression et l interaction entre les additifs et l application d une pression ont été proposésPARIS-BIUSJ-ThÚses (751052125) / SudocPARIS-BIUSJ-Physique recherche (751052113) / SudocSudocFranceF
