230 research outputs found

    Extreme Value Distribution Based Gene Selection Criteria for Discriminant Microarray Data Analysis Using Logistic Regression

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    One important issue commonly encountered in the analysis of microarray data is to decide which and how many genes should be selected for further studies. For discriminant microarray data analyses based on statistical models, such as the logistic regression models, gene selection can be accomplished by a comparison of the maximum likelihood of the model given the real data, L^(D∣M)\hat{L}(D|M), and the expected maximum likelihood of the model given an ensemble of surrogate data with randomly permuted label, L^(D0∣M)\hat{L}(D_0|M). Typically, the computational burden for obtaining L^(D0∣M)\hat{L}(D_0|M) is immense, often exceeding the limits of computing available resources by orders of magnitude. Here, we propose an approach that circumvents such heavy computations by mapping the simulation problem to an extreme-value problem. We present the derivation of an asymptotic distribution of the extreme-value as well as its mean, median, and variance. Using this distribution, we propose two gene selection criteria, and we apply them to two microarray datasets and three classification tasks for illustration.Comment: to be published in Journal of Computational Biology (2004

    InMoDe: tools for learning and visualizing intra-motif dependencies of DNA binding sites

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    Summary: Recent studies have shown that the traditional position weight matrix model is often insufficient for modeling transcription factor binding sites, as intra-motif dependencies play a significant role for an accurate description of binding motifs. Here, we present the Java application InMoDe, a collection of tools for learning, leveraging and visualizing such dependencies of putative higher order. The distinguishing feature of InMoDe is a robust model selection from a class of parsimonious models, taking into account dependencies only if justified by the data while choosing for simplicity otherwise. Availability and Implementation: InMoDe is implemented in Java and is available as command line application, as application with a graphical user-interface, and as an integration into Galaxy on the project website at http://www.jstacs.de/index.php/InMoDe.Peer reviewe

    Extended Sunflower Hidden Markov Models for the recognition of homotypic cis-regulatory modules}

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    The transcription of genes is often regulated not only by transcription factors binding at single sites per promoter, but by the interplay of multiple copies of one or more transcription factors binding at multiple sites forming a cis-regulatory module. The computational recognition of cis-regulatory modules from ChIP-seq or other high-throughput data is crucial in modern life and medical sciences. A common type of cis-regulatory modules are homotypic clusters of binding sites, i.e., clusters of binding sites of one transcription factor. For their recognition the homotypic Sunflower Hidden Markov Model is a promising statistical model. However, this model neglects statistical dependences among nucleotides within binding sites and flanking regions, which makes it not well suited for de-novo motif discovery. Here, we propose an extension of this model that allows statistical dependences within binding sites, their reverse complements, and flanking regions. We study the efficacy of this extended homotypic Sunflower Hidden Markov Model based on ChIP-seq data from the Human ENCODE Project and find that it often outperforms the traditional homotypic Sunflower Hidden Markov Model

    A general approach for discriminative de-novo motif discovery from highthroughput data

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    De novo motif discovery has been an important challenge of bioinformatics for the past two decades. Since the emergence of high-throughput techniques like ChIP-seq, ChIP-exo and protein-binding microarrays (PBMs), the focus of de novo motif discovery has shifted to runtime and accuracy on large data sets. For this purpose, specialized algorithms have been designed for discovering motifs in ChIP-seq or PBM data. However, none of the existing approaches work perfectly for all three high-throughput techniques. In this article, we propose Dimont, a general approach for fast and accurate de novo motif discovery from high-throughput data. We demonstrate that Dimont yields a higher number of correct motifs from ChIP-seq data than any of the specialized approaches and achieves a higher accuracy for predicting PBM intensities from probe sequence than any of the approaches specifically designed for that purpose. Dimont also reports the expected motifs for several ChIP-exo data sets. Investigating differences between in vitro and in vivo binding, we find that for most transcription factors, the motifs discovered by Dimont are in good accordance between techniques, but we also find notable exceptions. We also observe that modeling intra-motif dependencies may increase accuracy, which indicates that more complex motif models are a worthwhile field of research

    Comparison of NML and Bayesian scoring criteria for learning parsimonious Markov models

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    Parsimonious Markov models, a generalization of variable order Markov models, have been recently introduced for modeling biological sequences. Up to now, they have been learned by Bayesian approaches. However, there is not always sufficient prior knowledge available and a fully uninformative prior is difficult to define. In order to avoid cumbersome cross validation procedures for obtaining the optimal prior choice, we here adapt scoring criteria for Bayesian networks that approximate the Normalized Maximum Likelihood (NML) to parsimonious Markov models. We empirically compare their performance with the Bayesian approach by classifying splice sites, an important problem from computational biology.Non peer reviewe
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