2,275 research outputs found

    A model to predict the reflectance from a concrete surface as a function of the sun-object-image angular relationship

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    A study was made of the variation in the reflectance of a concrete sample as the sun-object-image angular relationship was varied. The research work was performed in the controlled conditions of a laboratory so that atmospheric effects could be neglected. Reflectance measurements were taken from a. concrete sample whose surface roughness had been measured. Both specular and diffuse illumination in the red (630 - 680nm) wavelength region of the visible spectrum were measured. A model which can be used to predict the reflectance value for a given sun-object-image angular relationship was developed. Actual reflectance measurements taken outdoors agreed to within one percent of the model\u27s predicted reflectance values

    New records of biting and predaceous midges from Florida, including species new to the fauna of the United States (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)

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    We provide new records of biting and predaceous midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from Florida, including the first documented United States records of Atrichopogon (Atrichopogon) caribbeanus Ewen, Dasyhelea griseola Wirth, D. scissurae Macfie, and Brachypogon (Brachypogon) woodruffi Spinelli and Grogan. Atrichopogon (Meloehelea) downesi Wirth, Forcipomyia (Thyridomyia) monilicornis (Coquillett), F. (T.) nodosa Saunders, Ceratoculicoides blantoni Wirth and Ratanaworabhan, Mallochohelea albibasis (Malloch), Bezzia (Bezzia) imbifida Dow and Turner and B. (B.) mallochi Wirth are recorded for the first time from Florida. Forcipomyia (Thyridomyia) johannseni Thomsen, Bezzia (Bezzia) expolita (Coquillett), and B. (B.) pulverea (Coquillett) are deleted from the ceratopogonid fauna of Florida. Dasyhelea koenigi Delécolle and Rieb is a junior objective synonym of Dasyhelea scissurae Macfie (NEW SYNONYM). The total number of Ceratopogonidae recorded from Florida is now 249 species contained within 27 genera

    A qualitative exploration of whether lesbian and bisexual women are 'protected' from sociocultural pressure to be thin

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    Heterosexual women in Western cultures are known to experience body image concerns, dieting and disordered eating as a result of intense social pressures to be thin. However, it is theorised that lesbian and bisexual women belong to a subculture that is ‘protective’ of such demands. Fifteen non-heterosexual women were interviewed about their experiences of social pressure. Thematic analysis of their accounts suggests that such theorising may be inaccurate, because these lesbian and bisexual women did not feel ‘protected’ from social pressures and experienced body dissatisfaction. While they might attempt to resist thin idealisation, resistance is not centred around their sexuality

    The Reality and Myth of the Superintendent Shortage: Implications for Research and Educational Policy

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    An examination of research findings on the perception of a precipitous decline in the quantity and quality of superintendent applicants was undertaken by leading scholars in the field and is reported in two consecutive issues of the Journal of School Leadership. We trust that this authoritative body of work adds to the knowledge base, informs the national debate, and will guide policy deliberations in the coming years. The intent of the authors of this brief end piece is to reflect on empirical findings as well as to introduce a number of provocative scholarly observations that will hopefully elevate and focus future policy debates

    Achieving sustainable irrigation water withdrawals: global impacts on food security and land use

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    Unsustainable water use challenges the capacity of water resources to ensure food security and continued growth of the economy. Adaptation policies targeting future water security can easily overlook its interaction with other sustainability metrics and unanticipated local responses to the larger-scale policy interventions. Using a global partial equilibrium grid-resolving model SIMPLE-G, and coupling it with the global Water Balance Model, we simulate the consequences of reducing unsustainable irrigation for food security, land use change, and terrestrial carbon. A variety of future (2050) scenarios are considered that interact irrigation productivity with two policy interventions— inter-basin water transfers and international commodity market integration. We find that pursuing sustainable irrigation may erode other development and environmental goals due to higher food prices and cropland expansion. This results in over 800 000 more undernourished people and 0.87 GtC additional emissions. Faster total factor productivity growth in irrigated sectors will encourage more aggressive irrigation water use in the basins where irrigation vulnerability is expected to be reduced by inter-basin water transfer. By allowing for a systematic comparison of these alternative adaptations to future irrigation vulnerability, the global gridded modeling approach offers unique insights into the multiscale nature of the water scarcity challenge

    Fish assemblages at a deep-water sewage disposal site (DWD-106) : a final contract report

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    Deep-water dumpsite 106 is located over the continental slope and rise about 106 miles east of New Jersey (Fig. 1). From March 1986 to July 1992 approximately eight million wet metric tons of sewage sludge were disposed there per year (Robertson and Redford, 1992). Because of the potential impact of this dumping on deep-sea ecosystems, NOAA/NMFS contracted the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary (VIMS) to make otter-trawl collections in and around DWD 106 in 1990 and 1991. Specific objectives of these collections were: 1. To sample the demersal megafauna, especially fishes; 2. To provide frozen series of dominant species of fishes and invertebrates to NMFS for subsequent heavy metal and organic analyses; 3. To provide a description of the demersal fish community structure in the area; 4. To compare these data with similar data collected from 1973 to 1978 from DWD 106 and an adjacent area to the south near Norfolk submarine canyon. This final contract report summarizes the results of these studies
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