2,934 research outputs found

    A diez años del triple crimen de Floresta

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    Si bien, en diciembre de 2001, la cobertura de los casos policiales descendió en las primeras planas para ocupar el espacio de las noticias vinculadas a la crisis, un 29 de diciembre ocurrió “El Triple crimen de Foresta”, por el cual tres muchachos murieron en manos de un custodio en un maxikiosco de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Ese día, renunció Adolfo Rodríguez Saá, presidente de la Nación desde la salida de su anterior predecesor Fernando de la Rúa. El triple asesinato en el barrio de Floresta se convierte en un caso testigo que, en pleno contexto de crisis, aparece de lleno en la primera plana. El “Triple crimen de Floresta” aparece en la primera plana con énfasis en el delito, tomado por los medios impresos nacionales como agenda temática central, pero el mismo pone en el centro de la escena la problemática de la gobernabilidad. Este crimen no es un hecho policial más que aumenta el delito en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, sino que se construye como una noticia que testimonia el gatillo fácil, el descontrol policial y la crisis de las instituciones en diciembre de 2001[en] While in December 2001, the coverage of police cases dropped over the front pages to fill the space the news related to the crisis, 29 December, came “The Floresta triple crime”, in which three boys died held by a custodian in a maxikiosco of the City of Buenos Aires. That day, Adolfo Rodriguez Saá resigned, President of the Nation since the departure of its previous predecessor, Fernando de la Rúa. The triple murder in Floresta neighborhood becomes a test case that, in the context of crisis, appears in full on the front page. The “Floresta triple crime” appears on the front page with an emphasis on the offense, taken by the national print media as a central thematic agenda, but the crime put in the center of the stage the issue of governance. This crime is not a fact police only increases crime in the City of Buenos Aires, but built like a new that testifies to the easy -trigger, the police lose control and the crisis of the institutions in December 2001.Fil: El Jaber, Grisel. IEALC, FSOC, UBA, UCES y UB; Argentina

    Can Multilingualism and Positive Visualizations Influence Resilience?

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    The ability to overcome life\u27s challenges and to thrive as a result is humanity\u27s number one desired outcome. Resilience leads to happiness, prosperity, peace and inner equilibrium. Studies about individuals demonstrating resilience are therefore of great utility. An experiment was undertaken to find out whether multilingualism and positive visualizations of having overcome stressful events could positively influence resilience, as measured by the dependent variable of heart rate increases in beats per minute. This experiment involved 120 female 18- and 19-year old undergraduate volunteers recruited from a prestigious American undergraduate university. Items from the Holmes and Rahe Stress Inventory (Christie-Seeley, 1983) were read to participants, and their heart rates were recorded prior to testing and immediately after. Results showed that the quasi-independent variable (number of languages spoken fluently) did have a relation to heart rate changes. The second independent variable (how the inventory items were read to the participants) demonstrated a causational effect. The experiment presented numerous limitations, including the inability to ascertain whether or not the sample group varied too much from the general population. Future experiments could investigate whether certain inventory items demonstrated greater disparities in heart rate increases between groups. Fluency in languages further removed from English, i.e. non-Germanic and non-Romance languages might point to increased resilience, and therefore could be an interesting and useful possible correlation to study in the future

    Narcissism, self-esteem, self-worth as predictors of aggression

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    Previous research has shown a relationship between narcissism and aggression, and between narcissism and self-esteem. Indeed, aspects of narcissism predict both adjusted and maladjusted forms of functioning. Therefore, narcissism appears to be both adaptive and maladaptive. In the present study, maladjusted narcissism was directly correlated with aggression, while self-esteem was inversely correlated with aggression. Another objective of this research was to relate narcissism and aggression with contingencies of self-worth. Contingencies of self-worth consisted of two relational contingencies: internal and external. Most of the external contingencies of self-worth were related to aggression, lower self-esteem, and maladaptive narcissism. In contrast internal contingencies of self-worth were related to less self-reported aggression, greater self-esteem, and adaptive narcissism. Also, the contingencies of self-worth involving appearance and virtue partially mediated the relationship between narcissism and aggression


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    This thesis takes up the role of secularism in modern medicine as a political doctrine that works in service of settler colonialism. I argue the Declaration of Human Rights and the World Health Organization (WHO) globally institutionalized secular ideologies in the post-World War II environment. This thesis links how this global reordering came to inform U.S. health policy by examining how government officials and medical experts drew from the WHO and framed infectious diseases as a security issue to impose a biomedical order in Indian country. By contextualizing modern medicine within a settler political economy and secular political doctrine, I demonstrate how the settler state reproduced itself through secularizing processes that sought to dismantle Native spirituality

    Zooarchaeology of Acevedo 1 site (forest-steppe ecotone of west-center Chubut)

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    Este trabajo presenta los resultados del análisis zooarqueológico del sitio Acevedo 1, ubicado en el ecotono bosque-estepa del centro-oeste de Chubut, un área poco conocida en términos de la subsistencia humana del pasado. A este respecto, las evidencias en el sitio son escasas. En los vertebrados grandes, una huella de corte y otra de percusión en dos huesos de mamífero indeterminado. Los daños de carnívoros (mascado y corrosión digestiva) muestran que la mayor parte del conjunto faunístico es resultado de la actividad de aves rapaces y principalmente zorros que utilizaron el alero.This paper presents the results of the zooarchaeological analysis of Acevedo 1 site, located in the forest-steppe ecotone of central-west Chubut, an area little known in terms of the human subsistence of the past. About it, the evidence is scarce. In large vertebrates, a cut mark and a percussion mark in two indeterminate mammal bones. Carnivore damages (chewing and digestive corrosion) show that most of the faunal remains is a result of the activity of birds of prey and mainly foxes that used this site.Fil: Fernández, Mercedes Grisel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Secretaría de Cultura de la Nación. Dirección Nacional de Cultura y Museos. Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano; Argentin