488 research outputs found

    Devensian Ice-Sheet history of the western North Sea

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    The ice masses of present-day Greenland and Antarctica are characterised by marine-terminating ice streams and outlet glaciers, which deliver the majority of ice to the surrounding ocean and have a large impact on the ice sheet stability and sea-level. Understanding the break-up of palaeo-ice sheets and ice streams is thus considered crucial for understanding contemporary ice sheet behaviour and ice sheet response to global climate change. The history of the former eastern margin of the last British and Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) is still poorly understood, particularly in the western North Sea. The BIIS is known to have overrun the eastern coasts of England and Scotland at different times during the Pleistocene and to have extended offshore. It was drained by numerous ice streams, which experienced different phases of activity during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). However, despite recent improvements in the understanding of the onshore glacial history of the region, still little is known about the offshore sector. In particular, significant gaps remain in the knowledge of the deglacial history of the BIIS from the western North Sea, and of the dynamic behaviour of the North Sea Lobe (NSL) ice stream as it retreated from the offshore region. This research incorporates different bathymetric, seismic and sedimentological datasets collected in the western North Sea, to investigate the geomorphological and sedimentary imprint left on the seafloor by the passage of the BIIS and by the NSL during the last glacial phase. The findings provide new insights on the seafloor geomorphology and on the stratigraphic architecture of the Quaternary sediments of the area, and better reconstruct the advance and retreat behaviour of the NSL in the region. The results demonstrate that the geomorphological imprint found on the seafloor of the western North Sea can be ascribable to the action of the NSL, which was flowing from NW to SE. The presence of Grounding Zone Wedges and of glaciomarine sediments characterised by cold temperature foraminifera species, known to be indicators of extreme glacial marine environments, indicates that the NSL was a marine-terminating ice lobe in the investigated area during retreat and that its decay was episodic, punctuated by phases of temporary stability. Bedrock strata, which is present at or very close to the seabed, is thought to have provided pinning points that facilitated periods of ice stillstand. In addition, new radiocarbon ages constrain ice retreat towards southern Scotland between ~19 - 16 ka BP, and suggest that deglaciation of this sector of the North Sea started earlier than previously thought

    Modelli informativi “predigitali” e loro recenti sviluppi. Dal Raumbuch al BIM

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    The digital tools are usually more efficient, as much as a solid sorting logic is consolidated behind them. This logic is often formed through a long practice with similar non-digital tools. This paper presents a comparative discussion between BIM and Raumbuch, as tools for survey, study and design for heritage buildings. A early history of Raumbuch is summarized and some of the foundamentals of such technical tools are discussed. The Raumbuch is a tool for analysing and sorting huge amounts of information about a building. It originated in late XIX century, within a field of application between architecture and archaeology. The Raumbuch has more recently been spread as a tool for organizing a building survey or design. Heritage buildings have represented a specific field of application. Many experiences have concurred to consolidate and refine this methodology, particularly in the German speaking area. Some controversial outputs may also emerge when Raumbich has being developed basing on a building information modeling. A cross-fertilization process has to be encouraged to overcome language differences and some cultural laziness. Research will achieve positive results

    Entretejiendo derechos de niñez y colectivos Qom : Cartografiando identidades

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    En el Proyecto de Extensión de la UNLP "Entretejiendo derechos de Niñez y Colectivos Qom", se trabajan las relaciones entre derechos colectivos y de niñez para acompañamiento y contención del desarrollo de la subjetividad en la construcción de identidad. Es un grupo interdisciplinario formado por alumnos, graduados, profesores y nodocentes de distintas Facultades. Se establecen relaciones con otras organizaciones según las actividades que se realizan, por ejemplo el Programa Provincial Barrio Adentro, el Centro de Atención a Víctimas de Violencia de Género, el Centro Comunitario Pantalón Cortito, las escuelas zonales y los Centros de Salud. Nuestro aporte desde la Geografía y más precisamente desde la Cartografía, planteó como objetivo específico la realización de un mapeo comunitario. Se diseñaron una serie de tareas que comenzaron a realizarse en años anteriores y se continúan durante el 2019, las mismas incluyen caminatas barriales, realización de dibujos libres en referencia al barrio, realizaciones de croquis en común y reconocimiento del lugar en la imagen realizada. En una instancia posterior se realizará una puesta intergeneracional con la consigna de que los niños puedan integrar a alguien de su familia para que aporte datos, formas y detalles para hacer más rica la experiencia. Los resultados que se esperan, a partir de los distintos talleres con los niños del barrio, es poder generar productos colectivos que den cuenta del conocimiento y apropiación efectiva de los derechos, saberes populares, artísticos y técnicos que reflejen los valores identitarios de la comunidad.Evento realizado junto con el VII Congreso Nacional de Geografía de Universidades PúblicasFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Vernacular architecture and written sources: the case study of the Tronto Valley

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    [EN] Medieval archaeology has developed very effective instruments for investigating the smaller rural settlements and local production and construction techniques, on which the documentary sources are scarcely fluent. However, documents assure precise hints or general references to which archaeologists do not give up. In the same way, the most abundant, although indirect institutional sources, and the technical literature, from the Modern Age to the nineteenth century, are very useful to understand this kind of construction, with local materials and according to local models and practices – widespread in rural Europe until the early twentieth century. The historic villages of the upper Tronto Valley, near Ascoli Piceno, can offer a good example in a territory devastated by the 2016 earthquake in which material sources have been heavily depleted. The documents - although discontinuous - often explain constructive choices. The nineteenth-century literature describes the territory in a transformation phase, still based on the scarce local resources, and returns the mentality and the expectations of the contemporaries. Literature and documents contribute to consolidating the role of the built heritage as a historical source, highlighting both the cultural depth and the nature of housing resources that characterize the individual buildings and villages.Facchi, E.; Grimoldi, A.; Landi, AG. (2022). Vernacular architecture and written sources: the case study of the Tronto Valley. En Proceedings HERITAGE 2022 - International Conference on Vernacular Heritage: Culture, People and Sustainability. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 255-262. https://doi.org/10.4995/HERITAGE2022.2022.1432125526

    ¿Imaginarios Imaginados?

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    En este trabajo proponemos abordar los imaginarios geográficos de América Latina a partir de imágenes cartográficas que aparecen en afiches de propaganda que circulan en la vía pública para explorar los imaginarios latinoamericanos. El corpus de imágenes consta de más de un centenar de mapas que aparecen en afiches que promocionan eventos, recolectados entre los años 2008 y 2013 en la ciudad de La Plata (Argentina). La hipótesis que articula esta indagación es que los afiches de eventos académicos y políticos que apelan a “lo latinoamericano” usan alguna forma cartográfica para expresar las ideas asociadas a la región. Este artículo procura indagar cuáles son las estrategias y los lenguajes visuales que movilizan el sentido común geográfico en torno a lo que sería la identidad latinoamericana.Neste trabalho nos propomos a abordar os imaginários geográficos sobre a América Latina a partir de imagens cartográficas usadas em cartazes de propaganda e difundem imaginários latino-americanos. O corpus de imagens consta de mais de uma centena de mapas que aparecem em cartazes destinados a promover eventos, coletados entre 2008 e 2013 na cidade de La Plata (Argentina). A hipótese que fundamenta esta investigação é que os cartazes de eventos acadêmicos e políticos que apelam ao “latino-americano” utilizam alguna forma cartográfica para expresar ideias associadas à região. Esse artigo procura identificar as estratégias e as linguagens visuais que mobilizam o senso comum geográfico em torno do que seria a identidade latinoamericana.In this paper we examine the geographical imaginary of Latin America from cartographic images that appeared in propaganda posters to explore Latin American imaginary. The corpus of images consists of more than a hundred maps that appear on posters promoting events, collected between 2008 and 2013 in the city of La Plata (Argentina). The hypothesis that articulates this research is that the posters of academic and political events that appeal to “Latin American” use some cartographic forms to express ideas associated with the region. This paper aims to investigate what are the strategies and visual languages that mobilize geographic common sense around what Latin American identity would be.Dans cet article, nous proposons d'aborder l'imaginaire géographique de l'Amérique latine à partir d'images cartographiques apparaissant sur des affiches de propagande circulant dans l’espace publique afin d'explorer les imaginaires latino-américains. Le corpus d'images comprend plus d'une centaine de cartes qui apparaissent sur des affiches faisant la promotion d'événements rassemblés entre 2008 et 2013 dans la ville de La Plata (Argentine). L'hypothèse qui articule cette recherche est que les affiches d'événements académiques et politiques faisant appel à « l’Amérique latine » utilisent certaines formes cartographiques pour exprimer des idées associées à la région. Nous essayons de déterminer quelles sont les stratégies et les langages visuels qui mobilisent le bon sens géographique autour de ce que serait l'identité latino-américaine

    Intercostal neurolysis for the treatment of postsurgical thoracic pain: A case series

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    Introduction: We investigated the possible role of intercostal surgical neurolysis in relieving chronic neuropathic pain refractory to other nonsurgical treatments in patients with postsurgical thoracic pain. Methods: We retrospectively collected clinical data on patients referred to the Neurosurgery Unit of Policlinic Hospital of Milan. Ten patients (age range, 20-68 years) suffering from neuropathic pain for at least 2 months after thoracic surgery underwent intercostal neurolysis. Results: Compared with preneurolysis, pain intensity decreased 1 month postneurolysis and remained stable 2 months postneurolysis (median score [interquartile range]: 8 [6-9] preneurolysis, 4 [3-5] 1 month after, and 3 [2-5] 2 months after, P < 0.001). Antiepileptic drugs for pain control decreased after neurolysis. Discussion: Surgical intercostal neurolysis may be a promising therapeutic option in patients with chronic neuropathic pain associated with neurological deficits

    Glyphosate sprayed on the pre-existing vegetation reduces seedling emergence and growth of forage species

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    Seeding pastures or forage crops by no-tillage methods usually involves the spray of glyphosate to suppress the existing vegetation. While  many studies found detrimentaleffects of glyphosate on seed germination and seedling growth of the subsequent crop, others found negligible effects. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of glyphosate spraying on germination, seedling emergence and seedling growth of four forage species: Trifolium repens, Lotus tenuis, Festuca arundinacea and Paspalum dilatatum. The experiment was carried out spraying glyphosate on the pre-existing vegetation and on bare soil 1, 30, 60 and 90 days before sowing, and a control  treatmentsprayed with water. Glyphosate sprayed on pre-existing vegetation 1 to 60 days before seeding reduced emergence, while sprayed 1 to 30 or 1 to 60 days before seeding reduced seedlings belowground biomass and root length of all species and aboveground biomass of legumes respect to sprayed 90 days before seeding, sprayed on bare soil, and control treatment. This herbicide would remain active in the soil environment for at least 60 days after spraying when it was previously absorbed by plants, causing a severe damage to seedlings emergence and growth. Highlights: Glyphosate sprayed on pre-existing vegetation 1 to 60 days before seeding reduced seedling emergence of Trifolium repens, Lotus tenuis, Festuca arundinacea and Paspalum dilatatum. Glyphosate sprayed on pre-existing vegetation 1-30 or 1-60 days before seeding reduced seedlings belowground biomass and root length of all species and aboveground biomass of legumes Gyphosate sprayed 90 days before seeding or sprayed on bare soil did not affect seggling emergence and growth. Gyphosate would remain active in the soil environment for at least 60 days after spraying when it was previously absorbed by plants.Seeding pastures or forage crops by no-tillage methods usually involves the spray of glyphosate to suppress the existing vegetation. While  many studies found detrimentaleffects of glyphosate on seed germination and seedling growth of the subsequent crop, others found negligible effects. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of glyphosate spraying on germination, seedling emergence and seedling growth of four forage species: Trifolium repens, Lotus tenuis, Festuca arundinacea and Paspalum dilatatum. The experiment was carried out spraying glyphosate on the pre-existing vegetation and on bare soil 1, 30, 60 and 90 days before sowing, and a control  treatmentsprayed with water. Glyphosate sprayed on pre-existing vegetation 1 to 60 days before seeding reduced emergence, while sprayed 1 to 30 or 1 to 60 days before seeding reduced seedlings belowground biomass and root length of all species and aboveground biomass of legumes respect to sprayed 90 days before seeding, sprayed on bare soil, and control treatment. This herbicide would remain active in the soil environment for at least 60 days after spraying when it was previously absorbed by plants, causing a severe damage to seedlings emergence and growth. Highlights: Glyphosate sprayed on pre-existing vegetation 1 to 60 days before seeding reduced seedling emergence of Trifolium repens, Lotus tenuis, Festuca arundinacea and Paspalum dilatatum. Glyphosate sprayed on pre-existing vegetation 1-30 or 1-60 days before seeding reduced seedlings belowground biomass and root length of all species and aboveground biomass of legumes Gyphosate sprayed 90 days before seeding or sprayed on bare soil did not affect seggling emergence and growth. Gyphosate would remain active in the soil environment for at least 60 days after spraying when it was previously absorbed by plants

    Marcos Regulatorios y Energías Renovables en las Provincias Argentinas

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    El presente trabajo explora, en primer lugar, la reciente literatura centrada en las transiciones energéticas y su economía política. De allí se desprende la importancia de analizar, entre otros factores, los marcos regulatorios sobre generación de energía eléctrica de fuente renovable. En este sentido, en segundo lugar, este trabajo explora cómo se han organizado el marco regulatorio nacional y de las provincias argentinas entre 2015 y 2019 en lo que respecta a las políticas de fomento al sector. De este análisis descriptivo se infiere que la experiencia argentina (nacional y subnacional) se asemeja -al menos en una primera etapa- a experiencias de transiciones energéticas más avanzadas, tales como la europea, por los instrumentos de política pública puestos en marcha. Sin embargo, esta primera etapa no está exenta de posibles críticas, tales como los problemas infraestructurales y de financiamiento que enfrentan los distintos proyectos, así como la primacía de objetivos energéticos por sobre el desarrollo productivo y tecnológico local, entre otros

    Un manuscrito inédito de Rudolf Schreiter sobre arqueología del noroeste argentino. Relaciones entre coleccionismo e investigación científica a comienzos del Siglo XX

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    En el año 1912 Rudolf Schreiter concretó la venta de una colección de objetos arqueológicos de los valles calchaquíes al Museo de la corte real imperial de historia natural de Viena (actual Museo del Mundo de Viena). La transacción incluyó el envío de un catálogo, fotografías y un manuscrito en alemán que describía los trabajos de campo arqueológicos realizados en 1907. El manuscrito permaneció inédito hasta hoy; el presente ensayo monográfico es una introducción a nuestra traducción al castellano del manuscrito. Presentamos una síntesis de la historia de la conformación de diferentes colecciones reunidas por Schreiter en los valles calchaquíes, actualmente guardadas en museos de Argentina y Europa. Este repaso permite evaluar la escala de las transacciones de Schreiter y conocer las estrategias y vínculos mediante los cuales gestionó la adquisición y venta de grandes colecciones arqueológicas a lo largo de más de tres décadas

    Eco-physiological traits related to recovery from complete submergence in the model legume Lotus japonicus

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    Submergence is a severe form of stress for most plants. Lotus japonicus is a model legume with potential use in assisting breeding programs of closely related forage Lotus species. Twelve L. japonicus genotypes (10 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) and 2 parental accessions) with different constitutive shoot to root dry mass ratios (S:R) were subjected to 7 days of submergence in clear water and allowed to recover for two weeks post-submergence; a set of non-submerged plants served as controls. Relative growth rate (RGR) was used to indicate the recovery ability of the plants. Leaf relative water content (RWC), stomatal conductance (gs), greenness of basal and apical leaves, and chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm, as a measure of photoinhibition) were monitored during recovery, and relationships among these variables and RGR were explored across genotypes. The main results showed (i) variation in recovery ability (RGR) from short-term complete submergence among genotypes, (ii) a trade-off between growth during vs. after the stress indicated by a negative correlation between RGR during submergence and RGR post-submergence, (iii) an inverse relationship between RGR during recovery and S:R upon de-submergence, (iv) positive relationships between RGR at early recovery and RWC and gs, which were negatively related to S:R, suggesting this parameter as a good estimator of plant water balance post-submergence, (v) chlorophyll retention allowed fast recovery as revealed by the positive relationship between greenness of basal and apical leaves and RGR during the first recovery week, and (vi) full repair of the submergence-damaged photosynthetic apparatus occurred more slowly (second recovery week) than full recovery of plant water relations. The inclusion of these traits contributing to submergence recovery in L. japonicus should be considered to speed up the breeding process of the closely related forage Lotus spp. used in current agriculture.Fil: Buraschi, Florencia Belén. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura; ArgentinaFil: Mollard, Federico Pedro Otto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura; ArgentinaFil: Grimoldi, Agustin Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura; ArgentinaFil: Striker, Gustavo Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura; Argentin