671 research outputs found
More on the Narrowing of Impact Broadened Radio Recombination Lines at High Principal Quantum Number
Recently Alexander and Gulyaev have suggested that the apparent decrease in
impact broadening of radio recombination lines seen at high principal quantum
number n may be a product of the data reduction process, possibly resulting
from the presence of noise on the telescope spectra that is not present on the
calculated comparison spectra. This is an interesting proposal. However, there
are serious problems with their analysis that need to be pointed out. Perhaps
the most important of these is the fact that for principal quantum numbers
below n = 200, where the widths are not in question, their processed generated
profile widths do not fit the widths of the processed lines obtained at the
telescope. After processing, the halfwidths of the generated and telescope
profiles must agree below n = 200 if we are to believe that the processed
generated linewidths above n = 200 are meaningful. Theirs do not. Furthermore,
we find that after applying the linewidth reduction factors found by Alexander
and Gulyaev for their noise added profiles to our generated profiles to
simulate their noise adding effect, the processed widths we obtain still do not
come close to explaining the narrowing seen in the telescope lines for n values
in the range 200 < n < 250. It is concluded that what is needed to solve this
mystery is a completely new approach using a different observing technique
instead of simply a further manipulation of the frequency-switched data.Comment: Six pages with 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysics
and Space Scienc
Sensitive Observations of Radio Recombination Lines in Orion and W51: The Data and Detection of Systematic Recombination Line Blueshifts Proportional to Impact Broadening
Sensitive spectral observations made in two frequency bands near 6.0 and 17.6
GHz are described for Orion and W51. Using frequency switching we were able to
achieve a dynamic range in excess of 10,000 without fitting sinusoidal or
polynomial baselines. This enabled us to detect lines as weak as T\Delta n$ as
high as 25 have been detected in Orion. In the Orion data, where the lines are
stronger, we have also detected a systematic shift in the line center
frequencies proportional to linewidth that cannot be explained by normal
optical depth effects.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and
Space Scienc
Hydrogen and helium line formation in OB dwarfs and giants. A hybrid non-LTE approach
Aims: Hydrogen and helium line spectra are crucial diagnostic features for
the quantitative analysis of OB stars. We compute synthetic spectra based on a
hybrid non-LTE approach in order to test the ability of these models to
reproduce high-resolution and high-S/N spectra of dwarf and giant stars and
also to compare them with published grids of non-LTE (OSTAR2002) and LTE
(Padova) models. Methods: Our approach solves the restricted non-LTE problem
based on classical line-blanketed LTE model atmospheres. State-of-the-art model
atoms and line-broadening theories are employed to model the H and He I/II
spectra over the entire optical range and in the near-IR. Results: The
synthetic spectra match almost all measurable hydrogen and helium lines
observed in six test stars over a wide spectral range from the Balmer limit to
the NIR, except for only a few well-understood cases. Our approach reproduces
other published non-LTE calculations, however avoids inconsistencies with the
modelling of the He I singlets recently discussed in the literature. It
improves on the published LTE models in many aspects: non-LTE strengthening and
the use of improved line-broadening data result in overall significant
differences in the line profiles and equivalent widths of the Balmer and helium
lines. Where possible, systematic effects on the stellar parameter
determination are quantified, e.g. gravities derived from the Hgamma wings may
be overestimated by up to ~0.2 dex at our upper temperature boundary in LTE.
(abridged)Comment: 25 pages, 19 figures. Modified according to suggestions of the
referee. Accepted for publication in A&A. Several figures in low resolution.
A high-resolution pdf version of the preprint can be downloaded from
Insolation and gacial meltwater influence on seaâice and circulation variability in the Northeastern Labrador Sea during the last glacial period
The variable amounts of ice rafted debris (IRD) and foraminifers in North Atlantic sediments are related to the abrupt, millennial-scale alteration from Greenland stadials to interstadials during the last glacial period and indicate past ice sheet instabilities, changes in sea-ice cover and productivity. In the Norwegian Sea, Greenland stadials were likely characterized by an extensive, near-perennial sea-ice cover whereas Greenland interstadials were seasonally ice-free. The variability in other areas, such as the Labrador Sea, remains, however, obscure. We therefore investigated deep-sea sediment core GS16-204-22CC retrieved south of Greenland. Using a multiproxy approach, we distinguish two sediment regimes and hence different environmental conditions between ca. 65 and 25 ka b2k. Regime 1 (similar to 65-49 ka b2k) is characterized by the dominance of planktic foraminifers in the sediments. During late MIS4 and early MIS3, the site was covered by near-perennial sea-ice with occasional periods of iceberg discharge. During the younger part of regime 1 the northeastern Labrador Sea was seasonally ice-free with hardly any icebergs melting near the site and long-term environmental conditions were less variable. Regime 2 (similar to 49-25 ka b2k) is characterized by pronounced stadial-interstadial variability of foraminifer and IRD fluxes, suggesting an extensive sea-ice cover during most Greenland stadials and seasonally ice-free conditions during most Greenland interstadials. During MIS2 environmental conditions were very similar to those of the younger part of regime 1. While all Heinrich (H) related Greenland stadials are marked by depleted oxygen isotope values at our core site, only H4 and H3 are associated with pronounced IRD peaks.
Plain Language Summary North Atlantic sediments contain variable amounts of sand-sized mineral grains and microorganism shells. Mineral grains indicate iceberg transport from continental ice sheets, like the Greenland ice sheet (more icebergs/melting sea-ice, more grains). If the sea-ice cover is too thick, no light can penetrate and fewer microorganisms live in the water beneath the ice. Using these indicators, we investigated ocean sediments from south of Greenland covering the time period between ca. 65 and 25 thousand years ago. This time period was characterized by several abrupt changes between cold and warm climates on millennial timescales. We find that the ocean south of Greenland was sea-ice covered for most of the year with occasional time periods of iceberg discharge between 65 to 56 thousand years ago. From 56 to 49 thousand years ago the ice-free season was extended and hardly any icebergs melted near the site. From 49 thousand years ago our study area was covered by sea-ice year-round during cold time intervals whereas warm time intervals were only seasonally sea-ice covered. Continental ice sheets were growing during this time interval and we observed two major calving events related to two of the four very cold climate intervals recorded in the analyzed sediment.Fundacao de a Ciencia e a Tecnologia
Das Krankenhaus, Basel II und der Investitionsstau
Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die zukĂŒnftige Entwicklung der Finanzierungskosten von KrankenhĂ€usern vor dem Hintergrund (i) des anhaltenden RĂŒckzugs der öffentlichen Hand aus der Finanzierung von Investitionen und des dadurch entstandenen Investitionsstaus und (ii) der von Banken im Gefolge von Basel II verstĂ€rkt geforderten Risiko sensitiven Zinsmargen. Der Schwerpunkt der Untersuchung liegt auf dem Kreditbedarf, der entsteht, um den Herausforderungen im Krankenhaussektor gerecht werden zu können. Statistische Grundlage bilden öffentlich vorliegende GeschĂ€ftsberichte. Substanzielle Unterschiede in den Bilanzen und den Gewinn- und Verlustrechnungen erfordern fĂŒ die Analyse eine Unterteilung der KrankenhĂ€user in private und nicht-private. Wir kommen zu dem Ergebnis, dass sich das derzeitige Kreditvolumen (ohne KHG-Fördermittel) auf etwa 10 Mrd. Euro belĂ€uft und die jĂ€hrlichen Finanzierungskosten auf ca. 500 Mill. Euro. Vor dem Hintergrund der schlechten wirtschaftlichen Situation vieler KrankenhĂ€user und des wachsenden Wettbewerbsdrucks mit der EinfĂŒhrung des neuen Abrechnungssystems (DRG Fallpauschalen) seit Januar 2004 erwarten wir höhere Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeiten - vor allem bei öffentlichen KrankenhĂ€usern, fĂŒr die die bĂŒrgenden Kommunen aus eigener finanzieller SchwĂ€che immer weniger die Haftung ĂŒbernehmen können. Bis 2010 dĂŒrfte die Anzahl der KrankenhĂ€user von heute ĂŒber 2 200 auf etwa 1 900 zurĂŒckgehen. Mittelfristig erwarten wir daher im Gefolge von Basel II höhere Risikomargen im Krankenhaussektor, die zu etwa 170 Mill. Euro Mehrkosten fĂŒhren dĂŒrften. Ferner gehen wir davon aus, dass die steigende WettbewerbsintensitĂ€t den Druck zum Abbau des Investitionsstaus erhöht, gleichzeitig aber der RĂŒckzug der öffentlichen Hand aus der Investitionsfinanzierung anhĂ€lt. Dies fĂŒhrt zu rund 1,36 Mrd. Euro zusĂ€tzlichen Finanzierungskosten, sodass insgesamt 1,53 Mrd. Euro Zusatz- bzw. 2 Mrd. Euro Gesamtkosten entstehen
Dynamic and Stagnating Plasma Flow Leading to Magnetic Flux Tube Collimation
Highly collimated, plasma-filled magnetic flux tubes are frequently observed
on galactic, stellar and laboratory scales. We propose that a single, universal
magnetohydrodynamic pumping process explains why such collimated, plasma-filled
magnetic flux tubes are ubiquitous. Experimental evidence from carefully
diagnosed laboratory simulations of astrophysical jets confirms this assertion
and is reported here. The magnetohydrodynamic process pumps plasma into a
magnetic flux tube and the stagnation of the resulting flow causes this flux
tube to become collimated.Comment: to be published in PRL; color figures on electronic versio
Quantum-mechanical calculation of Stark widths of Ne VII n=3, transitions
The Stark widths of the Ne VII 2s3s-2s3p singlet and triplet lines are
calculated in the impact approximation using quantum-mechanical Convergent
Close-Coupling and Coulomb-Born-Exchange approximations. It is shown that the
contribution from inelastic collisions to the line widths exceeds the elastic
width contribution by about an order of magnitude. Comparison with the line
widths measured in a hot dense plasma of a gas-liner pinch indicates a
significant difference which may be naturally explained by non-thermal Doppler
effects from persistent implosion velocities or turbulence developed during the
pinch implosion. Contributions to the line width from different partial waves
and types of interactions are discussed as well.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures; accepted by Phys. Rev.
Scattering polarization of hydrogen lines in the presence of turbulent electric fields
We study the broadband polarization of hydrogen lines produced by scattering
of radiation, in the presence of isotropic electric fields. In this paper, we
focus on two distinct problems: a) the possibility of detecting the presence of
turbulent electric fields by polarimetric methods, and b) the influence of such
fields on the polarization due to a macroscopic, deterministic magnetic field.
We found that isotropic electric fields decrease the degree of linear
polarization in the scattered radiation, with respect to the zero-field case.
On the other hand, a distribution of isotropic electric fields superimposed
onto a deterministic magnetic field can generate a significant increase of the
degree of magnetic-induced, net circular polarization. This phenomenon has
important implications for the diagnostics of magnetic fields in plasmas using
hydrogen lines, because of the ubiquitous presence of the Holtsmark,
microscopic electric field from neighbouring ions. In particular, previous
solar magnetographic studies of the Balmer lines of hydrogen may need to be
revised because they neglected the effect of turbulent electric fields on the
polarization signals. In this work, we give explicit results for the
Lyman-alpha and Balmer-alpha lines.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure
Strukturreformen im deutschen Gesundheitswesen
Die vorliegende Studie ist das Ergebnis eines gemeinsamen Projektes der ADMED GmbH und des RWI. Ziel ist die Darstellung wesentlicher Ineffizienzen im deutschen Gesundheitswesen. Zur Beurteilung ihrer Bedeutung erfolgt eine grobe AbschĂ€tzung der damit verbundenen Einsparpotenziale, wobei es sich um reine Wirtschaftlichkeitsreserven handelt, Investitionskosten werden nicht mit einbezogen. Die Berechnungen basieren entweder auf Fallerfahrung der ADMED GmbH oder auf aggregierten Daten auf volkswirtschaftlicher Ebene. Bei mangelhafter Datenlage wurden konservative Annahmen getroffen. Zur fundierten mikroökonomischen Verifikation der AbschĂ€tzungen sind weiter gehende Untersuchungen und insbesondere eine Verbesserung der Datenlage im Gesundheitswesen erforderlich. Die untersuchten KostensenkungsmaĂnahmen beziehen sich nur auf folgende Felder: PrimĂ€r- und SekundĂ€rleistungen von Leistungserbringern und Fragen der Systemregulierung. Die Behebung von Ineffizienzen bei Leistungserbringern wĂŒrde zu Einsparungen in der GröĂenordnung von mindestens 7,5 bis 10 Mrd. Euro pro Jahr fĂŒhren, womit die GKV-BeitrĂ€ge um bis zu 0,7 bis 0,9 %- Punkte gesenkt werden könnten. Zum Teil handelt es sich um Potenziale, die schon bei den heutigen gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen gehoben werden könnten. Hierzu bedarf es allerdings einer konsequenten Umsetzung einzelner VorschlĂ€ge. Andere Potenziale können erst in Betracht gezogen werden, wenn die Politik entsprechende Voraussetzungen dafĂŒr schafft. Die Umsetzung selbst ist nicht trivial und erfordert eine konsequente Umsetzungsplanung. Ăber diese Ăberlegungen hinaus gehende Untersuchungen zu Fehlanreizen im System weisen auf ein weiteres, möglicherweise beachtliches Einsparpotenzial hin. Der Mangel an empirischen Untersuchungen hierzu verdeutlicht den dringend notwendigen Bedarf an fundierten wissenschaftlichen Evaluationsstudien auf dem Gebiet der Gesundheitsökonomie
Stark Broadening of the B III 2s-2p Lines
We present a quantum-mechanical calculation of Stark line widths from
electron-ion collisions for the , lambda = 2066 and 2067
A, resonance transitions in B III. The results confirm the previous
quantum-mechanical R-matrix calculations but contradict recent measurements and
semi-classical and some semi-empirical calculations. The differences between
the calculations can be attributed to the dominance of small L partial waves in
the electron-atom scattering, while the large Stark widths inferred from the
measurements would be substantially reduced if allowance is made for
hydrodynamic turbulence from high Reynolds number flows and the associated
Doppler broadening.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures; to be published in Phys. Rev.
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