50 research outputs found

    Walk with Me: a Telepresence Study of Mediated Tours

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    The subsequent study examines variations of self-guided tour mediums in relation to telepresence, transportation, and satisfaction. Three conditions were used to explore the relationships. Those conditions were audio only, audio and visual, and map self-guided tours of a portion of Euclid Avenue adjacent to The audio condition yielded the highest mean scores of the three conditions on all analyses. Condition was found to significantly impact the report of \u27worthwhile\u27, a subscale of satisfaction. No other hypotheses resulted in significant findings. Significant differences were seen between the conditions participants report of \u27worthwhile\u27. The practical and theoretical impacts are discussed in the following chapter

    Proposal for sustainable urban solid waste management in the central area of toluca

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    Uno de los problemas ambientales que tiene México es el manejo o gestión de los residuos sólidos urbanos (rsu). Generar rsu forma parte de la actividad propia de los seres humanos y todo residuo al igual que toda materia está sujeta a los efectos del medio ambiente. El transformar la naturaleza, modificar el ambiente, entre otras cosas, es lo que constituye el avance de la civilización, logrando que una de las principales características de la sociedad contemporánea sea su enorme capacidad de consumo, por lo que la generación de residuos sólidos es y será una actividad propia del ser humano y cualquiera que sea su época, la huella de su paso se irá marcando por una pesada carga de desechos hacia el medio ambiente. El objetivo de la investigación es elaborar un modelo de minimización de rsu para la zona central conurbada de Toluca, por medio de un estudio comparativo de las fortalezas y debilidades de programas de manejo de rsu exitosos nacionales e internacionales, con la finalidad de generar una propuesta aplicable a las condiciones de la zona objeto de estudio, que permita prolongar la vida útil de los rellenos sanitarios o sitios de disposición final controlados, reducir los costos de confinamiento, y ayudar a disminuir el impacto ambiental derivado de la creciente generación de dichos residuos sólidos urbanos

    Observations of Acropora spawning in the Mozambique Channel

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    There is little published information about the reproductive biology of corals in the western Indian Ocean region. In particular, information about coral spawning patterns is largely absent from scientific literature.  We document scleractinian coral spawning events - 8 species of Acropora - from the Mozambique Channel, observed on three different nights after new and full moons, in the vicinity of Andavadoaka on the southwest coast of Madagascar in September 2013.   These observations constitute the first documented in situ observations of coral spawning for Madagascar and the Mozambique Channel, close to the westernmost boundary of the global distribution of these Acropora species

    Intervención educativa sobre el nivel de conocimientos en pacientes con diabetes y baja o nula escolaridad

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    ResumenObjetivoEvaluar una intervención integral de educación en diabetes sobre el nivel de conocimientos en pacientes con dicha enfermedad.MétodoDiseño cuasiexperimental con 17 pacientes diagnosticados de diabetes que refirieron ser analfabetos o contar con una educación básica y pertenecer a la comunidad Villa Aquiles Serdán, Pachuca, Hidalgo. Entre julio y diciembre de 2013, se aplicó una encuesta para identificar sexo, edad, escolaridad, ocupación, estado civil y tiempo de evolución, y solicitamos la medición de hemoglobina glucosilada. Los conocimientos sobre diabetes se midieron mediante el Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (pretest y postest). Se realizó estadística descriptiva y comparación de medias a través de la t de Student.ResultadosEl 64.7% fueron mujeres; el 41.2% fueron amas de casa; respecto a la escolaridad, el 17.6% era analfabeta; la media de edad fue de 52.6±5.8 años (rango 39-72). La media del tiempo con diabetes fue de 112.00±59.1 meses (rango 1-180). El 88.2% no había tomado un curso previamente. El 58.8% no pertenecían a ningún grupo de ayuda mutua; para el resto, el promedio de tiempo en el grupo fue de 156 meses (rango 6-156). La intervención mostró diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el nivel de conocimientos en el 70.8% de los ítems: información básica (p<0.000), sobre el control (p<0.000) y complicaciones (p<0.000), y a nivel general (p<0.000). Respecto a los niveles de hemoglobina glucosilada, la media de la diferencia fue de 1.01mg/dL±1.77mg/dL (p=0.053).ConclusionesLa intervención mostró cambios significativos en los niveles de conocimientos sobre información básica, el control y las complicaciones. Asimismo, en el promedio de conocimientos en general. La hemoglobina glucosilada no mostró diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Es importante continuar con intervenciones educativas integrales que incluyan aspectos nutricionales, psicológicos, médicos, farmacológicos y tener estrategias culturalmente competentes.AbstractObjectiveEvaluate a comprehensive diabetes education intervention in relation to the level of knowledge in patients with diabetes.MethodQuasi-experimental design with 17 patients diagnosed with diabetes who reported being illiterate or have basic education and belong to the Villa Aquiles Serdan community, in Pachuca, Hidalgo. Between July and December 2013, a survey to identify sex, age, educational level, occupation, marital status and disease evolution was conducted. In addition, glycated hemoglobin measurement was requested. Diabetes knowledge was measured with the Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (pre-test and post-test). Descriptive statistics and comparison of means were performed using Student's t-test.ResultsA percentage of 64.7 were women; 41.2% of whom were housewives; regarding level of education, 17.6% were illiterate; the mean age was 52.6±5.8 years (range 39-72). The average time having diabetes was 112.00±59.1 months (range 1-180). A 88.2% had not previously taken a course. A 58.8% did not belong to a mutual-help group; for the rest, the average time within the mutual-help group was 156 months (range 6-156). The intervention showed statistically significant differences in the knowledge level in 70.8% of the items: basic information (P<0.000), on the control (P<0.000) and complications (P<0.000), and the overall level (P<0.000). Regarding the levels of glycated hemoglobin, the mean difference was 1.01mg/dL±1.77mg/dL (P=0.053)ConclusionsThe intervention showed significant changes in the levels of knowledge in respect of basic information, control and complications. As well as in the overall knowledge average. Glycated hemoglobin showed no statistically significant differences. It is important to continue comprehensive educational interventions that include nutritional, psychological, medical, and pharmacological aspects, and have culturally competent strategies

    Assessing population changes of historically overexploited black corals (Order: Antipatharia) in Cozumel, Mexico

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    Black corals (Antipatharians) are crucial structural and ecological components of many mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCEs; reefs 30–150 m depth). In Mexico, black corals are harvested for the jewellery industry, which has historically led to population depletion. Harvesting began in the early 1960s and was concentrated around Cozumel Island until 1995. Since then, harvesting permits have been granted only for the mainland coast. Here we compare Cozumel populations between 1998 and 2016 for the two black coral species targeted by the jewellery industry. We found that densities of Plumapathes pennacea in 2016 were substantially lower than in 1998. However, the 2016 P. pennacea population has shifted to be dominated by larger colonies, suggesting disproportionate juvenile mortality or recruitment failure. Low numbers of Antipathes caribbeana were recorded, and no change in population density or colony size was detected between 1998 and 2016. Despite harvesting occurring for almost 70 years in the Mexican Caribbean, no information on reproduction, recruitment and other dynamics of the targeted species is available. We advocate for harvesting permits to be based on scientific evidence, and for implementation of future restrictions to prevent total depletion of black corals in the area

    Widest geographic distribution of a shallow and mesophotic antipatharian coral (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia): Antipathes grandis VERRILL, 1928 – confirmed by morphometric and molecular analyses

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    We provide the first record of the shallow and mesophotic ( 200 m depth) benthic taxa have such wide geographic distributions

    Clinical characterization of patients with diabetes mellitus from the state register of diabetes in a state of Mexico

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    Introducción: La diabetes mellitus representa un reto para los sistemas de salud debido a la complejidad de la atención, la calidad y el acceso a tratamientos. Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas de los pacientes con diabetes mellitus del registro estatal de diabetes del Estado de Hidalgo en México de los años 2007 a 2012. Material y Métodos: Estudio transversal descriptivo del Registro Estatal de Diabetes (RED) durante 2007 al 2012. Se realizó descripción estadística simple para caracterizar a la población del estudio, proporciones y razones para variables cualitativas y para variables cuantitativas medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión (media, mediana, moda, desviación estándar y varianza). Para el análisis de las variables continuas se hizo la prueba de t de Student. Resultados: Se identificaron 10.198 pacientes del RED, el 66,4% fueron mujeres y el 33,52% hombres. La media de edad fue 52,2 ±12,8 años. Respecto a la glucosa en ayuno, la media fue de 239,1±95,3 mg/dl; la media de glucosa postprandial 293,6±122,7 mg/dl y la de glucosa casual 247,9±102,3 mg/dl. Las actividades del RED incluyeron a 5.795 personas que fueron detectadas en ese momento, lo que corresponde al 56,8%. De las cuales, 11,9% manifestó tener visión borrosa, 48,5% poliuria, 4,7% infecciones, 44,07% polidipsia, 13,19% polifagia, 26,9% pérdida de peso y 35,2% fatiga Al comparar las que estaban en tratamiento con las que ingresaban no encontramos diferencias estadísticas. Mientras que las que se encontraban en tratamiento, quienes mencionaron solo tener dieta fueron el 33,5%, metformina 72,58%, sulfonilureas 62,9%, acarbosa 3,59%, insulina 9,4%, rosiglitazona 0,66%. Discusión: El RED tiene estándares de control glicémico bajo. Se sugiere la elaboración de indicadores internos para que estos les permitan realizar la toma de decisiones desde el interior de la unidad y ofrecer una mejor calidad de atención, el cumplimiento y oportunidad.Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a challenge for health systems due to the complexity of care, and the quality and access to treatment. Objective: To describe the clinical characteristics of patients in the Diabetes Mellitus State Register in the state of Hidalgo in Mexico from 2007 to 2012. Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study of the Diabetes State Register (DSR) between 2007 and 2012. Simple statistics description to characterize the studied population, proportions and reasons for qualitative variables and for quantitative measures of central tendency and continuous and dispersion variables (media, median, mode, deviation, standard and variance) were carried out. The t student test was used for the analysis of continuous variables. Results: 10,198 patients from the Diabetes State Register were identified; 66.4% were women and 33.52% men. The mean age was 52.2±12.8. Regarding fasting glucose, the mean was 239.1±95.3 mg/dl; the post-prandial glucose mean was 293.6±122.7 mg/dl and casual glucose was 247.9±102.3 mg/ dl. The DSR activities included 5,795 people that were detected at that time which correspond to 56.8% from which 11.9% reported having blurred vision, polyuria 48.5%, infections 4.7%, polydipsia 44.07%, polyphagia 13.19%, weight loss 26.9% and fatigue 35.2%. When comparing people under treatment with those admitted, no statistical difference was found While those who were under treatment, who mentioned only having diet were 33.5%, metformin72.58%, sulfonylureas 62.9%, acarbose 3.59%, insulin 9.4%, and rosiglitazone 0.66%. Discussion: The Diabetes State Register has low glycemic control standards. Development of internal indicators is suggested to allow medical staff to make decisions from inside the unit and provide a better quality of care, compliance and opportunity

    Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Motivasi Para Investor Pada Keputusan Pembelian Residensial Properti Di Yogyakarta

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktorlokasi, keuangan, fitur rumah, lingkungan sekitar terhadap motivasi konsumen terhadap pembelian residensial properti di Yogyakarta. Teori yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teori investasi dari Sharpe et al 2006, teori motivasi konsumen dari buku Kotler 2016 dan teori pendukung lainnya. Pada penelitian ini disebarkan sebanyak 150 kuesioner. Penelitian ini menggunakan alat analisis regresi linear berganda dengan program SPSS 19for windows. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan faktorlokasi, keuangan, fitur rumah, lingkungan sekitar berpengaruh positif terhadap motivasi konsumen terhadap pembelian residensial properti di Yogyakarta

    Limited Progress in Improving Gender and Geographic Representation in Coral Reef Science

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    Despite increasing recognition of the need for more diverse and equitable representation in the sciences, it is unclear whether measurable progress has been made. Here, we examine trends in authorship in coral reef science from 1,677 articles published over the past 16 years (2003–2018) and find that while representation of authors that are women (from 18 to 33%) and from non-OECD nations (from 4 to 13%) have increased over time, progress is slow in achieving more equitable representation. For example, at the current rate, it would take over two decades for female representation to reach 50%. Given that there are more coral reef non-OECD countries, at the current rate, truly equitable representation of non-OECD countries would take even longer. OECD nations also continue to dominate authorship contributions in coral reef science (89%), in research conducted in both OECD (63%) and non-OECD nations (68%). We identify systemic issues that remain prevalent in coral reef science (i.e., parachute science, gender bias) that likely contribute to observed trends. We provide recommendations to address systemic biases in research to foster a more inclusive global science community. Adoption of these recommendations will lead to more creative, innovative, and impactful scientific approaches urgently needed for coral reefs and contribute to environmental justice efforts.We acknowledge the contributions of the many unrecognized and undervalued individuals in coral reef research whose efforts have made it possible for the field to progress. These scientists have collected data, translated across languages, coordinated field work, welcomed foreign visitors to their countries, shared ideas, trained and mentored students, become friends, inspired, and built the foundation for the discipline we know today. We acknowledge the work of all coral reef scientists who continue day after day to pursue equity, inclusion, and justice in the field and for their colleagues and themselves.Ye