3,264 research outputs found

    The world at her feet : an exploration of the experiences of cultural distance for professional female footballers : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Social Anthropology at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    This research explores the experiences of five professional female football players from Australia and America who have spent time playing professional football in either South Korea or Japan. Qualitative data was collected from the participants through semi-structured interviews at, or near, the conclusion of their experience. Research participants’ insights were added to by the researcher’s own experiences of playing professional football in Japan. This exploration is an anthropological enquiry into the effect of playing professional sport in a culturally distant environment on a player’s sense of identity and their perceptions of success. Analysis of interviews revealed that success is both personal and subjective, and cannot be judged solely on the traditional empirical measures of success in sport, such as wins and losses, goals scored, or trophies won. A positive sense of personal growth and development was also expressed by all the athletes in the study, demonstrating that the effects of playing and living in a foreign country extend well beyond the playing field. Using Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of habitus alongside ideas drawn from occupational science, sports anthropology, and sociology, the findings show that cultural distance in a professional sporting context can both challenge and empower an individual in ways they often neither predict nor anticipate. This research contributes to an academic field that is relatively small, and demonstrates that sport can be an important domain where wider cultural and societal values are evident. This thesis illustrates the importance of acknowledging how players’ experiences on and off the field influence identity, personal growth, and success as they negotiate cultural distance while playing in foreign environments. The findings in this research can help players, coaches, managers, and sports administrators better understand and consider these effects to implement integration programmes and frameworks for smooth transitions into football, and life, for players from different cultural backgrounds. This research provides a foundation for further research into sports anthropology and professional women’s football, something that is vital as the popularity and participation in this global game continues to increase


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    Franchise as a policy, strategy and form to develop small business scale has been developed in developing country for a long time. The franchise progress already be an alternative capital to develop business with franchise form between franchisor and franchisee. Edam Burger is one of local franchise that already success in widing their business network untill more than 2000 counters all around Indonesia. In making a decision to buy a franchise, so many factors have influenced it. It also happened to businessman in making their business decision to buy Edam Burger franchise in Semarang. The franchise business decision has influenced by product, training and franchise system in Edam Burger franchise. Based on a good product, training and franchise system, it makes the franchise business decision in Edam Burger Semarang can be strong. This research want to analyse how is the product, training and franchise system in Edam Burger Semarang and its influence to business decision for the businessman who want to buy Edam Burger franchise. And also to know what is the most dominant factor that influence business decision in Edam Burger Semarang. The research type that uses in this study is explanatory research that explain the relarion between some variables. This research using sensus to decide sample. On the other side, to collect data researcher using questionnaire, interview and references. The result by using SPSS program shows Y = 3,256 + 0,072 X1 + 0,118 X2 + 0,127 X3 and there is significant and positive influence between product, training and franchise system and simultaneously business decision. Based on this research, it shows that the strong business decision in Edam Burger is caused by good product, training and franchise system. The most dominant factor that influencing business decision in Edam Burger Semarang is franchise system factor. So that, Edam Burger Semarang should keep the good product, training, especially for the franchise system. Besides, Edam Burger Semarang should keep the strong businessman decision in order to make Edam Burger as a right business to be invested

    CloSpan Sequential Pattern Mining for Books Recommendation System in Petra Christian University Library

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    Petra Christian University (PCU) Library has been using website for their books search system. To further improve the service, it is necessary to develop the automatic system which can recommends the book or the correlation or the book which often being lend at the same time or sequentially by prospective borrowers. The algorithm used to explore the lending sequential patterns is CloSpan Sequential Mining algorithm. The output generated by this application is closed sequential pattern rules and the tree of sequential patterns. They can be used as a reference to establish a list of recommended related books. From the test results it can be concluded that the more data and smaller minimum support, the longer the process takes, and the more patterns that is produced. From the questionnaire outcome that are distributed to employees and users of the library can be concluded that the system can create right recommendations and useful


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    This study is aimed to find the accurate and scientific answer about whether or not there is influence between compensation and motivation on the employee work satisfaction at PT Pelopor Avonturir Campindo. This study focus on work satisfaction at PT Pelopor Avonturir Campindo, the population and sample is 33 people of employees at PT. Pelopor Avonturir Campindo. This study was conducted in June to July 2013 . This study used a correlation approach and a nomina method is used to take population as a sample. To get data from all variables, researcher using Likert scale. Test requirements analysis in this study is to test the normality and homogeneity tests. Normality test is done with Liliefors that produces 1). variable Y normality test results obtained by the largest count 0,133 L, Ltable for n= 33 with a significance level of 0,05 is 1,150. 2). variable X1 normality test results obtained by the largest count 0,095 L, Ltable for n= 33 with a significance level of 0,05 is 1,200. 3). variable X2 normality test results obtained by the largest count 0,087 L, Ltable for n= 33 with a significance level of 0,05 is 1,200 Lcount < Ltable thus concluded the data were normally distributed.Homogeinity testing is done by using Bartett test, calculation results obtained in table X²count 3,958 < X2table = 5,99, so H0 received a significant level of α = 0,05. Thus it can be concluded that all three variables have homogeneous variance.Based on analysis of all variables obtained multiple regression equation as follows Y= -18,098 B + 0,795 X1 + 0,785 X2 + 19,595. The next test of the results obtained F, Fcount of 25,027 with a probability level of 0,000 (significant). The coefficient determination in this study was Adjusted R is 0,600 (60%). This shows that the independent variable is able to explain the dependent variable by 60% while the remaining other variable described. Keywords: Compensation, Motivation and Work Satisfaction

    Solar Storm Type Classification Using Probabilistic Neural Network compared with the Self-Organizing Map

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    One of the task of the LAPAN is making observation and forecasting of solar storms disturbance. This disturbances can affect the earths electromagnetic field that disrupt the electronic and navigational equipment on earth. LAPAN wanted a computer application that can automatically classify the type of solar storms, which became part of early warning systems to be created. The classification of the digital images of solar storm / sunspot is based on Modified - Zurich Sunspot Classification System. Classification method that we use here is the Probabilistic Neural Networks. The result of testing is promising because it has an accuracy of 94 for testing data. The accuracy is better than the accuracy of similar applications weve built with a combination of methods Self-Organizing Map and K-Nearest Neighbor


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    Freshwater fish cultivating business is one piece of the many types of business that open entryways with exceptionally enormous benefits where, this improvement is a method for raising and duplicate fish, and afterward the outcomes are gathered and sold or drank. The motivation behind this examination is to plan an electronic master framework in diagnosing catfish illness and the advantages of this exploration can add knowledge to the local area, particularly catfish ranchers, about how to develop catfish appropriately and accurately. This fish likewise catfish is a fish with various degrees of purpose, the review expressed that this fish is a side dish with the primary degree of purpose when contrasted with different sorts of side dishes. The strategy utilized in this examination is forward directing, which is a procedure to find or make ends in light of existing data or realities which then, at that point, prompts an end, then, at that point, attempted individually in an extraordinary condition. The aftereffect of this examination is to analyze sickness in catfish in light of the site utilizing HTML and PHP programming dialects. However, the plan utilized in this study has restrictions on issue ID, issue detailing, research targets for dissecting the information required, and delivering a specialist framework for diagnosing catfish illness in light of a site and ideally valuable for clients, specifically cultivators and conventional individuals


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    1VOL. 2, No. 1 (2020) INDONESIA ©Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Universitas Muhammadiyah KupangISSN 2656-1980LINGKO PBSIJurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra IndonesiaUniversitas Muhammadiyah KupangSOLUSI KREATIF PEMERTAHANAN BAHASA MANGGARAI DI PULAU MULES DALAM MENGHADAPI WACANA MEAGregorius [email protected] Pengajar Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia UNIKA Indonesia Santu Paulus Ruteng AbstrakPenelitian ini mengkaji tentang solusi kreatif pemertahahan bahasa Manggarai di pulau Mules dari sudut pandang sosiolinguistik. Hal ini didasari pada kecemasan awal bahwa pada era postmodern ini dan dalam periode menyongsong wacana Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA), pemakaian bahasa di Manggarai di pulau Mules tidak lagi bersifat monolingual, tetapi bertendensi multilingual. Lokasi penelitian ini adalah pulau Mules yang terletak di bagian selatan Kabupaten Manggarai. NTT. Pulau Mules hanya didiami oleh tiga kampung, yaitu kampung Konggang, kampung Peji, dan Kampung Labuan Ntaur, tetapi penutur bahasa yang berada di Mules sangat beragam. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data adalah instrumen panduan menyimak, panduan wawancara, eknik rekam, dan teknik catat. Uji keabsahan data dilakukan dengan teknik triangulasi. Interpretasi dan penyajian data dalam penelitian ini dalam bentuk paparan deskriptif yang disajikan secara informal.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa untuk mempertahankan eksistensi sebuah bahasa diperlukan perencanaan yang matang berupa kebijakan, baik secara konseptual maupun politis misalnya menggunakan bahasa Manggarai dalam berbagai kesempatan dan ranah, menghidupkan pemakaian bahasa Manggarai di media massa, dan memperjuangkan bahasa Manggarai menjadi bahasa resmi kedua setelah bahasa nasional. Selain itu, masyarakat tutur Pulau Mules harus berani menciptakan heuristikaketakutanakan realita bahwa bahasa Manggarai digeser eksistensinya oleh kehadiran bahasa lain. Rasa takut akankehilangan bahasa Manggarai inilah yang akan menjadi cambuk bagi masyarakat Pulau Mules untuk mempertahankan keberadaan bahasa Manggarai

    Optimizing UAV Navigation: A Particle Swarm Optimization Approach for Path Planning in 3D Environments

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    This study explores the application of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) path planning within a simulated three-dimensional environment. UAVs, increasingly prevalent across various sectors, demand efficient navigation solutions that account for dynamic and unpredictable elements. Traditional pathfinding algorithms often fall short in complex scenarios, hence the shift towards PSO, a bio-inspired algorithm recognized for its adaptability and robustness. We developed a Python-based framework to simulate the UAV path planning scenario. The PSO algorithm was tasked to navigate a UAV from a starting point to a predetermined destination while avoiding spherical obstacles. The environment was set within a 3D grid with a series of waypoints, marking the UAV's trajectory, generated by the PSO to ensure obstacle avoidance and path optimization. The PSO parameters were meticulously tuned to balance the exploration and exploitation of the search space, with an emphasis on computational efficiency. A cost function penalizing proximity to obstacles guided the PSO in real-time decision-making, resulting in a collision-free and optimized path. The UAV's trajectory was visualized in both 2D and 3D perspectives, with the analysis focusing on the path's smoothness, length, and adherence to spatial constraints. The results affirm the PSO's effectiveness in UAV path planning, successfully avoiding obstacles and minimizing path length. The findings highlight PSO's potential for practical UAV applications, emphasizing the importance of parameter optimization. This research contributes to the advancement of autonomous UAV navigation, indicating PSO as a viable solution for real-world path planning challenges

    The War, Postwar and Postmodern British Poets: Themes and Styles

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    British literature, especially poetry has experienced different phases and showed the unique faces from the early periods to what called modernity era. The multi-facetted poetry is inflected by the dynamic atmospheres faced by Britain as results of the responses of poetic artists to the ups and downs of British history, especially the industrial changes and the brutality of World War I and II. Poets responded the political, social and cultural waves with their own unique styles and moods. The traumatic Wars and their casualties were not the sole themes during the war or post war era poetry, some poets reacted the issues of their own ways. This paper will discuss the reaction of some British poets to the wars. The discussion sections will be parted into the general responses, and also the analysis of two post war poets namely Adrian Henry and James Berry to represent their era of 1960 and 1980. This study reveals some findings that the poets experienced WWI and WWII responded the wars in such dramatic and gloomy ways as they are closely affected by the effects of 1915-1945 wars. Adrian Henry lived in the era post-modern, 1960s, the effect should have recovered. His poetic style speaks itself. James Berry, a Black immigrant poet, voices his root, past experiences and hope for a new life. Despite the style and theme, they all flourish British poetry with their own uniqueness.Keywords: British poetry, postwar, postmodern, Adrian Henri, James Berr

    Enhancing UAV Navigation in Dynamic Environments: A Detailed Integration of Fick's Law Algorithm for Optimal Pathfinding in Complex Terrains

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    In the realm of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), efficient navigation in complex environments is crucial, necessitating advanced pathfinding algorithms. This study introduces the Fick's Law Algorithm (FLA) for UAV path optimization, drawing inspiration from the principles of molecular diffusion, and positions it in the context of existing algorithms such as A* and Dijkstra's. Through a comparative analysis, we highlight FLA's unique approach and advantages in terms of computational efficiency and adaptability to dynamic obstacles. Our experiment, conducted in a simulated three-dimensional space with static and dynamic obstacles, involves an extensive quantitative analysis. FLA's performance is quantified through metrics like path length reduction, computation time, and obstacle avoidance efficacy, demonstrating a marked improvement over traditional methods. The technical foundation of FLA is detailed, emphasizing its iterative adaptation based on a cost function that accounts for path length and obstacle avoidance. The algorithm's rapid convergence towards an optimal solution is evidenced by a significant decrease in the cost function, supported by data from our convergence graph. Visualizations in both 2D and 3D effectively illustrate the UAV’s trajectory, highlighting FLA's efficiency in real-time path correction and obstacle negotiation. Furthermore, we discuss FLA's practical implications, outlining its adaptability in various real-world UAV applications, while also acknowledging its limitations and potential challenges. This exploration extends FLA's relevance beyond theoretical contexts, suggesting its efficacy in real-world scenarios. Looking ahead, future work will not only focus on enhancing FLA's computational efficiency but also on developing specific methodologies for real-world testing. These include adaptive scaling for different UAV models and environments, as well as integration with UAV hardware systems. Our study establishes FLA as a potent tool for autonomous UAV navigation, offering significant contributions to the field of dynamic path optimization
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