75 research outputs found

    Pro-inflammatory cytokines and structural biomarkers are effective to categorize osteoarthritis phenotype and progression in Standardbred racehorses over five years of racing career

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    BACKGROUND: Joint impact injuries initiate a progressive articular damage finally leading to post-traumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA). Racehorses represent an ideal, naturally available, animal model of the disease. Standardbred racehorses developing traumatic osteoarthritis of the fetlock joint during the first year of their career were enrolled in our study. Age-matched controls were contemporarily included. Biomarker levels of equine osteoarthritis were measured in serum and synovial fluid (SF) at baseline, and repeated yearly over the next 4 years of training (from T1 to T4). The effect of time and disease on the biomarker concentrations were analysed, and their relationship with clinical and radiographic parameters were assessed. We hypothesized that the kinetics of pro-inflammatory cytokines and structural biomarkers of joint disease would demonstrate progression of degenerative joint status during post-traumatic osteoarthritis and clarify the effect of early joint trauma. RESULTS: The concentrations of IL1-ß, IL-6, TNF-α in the SF of PTOA group peaked at T0, decreased at T1, and then progressively increased with time, reaching levels higher than those observed at baseline starting from T3. CTXII and COMP levels were similar in PTOA and control horses at baseline, and increased in serum and synovial fluid of PTOA horses starting from T2 (serum and synovial CTXII, and serum COMP) or T3 (synovial COMP). The percentual change of TNF-α in the SF of the affected joints independently contributed to explaining the radiological changes at T3 vs T2 and T4 vs T3. CONCLUSIONS: Temporal changes of selected biomarkers in STBRs with an acute episode of traumatic fetlock OA demonstrated that long-term increased concentrations of inflammatory cytokines, type II collagen fragments and COMP, in the SF and serum, are related to PTOA. Based on the observed decrease in inflammatory merkers at T1, we hypothesize that the progression of PTOA could be effectively modulated by proper treatment strategies. Annual variations of synovial concentration of TNF-α can reliably predict radiographic progression of PTOA

    Adolescent adaptive behavior profiles in Williams–Beuren syndrome, Down syndrome, and autism spectrum disorder

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    Background Adaptive behavior can be impaired in different neurodevelopmental disorders and may be influenced by confounding factors, such as intelligence quotient (IQ) and socioeconomic classification. Our main objective was to verify whether adaptive behavior profiles differ in three conditions—Williams Beuren syndrome (WBS), Down syndrome (DS), and autism spectrum disorder (ASD), as compared with healthy controls (HC) and with each other. Although the literature points towards each disorder having a characteristic profile, no study has compared profiles to establish the specificity of each one. A secondary objective was to explore potential interactions between the conditions and socioeconomic status, and whether this had any effect on adaptive behavior profiles. Methods One hundred and five adolescents were included in the study. All adolescents underwent the following evaluations: the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale (VABS), the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), and the Brazilian Economic Classification Criteria. Results Our results demonstrated that the WBS group performed better than the DS group in the communication domain, β = −15.08, t(3.45), p = .005, and better than the ASD group in the socialization domain, β = 8.92, t(−2.08), p = .013. The DS group also performed better than the ASD group in socialization, β = 16.98, t(−2.32), p = .024. IQ was an important confounding factor, and socioeconomic status had an important effect on the adaptive behavior of all groups. Conclusions There is a heterogeneity regarding adaptive behavior profiles in WBS, DS, and ASD. These data are important to better design specific strategies related to the health and social care of each particular group

    Elderly patient: which vascular access? Choice and management of vascular access in the elderly patient:

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    The optimal vascular access for elderly patients remains a challenge due to the difficult balance between risks and benefits in a population with increased comorbidity and decreased survival. Long dependence to central vein catheter, patient comorbidities, life expectancy, and complication rates are important influencing the indications for arteriovenous fistula or an arteriovenous graft. Although central vein catheters are simpler way to start a hemodialysis treatment, elderly patients are also at higher risk of death from infection or other complications associated with them more than for younger patients. The discussion revolves around the following key questions: What are the limiting factors for a vascular access in the elderly patients? Central venous catheter—is it still an option for elderly patients? Is still the autologous arteriovenous fistula playing a pivotal role as hemodialysis access in the elderly patients? Are there any real surgical contraindication to perform a vascular access in elderly patients? Is the old age a limiting factor for the vascular access management

    Evaluation of the influence of clinical symptoms on the quality of life in individuals with Williams-Beuren Syndrome

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    Introduction: Williams-Beuren Syndrome (WBS) results from a deletion in the chromosome 7q11.23. Psychiatric symptoms, such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and others, have been described in this syndrome. Objective: The main purpose of this study was to identify related clinical symptoms in individuals with WBS and the impact of this disorder in their quality of life. Method: The study sample included 42 individuals aged 11 to 16 years divided into two groups: a study group composed of 20 individuals with WBS and a control group comprising 22 individuals with typical development. The following instruments were used in this evaluation: Brazilian Criterion of Economic Classification (CCEB), to estimate the purchasing power of urban householdsStrengths & Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), to provide a useful measure of psychopathology applied to children and youth aged 4-17 yearsand Quality of Life Evaluation Scale (AUQEI), to assess the feeling of well-being according to the opinion of the child and adolescent. Results: The results suggest that adolescents with WBS have a good quality of life despite presenting greater possibilities of psychiatric symptoms. These results are valid considering that quality of life is measured from the opinion of the assessed individual. Conclusion: We hypothesized that adolescents with WBS can present a distortion of reality regarding the positive/optimistic factor, possibly based on some characteristics of the syndrome such as being always cheerful and smiling, which are factors associated with intellectual disability.Introdução: A Síndrome de Williams-Beuren (SWB) é resultado da deleção do cromossomo 7q11.23. A presença de transtornos psiquiátricos, tais como Transtorno de Ansiedade Generalizada, Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade, entre outros, já foram descritos nesta síndrome. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar possíveis sintomas clínicos nos indivíduos com SWB e as possíveis consequências na qualidade de vida. Método: O grupo amostral com SWB constituiu-se por 20 indivíduos com idade entre 11 e 16 anos e 22 indivíduos com desenvolvimento típico (DT). Os instrumentos utilizados foram: Critério de Classificação Econômica Brasil para estimar o poder de compra das famílias urbanas; o Questionário de Capacidades e Dificuldades (SDQ), que possibilita uma medida útil em psicopatologia aplicada a crianças e jovens com 4 a 17 anos de idade; e o Questionário de Avaliação de Qualidade de Vida em Crianças e Adolescentes (AUQEI), que tem como objetivo avaliar a sensação de bem-estar mediante a opinião da própria criança e adolescente. Resultados: Os resultados sugerem que os adolescentes com SWB possuem uma boa qualidade de vida, apesar de apresentarem maiores possibilidades de sintomas psiquiátricos. Estes resultados são válidos, já que a qualidade de vida é mensurada a partir da subjetividade do indivíduo avaliado. Conclusão: Chega-se à hipótese de que os adolescentes com SWB podem apresentar uma distorção da realidade para o fator positivo/otimista, possivelmente baseada em algumas características da própria síndrome, tais como: são sempre alegres e sorridentes, fatores associados à deficiência intelectual.FAPESPUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Psiquiatria, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Saude Educ & Soc, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Psiquiatria, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Saude Educ & Soc, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilFAPESP: 2011/19421-0Web of Scienc

    Evaluating the feeding preferences of West Nile virus mosquito vectors using bird-baited traps

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    Background: The total contact rates (TCRs) between mosquito vectors and their potential hosts have a serious impact on disease transmission dynamics. Culex pipiens (sensu stricto) (s.s.) is considered the main vector of the West Nile Virus (WNV) in Europe and birds are the reservoir hosts. The results of our previous study showed that WNV seroreactors are significantly more prevalent among raptors compared to a range of other wild avian groups. The current study aims to assess the role of bird type (raptor vs others) and bird size on mosquito feeding preferences in a free-choice experiment using bird-baited traps. Methods: From July to September 2014, a battery of six bird-baited traps was operated in twelve mosquito capture sessions. Eight bird species, belonging to five different orders, including raptors, were used. After each session, the trapped mosquitoes were collected and identified using standard keys. Two sets of independent generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) were used to assess mosquito vector feeding preferences (MFp) among different bird species and types. Results: A total of 304 mosquitoes belonging to seven taxa were collected, C. pipiens being by far the most abundant (84.2 % of the total mosquito catch). Most C. pipiens were engorged (83.59 %). The selected model showed that 25.6 % of the observed variability of MFp is explained by the interaction between bird size and bird type, with C. pipiens preferring to feed on large birds, especially raptors. The proportion of engorged mosquitoes was 1.9-fold higher in large (22.88 %; range 0-42 %) than in medium-sized raptors (11.71 %; range 0-33 %), and was nearly the same in medium-sized (9.08 %; range 0-26 %) and large (8.5 %; 6-24 %) non-raptor species. Conclusion: Culex pipiens showed an obvious preference for large raptors, which concurs with the higher seroprevalence to WNV in our previous study. The appreciable feeding by C. pipiens on large raptors makes them useful alternative sentinels to poultry for WNV surveillance. Thus, wildlife parks and rehabilitation centers can contribute to surveillance efforts to a greater extent

    Guidelines on the diagnosis, treatment and management of visceral and renal arteries aneurysms: a joint assessment by the Italian Societies of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (SICVE) and Medical and Interventional Radiology (SIRM)

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    : The objective of these Guidelines is to provide recommendations for the classification, indication, treatment and management of patients suffering from aneurysmal pathology of the visceral and renal arteries. The methodology applied was the GRADE-SIGN version, and followed the instructions of the AGREE quality of reporting checklist. Clinical questions, structured according to the PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparator, Outcome) model, were formulated, and systematic literature reviews were carried out according to them. Selected articles were evaluated through specific methodological checklists. Considered Judgments were compiled for each clinical question in which the characteristics of the body of available evidence were evaluated in order to establish recommendations. Overall, 79 clinical practice recommendations were proposed. Indications for treatment and therapeutic options were discussed for each arterial district, as well as follow-up and medical management, in both candidate patients for conservative therapy and patients who underwent treatment. The recommendations provided by these guidelines simplify and improve decision-making processes and diagnostic-therapeutic pathways of patients with visceral and renal arteries aneurysms. Their widespread use is recommended

    Spatial and seasonal variation of microphytoplankton community and the correlation with environmental parameters in a hypereutrophic tropical estuary - Maranhão - Brazil

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    O estuário do rio Bacanga apresenta um comportamento hidrodinâmico com fluxo de marés limitado por uma barragem. Ele é considerado como um ambiente hipereutrófico que recebe diariamente altas cargas de esgoto doméstico sem tratamento. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a variação espaço-sazonal da comunidade fitoplanctônica e suas relações com parâmetros ambientais. Amostragens bimestrais foram realizadas em seis pontos fixos entre 2012 e 2013, obtendo valores dos parâmetros físico-químicos e biológicos (clorofila a, composição e abundância do fitoplâncton) para realização das análises estatísticas. Os resultados indicam que a comunidade fitoplanctônica é representada por diatomáceas, sendo Skeletonema costatum a espécie dominante responsável por pulsos de florações em abril e junho de 2012. O predomínio dessa espécie está relacionado aos elevados teores de silicato, pH e turbidez da água. Outros eventos de florações como da Euglena gracilis e Chlamydomonas sp. foram registrados em fevereiro de 2013, quando os teores de fósforo total estiveram elevados e as taxas de oxigênio dissolvido foram superiores. Os dinoflagelados, cianobactérias e a diatomácea Thallassiosira sp. apresentaram ampla distribuição no período de estiagem e estão altamente correlacionados com a salinidade, transparência da água e nutrientes. Desta forma, a distribuição da comunidade fitoplanctônica é mais definida sazonalmente que espacialmenteThe Bacanga River Estuary has a hydrodynamic behavior and its tidal flow is limited by a dam. It is considered as a hypertrophic environment that receives daily high loads of domestic sewage without treatment. This study aimed to evaluate the spatial and temporal variation of phytoplankton community and its relationship with environmental parameters. Bi-monthly sampling campaigns were carried out at six fixed sites between 2012 and 2013. Physical-chemical and biological parameters were collected (chlorophyll a, phytoplankton composition and abundance) to perform the statistical correlations. The results indicate that phytoplankton community is mostly represented by diatoms, with Skeletonema costatum being the dominant species responsible for bloom in April and June of 2012. The dominance of this species is related to the high silicate concentrations, pH and turbidity. Other blooms events as well as the Euglena gracilis and Chlamydomonas sp. were recorded in February 2013, when the total phosphorus concentrations were high and the dissolved oxygen concentrations were higher. Dinoflagellates, cyanobacteria and diatom Thallassiosira sp. were widely distributed in the dry period and highly correlated with salinity, water transparency and nutrients. Hence, the distribution of phytoplankton community is more defined seasonally, rather than spatially
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