77 research outputs found

    A Life Cycle Analysis of Land Use in US Pork Production

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    The goal of this study was to analyze land use in the production of US pork using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). LCA is a comprehensive methodology for quantitatively analyzing potential environmental impacts associated with complex systems. Identification of processes contributing to high environmental impacts often highlights opportunities for gains in efficiency, which can increase the profitability and sustainability of US pork. The environmental impact category analyzed in this assessment was land use. After reviewing existing information regarding land use in agriculture and livestock production, analysis for US pork production was performed at two scales: cradle-to-grave and cradle-to-farm gate. The cradle-to-grave analysis provided a scan-level overview of land use associated with the production and consumption of lean pork at an aggregated national level. The cradle-to-farm gate analysis provided a more granular assessment of the land use required for live swine production, and evaluated the use of alternate ration formulation as a tool for reducing environmental impacts. [Excerpt from report]

    Sustainability Assessment of U.S. Beef Production Systems

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    With increasing public concern and awareness of agricultural sustainability issues, comprehensive methodologies such as life cycle assessment are required to benchmark the beef industry and identify areas of opportunity for continuous improvement. To that end, the Beef Checkoff completed a retrospective sustainability assessment benchmark in 2013 by using Eco-efficiency analysis to compare the years 2005 and 2011. At the time of the analysis, the methodology used was the most up-to-date and comprehensive – indeed the analysis remains one of the only complete cradle-to-grave assessments of the U.S. beef industry. In 2015, a further refined version of the Eco-efficiency analysis was completed to incorporate new primary data sources from the beef value chain for the years 2011-2013. As the young and dynamic field of sustainability science continues to evolve, there is a need to adapt and update the methodologies used in life cycle and broader sustainability assessments of the beef industry. Consequently, this project updated and expanded the original Eco-efficiency analysis to the SimaPro™ computational platform. The move to the SimaPro™ platform will allow for direct linkages with the Integrated Farm Systems Model (USDA-ARS), which is the simulation model that has been used to generate life cycle inventories from the feed production, cow-calf, and backgrounding/feedlot segments of the beef industry. Additionally, the SimaPro™ platform will allow for even more transparent reporting of our inventories and results to the broader life cycle assessment, sustainability science, and beef communities, which is key to advancing the field and benchmarking beef’s sustainability. Finally, this project further expanded the economic sustainability evaluation of U.S. beef industry to include the direct, indirect, and induced economic activity and value that is generated from beef production. [Excerpt from report]

    A Retrospective Assessment of US Pork Productions: 1960 to 2015

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    The primary goal of this study is to assess the carbon, energy, water and land footprints per kg (2.2 pounds) of live weight (LW) pork produced at five-year increments between 1960 and 2015. This assessment utilizes the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology, which is a technique to assess the potential environmental impacts associated with a product system by compiling an inventory of relevant energy and material flows, evaluating the associated burdens, and interpreting the results to assist in making more informed decisions and to provide an understanding of the drivers of change over the past 55 years. This LCA is “cradle-to-farm gate” e.g. covering the material and energy flows associated with the full supply chain beginning with extraction of raw materials through the production of live, market-weight swine, inclusive of culled sows, at the farm gate. On average, production-weighted metrics declined across all four categories over the assessment period. The largest decrease was seen in land use (75.9 percent), followed by water use (25.1 percent), then global warming potential (7.7 percent), and finally energy use (7.0 percent). [Excerpt from report]

    Projected surface water for fruit and vegetable irrigation under a changing climate in the US

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    Increasing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, resulting in climate impacts, are raising concerns over the hydrologic cycle and its effects upon agricultural productivity. If rainfall patterns change, meeting an increased demand for fruits and vegetables will pose a challenge for domestic production regions in the United States (U.S.). Information on potential water supply scarcity in the current production regions provides decision makers with critical information for risk mitigation for future production. We used a hydrologic balance-based model of historic and future water availability to evaluate risk of available irrigation water to support major fruit and vegetable production the US. The purpose of this work was to develop and demonstrate a method for assessing the risk of irrigation water availability to climate change

    The environmental analysis of asiago PDO cheese: a case study from farm gate-to-plant gate

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    A farm gate-to-plant gate life cycle assessment was performed to estimate the environmental impact of Asiago Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) cheese, the fourth most produced Italian PDO cheese. One manufacturing plant were surveyed for primary data. Emphasis was given to manufacturing processes, wherein environmental hotspots were identified. However the farm phase was discussed in order to obtain a clear prospect of Asiago cheese production. Inputs and outputs at the plant, such as cheese ingredients, fuels, electricity, water, cleaning agents, packaging, waste, and associated transport were included. Asiago cheese was the main product and co-products were other cheeses and liquid whey. Raw milk, other materials and energy flows were allocated using economic allocation strategy, while salt was attributed using plant specific information. Scenario analysis was about allocation strategies and time of cheese aging. SimaPro© 8.1.1 was the modelling software. Ecoinvent® v3.1 database was used for upstream processes. Climate change and energy consumption per kg of Asiago cheese was 10.1 kg CO2-eq and 70.2 MJ, respectively. Uncertainty analysis gave 95% confidence interval of 6.2–17.5 kg CO2-eq and 41.8–115 MJ per kg of Asiago cheese. The main impact driver was raw milk production. At the plant, electricity and fuels usage, refrigerants, packaging and wastewater treatment had the highest contribution to the overall impacts, except for fresh water eutrophication where wastewater treatment had the largest impact. Energy and fuel consumption were the crucial "hot spots" to focus on for efficiency and mitigation procedures at plant

    Integration of Water Resource Models with Fayetteville Shale Decision Support and Information System

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    Significant issues can arise with the timing, location, and volume of surface water withdrawals associated with hydraulic fracturing of gas shale reservoirs as impacted watersheds may be sensitive, especially in drought years, during low flow periods, or during periods of the year when activities such as irrigation place additional demands on the surface supply of water. Significant energy production and associated water withdrawals may have a cumulative impact to watersheds over the short-term. Hence, hydraulic fracturing based on water withdrawal could potentially create shifts in the timing and magnitude of low or high flow events or change the magnitude of river flow at daily, monthly, seasonal, or yearly time scales. These changes in flow regimes can result in dramatically altered river systems. Currently little is known about the impact of fracturing on stream flow behavior. Within this context the objective of this study is to assess the impact of the hydraulic fracturing on the water balance of the Fayetteville Shale play area and examine the potential impacts of hydraulic fracturing on river flow regime at subbasin scale. This project addressed that need with four unique but integrated research and development efforts: 1) Evaluate the predictive reliability of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model based at a variety of scales (Task/Section 3.5). The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was used to simulate the across-scale water balance and the respective impact of hydraulic fracturing. A second hypothetical scenario was designed to assess the current and future impacts of water withdrawals for hydraulic fracturing on the flow regime and on the environmental flow components (EFCs) of the river. The shifting of these components, which present critical elements to water supply and water quality, could influence the ecological dynamics of river systems. For this purpose, we combined the use of SWAT model and Richter et al.’s (1996) methodology to assess the shifting and alteration of the flow regime within the river and streams of the study area. 2) Evaluate the effect of measurable land use changes related to gas development (well-pad placement, access road completion, etc.) on surface water flow in the region (Task/Section 3.7). Results showed that since the upsurge in shale-gas related activities in the Fayetteville Shale Play (between 2006 and 2010), shale-gas related infrastructure in the region have increase by 78%. This change in land-cover in comparison with other land-cover classes such as forest, urban, pasture, agricultural and water indicates the highest rate of change in any land-cover category for the study period. A Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) flow model of the Little Red River watershed simulated from 2000 to 2009 showed a 10% increase in storm water runoff. A forecast scenario based on the assumption that 2010 land-cover does not see any significant change over the forecast period (2010 to 2020) also showed a 10% increase in storm water runoff. Further analyses showed that this change in the stream-flow regime for the forecast period is attributable to the increase in land-cover as introduced by the shale-gas infrastructure. 3) Upgrade the Fayetteville Shale Information System to include information on watershed status. (Tasks/Sections 2.1 and 2.2). This development occurred early in the project period, and technological improvements in web-map API’s have made it possible to further improve the map. The current sites (http://lingo.cast.uark.edu) is available but is currently being upgraded to a more modern interface and robust mapping engine using funds outside this project. 4) Incorporate the methodologies developed in Tasks/Sections 3.5 and 3.7 into a Spatial Decision Support System for use by regulatory agencies and producers in the play. The resulting system is available at http://fayshale.cast.uark.edu and is under review the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission

    What does Life-Cycle Assessment of agricultural products need for more meaningful inclusion of biodiversity?

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    peer-reviewedDecision‐makers increasingly use life‐cycle assessment (LCA) as a tool to measure the environmental sustainability of products. LCA is of particular importance in globalized agricultural supply chains, which have environmental effects in multiple and spatially dispersed locations. Incorporation of impacts on biodiversity that arise from agricultural production systems into environmental assessment methods is an emerging area of work in LCA, and current approaches have limitations, including the need for (i) improved assessment of impacts to biodiversity associated with agricultural production, (ii) inclusion of new biodiversity indicators (e.g. conservation value, functional diversity, ecosystem services) and (iii) inclusion of previously unaccounted modelling variables that go beyond land‐use impacts (e.g. climate change, water and soil quality). Synthesis and applications. Ecological models and understanding can contribute to address the limitations of current life‐cycle assessment (LCA) methods in agricultural production systems and to make them more ecologically relevant. This will be necessary to ensure that biodiversity is not neglected in decision‐making that relies on LCA

    The value of manure - Manure as co-product in life cycle assessment

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    Research ArticleLivestock production is important for food security, nutrition, and landscape maintenance, but it is associated with several environmental impacts. To assess the risk and benefits arising from livestock production, transparent and robust indicators are required, such as those offered by life cycle assessment. A central question in such approaches is how environmental burden is allocated to livestock products and to manure that is re-used for agricultural production. To incentivize sustainable use of manure, it should be considered as a co-product as long as it is not disposed of, or wasted, or applied in excess of crop nutrient needs, in which case it should be treated as a waste. This paper proposes a theoretical approach to define nutrient requirements based on nutrient response curves to economic and physical optima and a pragmatic approach based on crop nutrient yield adjusted for nutrient losses to atmosphere and water. Allocation of environmental burden to manure and other livestock products is then based on the nutrient value from manure for crop production using the price of fertilizer nutrients. We illustrate and discuss the proposed method with two case studiesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio