29 research outputs found

    Haustório, haustor, apressório, extensor:: glossário ilustrado sobre plantas parasitas e problemática das homologias das estruturas de conexão parasita-hospedeira

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    The parasitic life form in plants is associated with the formation of an organ generically called haustorium, which is responsible for the connection between parasite and host. The great diversity of parasitic species - about 1% of living angiosperms - added to the diversity of potential hosts results in a multiplicity of structures, tissues and cell types peculiar to these interactions. However, it is frequent to observe that all this morpho-anatomical variety is approached under the use of few common terms and even with synonyms, but also with ambiguous terminology use and dubious or ontogenetically unproven homology. The use of publications originally written in other languages than Portuguese (i.e. English, mainly, Spanish, French, Italian, German), often being literally translated, dealing with false cognates and other linguistics influences have also caused some confusion. In order to promote a clearer and more precise use of terminology, in addition to performing a historical retrieval of original meanings, a compilation and restructuring of terms was carried out in the way they have been approached, in order to promote a better understanding of the nomenclature used. In addition, anatomical and ontogenetic studies have been carried out and compiled from the literature, then re-analyzed under a phylogenetic perspective. Based on our results and reflections, we present an illustrated and referenced glossary, with which we suggest a standardization of more adequate terms in the description of the parasite-host interface of several families in Portuguese language.A forma de vida parasitária em plantas está associada à formação de um órgão que pode ser genericamente denominado haustório, responsável pela conexão entre parasita e hospedeira. A grande diversidade de espécies parasitas - cerca de 1% das angiospermas viventes - somada à diversidade de potenciais hospedeiras, resulta numa multiplicidade de estruturas, tecidos e tipos celulares peculiares dessas interações. Entretanto, é frequente a observação de que toda esta variedade morfoanatômica seja abordada com o uso de poucos termos comuns e, até mesmo, com sinônimos, mas também com uso ambíguo e em estruturas de homologia dúbia ou não comprovada ontogeneticamente. O uso de publicações originalmente em outras línguas que o português (i.e. inglês, principalmente; espanhol; francês; italiano; alemão), com traduções literais, falsos cognatos e outras influências da linguística também promoveram confusões. De modo a promover uma utilização mais clara e precisa, além de realizar um resgate histórico das acepções originais dos termos, foi realizada uma compilação e reestruturação de termos do modo como vêm sendo abordados, de forma a promover um melhor entendimento da nomenclatura utilizada. Adicionalmente, estudos anatômicos e ontogenéticos têm sido realizados e confrontados com a literatura, e então resignificados sob uma perspectiva filogenética. Com base em nossos resultados e reflexões, apresentamos um glossário ilustrado e referenciado, com o qual sugerimos uma padronização de termos mais adequados na descrição da interface parasita-hospedeira de diversas famílias em língua portuguesa


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    Este trabalho trata da caracterização anatômica macroscópica das principais madeiras utilizadas para laminação na região de Curitiba-PR. Foram coletadas 72 amostras de lâminas faqueadas e torneadas, sendo avaliadas as características observadas a olho nu ou com lupa conta-fios com aumento de 10x. Foram descritas 25 espécies, e as que apresentaram maior dificuldade de diferenciação foram reunidas em três grupos, de acordo com suas semelhanças em cor, textura e características anatômicas. Pelas observações realizadas neste trabalho conclui-se que é possível a separação entre estas espécies. Para isto, o parênquima axial deve ser a primeira estrutura avaliada, seguida pelos vasos (agrupamento, tamanho, obstrução e porosidade) e os raios, fechando a identificação.This work is about anatomic macroscopic characterization of main species used in veneer production in Curitiba, Parana State, Brazil. Seventy-two sliced veneers and rotary cut veneers samples were collected. Evaluation of characteristics observed without lens or with increased ten times lens were described. Twenty-five species were described, and the most similar were grouped by color, texture and anatomic characteristics. Species separation is possible, and the first structure that may be analyzed is axial parenchyma, after vessels and rays

    Starch grains and Phytoliths in human dental calculus: contribution to the study of life style and subsistence at Sambaqui groups in Brazilian southern coast

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar os resultados da recuperação e análise de micro-vestígios vegetais retidos em cálculos dentários de grupos de pescadores-coletores do litoral sul do Brasil. Apresenta também os resultados das relações mantidas entre grânulos de amido e cárie, e entre fitólitos e desgaste dentário. Através da dissolução química de cálculos dentários foram recuperados microvestígios vegetais em todos os indivíduos estudados. Foi evidenciado o consumo de alimentos amiláceos em todas as séries esqueléticas estudadas, demonstrando independência entre dieta com aporte de produtos vegetais e utilização de cerâmica. Foram encontrados resultados sugestivos de padrões de escolha de alimentos diferenciados entre os grupos e evidências de contato entre litoral e planalto.The aim of this paper is to present the analysis of micro-residues recovered from fishers-gatherers dental calculus. All analyzed groups are from southern Brazilian shell-mounds. The relationships found between microresidues and dental physiopathology is presented too. The dietary consumption of starchy vegetables was evidenced in all studied groups, independently of the presence of ceramic in the sites. The results point to different choice patterns concerning edible vegetables. The contact between seashore and inland are evidenced too

    Morfologia e densidade básica das folhas de tucum (Bactris inundata Martius) como fonte de fibras celulósicas para papel.

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    This work aims at making an evaluation of the morphological characteristics and density of fibers obtained from straws of Bactris inundata palms leaves. A value of 0,342 g/cm³ was found for the basic density. Bactris inundata presented two different fibers due to their morphological characteristics: Fiber A, with average fiber length of 0,69 mm, width of 10,56 μm, lumen width of 2,63 μm and cell-wall thickness of 3,97 μm, classified as short; Fiber B, with length of 2,33 mm, width of 7,66 μm, lumen width of 1,85 μm and cell-wall thickness of 2,91 μm, classified as long. The fiber “A” of Bactris inundata presented a low coefficient of flexibility of 25,12%, and a rather high felting index of 66,85. The fiber “B” of Bactris inundata presented a low coefficient of flexibility (24,09%), and a high felting index (313,59). The relationship between fibers dimensions indicated that they could be used in kraft production with good indexes of physical-mechanical resistance in some properties.Este trabalho trata da avaliação das características morfológicas e da densidade das palhas provenientes das folhas da palmácea Bactris inundata Martius. A densidade básica das folhas de tucum (Bactris inundata) apresentou-se bastante uniforme no momento da sua determinação, tendo sido observado um valor médio de 0,342 g/cm³. Bactris inundata apresentou duas fibras diferenciadas pelas suas características morfológicas. Uma, com comprimento médio de 0,69 mm, largura de 10,56 µm, lume de 2,63 µm e espessura da parede de 3,97 µm, classificada como curta; outra, com comprimento médio de 2,33 mm, largura de 7,66 µm, lume de 1,85 µm e espessura da parede de 2,91 µm, classificada como longa. A fibra "A" de Bactris inundata apresentou um baixo coeficiente de flexibilidade (25,12%) e um razoável índice de enfeltramento (66,85). A fibra "B" de Bactris inundata apresentou um baixo coeficiente de flexibilidade (24,09%) e um altíssimo índice de enfeltramento (313,59). As relações entre as dimensões das fibras indicaram que estas podem ser utilizadas na produção de papel kraft com bons índices de resistência físico- -mecânica em algumas de suas propriedades

    Before Lagoa Santa: Micro-remain and technological analysis in a lithic artifact from the Itaparica industry

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    In this article we present the results of a series of analysis performed on a lithic artifact from the Itaparica industry, a limace, found in Lapa Grande de Taquaraçu, an archaeological site bordering the Lagoa Santa area in Central Brazil. The site was occupied between 11.477 ± 133 cal. BP and 1.087 ±78 cal. BP, and the archaeological record for this occupation is related to the archaeological Lagoa Santa Tradition. However, the artifact was found in deeper and relative older archaeological levels, in a different stratigraphy context. The technological analysis confirms its exotic nature, not corresponding to the Lagoa Santa industry, but to another Paleoindian archaeological tradition instead. Its technological features are similar to the limaces related to Itaparica Tradition lithic industries. It’s important to notice that this is the only limace found at Lagoa Santa until now, and archaeological context did not allow us to associate it to the Lagoa Santa Tradition. In order to have an insight on the use of this artifact we performed some technological and micro-remain analysis. Various starch grains and other materials were recovered from the active parts of the artifact. The microbotanical analysis indicated the use of the artifact for processing starchy plants. As far as we know, this is the most ancient evidence of the processing of starchy plants in the Americas

    Trajectory and digital reconstitution of a canoe of Paulista Museum - USP

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    In this article, we intend to elaborate the exhibition trajectory of a canoe’s bow belonging to Paulista Museum collection from its entry into the institution in 1924 to the present day, reflecting on the construction of the monsoon memory in the museum along the time. The interdisciplinary activities carried out among Paulista Museum - USP, the Plant Anatomy Laboratory of the Institute of Biosciences - USP and the Naval Engineering Department of the Polytechnic School - USP will also be approached in order to better understand the constitution of the canoe, now musealized, through the results obtained from the historical research, the conservation works, the processes of wood anatomical identification and short-range photogrammetry.  Nesse artigo, pretende-se elaborar a trajetória expositiva do beque de proa de uma canoa pertencente ao acervo do Museu Paulista desde seu ingresso na instituição, em 1924, até os dias atuais, refletindo sobre a construção da memória das monções no museu ao longo do tempo. Também serão abordadas as atividades interdisciplinares realizadas entre o Museu Paulista, o Laboratório de Anatomia Vegetal do Instituto de Biociências – USP e o Departamento de Engenharia Naval da Escola Politécnica – USP, a fim de melhor compreender a constituição do canoão, agora musealizado, por meio dos resultados obtidos a partir da pesquisa histórica, dos trabalhos de conservação, dos processos de identificação anatômica da madeira e de fotogrametria de curto alcance


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    The complex endophytic structure formed by parasitic plant species often represents a challenge in the study of the host-parasite interface. Even with the large amounts of anatomical slides, a three-dimensional comprehension of the structure may still be difficult to obtain. In the present study we applied the High Resolution X-ray Computed Tomography (HRXCT) analysis along with usual plant anatomy techniques in order to compare the infestation pattern of two mistletoe species of the genus Phoradendron. Additionally, we tested the use of contrasting solutions in order to improve the detection of the parasite’s endophytic tissue. To our knowledge, this is the first study to show the 3-dimensional structure of host-mistletoe interface by using HRXCT technique. Results showed that Phoradendron perrottetii growing on the host Tapirira guianensis forms small woody galls with a restricted endophytic system. The sinkers were short and eventually grouped creating a continuous interface with the host wood. On the other hand, the long sinkers of Phoradendron bathyoryctum penetrate deeply into the wood of Cedrela fissilis branching in all directions throughout the woody gall area, forming a spread-out infestation pattern. The results indicate that the HRXCT is indeed a powerful approach to understand the endophytic system of parasitic plants. The combination of 3-dimensional models of the infestation with anatomical analysis provided a broader understanding of the host-parasite connection. Unique anatomic features are reported for the sinkes of Phoradendron perrottetii, while the endophytic tissue of Phoradendron bathyoryctum conformed to general anatomy observed for other species of this genus. These differences are hypothesised to be related to the 3-dimensional structure of each endophytic system and the communication stablished with the host

    Evaluating microfossil content of dental calculus from Brazilian sambaquis

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    To date, limited numbers of dental calculus samples have been analyzed by researchers in diverse parts of the world. The combined analyses of these have provided some general guidelines for the analysis of calculus that is non-destructive to archaeological teeth. There is still a need for a quantitative study of large numbers of calculus samples to establish protocols, assess the level of contamination, evaluate the quantity of microfossils in dental calculus, and to compare analysis results with the literature concerning the biology of calculus formation. We analyzed dental calculus from 53 teeth from four Brazilian sambaquis. Sambaquis are the shellmounds that were established prehistorically along the Brazilian coast. The analysis of sambaqui dental calculi shows that there are relatively high concentrations of microfossils (phytoliths and starch), mineral fragments, and charcoal in dental calculus. Mineral fragments and charcoal are possibly contaminants. The largest dental calculi have the lowest concentrations of microfossils. Biologically, this is explained by individual variation in calculus formation between people. Importantly, starch is ubiquitous in dental calculus. The starch and phytoliths show that certainly Dioscorea (yam) and Araucaria angustifolia (Paraná pine) were eaten by sambaqui people. Araceae (arum family), Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato) and Zea mays (maize) were probably in their diet