1,826 research outputs found

    Modeling of MMCs With Controlled DC-Side Fault Blocking Capability for DC Protection Studies

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    The fault current characteristics in dc systems depend largely on the response, and hence also the topology, of the ac-dc converters. The presently used ac-dc converter topologies may be categorized into those with controlled or uncontrolled fault blocking capability and those lacking such capability. For the topologies of the former category, generic models of the dc-side fault response have not yet been developed and a characterization of the influence of control and sensor delays is a notable omission. Therefore, to support accurate and comprehensive dc system protection studies, this paper presents three reduced converter models and analyzes the impact of key parameters on the dc-side fault response. The models retain accurate representation of the dc-side current control, but differ in representation of the ac-side and internal current control dynamics, and arm voltage limits. The models were verified against a detailed (full-switched) simulation model for the cases of a full-bridge and a hybrid modular multilevel converter, and validated against experimental data from a lab-scale prototype. The models behave similarly in the absence of arm voltage limits, but only the most detailed of the three retains a high degree of accuracy when these limits are reached

    Melting of peridotites through to granites: a simple thermodynamic model in the system KNCFMASHTOCr

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    A new set of thermodynamic models is presented for calculating phase relations in bulk compositions extending from peridotite to granite, from 0.001 to 70 kbar and from 650 °C to peridotite liquidus temperatures, in the system K2O–Na2O–CaO–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–Fe2O3–Cr2O3 (KNCFMASHTOCr). The models may be used to calculate phase equilibria in partial melting of a large range of mantle and crustal compositions. They provide a good fit to experimental phase relation topologies and melt compositions across the compositional range of the model. Compared with the preliminary model of Jennings & Holland (2015) for peridotite–basalt melting relations, the inclusion of K2O and TiO2 allows for better modelling of small melt fractions in peridotite melting, and in reproducing rutile-bearing eclogite melting at high pressures. An improved order–disorder model for spinel is now incorporated. Above 10 kbar pressure, wet partial melting relations may be significantly affected by the dissolution of silicates in aqueous fluid, so the set of models includes an aqueous low-density silicate-bearing fluid in addition to a high-density H2O-bearing silicate melt. Oxygen fugacity may be readily calculated for the whole range of bulk compositions investigated, and the effect of water content on melt fO2 is assessed

    Thyristor-Bypassed Sub-Module Power-Groups for Achieving High-Efficiency, DC Fault Tolerant Multilevel VSCs

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    Achieving DC fault tolerance in modular multilevel converters requires the use of a significant number of Sub-Modules (SMs) which are capable of generating a negative voltage. This results in an increase in the number of semiconductor devices in the current path, increasing converter conduction losses. This paper introduces a thyristor augmented multilevel structure called a Power-Group (PG), which replaces the stacks of SMs in modular converters. Each PG is formed out of a series stack of SMs with a parallel force-commutated thyristor branch, which is used during normal operation as a low loss bypass path in order to achieve significant reduction in overall losses. The PG also offers negative voltage capability and so can be used to construct high efficiency DC fault tolerant converters. Methods of achieving the turn-on and turn-off of the thyristors by using voltages generated by the parallel stack of SMs within each PG are presented, while keeping both the required size of the commutation inductor, and the thyristor turn-off losses low. Efficiency estimates indicate that this concept could result in converter topologies with power-losses as low as 0.3% rated power, whilst retaining high quality current waveforms and achieving tolerance to both AC and DC faults

    Dimensioning and Modulation Index Selection for the Hybrid Modular Multilevel Converter

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    The Hybrid MMC, comprising a mixture of fullbridge and half-bridge sub-modules, provides tolerance to DC faults without compromising the efficiency of the converter to a large extent. The inclusion of full-bridges creates a new freedom over the choice of ratio of AC to DC voltage at which the converter is operated, with resulting impact on the converter’s internal voltage, current and energy deviation waveforms, all of which impact the design of the converter. A design method accounting for this, and allowing the required level of derating of nominal sub-module voltage and up-rating of stack voltage capability to ensure correct operation at the extremes of the operating envelope is presented. A mechanism is identified for balancing the peak voltage that the full-bridge and halfbridge sub-modules experience over a cycle. Comparisons are made between converters designed to block DC side faults and converters that also add STATCOM capability. Results indicate that operating at a modulation index of 1.2 gives a good compromise between reduced power losses and additional required sub-modules and semiconductor devices in the converter. The design method is verified against simulation results and the operation of the converter at the proposed modulation index is demonstrated at laboratory-scale

    Reliability Analysis of MMCs Considering Submodule Designs with Individual or Series-Operated IGBTs

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    The half-bridge-based modular multilevel converter (MMC) has emerged as the favored converter topology for voltage-source HVDC applications. The submodules within the converter can be constructed with either individual insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) modules or with series-connected IGBTs, which allows for different redundancy strategies to be employed. The main contribution of this paper is that an analytical method was proposed to analyze the reliability of MMCs with the consideration of submodule arrangements and redundancy strategies. Based on the analytical method, the relative merits of two approaches to adding redundancy, and variants created by varying the submodule voltage, are assessed in terms of overall converter reliability. Case studies were conducted to compare the reliability characteristics of converters constructed using the two submodule topologies. It is found that reliability of the MMC with series-connected IGBTs is higher for the first few years but then decreases rapidly. By assigning a reduced nominal voltage to the series valve submodule upon IGBT module failure, the need to install redundant submodules is greatly reduced

    Mixed-sensitivity approach to H∞ control of power system oscillations employing multiple FACTS devices

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    This paper demonstrates the enhancement of inter-area mode damping by multiple flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) devices. Power system damping control design is formulated as an output disturbance rejection problem. A decentralized H∞ damping control design based on the mixed-sensitivity formulation in the linear matrix inequality (LMI) framework is carried out. A systematic procedure for selecting the weights for shaping the open loop plant for control design is suggested. A 16-machine, five-area study system reinforced with a controllable series capacitor (CSC), a static VAr compensator (SVC), and a controllable phase shifter (CPS) at different locations is considered. The controllers designed for these devices are found to effectively damp out inter-area oscillations. The damping performance of the controllers is examined in the frequency and time domains for various operating scenarios. The controllers are found to be robust in the face of varying power-flow patterns, nature of loads, tie-line strengths, and system nonlinearities, including device saturations

    A low-wear onload tap changer diverter switch for frequent voltage control on distribution networks

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    This paper presents a fast mechanical diverter switch design suitable for new “arcless” hybrid onload tap-changing systems. In such systems, arcing at contact separation and contact closure is almost completely eliminated by the inclusion of alternate current paths incorporating semiconductor devices. This allows the use of compact, air-insulated mechanical contacts that do not need to withstand significant arc erosion or provide arc quenching. As a result, the moving mass and the drive system for the switch may be dramatically reduced in size, leading to low inertia of the moving parts and resulting in very rapid operation times. An integrated, high-torque, low-mass permanent-magnet actuator is presented that provides detent (unpowered) contact force coupled with a cantilever spring contact system sized for an 11-kV 2-MVA onload tap changer. The design delivers operation times of under 20 ms and is capable of sustaining more than 10610^{6} operations. The complete design is experimentally verified under representative electrical conditions, and contact wear levels comparable to pure mechanical (zero current) operation are demonstrated
