16 research outputs found

    Seasonal Variation of Reproduction and Fattening in Gulf Killifish from Brackish Mariculture Ponds

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    Seasonal changes in gonadal indices, plasma androgens in males, plasma estrogens and egg production in females, and body fat content in both sexes were monitored in gulf killifish, Fundulus grandis, reared in mariculture ponds. Changes in plasma androgens (males) and estrogens (females) were positively correlated with changes in gonadosomatic indices (GSI) of both sexes during most of the year. Seasonal variation in the GSIs of a nearby natural marsh population were similar, though not identical, to that of the pond-raised population. However several distinct differences were noted between these two populations: 1) spawning was prolonged in the mariculture population as compared with the wild population; 2) body fat content of the mariculture fish was significantly greater than wild fish during all seasons of the year; 3) a significant negative correlation between the seasonal cycles of body fattening and reproduction was observed in the mariculture fish but not in the wild fish. These data indicate that the mariculture environment and resultant high levels of body fattening supported prolonged spawning in this species

    Primordialists and Constructionists: a typology of theories of religion

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    This article adopts categories from nationalism theory to classify theories of religion. Primordialist explanations are grounded in evolutionary psychology and emphasize the innate human demand for religion. Primordialists predict that religion does not decline in the modern era but will endure in perpetuity. Constructionist theories argue that religious demand is a human construct. Modernity initially energizes religion, but subsequently undermines it. Unpacking these ideal types is necessary in order to describe actual theorists of religion. Three distinctions within primordialism and constructionism are relevant. Namely those distinguishing: a) materialist from symbolist forms of constructionism; b) theories of origins from those pertaining to the reproduction of religion; and c) within reproduction, between theories of religious persistence and secularization. This typology helps to make sense of theories of religion by classifying them on the basis of their causal mechanisms, chronology and effects. In so doing, it opens up new sightlines for theory and research

    EC91-219 Nebraska Swine Report

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    This 1991 Nebraska Swine Report was prepared by the staff in Animal Science and cooperating departments for use in the Extension and Teaching programs at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Authors from the following areas contributed to this publication: Swine Nutrition, swine diseases, pathology, economics, engineering, swine breeding, meats, agronomy, and diagnostic laboratory. It covers the following areas: breeding, disease control, feeding, nutrition, economics, housing and meats

    Particle Lifting Processes in Dust Devils

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    Particle lifting in dust devils on both Earth and Mars has been studied from many different perspectives, including how dust devils could influence the dust cycles of both planets. Here we review our current understanding of particle entrainment by dust devils by examining results from field observations on Earth and Mars, laboratory experiments (at terrestrial ambient and Mars-analog conditions), and analytical modeling. By combining insights obtained from these three methodologies, we provide a detailed overview on interactions between particle lifting processes due to mechanical, thermal, electrodynamical and pressure effects, and how these processes apply to dust devils on Earth and Mars. Experiments and observations have shown dust devils to be effective lifters of dust given the proper conditions on Earth and Mars. However, dust devil studies have yet to determine the individual roles of each of the component processes acting at any given time in dust devils