142 research outputs found

    "The dots just don't join up": understanding the support needs of families of children on the autism spectrum

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    Much research has documented the elevated levels of stress experienced by families of autistic children. Yet remarkably little research has examined the types of support that these families perceive to be beneficial to their lives. This study, co-produced by researchers and school-based professionals, sought to establish these families’ support needs from their own perspectives. In total, 139 parents of autistic children with additional intellectual disabilities and limited spoken communication, all attending an inner-city London school, participated in an initial survey examining parental wellbeing, self-efficacy and the extent to which they felt supported. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a subgroup of parents (n = 17), some of whom reported in the survey that they felt unsupported, in order to gain their in-depth perspectives. The results from both the survey and the interviews suggested that existing support (particularly from formal support services) was not meeting parents’ needs, which ultimately made them feel isolated and alienated. Parents who were interviewed called for service provision that adopted a relational, family-centred approach – one that understands the specific needs of the whole family, builds a close working relationship with them and ensures that they are supported at times when the parents and families feel they need it most

    Research methods for children with multiple needs: developing techniques to facilitate all children and young people to have 'a voice'

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    AIM: This study aimed to investigate the experiences of children and young people being educated in residential special schools, with a particular focus on how their rights and wellbeing were being promoted by their schools. METHOD: The study was conducted using participatory research principles and aimed to develop techniques and approaches that would support the inclusion of all children. FINDINGS: The findings indicated that the techniques developed during this study helped to provide insight into the experiences of pupils with a wide range of special needs, and facilitated their voices. The piloting of a method that integrated ethnographic observation techniques with checklists adopted from the SCERTS framework (developed by Prizant and colleagues) provided important insights into the experiences and preferences of children with the greatest learning and communication needs, and is an approach worthy of further development. LIMITATIONS: The study was conducted over a very short time frame, one academic term, which influenced the time available to refine techniques and work with our young researchers’ group. Whilst every residential special school in England was invited to participate, the sample was based on those schools that volunteered, many with good and outstanding Ofsted ratings. Therefore, the sample may not be fully representative of the range of experiences provided by residential special schools in England. CONCLUSION: The development of specific techniques to facilitate an understanding of the views and experiences of children who experience significant challenges in communication is possible. The knowledge, skills and expertise of educational psychologists and other professionals can be harnessed to respond creatively to this challenge and it is important to acknowledge the reciprocal value of professional practice and research skills

    Supporting children with severe to profound learning difficulties and complex communication needs to make their views known: observation tools and methods

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    All children have the right to shape decisions that influence their lives. Yet, children with severe-to-profound intellectual disabilities and complex communication needs are often marginalized from this process. Here, we examined the utility of a set of tools incorporating ethnographic and structured observational methods with three such children. We specifically examined the communicative behavior that these children used to share their views and the ways in which adults recognized and responded to them. The three case studies illustrate (1) that these children have ways to make their intentions known, even though they may use idiosyncratic ways of doing so; (2) that adults play important roles in supporting their communicative bids; and (3) that this set of tools was sufficiently sensitive to subtle and fine-grained nonverbal cues that might otherwise be overlooked

    Environmental requirements for three sea pen species: relevance to distribution and conservation

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    The aim is to determine the environmental requirements, estimate the extent of suitable habitat for three sea pen species, and assess the implications for marine protected areas (MPAs). The sea pen Funiculina quadrangularis and the habitat associated with two further sea pen species, Virgularia mirabilis and Pennatula phosphorea, are of key conservation importance and are recommended for protection within MPAs. This study models their potential distributions using the MAXimum ENTropy algorithm and assesses these in relation to five possible marine protected areas (pMPAs) proposed for Scottish waters. Metrics relevant to assessing the efficacy of MPAs are also presented. Four environmental variables of prime importance for predicting the presence of all three species of sea pen were identified: mud, minimum salinity, depth, and gravel. The habitat suitability index increased with mud content. The modelled distribution of F. quadrangularis indicated a deeper distribution than V. mirabilis or P. phosphorea and was not present in sediment with gravel content above 30%. Pennatula phosphorea had the smallest area of suitable habitat, while V. mirabilis had the largest. The percentage predicted suitable area for each species that was encompassed by the five pMPAs ranged from 11% for F. quadrangularis to 15% for P. phosphorea. Some of the largest areas predicted as suitable for F. quadrangularis lay outside the pMPAs. The model results indicated differences in the environmental requirements of the three species of sea pen that can be linked to the autecology of each species. Patch sizes, calculated from a binary output of the model, were used to estimate the degree of habitat fragmentation, thereby giving a partial assessment of the adequacy criterion for these pMPAs. The results suggest that potential MPAs within the study area cover sizeable areas of potential sea pen habitat. However, further areas suitable for F. quadrangularis could be considered

    An Assay System for Point-of-Care Diagnosis of Tuberculosis using Commercially Manufactured PCB Technology

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    Rapid advances in clinical technologies, detection sensitivity and analytical throughput have delivered a significant expansion in our knowledge of prognostic and diagnostic biomarkers in many common infectious diseases, such as Tuberculosis (TB). During the last decade, a significant number of approaches to TB diagnosis have been attempted at Point-of-Care (PoC), exploiting a large variation of techniques and materials. In this work, we describe an electronics-based Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (eELISA), using a Lab-on-a-Printed Circuit Board (LoPCB) approach, for TB diagnosis based on cytokine detection. The test relies upon an electrochemical (amperometric) assay, comprising a high-precision bioinstrumentation board and amperometric sensors, produced exclusively using standard PCB manufacturing processes. Electrochemical detection uses standard Au and Ag electrodes together with a bespoke, low-power, multichannel, portable data-acquisition system. We demonstrate high-performance assay chemistry performed at microfluidic volumes on Au pads directly at the PCB surface with improved limit of detection (~10 pg/mL) over standard colorimetric ELISA methods. The assay has also been implemented in plasma, showing the utility of the system for medical applications. This work is a significant step towards the development of a low-cost, portable, high-precision diagnostic and monitoring technology, which once combined with appropriate PCB-based microfluidic networks will provide complete LoPCB platforms

    A systematic review of reviews identifying UK validated dietary assessment tools for inclusion on an interactive guided website for researchers: www.nutritools.org

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    Background: Health researchers may struggle to choose suitable validated dietary assessment tools (DATs) for their target population. The aim of this review was to identify and collate information on validated UK DATs and validation studies for inclusion on a website to support researchers to choose appropriate DATs. Design: A systematic review of reviews of DATs was undertaken. DATs validated in UK populations were extracted from the studies identified. A searchable website was designed to display these data. Additionally, mean differences and limits of agreement between test and comparison methods were summarized by a method, weighting by sample size. Results: Over 900 validation results covering 5 life stages, 18 nutrients, 6 dietary assessment methods, and 9 validation method types were extracted from 63 validated DATs which were identified from 68 reviews. These were incorporated into www.nutritools.org. Limits of agreement were determined for about half of validations. Thirty four DATs were FFQs. Only 17 DATs were validated against biomarkers, and only 19 DATs were validated in infant/children/adolescents. Conclusions: The interactive www.nutritools.org website holds extensive validation data identified from this review and can be used to guide researchers to critically compare and choose a suitable DAT for their research question, leading to improvement of nutritional epidemiology research

    Oil Palm Research in Context: Identifying the Need for Biodiversity Assessment

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    Oil palm cultivation is frequently cited as a major threat to tropical biodiversity as it is centered on some of the world's most biodiverse regions. In this report, Web of Science was used to find papers on oil palm published since 1970, which were assigned to different subject categories to visualize their research focus. Recent years have seen a broadening in the scope of research, with a slight growth in publications on the environment and a dramatic increase in those on biofuel. Despite this, less than 1% of publications are related to biodiversity and species conservation. In the context of global vegetable oil markets, palm oil and soyabean account for over 60% of production but are the subject of less than 10% of research. Much more work must be done to establish the impacts of habitat conversion to oil palm plantation on biodiversity. Results from such studies are crucial for informing conservation strategies and ensuring sustainable management of plantations

    Способи здійснення платежів на валютному ринку та їх особливості

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    Еволюцію послуг валютного ринку можна розглядати порівнюючи два основні типи платежів – трасування та ремітування. Вони, головним чином, набули розвитку в період Першої світової війни та частково 40-х років ХХ століття. Трасування, як термін, походить від назви перевідного векселя – тратти. За платежу за системою трасування кредитор здійснює виписку тратти на боржника у валюті останнього. Для прикладу, якщо кредитор знаходиться в Японії, але висуває боржнику з Великобританії вимогу щодо сплати боргу не в єнах, а у фунтах стерлінгів