29 research outputs found

    Registration of Three Partial Waxy Winter Wheats

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    Infuence of the year and HMW glutenin subunits on end-use quality predictors if bread wheat waxy lines

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    The effects of environment and the high molecular weight glutenins on some quality properties (sedimentation volume, % protein content, and starch pasting viscosity) of bread wheat mutant waxy lines were evaluated. Thirty-eight 100% amylose-free F 2 derived F 6 and F 7 lines were used. The results indicated that the environment did not influence sedimentation volume, mixograph parameters and starch viscosity parameters of waxy flour. Variation in the % protein content was determined mainly by the environment. The sedimentation volume and the mixograph peak development time were influenced by the variation at over expression of Bx7 and the mixograph peak development time was influenced by the Glu-D1 locus. One starch viscosity parameter, time to peak viscosity, was influenced by variation at the Glu-A1 locus. This parameter is significantly lower in the waxy lines than the parent line, which shows the influence of the waxy loci. No significant correlation was observed for sedimentation volume, mixograph parameters, protein content and viscosity parameters of waxy line

    Temperature-dependent Wsm1 and Wsm2 gene-specific blockage of viral long-distance transport provides resistance to wheat streak mosaic virus and triticum mosaic virus in Wheat

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    Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) and Triticum mosaic virus (TriMV) are economically important viral pathogens of wheat. Wheat cvs. Mace, carrying the Wsm1 gene, is resistant to WSMV and TriMV, and Snowmass, with Wsm2, is resistant to WSMV. Viral resistance in both cultivars is temperature sensitive and is effective at 18°C or below but not at higher temperatures. The underlying mechanisms of viral resistance of Wsm1 and Wsm2, nonallelic single dominant genes, are not known. In this study, we found that fluorescent protein–tagged WSMV and TriMV elicited foci that were approximately similar in number and size at 18 and 24°C, on inoculated leaves of resistant and susceptible wheat cultivars. These data suggest that resistant wheat cultivars at 18°C facilitated efficient cell-to-cell movement. Additionally, WSMV and TriMV efficiently replicated in inoculated leaves of resistant wheat cultivars at 18°C but failed to establish systemic infection, suggesting that Wsm1- and Wsm2-mediated resistance debilitated viral long-distance transport. Furthermore, we found that neither virus was able to enter the leaf sheaths of inoculated leaves or crowns of resistant wheat cultivars at 18°C but both were able to do so at 24°C. Thus, wheat cvs. Mace and Snowmass provide resistance at the long-distance movement stage by specifically blocking virus entry into the vasculature. Taken together, these data suggest that both Wsm1 and Wsm2 genes similarly confer virus resistance by temperature-dependent impairment of viral long-distance movement