1,038 research outputs found

    BedĂŒrfnis- und Motivorientierte Beziehungsgestaltung: Hinweise und Handlungsanweisungen fĂŒr Therapeuten

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    Zusammenfassung: Das Berner Konzept der BedĂŒrfnis- und Motivorientierten Beziehungsgestaltung, gemĂ€ĂŸ dem sich Therapeuten in ihrem Beziehungverhalten so verhalten, dass die wichtigsten individuellen motivationalen Ziele und BedĂŒrfnisse des Patienten befriedigt werden, hat sich empirisch bewĂ€hrt, ist aber in der konkreten Umsetzung nicht immer einfach. Ein Therapeut muss in der Lage sein, die wichtigsten motivationalen Ziele des Patienten zu erkennen und sein Verhalten flexibel so zu gestalten, dass er dem Patienten bedĂŒrfnisbefriedigende Erfahrungen ermöglichen kann. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass Therapeuten zwar hĂ€ufig gut ĂŒber das Konzept Bescheid wissen, in der BedĂŒrfnis- und Motivorientierten Diagnostik und dem konkreten Beziehungsverhalten aber unsicher sind. Es werden deshalb konkrete Handlungsanweisungen fĂŒr Therapeuten vermittelt, die helfen sollen, das Konzept in der Praxis umzusetze

    Proton-neutron pairing in the deformed BCS approach

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    We examine isovector and isoscalar proton-neutron pairing correlations for the ground state of even-even Ge isotopes with mass number A=64-76 within the deformed BCS approach. For N=Z 64Ge the BCS solution with only T=0 proton-neutron pairs is found. For other nuclear systems (N>Z) a coexistence of a T=0 and T=1 pairs in the BCS wave function is observed. A problem of fixing of strengths of isoscalar and isovector pairing interactions is addressed. A dependence of number of like and unlike pairs in the BCS ground state on the difference between number of neutrons and protons is discussed. We found that for nuclei with N much bigger than Z the effect of proton-neutron pairing is small but not negligible.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure

    Pairing-excitation versus intruder states in 68Ni and 90Zr

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    A discussion on the nature of the 0+ states in 68Ni (Z=28, N=40) is presented and a comparison is made with its valence counterpart 90Zr (Z=40, N=50). Evidence is given for a 0+ proton intruder state at only ~2.2 MeV excitation energy in 68Ni, while the analogous neutron intruder states in 90Zr reside at 4126 keV and 5441 keV. The application of a shell-model description of 0+ intruder states reveals that many pair-scattered neutrons across N=40 have to be involved to explain the low excitation energy of the proton-intruder configuration in 68Ni.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    How magic is the magic 68Ni nucleus?

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    We calculate the B(E2) strength in 68Ni and other nickel isotopes using several theoretical approaches. We find that in 68Ni the gamma transition to the first 2+ state exhausts only a fraction of the total B(E2) strength, which is mainly collected in excited states around 5 MeV. This effect is sensitive to the energy splitting between the fp shell and the g_{9/2}orbital. We argue that the small experimental B(E2) value is not strong evidence for the double-magic character of 68Ni.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Dominant g(9/2)^2 neutron configuration in the 4+1 state of 68Zn based on new g factor measurements

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    The gg factor of the 41+4_1^+ state in 68^{68}Zn has been remeasured with improved energy resolution of the detectors used. The value obtained is consistent with the previous result of a negative gg factor thus confirming the dominant 0g9/20g_{9/2} neutron nature of the 41+4_1^+ state. In addition, the accuracy of the gg factors of the 21+2_1^+, 22+2_2^+ and 31−3_1^- states has been improved an d their lifetimes were well reproduced. New large-scale shell model calculations based on a 56^{56}Ni core and an 0f5/21pg9/20f_{5/2}1pg_{9/2} model space yield a theoretical value, g(41+)=+0.008g(4_1^+) = +0.008. Although the calculated value is small, it cannot fully explain the experimental value, g(41+)=−0.37(17)g(4_1^+) = -0.37(17). The magnitude of the deduced B(E2) of the 41+4_1^+ and 21+2_1^+ transition is, however, rather well described. These results demonstrate again the importance of gg factor measurements for nuclear structure determination s due to their specific sensitivity to detailed proton and neutron components in the nuclear wave functions.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figs, submitted to PL

    Tensor part of the Skyrme energy density functional. II: Deformation properties of magic and semi-magic nuclei

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    We study systematically the impact of the time-even tensor terms of the Skyrme energy density functional, i.e. terms bilinear in the spin-current tensor density, on deformation properties of closed shell nuclei corresponding to 20, 28, 40, 50, 82, and 126 neutron or proton shell closures. We compare results obtained with three different families of Skyrme parameterizations whose tensor terms have been adjusted on properties of spherical nuclei: (i) TIJ interactions proposed in the first paper of this series [T. Lesinski et al., Phys. Rev. C 76, 014312 (2007)] which were constructed through a complete readjustment of the rest of the functional (ii) parameterizations whose tensor terms have been added perturbatively to existing Skyrme interactions, with or without readjusting the spin-orbit coupling constant. We analyse in detail the mechanisms at play behind the impact of tensor terms on deformation properties and how studying the latter can help screen out unrealistic parameterizations. It is expected that findings of the present paper are to a large extent independent of remaining deficiencies of the central and spin-orbit interactions, and will be of great value for the construction of future, improved energy functionals.Comment: 32 pages revte

    Realistic Shell-Model Calculations for Proton-Rich N=50 Isotones

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    The structure of the N=50 isotones 98Cd, 97Ag, and 96Pd is studied in terms of shell model employing a realistic effective interaction derived from the Bonn-A nucleon-nucleon potential. The single-hole energies are fixed by resorting to an analysis of the low-energy spectra of the isotones with A>= 91. Comparison shows that our results are in very satisfactory agreement with the available experimental data. This supports confidence in the predictions of our calculationsComment: 8 pages, 3 figures, to be published on Journal of Physics

    First observation of Îł rays emitted from excited states south-east of Sn132: The πg−19/2⊗Μf7/2 multiplet of In83132

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    A. Jungclaus et al. ; 6 pĂĄgs.; 4 figs. ; Rapid CommunicationsFor the first time, the Îł decay of excited states has been observed in a nucleus situated in the quadrant south-east of doubly magic Sn132, a region in which experimental information so far is limited to ground-state properties. Six Îł rays with energies of 50, 86, 103, 227, 357, and 602 keV were observed following the ÎČ-delayed neutron emission from Cd85133, populated in the projectile fission of a U238 beam at the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory at RIKEN within the EURICA project. The new experimental information is compared to the results of a modern realistic shell-model calculation, the first one in this region very far from stability, focusing in particular on the π0g9/2-1 - Îœ1f7/2 particle-hole multiplet in In83132. In addition, theoretical estimates based on a scaling of the two-body matrix elements for the πh11/2-1 - Îœg9/2 analog multiplet in Tl127208, one major proton and one major neutron shell above, are presented. ©2016 American Physical SocietyWe thank the staff of the RIKEN Nishina Center accelerator complex for providing stable beams with high intensities to the experiment. We acknowledge the EUROBALL Owners Committee for the loan of germanium detectors and the PreSpec Collaboration for the readout electronics of the cluster detectors. This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn under Contract No. FPA2011-29854-C04 and the Spanish Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad under Contract No. FPA2014-57196-C5- 4-P, the Generalitat Valenciana (Spain) under Grant No. PROMETEO/2010/101, the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MEST) (No. NRF-2012R1A1A1041763), the Priority Centers Research Program in Korea (2009-0093817), OTKA Contract No. K-100835, JSPS KAKENHI (Grant No. 25247045), the European Commission through the Marie Curie Actions call PEOPLE-2011FP7-IEF under Contract No. 300096 and the German BMBF (No. 05P12RDCIA and No. 05P12RDNUP), and Helmholtz International Center for FAIR.Peer Reviewe

    Cognitive conflicts in major depression : Between desired change and personal coherence

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    This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposesThe notion of intrapsychic conflict has been present in psychopathology for more than a century within different theoretical orientations. However, internal conflicts have not received enough empirical attention, nor has their importance in depression been fully elaborated. This study is based on the notion of cognitive conflict, understood as implicative dilemma (ID), and on a new way of identifying these conflicts by means of the Repertory Grid Technique. Our aim was to explore the relevance of cognitive conflicts among depressive patientsPeer reviewedFinal Published versio
