461 research outputs found

    Fisiologia Vegetal. Qüestionaris

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    Es tracta de qüestions de fisiologia vegetal, principalment en format d'elecció múltiple, dirigides a fixar i reforçar els coneixements de l'assignatura en estudiants de ciències biològiques

    La primera presidencia comunitaria de España en la prensa, (1989)

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias de la Información, Departamento de Periodismo III, leída el 22-09-1999El 1 de enero de 1989 España asumía, por primera vez, el reto de dirigir la primera Presidencia de la CE durante el primer semestre del año. El presente estudio refleja la evolución de nuestra Presidencia comunitaria a través del análisis y la valoración de los contenidos informativos recodos en la prensa. En este trabajo, no se trata de evaluar políticamente los resultados del mandato español fuera del contexto de la prensa, sino de valorar su alcance según el enfoque de los distintos diarios seleccionados para la investigación. Los 12 capítulos que componen la tesis engloban las prioridades y objetivos que se fijó el Gobierno al iniciar su mandato, las líneas básicas del desarrollo de las políticas comunitarias en el semestre y un balance final de los resultados, según el criterio que se desprende de los diarios analizados. Se incluyen, asimismo, 6 anexos que aportan datos de interés sobre la Presidencia españolaDepto. de Periodismo y Nuevos MediosFac. de Ciencias de la InformaciónTRUEpu

    Comparative characterization of a novel cad-cam polymer-infiltrated-ceramic-network.

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    Background: The field of dental ceramics for CAD-CAM is enriched with a new innovative material composition having a porous three-dimensional structure of feldspathic ceramic infiltrated with acrylic resins.The aim of this study is to determine the mechanical properties of Polymer-Infiltrated-Ceramic-Network (PICN) and compare its performance with other ceramics and a nano-ceramic resin available for CAD-CAM systems. Material and Methods: In this study a total of five different materials for CAD-CAM were investigated. A polymer- infiltrated ceramic (Vita Enamic), a nano-ceramic resin (Lava Ultimate), a feldspathic ceramic (Mark II), a lithium disilicate ceramic (IPS-e max CAD) and finally a Leucite based ceramic (Empress - CAD). From CAD-CAM blocks, 120 bars (30 for each material cited above) were cut to measure the flexural strength with a three-point- bending test. Strain at failure, fracture stress and Weibull modulus was calculated. Vickers hardness of each material was also measured. Results: IPS-EMAX presents mechanical properties significantly better from the other materials studied. Its strain at failure, flexural strength and hardness exhibited significantly higher values in comparison with the others. VITA ENAMIC and LAVA ULTIMATE stand out as the next most resistant materials. Conclusions: The flexural strength, elastic modulus similar to a tooth as well as having less hardness than ceramics make PICN materials an option to consider as a restorative materia

    Morpho-physiological variations in response to NaCl stress during vegetative and reproductive development of rice

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    The complex nature of plant resistance to adverse environmental conditions, such as salinity and drought requires a better understanding of the stress-induced changes that may be involved in tolerance mechanisms. Here we investigate stress-related morpho-physiological effects during vegetative and reproductive growth in two Japonica rice cultivars (Bomba and Bahia) exposed to a range of NaCl concentrations from the seedling stage. The stress-related detrimental effects were observed either earlier or to a higher extent in cv. Bomba than in Bahia. Damages to the photosynthetic apparatus were related to loss of chlorophyll (Chl) and to a decrease of the maximum potential efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm), affecting negatively net CO2 assimilation rate (PN). Stress-related leaf anatomical alterations were analysed during the vegetative and reproductive stages. The size of bulliform cells as well as dimensions related to the vascular system increased under mild stress but decreased in the longer term or under higher stress level. The pattern of the anatomical alterations observed at the reproductive stage under 20 mM NaCl was reflected in poor panicle development and yield loss, with effects more pronounced in cv. Bomba than in Bahia. In summary, our results show that some physiological and, particularly, leaf anatomical responses induced by NaCl stress are distinctive indicators of sensitivity to salt stress in rice cultivars

    Tracer test modeling for characterizing heterogeneity and local-scale residence time distribution in an artificial recharge site

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    Artificial recharge of aquifers is a technique for improving water quality and increasing groundwater resources. Understanding the fate of a potential contaminant requires knowledge of the residence time distribution (RTD) of the recharged water in the aquifer beneath. A simple way to obtain the RTDs is to perform a tracer test. We performed a pulse injection tracer test in an artificial recharge system through an infiltration basin to obtain the breakthrough curves, which directly yield the RTDs. The RTDs turned out to be very broad and we used a numerical model to interpret them, to characterize heterogeneity, and to extend the model to other flow conditions. The model comprised nine layers at the site scaled to emulate the layering of aquifer deposits. Two types of hypotheses were considered: homogeneous (all flow and transport parameters identical for every layer) and heterogeneous (diverse parameters for each layer). The parameters were calibrated against the head and concentration data in both model types, which were validated quite satisfactorily against 1,1,2-Trichloroethane and electrical conductivity data collected over a long period of time with highly varying flow conditions. We found that the broad RTDs can be attributed to the complex flow structure generated under the basin due to three-dimensionality and time fluctuations (the homogeneous model produced broad RTDs) and the heterogeneity of the media (the heterogeneous model yielded much better fits). We conclude that heterogeneity must be acknowledged to properly assess mixing and broad RTDs, which are required to explain the water quality improvement of artificial recharge basins.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Looking Back: Inspiration to Move On

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    Editorial Introduction

    Phenological and seismological impacts on airborne pollen types: A case study of Olea pollen in the Region of Murcia, Mediterranean Spanish climate

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    The rationale of this paper was to investigate whether earthquakes impact airborne pollen concentrations, considering some meteorological parameters. Atmospheric pollen concentrations in the Region ofMurcia Aerobiological Network (Spain)were studied in relation to the occurrence of earthquakes ofmoment magnitude (up toMw=5.1) and intensity (intensity up to grade VII on the European Macroseismic Scale). In this study, a decade (2010–2019) was considered across the cities of the network. Earthquakes were detected in 12 out of 1535 days in the Olea Main Pollen Season in Cartagena, 49 out of 1481 days in the Olea Main Pollen Season in Lorca, and 39 out of 1441 days in the Olea Main Pollen Season in Murcia. The Olea pollen grains in this network were attributed to the species Olea europaea, i.e., the olive tree, a taxon that appears widely in the Mediterranean basin, in both cultivated and wild subspecies. Differences between the Olea concentration on days with and without earthquakes were only found in Lorca (Kruskal-Wallis: p-value=0.026). The low frequency and intensity of the earthquakes explained these results. The most catastrophic earthquake felt in Lorca on May 11th, 2011 (IVII, Mw=5.1, 9 casualties) did not result in clear variations in pollen concentrations, while meteorology (e.g., African Dust Outbreak) might have conditioned these pollen concentrations. The research should be broadened to other active seismological areas to reinforce the hypothesis of seismological impact on airborne pollen concentrations.This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Spanish Government, grant number SICAAP-CPI RTI2018-096392-BC21; the Interministerial Committee of Science and Technology, grant numbers BOS2000-0563-C02-02, BOS2003-06329-C02-02, and BOS 2006-15103; and the Seneca Foundation of the Region of Murcia, grant number 08849/PI/08. The anonymous reviewers are thanked for their comments to improve the quality of the manuscript. The authors wish to express their gratitude to Dr. Belén Elvira-Rendueles for her advice and commitment with REAREMUR and, Ms. Paula García López, technician at REAREMUR, funded by the Spanish State Research Agency, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (code: PTA2017-13571-I). Authors thank NOAA for providing the synoptic charts, AEMET for the meteorological data and IGN for the seismological information. Gratitude is also shown to Laura Wettersten for the language edition

    The historical memory as a cultural mechanism for dynamics at the local level

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    [EN] The author analyzes two projects on oral history executed by both municipalities of Barcelona's province, Sant Just Desvern and Premià de Dalt. The projects, financed by the regional government until the beginning of the present recession, had been however carried out by the local administration thanks to a social network of locals, small institutions and public workers. This study focuses on the strategies and common plannings that took place on both cities.[CA] A continuació exposem, en el marc de la tesi en curs[1], dos casos d’un parell de municipis de la província de Barcelona que han generat estratègies pròpies per mantenir la seva pròpia dinàmica de recuperació de la memòria històrica local, malgrat les retallades en les subvencions per aquest tipus de projectes produïdes des de l’any 2010. Es tracta de Sant Just Desvern (comarca del Baix Llobregat) i de Premià de Dalt (comarca del Maresme); dues poblacions que, després d’haver estat beneficiàries de les subvencions del Memorial Democràtic per a projectes de Fonts Orals, han continuat tirant endavant el recull, tractament i difusió de testimonis audiovisuals gràcies a la implicació de la xarxa de veïns i del conjunt de la comunitat. Es relacionen les estratègies que es van emprendre en les respectives viles, així com els punts en comú i les diferències que s’han observat.Graupera Gargallo, I.; Grau Rebollo, J. (2016). La memòria històrica com a mecanisme cultural de dinamització del món local. Culturas. Revista de Gestión Cultural. 3(1):65-73. doi:10.4995/cs.2016.5184.SWORD65733