30 research outputs found

    Concept and key criteria for evaluation of biodiversity of forest habitats in Germany

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    Mit den Vereinbarungen der Konferenz von Rio 1992 haben sich die Unterzeichnerstaaten in Kapitel 15 der Agenda 21 dazu verpflichtet, die BiodiversitÀt (= biologische Vielfalt) zu erhalten. Die EuropÀische Union hat dazu die Initiative Natura2000 ins Leben gerufen, deren wichtigstes Instrumentarium die Fauna-Flora-Habitat-Richtlinie (FFH-RL 92/43/EWG) darstellt. Im folgenden wird ein Vorschlag gemacht, wie die BiodiversitÀt von Wald-LebensrÀumen in Deutschland erhoben und bewertet werden könnte. Dies ist ein Beitrag zu einer Nationalen Strategie zum Schutz der Biologischen Vielfalt.Biodiversity is currently an important issue for the EC (see Agenda 21, habitats directive). However, by which means can this be measured? First of all, the evaluation requires a concept of hierarchical natural units (WHITTAKER 1972, 1977, BEIERKUHNLEIN 2003), filled with ecologically significant and easily recordable key criteria. In order to ensure the meaningful application of the theoretical term to nature protection, qualitative restrictions are required as well: not the maximum of biodiversity, but the regionally characteristic and the individually distinctive biodiversity should be the objective of conservation

    Forest Focus Monitoring Database System - Technical Report 2005 Level II Data

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    Forest Focus (Regulation (EC) No 2152/2003) is a Community scheme for harmonized, broad-based, comprehensive and long-term monitoring of European forest ecosystems. Under this scheme the monitoring of air pollution effects on forests is carried out by participating countries on the basis of the systematic network of observation points (Level I) and of the network of observation plots for intensive and continuous monitoring (Level II). According to Article 15(1) of the Forest Focus Regulation Member States shall annually, through the designated authorities and agencies, forward to the Commission geo-referenced data gathered under the scheme, together with a report on them by means of computer telecommunications and/or electronic technology. For managing the data JRC has implemented a Forest Focus Monitoring Database System. This Technical Report presents the results obtained from all processing stages (data reception, validation checks Âż compliance, conformity, uniformity) for submitted data referring to the monitoring year 2005. This report presents the results at the end of the processing phase after data have been re-submitted in 2007. It presents in addition a brief comment on the data status for each NFC, for the reporting year, with respect to the parameter assessed and including analyses of spatial variability of data and temporal trends of parameters.JRC.DDG.H.7-Land management and natural hazard

    Forest Focus Monitoring Database System - Technical Report 2006 Level II Data

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    Forest Focus (Regulation (EC) No 2152/2003) is a Community scheme for harmonized, broadbased, comprehensive and long-term monitoring of European forest ecosystems. Under this scheme the monitoring of air pollution effects on forests is carried out by participating countries on the basis of the systematic network of observation points (Level I) and of the network of observation plots for intensive and continuous monitoring (Level II). According to Article 15(1) of the Forest Focus Regulation Member States shall annually, through the designated authorities and agencies, forward to the Commission geo-referenced data gathered under the scheme, together with a report on them by means of computer telecommunications and/or electronic technology. For managing the data JRC has implemented a Forest Focus Monitoring Database System. This Technical Report presents the results obtained from all processing stages (data reception, validation checks Âż compliance, conformity, uniformity) for submitted data referring to the monitoring year 2006. This report presents the results at the end of the processing phase after data have been re-submitted in 2007 and 2008. It presents in addition a brief comment on the data status for each NFC, for the reporting year, with respect to the parameter assessed and including analyses of spatial variability of data and temporal trends of parameters.JRC.H.7-Land management and natural hazard

    Forest Focus Monitoring Database System - Technical Report 2001 Level II Data

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    Forest Focus (Regulation (EC) No 2152/2003 ) is a Community scheme for harmonised, broad-based, comprehensive and long-term monitoring of European forest ecosystems. It concentrates in particular on protecting forests against air pollution and fire. To supplement the monitoring system, Forest Focus stipulates the development of new instruments relating to soil monitoring, carbon sequestration, biodiversity, climate change and protective functions of forests. Under this scheme the monitoring of air pollution effects on forests is carried out by participating countries on the basis of the systematic network of observation points (Level I) and of the network of observation plots for intensive and continuous monitoring (Level II). The monitoring activity continues from the network and plots established and implemented under Council Regulation (EEC) No 3528/86 .and Regulations (EEC) No 1696/87 and (EC) No 1091/94 . The monitoring programme of air pollution effects is linked to International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forest (ICP Forests). ICP Forests reports to the working Group on Effects of the Convention of the Long-Range Trans-boundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN-ECE). Forest Focus Article 15(1) stipulates that the Member States shall annually, through the designated authorities and agencies, forward to the Commission geo-referenced data gathered under the scheme, together with a report on them by means of computer telecommunications and/or electronic technology. For managing the data DG JRC has implemented a Forest Focus Monitoring Database System. The system was developed and realized under contract by a Consortium, coordinated by I-MAGE Consult with Nouvelles Solutions Informatiques s.a. (NSI) as consortium partner and the Bundesforschungsanstalt fĂŒr Forst- und Holzwirtschaft (BFH) as sub-contractor. The designated authorities and agencies submitted annually to DG Joint Research Centre of the European Commission their observations made on the network of observation plots for intensive and continuous monitoring (Level II). Data are submitted via a Web-Module specifically designed for the task as part of the Forest Focus Monitoring Database System.JRC.DDG.H.7-Land management and natural hazard

    Forest Focus Monitoring Database System - Executive Summary Report 2006 Level II Data

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    Forest Focus (Regulation (EC) No 2152/2003) is a Community scheme for harmonized, broad-based, comprehensive and long-term monitoring of European forest ecosystems. Under this scheme the monitoring of air pollution effects on forests is carried out by participating countries on the basis of the systematic network of observation points (Level I) and of the network of observation plots for intensive and continuous monitoring (Level II). According to Article 15(1) of the Forest Focus Regulation Member States shall annually, through the designated authorities and agencies, forward to the Commission geo-referenced data gathered under the scheme, together with a report on them by means of computer telecommunications and/or electronic technology. For managing the data JRC has implemented a Forest Focus Monitoring Database System. This Executive Report presents the results obtained from all processing stages (data reception, validation checks Âż compliance, conformity, uniformity) for submitted data referring to the monitoring year 2006. This report presents the results at the end of the processing phase after data have been re-submitted in 2007 and 2008. It presents in addition a brief comment on the data status for each NFC, for the reporting year, with respect to the parameter assessed and including analyses of spatial variability of data and temporal trends of parameters.JRC.H.7-Land management and natural hazard

    Forest Focus Monitoring Database System - Validation Methodology 2008

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    Forest Focus (Regulation (EC) No 2152/2003) is a Community scheme for harmonized, broadbased, comprehensive and long-term monitoring of European forest ecosystems. Under this scheme the monitoring of air pollution effects on forests is carried out by participating countries on the basis of the systematic network of observation points (Level I) and of the network of observation plots for intensive and continuous monitoring (Level II). According to Article 15(1) of the Forest Focus Regulation Member States shall annually, through the designated authorities and agencies, forward to the Commission geo-referenced data gathered under the scheme, together with a report on them by means of computer telecommunications and/or electronic technology. For managing the data JRC has implemented a Forest Focus Monitoring Database System. This report presents the methodology used to validate Level II data. The procedures applied at the various stages of checking data Compliance, Conformity and Uniformity are described. The report also provides detailed information on the interpretation of data formats and the threshold values used in the Conformity range tests.JRC.H.7-Land management and natural hazard

    Machining-induced thermal damage in cortical bone: necrosis and micro-mechanical integrity

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    In bone cutting, the tissue is exposed to necrosis due to temperature elevation, which can significantly influence postoperative results in orthopaedic surgeries. This damage is usually revealed through histological analysis to show the necrotic extent; however, this technique does not capture mechanical damage, which is essential for a full material integrity assessment. Here, with micro-mechanics, it is demonstrated that machining-induced damage in bone extends beyond the necrotic region. Drilling with different conditions was performed on ex-vivo bovine cortical bone, inducing different damage degrees. Micro-pillar compression tests were performed in the machined sub-surface to identify changes in properties and failure modes caused by drilling. It was revealed that at high cutting temperatures, the bone near the machined surface suffers from lower modulus (−42%), strength (−41%) and brittle behaviour, whereas the bulk bone remains undamaged with pristine properties and ductile behaviour. Histology was also performed to evaluate necrosis and, surprisingly, it was found that the brittle and weaker bone layer is more than three times larger when compared to the necrotic layer, clearly showing that the drilling thermo-mechanical effect could affect not only biologically, but also micro-mechanically. Consequently, these results reveal another kind of bone damage that has so far been neglected