21 research outputs found

    Art and Cultural Transformation

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    В статье рассматривается концепция искусства отечественного марксиста Г. В. Плеханова. Проанализированы способы минимизации кризисных состояний искусства в условиях перестройки основных инстит утов культуры. Показана значимость предлагаемых Г. В. Плехановым мер по сохранности академической традиционности искусства. Доказательно показано, что современная цифровизация культуры способна создавать новые возможности для развития форм искусства.The article deals with the concept of art of the Russian Marxist G. Plekhanov. The methods of minimizing the crisis States of art in the conditions of restructuring of the main cultural institutions are analyzed. The significance of the measures proposed by G. V. Plekhanov to preserve the academic tradition of art is shown. It is proved that the modern digitalization of culture can create new opportunities for the development of art forms

    Innovative Pedagogical Technologies: Innovation Pedagogy or a Revival of Traditions of National Model of Education and Socialization

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    В статье предпринята попытка определения причин «революции» в педагогических технологиях. Показана корреляция разработки и применения новых методов в процессе обучения с трансформацией основных характеристик общества. В рамках единства исторического и логического прослежена зависимость разработки новых педагогических моделей от традиций отечественной теоретической мысли по проблемам воспитания и обучения (на примере марксистской теории Г. В. Плеханова).The article attempts to determine the causes of the «revolution» in pedagogical technologies. The correlation of the development and application of new methods in the learning process with the transformation of the main characteristics of society is shown. Within the framework of the unity of historical and logical, the dependence of the development of new pedagogical models on the traditions of domestic theoretical thought on the problems of education and training (on the example of the Marxist theory of G. V. Plekhanov) is traced

    Fate of rising methane bubbles in stratified waters: How much methane reaches the atmosphere?

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    There is growing concern about the transfer of methane originating from water bodies to the atmosphere. Methane from sediments can reach the atmosphere directly via bubbles or indirectly via vertical turbulent transport. This work quantifies methane gas bubble dissolution using a combination of bubble modeling and acoustic observations of rising bubbles to determine what fraction of the methane transported by bubbles will reach the atmosphere. The bubble model predicts the evolving bubble size, gas composition, and rise distance and is suitable for almost all aquatic environments. The model was validated using methane and argon bubble dissolution measurements obtained from the literature for deep, oxic, saline water with excellent results. Methane bubbles from within the hydrate stability zone (typically below ∼500 m water depth in the ocean) are believed to form an outer hydrate rim. To explain the subsequent slow dissolution, a model calibration was performed using bubble dissolution data from the literature measured within the hydrate stability zone. The calibrated model explains the impressively tall flares (>1300 m) observed in the hydrate stability zone of the Black Sea. This study suggests that only a small amount of methane reaches the surface at active seep sites in the Black Sea, and this only from very shallow water areas (<100 m). Clearly, the Black Sea and the ocean are rather effective barriers against the transfer of bubble methane to the atmosphere, although substantial amounts of methane may reach the surface in shallow lakes and reservoirs


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    The article analyzes the philosophical and methodological foundations of social constructivism in modern sociology. Its representatives, namely Rogers Brubaker, suggest to refuse the concept “group” in the study of ethnicity, race, and nationalism

    Sources and sinks of methane in Lake Baikal: A synthesis of measurements and modeling

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    We studied the methane (CH4) budget of Lake Baikal, the most voluminous lake in the world and the only freshwater body with known occurrences of methane hydrates in the sediments. CH4 concentrations were measured in water samples taken during six expeditions between October 2002 and June 2004; these expeditions covered the entire lake volume. A one-dimensional model was applied to (1) estimate the large-scale vertical CH4 fluxes within the South Basin of Lake Baikal, (2) determine the exchange with the atmosphere, and (3) constrain the CH4 inputs from seeps and mud volcanoes to the deep water. Fluxes were generally several orders of magnitude below previous estimates. The annual internal source of CH4 to the pelagic surface mixed layer was roughly estimated to be 40 Mg CH4. A large part of this input diffuses downwards and is consumed in the water column, with a CH4 residence time of about 4 yr. The input of CH4 from deep gas seeps and mud volcanoes is less than a few 10 Mg CH4 yr-1, most of which is oxidized before reaching the surface. The net CH4 flux between the atmosphere and the main waterbody distant from shallow areas is negligible and not significantly different from zero. However, occasional high CH4 concentrations, both in the surface water and in the atmosphere, indicate that the region near the Selenga delta is a local CH4 source to the atmosphere. CH4 fluxes in the Central Basin are very similar to those in the South Basin, whereas in the North Basin, the shallow CH4 sources are weaker