96 research outputs found

    Critical properties of Ί1+14\Phi^4_{1+1}-theory in Light-Cone Quantization

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    The dynamics of the phase transition of the continuum Ί1+14\Phi ^{4}_{1+1}-theory in Light Cone Quantization is reexamined taking into account fluctuations of the order parameter in the form of dynamical zero mode operators (DZMO) which appear in a natural way via the Haag expansion of the field Ί(x)\Phi (x) of the interacting theory. The inclusion of the DZM-sector changes significantly the value of the critical coupling, bringing it in agreement within 2% with the most recent Monte-Carlo and high temperature/strong coupling estimates. The critical slowing down of the DZMO governs the low momentum behavior of the dispersion relation through invariance of this DZMO under conformal transformations preserving the local light cone structure. The critical exponent η\eta characterising the scaling behaviour at k2→0k^2 \to 0 comes out in agreement with the known value 0.25 of the Ising universality class. η\eta is made of two contributions: one, analytic (75(75 %) and another (25%) which can be evaluated only numerically with an estimated error of 3%. The ÎČ\beta-function is then found from the non-perturbative expression of the physical mass. It is non-analytic in the coupling constant with a critical exponent ω=2\omega=2. However, at D=2, ω\omega is not parametrisation independent with respect to the space of coupling constants due to this strong non-analytic behaviour.Comment: Latex, 22 pages, 8 Postscript figures,Appendi

    Scaling Laws and Transient Times in 3He Induced Nuclear Fission

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    Fission excitation functions of compound nuclei in a mass region where shell effects are expected to be very strong are shown to scale exactly according to the transition state prediction once these shell effects are accounted for. The fact that no deviations from the transition state method have been observed within the experimentally investigated excitation energy regime allows one to assign an upper limit for the transient time of 10 zs.Comment: 7 pages, TeX type, psfig, submitted to Phys. Rev. C, also available at http://csa5.lbl.gov/moretto/ps/he3_paper.p

    Thermal fission rate around super-normal phase transition

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    Using Langer's ImFIm F method, we discuss the temperature dependence of nuclear fission width in the presence of dissipative environments. We introduce a low cut-off frequency to the spectral density of the environmental oscillators in order to mimic the pairing gap. It is shown that the decay width rapidly decreases at the critical temperature, where the phase transition from super to normal fluids takes place. Relation to the recently observed threshold for the dissipative fission is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, Submitted to Physical Review C for publication, 3 Postscript figures are available by request from [email protected]

    Angular anisotropy of the fusion-fission and quasifission fragments

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    The anisotropy in the angular distribution of the fusion-fission and quasifission fragments for the 16^{16}O+238^{238}U, 19^{19}F+208^{208}Pb and 32^{32}S+208^{208}Pb reactions is studied by analyzing the angular momentum distributions of the dinuclear system and compound nucleus which are formed after capture and complete fusion, respectively. The orientation angles of axial symmetry axes of colliding nuclei to the beam direction are taken into account for the calculation of the variance of the projection of the total spin onto the fission axis. It is shown that the deviation of the experimental angular anisotropy from the statistical model picture is connected with the contribution of the quasifission fragments which is dominant in the 32^{32}S+208^{208}Pb reaction. Enhancement of anisotropy at low energies in the 16^{16}O+238^{238}U reaction is connected with quasifission of the dinuclear system having low temperature and effective moment of inertia.Comment: 17 pages 8 figures. Submitted to Euro. Phys. Jour.

    Infinite Nuclear Matter on the Light Front: Nucleon-Nucleon Correlations

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    A relativistic light front formulation of nuclear dynamics is developed and applied to treating infinite nuclear matter in a method which includes the correlations of pairs of nucleons: this is light front Brueckner theory. We start with a hadronic meson-baryon Lagrangian that is consistent with chiral symmetry. This is used to obtain a light front version of a one-boson-exchange nucleon-nucleon potential (OBEP). The accuracy of our description of the nucleon-nucleon (NN) data is good, and similar to that of other relativistic OBEP models. We derive, within the light front formalism, the Hartree-Fock and Brueckner Hartree-Fock equations. Applying our light front OBEP, the nuclear matter saturation properties are reasonably well reproduced. We obtain a value of the compressibility, 180 MeV, that is smaller than that of alternative relativistic approaches to nuclear matter in which the compressibility usually comes out too large. Because the derivation starts from a meson-baryon Lagrangian, we are able to show that replacing the meson degrees of freedom by a NN interaction is a consistent approximation, and the formalism allows one to calculate corrections to this approximation in a well-organized manner. The simplicity of the vacuum in our light front approach is an important feature in allowing the derivations to proceed. The mesonic Fock space components of the nuclear wave function are obtained also, and aspects of the meson and nucleon plus-momentum distribution functions are computed. We find that there are about 0.05 excess pions per nucleon.Comment: 39 pages, RevTex, two figure

    The Nucleon Spectral Function at Finite Temperature and the Onset of Superfluidity in Nuclear Matter

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    Nucleon selfenergies and spectral functions are calculated at the saturation density of symmetric nuclear matter at finite temperatures. In particular, the behaviour of these quantities at temperatures above and close to the critical temperature for the superfluid phase transition in nuclear matter is discussed. It is shown how the singularity in the thermodynamic T-matrix at the critical temperature for superfluidity (Thouless criterion) reflects in the selfenergy and correspondingly in the spectral function. The real part of the on-shell selfenergy (optical potential) shows an anomalous behaviour for momenta near the Fermi momentum and temperatures close to the critical temperature related to the pairing singularity in the imaginary part. For comparison the selfenergy derived from the K-matrix of Brueckner theory is also calculated. It is found, that there is no pairing singularity in the imaginary part of the selfenergy in this case, which is due to the neglect of hole-hole scattering in the K-matrix. From the selfenergy the spectral function and the occupation numbers for finite temperatures are calculated.Comment: LaTex, 23 pages, 21 PostScript figures included (uuencoded), uses prc.sty, aps.sty, revtex.sty, psfig.sty (last included

    Out of Equilibrium Thermal Field Theories - Finite Time after Switching on the Interaction - Wigner Transforms of Projected Functions

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    We study out of equilibrium thermal field theories with switching on the interaction occurring at finite time using the Wigner transforms (in relative space-time) of two-point functions. For two-point functions we define the concept of projected function: it is zero if any of times refers to the time before switching on the interaction, otherwise it depends only on the relative coordinates. This definition includes bare propagators, one-loop self-energies, etc. For the infinite-average-time limit of the Wigner transforms of projected functions we define the analyticity assumptions: (1) The function of energy is analytic above (below) the real axis. (2) The function goes to zero as the absolute value of energy approaches infinity in the upper (lower) semiplane. Without use of the gradient expansion, we obtain the convolution product of projected functions. We sum the Schwinger-Dyson series in closed form. In the calculation of the Keldysh component (both, resummed and single self-energy insertion approximation) contributions appear which are not the Wigner transforms of projected functions, signaling the limitations of the method. In the Feynman diagrams there is no explicit energy conservation at vertices, there is an overall energy-smearing factor taking care of the uncertainty relations. The relation between the theories with the Keldysh time path and with the finite time path enables one to rederive the results, such as the cancellation of pinching, collinear, and infrared singularities, hard thermal loop resummation, etc.Comment: 23 pages + 1 figure, Latex, corrected version, improved presentation, version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Guidelines for diagnosis and management of the cobalamin-related remethylation disorders cblC, cblD, cblE, cblF, cblG, cblJ and MTHFR deficiency

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    BACKGROUND: Remethylation defects are rare inherited disorders in which impaired remethylation of homocysteine to methionine leads to accumulation of homocysteine and perturbation of numerous methylation reactions. OBJECTIVE: To summarise clinical and biochemical characteristics of these severe disorders and to provide guidelines on diagnosis and management. DATA SOURCES: Review, evaluation and discussion of the medical literature (Medline, Cochrane databases) by a panel of experts on these rare diseases following the GRADE approach. KEY RECOMMENDATIONS: We strongly recommend measuring plasma total homocysteine in any patient presenting with the combination of neurological and/or visual and/or haematological symptoms, subacute spinal cord degeneration, atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome or unexplained vascular thrombosis. We strongly recommend to initiate treatment with parenteral hydroxocobalamin without delay in any suspected remethylation disorder; it significantly improves survival and incidence of severe complications. We strongly recommend betaine treatment in individuals with MTHFR deficiency; it improves the outcome and prevents disease when given early

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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