557 research outputs found

    Lesiones y problemas físicos padecidos por senderistas y cicloturistas en una ruta por etapas: el caso del Camino de Santiago

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    Este trabajo ha tenido por objetivo conocer los problemas físicos, dolencias o enfermedades padecidas por el peregrino mayor de 15 años que recorre el Camino de Santiago, andando o en bicicleta, analizando las diferencias producidas en función de la edad, sexo, medio de locomoción y nacionalidad. La investigación se ha desarrollado mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario autoadministrado en Compostela a una muestra de 1.091 sujetos, utilizando el procedimiento de muestreo estratificado polietápico con afijación proporcional, con un margen de error muestral del ±3 % y un nivel de confianza del 95,5%. Los resultados indicaron que el medio utilizado para realizar una ruta por etapas, y la distancia recorrida, son determinantes de los problemas físicos sufridos, comprobándose que las ampollas y las llagas en los pies, así como la tendinitis, las padecen más los senderistas, mientras que a los cicloturistas afectan más las insolaciones, resfriados y caídas y golpes

    Los Eleatas: Parménides, Zenón y Meliso

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    Presentamos la traducción al castellano, hecha directamente del griego, de los Fragmentos conocidos hasta ahora de los tres filósofos eleatas Parménides, Zenón de Elea y Meliso

    Los Eleatas: Zenón y Meliso

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    Al infinito en magnitud lo demostró primeramente mediante la misma argumentación. Habiendo pues antes demostrado que «si no tiene magnitud el ser, no existe», arguye «si pues existe, es necesario que cada parte tenga alguna magnitud y grosor y difieran en esto la una de la otra. Y acerca de la precedente, se diga lo mismo. Pues también ella tendrá magnitud, y tendrá delante de sí, otra. Y haber dicho esto una vez es lo mismo que decirlo para siempre. Pues ninguna de las tales partes del mismo será la última, ni dejará de haber una después de otra. Así, si son muchas partes, es necesario que éstas sean pequeñas y grandes: pequeñas, de tal modo que no tengan magnitud; grandes, de modo que sean infinitas» (= infinitamente extensas)

    Accompanied child irregular migrants who arrive to Spain in small boats: experiences and health needs

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    The European Union is the preferred destination of child irregular migrants arrived from northern Africa, who risk their lives crossing the Mediterranean Sea in small boats. Accompanied Child Irregular Migrants (AChIMs) are exposed to physical and psychological risk. The objective of our study is to describe and understand the experiences and health needs of AChIMs who arrive to Spain in small boats, through the testimony of adults who accompany them on the journey. A qualitative study, based on Gadamer's hermeneutic phenomenology, was performed. After obtaining approval from the Ethics and Research Committee, we conducted in-depth interviews on 32 adults who travelled with AChIMs. Two main themes emerged: (1) The journey a child should never have to take, with the subthemes 'AChIMs as a paradigm of vulnerability' and 'Crossing the sea, playing with death' and (2) Characterising emergency care to AChIMs, with the subthemes 'Prioritising specific care', 'Identifying high-risk situations' and 'The detaining of innocent children'. AChIMs, along with adults, risk their lives in such a dangerous and perilous journey, therefore, finding out about their experiences may contribute to improving the treatment of their specific health needs during the phases of rescue and emergency care

    Sexuality throughout all the stages of pregnancy: experiences of expectant mothers

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    Objective: To explore and understand the sexual experiences of expectant mothers during their pregnancy. Methods: The study was carried out in two healthcare centers in the Almería Health District, in southern Spain. The participants included pregnant women who received prenatal care and/or maternity education. The inclusion criteria were being pregnant, maintaining sexual activity and agreeing to participate in the study. The exclusion criteria were having limitations on sexual activity by medical prescription. The sample consisted of 15 expectant women selected using a convenience sample, of which 5 took part in a focus group (FG) and 10 in in-depth interviews (IDI). Data was collected between the months of June and December 2016. Participants were contacted by the main researcher and an appointment was made to carry out the FGs or the IDIs. Results: Three main categories emerged: False beliefs and a holistic approach to sexuality during pregnancy, which is related to the concept of sexuality, false beliefs, and limited sexual counseling during pregnancy. Limitations: From fear at the beginning to physical diffi culty at the end, referring to the fluctuations in sexual desire as well as the physical changes that limit sexual activity. Adapting to changes: safe practices and satisfaction with one’s body image, which encompasses concerns about the risks and the relationship between body image and self-esteem. Conclusion: A lack of sexual counseling during pregnancy leads to the creation of false beliefs, which, together with physical changes, concerns about the risk, and fl uctuations in sexual desire and interest, bring about a decrease in sexual activity. But sexuality remains an important aspect of pregnancy, toward which the participants must adopt a broader approach, not limited to intercourse, and adopt sexual practices that are adapted to the physical and emotional changes that happen during this time

    Fundamental care and knowledge interests: implications for nursing science

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    Aims and objectives: The aim of this discursive paper was to characterize the intra-theoretical interests of knowledge in nursing science as an epistemological framework for fundamental care. Background: For Jürgen Habermas, theory does not separate knowledge interests from life. All knowledge, understanding and human research is always interested. Habermas formulated the knowledge interests in empirical-analytical, historical hermeneutic and critical social sciences; but said nothing about health sciences and nursing science. Design: Discursive paper. Results: The paper is organised into five sections that develop our argument about the implications of the Habermasian intra theoretical interests in nursing science and fundamental care: the persistence of a technical interest, the predominance of a practical interest, the importance of an emancipatory interest, “being there” to understand individuals’ experience and an “existential crisis” that uncovers the individual’s subjectivity. Conclusions: The nursing discipline can take on practical and emancipatory interests (together with a technical interest) as its fundamental knowledge interests. Nurses’ privileged position in the delivery of fundamental care gives them the opportunity to gain a deep understanding of the patient’s experience and illness process through physical contact and empathic communication. Relevance to clinical practice and nursing research: In clinical, academic and research environments, nurses should highlight the importance of fundamental care, showcasing the value of practical and emancipatory knowledge. This process could help to improve nursing science’s leadership, social visibility and idiosyncrasy

    Effects of web-based electrocardiography simulation on strategies and learning styles

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    Objective: To identify the association between the use of web simulation electrocardiography and the learning approaches, strategies and styles of nursing degree students. Method: A descriptive and correlational design with a one-group pretest– posttest measurement was used. The study sample included 246 students in a Basic and Advanced Cardiac Life Support nursing class of nursing degree. Results: No significant differences between genders were found in any dimension of learning styles and approaches to learning. After the introduction of web simulation electrocardiography, significant differences were found in some item scores of learning styles: theorist (p < 0.040), pragmatic (p < 0.010) and approaches to learning. Conclusion: The use of a web electrocardiogram (ECG) simulation is associated with the development of active and reflexive learning styles, improving motivation and a deep approach in nursing students

    Standardization and organoleptic and physicochemical characterization of 15 argentinean propolis

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    El propóleos es una mezcla de composición química compleja que posee propiedades biológicas de gran interés para fines terapéuticos. Existen distintos tipos de propóleos que difieren en su composición química de acuerdo a su origen botánico. En la actualidad se carece de un estándar de calidad de propóleos. Por esta razón, en este trabajo fueron determinados los caracteres organolépticos, propiedades físico- químicas y el contenido total de compuestos fenólicos y flavonoides de 15 muestras de propóleos recolectadas de diferentes regiones de Chaco, Corrientes, Santiago del Estero y Mendoza, para así brindar una estandarización que permita producir medicamentos de propóleos de seguridad y eficacia demostrable. Se encontró gran variación en las propiedades de los diferentes propóleos estudiados, incluso de aquellos provenientes de una misma región. Los propóleos difirieron principalmente en su contenido de compuestos fenólicos y flavonoides, siendo significativamente superiores en los propóleos originarios de Mendoza, donde la vegetación más abundante pertenece a Populus sp.Propolis is a mixture of complex chemical composition that possesses biological properties of great interest for therapeutic purposes. Different types of propolis exist, which differ in its chemical composition according to its botanical origin. At present, there is not a quality standard for propolis. For this reason, in this work the organoleptic characteristics, the physicochemical properties, the total content of phenolic compounds and the flavonoid composition of 15 samples of propolis collected from different regions of Chaco, Corrientes, Santiago del Estero, and Mendoza were determined, for providing an standardization that allows the production of effective and safe propolis products. It was found great variation in the properties of the different studied propolis, even of those from the same region. Principally, propolis differed in its phenolic and flavonoids content, being significantly higher in propolis from Mendoza, where the most abundant vegetation belongs to Populus sp.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Understanding violence against women irregular migrants who arrive in Spain in small boats

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    African irregular migrants risk their lives crossing the Mediterranean Sea in small boats hoping to reach Europe. Women irregular migrants (WIMs) are an especially vulnerable group that suffer from violence and sexual aggression, but little is known about their actual experiences. The objective of our study is to describe and understand the violence against WIMs who arrive in Spain in small boats. A qualitative study based on Gadamer’s phenomenology was used. The data collection included twenty-six in-depth interviews with WIMs. Three main themes arose: “Poverty and discrimination push WIMs into migrating”; “WIMs as a paradigm of extreme vulnerability”, and “WIMs in small boats should raise the alarm”. WIMs who arrive to Europe in small boats have a history of violence, rape, prostitution, forced pregnancy, and human trafficking. Emergency care must include gynecological examinations and must make detecting sexual violence and human trafficking of WIMs part of their care protocols

    Prediction of sustained remission of chronic hepatitis C after a 12-month course of alfa interferon

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    alpha-Interferon therapy normalizes aminotransferase levels in approximately 50% of the patients with chronic hepatitis C, but post-therapy relapses are common and predictive factors of sustained response remain largely unknown. We retrospectively assessed several parameters as predictors of sustained remission after a 12-month course of lymphoblastoid alpha-interferon: the Knodell histological activity index, serum levels of procollagen type III peptide, serum HCV-RNA, anti-alpha-interferon antibodies, and anti-HCV antibodies (C-100-3), all at month 12. Thirty-seven patients were studied. Fourteen patients were non-responders (38%), 15 patients experienced a sustained response (40.5%) and eight patients responded similarly but relapsed after alpha-interferon withdrawal (21.5%). A decrease in the histological activity index above 5, normalization of procollagen type III peptide levels (< 12 ng/ml) and the absence of viremia after treatment were all significantly associated with a sustained response (p = 0.008, p = 0.007 and p = 0.037, respectively). Anti-interferon antibodies were detected in only one non-responder patient. Anti-C-100-3 antibodies became undetectable at month 12 in 5 of the 15 sustained responders. The best prediction of sustained response was obtained from the three variables independent of multivariate analysis according to the following equation: F = 0.872 + 0.067 x K (decrease of histological index) -0.052 x P (procollagen type III peptide levels at month 12) -0.28 x R (HCV-RNA at month 12; R = 2 when present and R = 1 when absent). A score higher than 0 predicted sustained remission with a 100% sensitivity and specificity in this series of patients