890 research outputs found

    Photonic Quantum Logic with Narrowband Light from Single Atoms

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    Increasing control of single photons enables new applications of photonic quantum-enhanced technology and further experimental exploration of fundamental quantum phenomena. Here, we demonstrate quantum logic using narrow linewidth photons that are produced under nearly perfect quantum control from a single ^87Rb atom strongly coupled to a high-finesse cavity. We use a controlled- NOT gate integrated into a photonic chip to entangle these photons, and we observe non-classical correlations between events separated by periods exceeding the travel time across the chip by three orders of magnitude. This enables quantum technology that will use the properties of both narrowband single photon sources and integrated quantum photonics, such as networked quantum computing, narrow linewidth quantum enhanced sensing and atomic memories.Comment: 5 pates, 3 figure

    Long-term Hydro-economic Analysis Tool for Evaluating Global Groundwater Cost and Supply: Superwell v1.0

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    Groundwater plays a key role in meeting water demands, supplying over 40 % of irrigation water globally, with this role likely to grow as water demands and surface water variability increase. A better understanding of the future role of groundwater in meeting sectoral demands requires an integrated hydro-economic evaluation of its cost and availability. Yet substantial gaps remain in our knowledge and modeling capabilities related to groundwater availability, feasible locations for extraction, extractable volumes, and associated extraction costs, which are essential for large-scale analyses of integrated human-water systems scenarios, particularly at the global scale. To address these needs, we developed Superwell, a physics-based groundwater extraction and cost accounting model that operates at 0.5° (≈50x50 km) gridded spatial resolution with global coverage. The model produces location-specific groundwater supply-cost curves that provide the levelized cost to access different quantities of available groundwater. The inputs to Superwell include recent high-resolution hydrogeologic datasets of permeability, porosity, aquifer thickness, depth to water table, and hydrogeological complexity zones. It also accounts for well capital and maintenance costs, and the energy costs required to lift water to the surface. The model employs a Theis-based scheme coupled with an amortization-based cost accounting formulation to simulate groundwater extraction and quantify the cost of groundwater pumping. The result is a spatiotemporally flexible, physically-realistic, economics-based model that produces groundwater supply-cost curves. We show examples of these supply-cost curves and the insights that can be derived from them across a set of scenarios designed to explore model outcomes. The supply-cost curves produced by the model show that most nonrenewable groundwater in storage globally is extractable at costs lower than 0.23 USD/m3, while half of the volume remains extractable at under 0.138 USD/m3. We also demonstrate and discuss examples of how these cost curves could be used by linking Superwell’s outputs with other models to explore coupled human-environmental systems challenges, such as water resources planning and management, or broader analyses of multi-sectoral feedbacks

    Compositional marker in vivo reveals intramyocellular lipid turnover during fasting-induced lipolysis

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    Intramyocellular lipid (IMCL) is of particular metabolic interest, but despite many proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (¹H MRS) studies reporting IMCL content measured by the methylene (CH₂) resonance signal, little is known about its composition. Here we validated IMCL CH₃:CH₂ ratio as a compositional marker using ¹H MRS at short echo time, and investigated IMCL content and composition during a 28-hour fast in 24 healthy males. Increases in IMCL CH₂ relative to the creatine and phosphocreatine resonance (Cr) at 3.0 ppm (an internal standard) correlated with circulating free fatty acid (FA) concentrations, supporting the concept of increased FA influx into IMCL. Significant decreases in IMCL CH₃:CH₂ ratio indicated a less unsaturated IMCL pool after fasting, and this compositional change related inversely to IMCL baseline composition, suggesting a selective efflux of unsaturated shorter-chain FA from the IMCL pool. This novel in vivo evidence reveals IMCL turnover during extended fasting, consistent with the concept of a flexible, responsive myocellular lipid store. There were also differences between soleus and tibialis anterior in basal IMCL composition and in response to fasting. We discuss the potential of this marker for providing insights into normal physiology and mechanisms of disease.We thank the participants, staff at the Cambridge NIHR/Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility and the Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre, Sarah Nutland (NIHR Cambridge BioResource, Cambridge, UK) for facilitating participant recruitment and Edwina French (MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK) for help with phantoms. We acknowledge grants from Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust and the British Society for Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes. LH is a British Heart Foundation Senior Fellow in Basic Science. DBS is supported by the Wellcome Trust (107064). AT, AK and DBD are funded by the UK NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre and Medical Research Council (UD99999906), and AS by the NIHR via the NIHR Cambridge Clinical Research Facility

    Depression predicts future emergency hospital admissions in primary care patients with chronic physical illness

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    PublishedObjective More than 15 million people currently suffer from a chronic physical illness in England. The objective of this study was to determine whether depression is independently associated with prospective emergency hospital admission in patients with chronic physical illness. Method 1860 primary care patients in socially deprived areas of Manchester with at least one of four exemplar chronic physical conditions completed a questionnaire about physical and mental health, including a measure of depression. Emergency hospital admissions were recorded using GP records for the year before and the year following completion of the questionnaire. Results The number of patients who had at least one emergency admission in the year before and the year after completion of the questionnaire were 221/1411 (15.7%) and 234/1398 (16.7%) respectively. The following factors were independently associated with an increased risk of prospective emergency admission to hospital; having no partner OR 1.49 (95% CI 1.04 to 2.15); having ischaemic heart disease OR 1.60 (95% CI 1.04 to 2.46); having a threatening experience OR 1.16 (95% CI 1.04 to 1.29) per experience; depression OR 1.58 (95% CI 1.04 to 2.40); emergency hospital admission in year prior to questionnaire completion OR 3.41 (95% CI (1.98 to 5.86). Conclusion To prevent potentially avoidable emergency hospital admissions, greater efforts should be made to detect and treat co-morbid depression in people with chronic physical illness in primary care, with a particular focus on patients who have no partner, have experienced threatening life events, and who have had a recent emergency hospital admission.National Institute for Health Research (NIHR

    The Cosmological Probability Density Function for Bianchi Class A Models in Quantum Supergravity

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    Nicolai's theorem suggests a simple stochastic interpetation for supersymmetric Euclidean quantum theories, without requiring any inner product to be defined on the space of states. In order to apply this idea to supergravity, we first reduce to a one-dimensional theory with local supersymmetry by the imposition of homogeneity conditions. We then make the supersymmetry rigid by imposing gauge conditions, and quantise to obtain the evolution equation for a time-dependent wave function. Owing to the inclusion of a certain boundary term in the classical action, and a careful treatment of the initial conditions, the evolution equation has the form of a Fokker-Planck equation. Of particular interest is the static solution, as this satisfies all the standard quantum constraints. This is naturally interpreted as a cosmological probability density function, and is found to coincide with the square of the magnitude of the conventional wave function for the wormhole state.Comment: 22 pages, Late

    Membrane staining and phospholipid tracking in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 using the phosphatidylcholine mimic propargyl-choline

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    The use of membrane-specific dyes for in vivo fluorescent microscopy is commonplace. However, most of these reagents are non-specific and cannot track specific lipid species movement, instead often acting as non-covalent lipid associated probes or requiring uptake of whole lipids and acyl tails into the membrane. This issue has been solved in eukaryotic cell biology by use of click-chemistry liable phospholipid headgroup pulse-labels. Here we describe a method for in vivo phospholipid labelling by fluorescent imaging in Pseudomonas aeruginosa using a phosphatidylcholine (PC) mimic, “propargyl-choline”(PCho). This click-chemistry liable headgroup mimic is visible by microscopy and allows the covalent labelling of lipids. Fluorescence of the cell membranes, visible in heterogenous patches, is dependent on PCho concentration and is localised in the membrane fraction of cells, demonstrating that it is suitable for membrane labelling and cell imaging

    Differences in intracellular localisation of ANKH mutants that relate to mechanisms of calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease and craniometaphyseal dysplasia

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    ANKH mutations are associated with calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease and craniometaphyseal dysplasia. This study investigated the effects of these ANKH mutants on cellular localisation and associated biochemistry. We generated four ANKH overexpression-plasmids containing either calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease or craniometaphyseal dysplasia linked mutations: P5L, E490del and S375del, G389R. They were transfected into CH-8 articular chondrocytes and HEK293 cells. The ANKH mutants dynamic differential localisations were imaged and we investigated the interactions with the autophagy marker LC3. Extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate, mineralization, ENPP1 activity expression of ENPP1, TNAP and PIT-1 were measured. P5L delayed cell membrane localisation but once recruited into the membrane it increased extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate, mineralization, and ENPP1 activity. E490del remained mostly cytoplasmic, forming punctate co-localisations with LC3, increased mineralization, ENPP1 and ENPP1 activity with an initial but unsustained increase in TNAP and PIT-1. S375del trended to decrease extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate, increase mineralization. G389R delayed cell membrane localisation, trended to decrease extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate, increased mineralization and co-localised with LC3. Our results demonstrate a link between pathological localisation of ANKH mutants with different degrees in mineralization. Furthermore, mutant ANKH functions are related to synthesis of defective proteins, inorganic pyrophosphate transport, ENPP1 activity and expression of ENPP1, TNAP and PIT-1

    Accumulation of saturated intramyocellular lipid is associated with insulin resistance.

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    Intramyocellular lipid (IMCL) accumulation has been linked to both insulin-resistant and insulin-sensitive (athletes) states. Biochemical analysis of intramuscular triglyceride composition is confounded by extramyocellular triglycerides in biopsy samples, and hence the specific composition of IMCLs is unknown in these states. 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) can be used to overcome this problem. Thus, we used a recently validated 1H MRS method to compare the compositional saturation index (CH2:CH3) and concentration independent of the composition (CH3) of IMCLs in the soleus and tibialis anterior muscles of 16 female insulin-resistant lipodystrophic subjects with that of age- and gender-matched athletes (n = 14) and healthy controls (n = 41). The IMCL CH2:CH3 ratio was significantly higher in both muscles of the lipodystrophic subjects compared with controls but was similar in athletes and controls. IMCL CH2:CH3 was dependent on the IMCL concentration in the controls and, after adjusting the compositional index for quantity (CH2:CH3adj), could distinguish lipodystrophics from athletes. This CH2:CH3adj marker had a stronger relationship with insulin resistance than IMCL concentration alone and was inversely related to VO2max The association of insulin resistance with the accumulation of saturated IMCLs is consistent with a potential pathogenic role for saturated fat and the reported benefits of exercise and diet in insulin-resistant states