68 research outputs found

    Metoda Tomatisa: stymulacja audio-psycho-lingwistyczna

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    This paper concerned with the therapy of the Tomatis Method (Audio- Psycho-Phonology Stimulation). Professor Alfred A. Tomatis was an internationally known otolaryngologist and inventor. He received his Doctorate in Medicine from the Paris School of Medicine. Alfred Tomatis grew up in a musical family in France. His father was an opera singer, and he spent much of his childhood traveling with him and watching his opera performances from the wings. At an early age, however, he and his parents decided he was not fit for the stage. So he went into medicine and eventually became an Ear, Nose, and Throat physician. His alternative medicine theories of hearing and listening are known as the Tomatis Method or Audio-Psycho-Phonology (APP). Alfred Tomatis was the author of three fundamental principles, named the „Tomatis laws”: (1) The larynx can only produce the harmonics which the ear hears (the voice only contains what the ear hears). This first principle was christened the „Tomatis effect”; (2) If, in a damaged ear, we restore the possibility of correctly hearing lost or compromised frequencies, then these frequencies are instantaneously and unconsciously restored in vocal emission. (3) When maintained for a certain time, stimulation under the electronic ear permanently modifies the subject`s hearing and therefore his phonation (Law of remanence). The music of Mozart, stimulated with the Electronic Ear. During a programme, the listening test is administered several times in order to record the progress accomplished during the sessions under Electronic Ear. Each new test procedure is accompanied by a consultation with an certified Tomatis konsultant. Tomatis wrote 14 books, and numerous articles. Only a few have been translated into EnglishNiniejsza praca dotyczy terapii metodą Tomatisa. Profesor Alfred Tomatis, światowej sławy otolaryngolog, naukowiec. Doktorat uzyskał w Akademii Medycznej w Paryżu. Wychował się w bardzo muzykalnej, francuskiej rodzinie. Jego ojciec był śpiewakiem operowym, tak więc w dzieciństwie towarzyszył ojcu w jego podróżach artystycznych, oglądał wiele przedstawień operowych. Jednak rodzice zadecydowali, że on nie będzie śpiewakiem operowym. Tomatis ukończył medycynę i prowadził badania nad związkiem pomiędzy słuchem, głosem, mową i językiem. Jego paramedyczne teorie słyszenia i słuchania są znane jako metoda Tomatisa albo stymulacja audio-psycho-lingwistyczna (SAPL). Alfred Tomatis zawarł wnioski ze swoich obserwacji w tzw. trzech prawach Tomatisa: (1) Głos zawiera jedynie te częstotliwości, które słyszy ucho; (2) Modyfikacja sposobu słyszenia prowadzi do natychmiastowych zmian w głosie; (3) Zastosowanie treningu słuchowego pozwalającego słyszeć brakujące częstotliwości prowadzi do trwałej modyfikacji głosu. Metoda Tomatisa jest metodą treningu słuchowego przeprowadzonego za pomocą urządzenia zwanego elektronicznym uchem. Składają się na nią sesje słuchania materiału dźwiękowego (muzyka W. A. Mozarta i chorał gregoriański), konsultacje i ocena audio-psycho-fonologiczna. Metoda ma zastosowanie u osób, u których stwierdza się zaburzenia uwagi słuchowej. Alfred Tomatis swoją metodę opisał w 14 książkach i licznych artykułac

    Test uwagi słuchowej i lateralizacji

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    The listening test is, with the Electronic Ear, the centrepiece of the Tomatis method. It remains the fundamental and irreplaceable evaluation tool used by all practitioners during the audio-psycho-phonological assessments. Although originally derived from audiometry, the listening test is totally different from the latter, its purpose being to determine how the individual communicates with others and with him or herself. The test is made upof a series of subtests whose synthesis provides a listening profile specific to every individual. The test procedure is extremely simple, since it consists in responding, either manually or verbally, depending on the subtest, to a set of very simple acoustic stimuli heard through headphones which transmit the sounds by air conduction, then through a vibrator transmitting sound by bone conduction. Each ear is tested in turn. The standard duration for the test is around a quarter of an hourZarówno test uwagi słuchowej i lateralizacji słuchowej, jak i tzw. elektroniczne ucho są najważniejszymi elementami metody Tomatisa. Test uwagi słuchowej i lateralizacji słuchowej jest podstawowym narzędziem diagnostycznym używanym w praktyce podczas stymulacji audio-psycho-lingwistycznej. Technika testu uwagi słuchowej przypomina badanie audiometrii tonalnej, jednak występują między tymi badaniami istotne różnice. Wyniki badań w teście uwagi słuchowej zależą od indywidualnej zdolności słuchania i przetwarzania dźwięków przychodzących „z zewnątrz”, czyli wypowiedzi innych osób oraz umiejętności słuchania dźwięków „wewnętrznych” - czyli własnego głosu i mowy. Test uwagi słuchowej i lateralizacji składa się z następujących elementów: badanie uwagi słuchowej zewnętrznej (drogą powietrzną), badanie uwagi słuchowej wewnętrznej (drogą kostną), badanie umiejętności lokalizacji dźwięku (drogą kostną), badanie umiejętności dyskryminacji wysokości dźwięku (tzw. selekcji dźwięku), badanie lateralizacji słuchowej. Test uwagi słuchowej i lateralizacji przeznaczony jest do diagnozy dzieci z zaburzeniem uwagi słuchowe

    Winter oilseed-rape yield estimates from hyperspectral radiometer measurements

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    Spectral reflectance data can be used for estimation of plant biophysical parameters such as seed yield, related to the use of solar energy. A field experiment was conducted to investigate relationships between canopy reflectance and seed yield of winter oilseed rape sown on four different dates. Ground hyperspectral reflectance measurements were made using a hand-held radiometer and multispectral images were taken with a VIS-NIR camera. The different sowing dates generated a wide range of difference in crop spectral response and seed yields. The strongest relationships (R2=0.87) between the yield and spectral data recorded by both sensors occurred at early flowering stages. Later, the presence of flowers caused a decline in the relationship between yield and spectral data especially in the visible (VIS) range. In the full flowering stage the strongest correlation (R2=0.72) with the yield showed vegetation indices of the near-infrared (NIR) bands

    Reakcja kukurydzy uprawianej na ziarno po zastosowaniu osadów ściekowych

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    The aim of this study was to assess the effects of the agricultural use of sewage sludge in corn for grain, in the year of application and follow up effect after one and two years after its application. The study was conducted on the variety PR39G12 on the field after the 5-year monoculture corn. Sewage sludge was used in accordance with the Directive of Minister of Environment allowing application of 10 t dry mater per ha-1 once every five years. Fertilization with sludge of maize grown for grain did not cause differences in the growth and development of plants, compared to mineral fertilized objects, as well as did not exceed the limit value for heavy metals content in above-ground plant parts. Maize grown using sewage sludge yielded higher than the objects fertilized with mineral, especially in conditions of extreme drought, which occurred in 2006. Beneficial effect of sewage sludge was maintained in the next two years after application and stabilized the grain yield of maize.Celem pracy była ocena efektów rolniczego wykorzystania komunalnych osadów ściekowych w uprawie kukurydzy na ziarno, w roku zastosowania oraz w kolejnych dwóch latach działania następczego. Badania przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem odmiany PR39G12, na polu po 5-cio letniej monokulturze kukurydzy. Osad ściekowy stosowano zgodnie z ówczesnym rozporządzeniem Ministra Środowiska dopuszczającym aplikację w dawce 10 ton s.m.·ha-1 raz na 5 lat. Nawożenie osadem ściekowym kukurydzy, uprawianej z przeznaczeniem na ziarno, nie spowodowało różnic we wzroście i rozwoju roślin w porównaniu do obiektów nawożonych mineralnie, jak również nie powodowało przekroczenia dopuszczalnych zawartości metali ciężkich w nadziemnych częściach roślin. Kukurydza uprawiana z wykorzystaniem osadów ściekowych plonowała wyżej niż na obiektach nawożonych mineralnie, zwłaszcza w warunkach ekstremalnej suszy, jaka wystąpiła w 2006 roku. Korzystne oddziaływanie osadu ściekowego utrzymywało się w kolejnych dwóch latach od jego zastosowania oraz stabilizowało plon ziarna kukurydzy

    Effects of Growth Type, Sowing Date, and Sowing Rate on the Canopy Architecture, Protein Yields, and Oil Yields of Winter Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.)

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    A split-split-plot design was used to evaluate the effects of sowing dates and sowing rates on three winter rape cultivars, including ‘PR45D03’, a semi-dwarf hybrid, ‘PR46W31’, a traditional hybrid, and ‘Californium’, an open-pollinated cultivar. August 25 was the optimal sowing date for maximizing protein and oil yields across all three cultivars. Of the cultivars, the traditional hybrid, ‘PR46W31’, produced the highest protein and oil yields on that date. The yields of the semi-dwarf hybrid, ‘PR45D03, were greater than those of the open-pollinated cultivar, ‘Californium’, when these were sown later than the optimal date. Protein and oil yields did not differ significantly among different seeding densities

    Tocochromanols and fatty acid composition in flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) accessions

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    Flax, Linum usitatissimum, cultivars are grown throughout the world. Flax oil is a dietary source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, as well as phospholipids, sterols, and phenolic acids. Linseed plays a pivotal role in protecting cells from oxidative damage associated diseases, i.e., atherosclerosis, neurodegenerative disorders, cancer, and inflammation. In this study, two groups of L. usitatissimum seeds were used to evaluate and compare the content and composition of tocochromanols (vitamin E) and fatty acids. Group I included accessions originating from Poland and the Ukraine, while Group II encompassed worldwide flax cultivars (such as from the United States, Argentina, and Italy). A comparison of the tocochromanol profiles showed a higher content in Group I, although there were no significant differences in tocopherol content and composition between the genotypes within this group. All accessions in Groups I and II contained γ-tocotrienol and plastochromanol-8, which confirms the high nutritional value of flaxseeds. The composition of fatty acids varied depending on the varieties, with linolenic acid showing the greatest discrepancy. Based on the tocochromanol content and fatty acid composition, we conducted a principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis, which revealed a greater similarity among the accessions in Group I. An analysis of the tocochromanol and fatty acid composition of flaxseeds is important from an agronomic and medicinal perspective and can be used to select the most appropriate flax cultivar

    Ginsenoside content in suspension cultures of Panax quinquefolium L. cultivated in shake flasksand stirred-tank bioreactor

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    Plant suspension cultures are described as a source for the acquisition of medicinal secondary metabolites which in the future may become an alternative to traditional raw materials. This study demonstrates that the cell cultures of one of the ginseng species – Panax quinquefolium L. synthesize ginsenosides, which are triterpene saponins having a multidirectional pharmacological effects. Tested suspension cultures were run on a small scale in the shake flasksand in scale up of the process in a 10-liter stirred tank. In the shake flasks,the highest biomass yield (2.28 gl-1 for dry and 33.99 gl-1 for fresh weight) was reached on day 30 of culture, and the highest content of saponins (2.66 mg g -1 dw) was determined on day 28 of culture. In the bioreactor, nearly 2.67 and 3-fold increase of respectively dry and fresh biomass was recorded in relation to the inoculum. Large-scale cultures synthesized protopanaxatriol derivatives such as Rg1 and Re ginsenosides, however, no saponins belonging to the protopanaxadiol derivatives were reported

    SNF1-Related Protein Kinases SnRK2.4 and SnRK2.10 Modulate ROS Homeostasis in Plant Response to Salt Stress

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    In response to salinity and various other environmental stresses, plants accumulate reactive oxygen species (ROS). The ROS produced at very early stages of the stress response act as signaling molecules activating defense mechanisms, whereas those produced at later stages in an uncontrolled way are detrimental to plant cells by damaging lipids, DNA, and proteins. Multiple systems are involved in ROS generation and also in ROS scavenging. Their level and activity are tightly controlled to ensure ROS homeostasis and protect the plant against the negative effects of the environment. The signaling pathways responsible for maintaining ROS homeostasis in abiotic stress conditions remain largely unknown. Here, we show that in Arabidopsis thaliana, two abscisic acid- (ABA)-non-activated SNF1-releted protein kinases 2 (SnRK2) kinases, SnRK2.4 and SnRK2.10, are involved in the regulation of ROS homeostasis in response to salinity. They regulate the expression of several genes responsible for ROS generation at early stages of the stress response as well as those responsible for their removal. Moreover, the SnRK2.4 regulate catalase levels and its activity and the level of ascorbate in seedlings exposed to salt stress

    Demographic characteristics of children with early clinical manifestation of inflammatory bowel disease

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    Abstract Introduction: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which includes Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), is a chronic condition of the colon and small intestine. The disease is common in young people (children and young adults), but it is rare in children younger than five years of age. Therefore, IBD developing during the first years of life (under the age of 5) is known as an early-onset IBD (EO-IBD), and it is considered to be a specific entity with a distinct phenotype. However, the available data on that issue are still insufficient. Aim: To determine the characteristics and clinical course of children with early-onset IBD. Material and methods: We performed a retrospective database analysis of 47 infants younger than 5 years old diagnosed with IBD. Patient's demographic data, including age, sex, and age at disease onset, were collected in 6 paediatric hospitals in Poland. Disease location was established on the basis of the review of all endoscopic, colonoscopic, histopathological, and radiological records. All possible complications were reported, as well as any treatment and its efficacy. Since the diagnosis was established all patients have been on follow up. Results: Among 47 children registered in the database, 23 (49%) had a diagnosis of CD, 16 (34%) had UC, and 8 (17%) had IC (indeterminate colitis). The mean age at diagnosis was 28.5 ±27.5 months; 57.4% were male. The most common location/type of disease was ileocolonic disease (L3). The most common complication of IBD was anaemia, found in 30 (63.8%) children. The observed course of the disease was either severe or moderate. In 4 children younger than 2 years old, surgery was performed. Conclusions: Inflammatory bowel disease in children younger than 5 years old includes UC, CD, and a relatively high proportion of IC. In early-onset IBD severe and moderate course of the disease is usually observed. Disease manifestation in these patients is predominantly ileocolonic