154 research outputs found

    Design of integrable quantum devices

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    We present an integrable four-well model that describes the interaction and quantum tunneling of bosons in a square plaquette. This model possesses four conserved and independent quantities, of which two can be employed to derive an effective Hamiltonian. This allows for the derivation of analytical formulae for the quantum dynamics, provided that the system’s energy is in a bandformation region (which we call “resonant regime”). By employing the effective hamiltonian, we analytically predict both the interferometric activity of the system, with the possibility of achieving Heisenberg sensitivity, and the employment of the system as a NOON state generator with arbitrary phase-encoding (through breaking of integrability). Then, we calculate the hamiltonian parameters, demonstrating the equivalency between this model and the already known extended Bose-Hubbard hamiltonian, when the latter satisfies a special condition between its onsite and second-nearestneighbors interaction terms. Thus, we provide a possible design for the system to demonstrate its experimental feasibility. With the calculated parameters, we show that, under ideal conditions, the system can achieve high fidelities in the NOON state generation and high probability-matching in the read-out procedures, by comparing the numerical results obtained with the Extended Bose-Hubbard hamiltonian and the analytical results obtained with the effective hamiltonian. The findings presented here are expected to open new avenues in the interplay between integrability and atomtronics.Apresentamos um modelo integrável de quatro poços que descreve a interação e o tunelamento quântico de bósons em uma plaqueta quadrada. Esse modelo apresenta quatro quantidades conservadas e independentes, das quais duas podem ser empregadas para derivar um Hamiltoniano efetivo. Com isso, é possível derivar fórmulas analíticas para a dinâmica quântica, contanto que a energia do sistema esteja em uma região de formação de bandas (o que chamamos “regime ressonante”). Empregando o Hamiltoniano efetivo, pode-se prever analiticamente tanto a atividade interferométrica do sistema, com a possibilidade de alcançar sensitividade de Heisenberg, quanto o uso do sistema como um gerador de estados NOON com codificação arbitrária de fase (através de quebra de integrabilidade). Então, calculamos os parâmetros do Hamiltoniano, demonstrando a equivalência entre esse modelo e o já conhecido Hamiltoniano de Bose-Hubbard extendido, quando este satisfaz uma condição especial entre o termo de interação interna a um poço e o termo de interação entre poços diagonais. Assim, providenciamos um possível design para o sistema de forma a demonstrar sua viabilidade experimental. Com os parâmetros calculados, nós mostramos que, sob condições ideais, o sistema pode alcançar altas fidelidades na geração do estado NOON e alta correspondência nas probabilidades dos procedimentos de leitura dos estados, comparando os valores numéricos obtidos com o Hamiltoniano de Bose-Hubbard extendido e as expressões analíticas obtidos com o Hamiltoniano efetivo. Espera-se que os resultados apresentados aqui abram novos caminhos na interação entre integrabilidade e atomotrônica

    Integrabilidade em modelos de tunelamento quântico

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    Simulative Evaluation of Intragrain Precipitate Influence on the Material Nonlinearity using Nonlinear Ultrasound

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    Nondestructive evaluation using ultrasonic waves is commonly used to experimentally probe for the presence of defects (i.e. dislocations, precipitates, cracks) in complex metallic microstructures. Such defects and abnormalities are evidenced by monitoring the acoustic nonlinearity parameter β. However, from the mathematical standpoint, the correlation between the microstructural behavior and the measured acoustic nonlinearity parameter is not explicit yet. The present work aims to assess the existence of statistical correlations between microstructural defects and material nonlinearity. The effects of defect geometry, density, and geometrical arrangements (i.e. relative position) on material nonlinearity are studied. To do so, the acoustic response of Fe-Cu single crystals containing 1 % Cu precipitates with radii on the order of 10 nm is simulated by means of finite element analysis. Several thousand initial microstructures with random arrangement of precipitates are virtually tested using statistical methods, such as principal component analysis. Therefore, it is expected that a causal link can be made between the acoustic nonlinearity parameter and the precipitates-induced microstructural behavior via the proposed numerical analysis

    Acute stroke treatment and outcome in the oldest old (90 years and older) at a tertiary care medical centre in Germany-a retrospective study showing safety and efficacy in this particular patient population

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    Background Stroke is among the most common causes of death and disability worldwide. Despite the relevance of stroke-related disease burden, which is constantly increasing due to the demographic change in industrialized countries with an ageing population and consecutively an increase in age-associated diseases, there is sparse evidence concerning acute stroke treatment and treatment-related outcome in the elderly patient group. This retrospective study aimed at analysing patient characteristics, therapy-related complications and functional outcome in stroke patients aged 90 years or older who underwent acute stroke treatment (i.e. intravenous thrombolysis, mechanical thrombectomy, or both). Methods We identified files of all inpatient stays at the Department of Neurology at Saarland University Medical Center (tertiary care level with a comprehensive stroke unit) between June 2011 and December 2018 and filtered for subjects aged 90 years or older at the time of admission. We reviewed patient files for demographic data, symptoms upon admission, (main) diagnoses, comorbidities, and administered therapies. For patients admitted due to acute stroke we reviewed files for therapy-related complications and functional outcome. We compared the modified Rankin scale (mRS) scores upon admission and at discharge for these patients. Results We identified 566 inpatient stays of subjects aged 90 years or older. Three hundred sixty-seven of the 566 patients (64.8%) were admitted and discharged due to symptoms indicative of stroke. Two hundred eleven patients received a diagnosis of ischaemic stroke. These 211 patients were analysed subsequently. Sixty-four patients qualified for acute stroke treatment (intravenous thrombolysis n = 22, mechanical thrombectomy n = 26, intravenous thrombolysis followed by mechanical thrombectomy n = 16) and showed a significant improvement in their functional status as measured by change in mRS score (admission vs. discharge, p 0.001) with 7 (10.9%) observed potentially therapy-related complications (relevant drop in haemoglobin n = 2, subarachnoidal haemorrhage n = 1, cerebral haemorrhage n = 3, extracranial bleeding n = 1). One intravenous thrombolysis was stopped because of an uncontrollable hypertensive crisis. Patients who did not qualify for these treatments (including those declining acute treatment) did not show a change of their functional status between admission and discharge (p 0.064). Conclusion Our data indicate that acute stroke treatment is effective and safe in the oldest old. Age alone is no criterion to withhold an acute intervention even in oldest old stroke patients

    Multimodal data acquisition at SARS-CoV-2 drive through screening centers: Setup description and experiences in Saarland, Germany

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    SARS-CoV-2 drive through screening centers (DTSC) have been implemented worldwide as a fast and secure way of mass screening. We use DTSCs as a platform for the acquisition of multimodal datasets that are needed for the development of remote screening methods. Our acquisition setup consists of an array of thermal, infrared and RGB cameras as well as microphones and we apply methods from computer vision and computer audition for the contactless estimation of physiological parameters. We have recorded a multimodal dataset of DTSC participants in Germany for the development of remote screening methods and symptom identification. Acquisition in the early stages of a pandemic and in regions with high infection rates can facilitate and speed up the identification of infection specific symptoms and large-scale data acquisition at DTSC is possible without disturbing the flow of operation

    Submarine mass wasting and associated tsunami risk offshore western Thailand, Andaman Sea, Indian Ocean

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    2-D seismic data from the top and the western slope of Mergui Ridge in water depths between 300 and 2200 m off the Thai west coast have been investigated in order to identify mass transport deposits (MTDs) and evaluate the tsunamigenic potential of submarine landslides in this outer shelf area. Based on our newly collected data, 17 mass transport deposits have been identified. Minimum volumes of individual MTDs range between 0.3 km3 and 14 km3. Landslide deposits have been identified in three different settings: (i) stacked MTDs within disturbed and faulted basin sediments at the transition of the East Andaman Basin to the Mergui Ridge; (ii) MTDs within a pile of drift sediments at the basin-ridge transition; and (iii) MTDs near the edge of/on top of Mergui Ridge in relatively shallow water depths ( 1000 m) and/or comprise small volumes suggesting a small tsunami potential. Moreover, the recurrence rates of failure events seem to be low. Some MTDs with tsunami potential, however, have been identified on top of Mergui Ridge. Mass-wasting events that may occur in the future at similar locations may trigger tsunamis if they comprise sufficient volumes. Landslide tsunamis, emerging from slope failures in the working area and affecting western Thailand coastal areas therefore cannot be excluded, though the probability is very small compared to the probability of earthquake-triggered tsunamis, arising from the Sunda Trench

    The BarYon CYCLE Project (ByCycle): Identifying and Localizing MgII Metal Absorbers with Machine Learning

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    The upcoming ByCycle project on the VISTA/4MOST multi-object spectrograph will offer new prospects of using a massive sample of 1\sim 1 million high spectral resolution (RR = 20,000) background quasars to map the circumgalactic metal content of foreground galaxies (observed at RR = 4000 - 7000), as traced by metal absorption. Such large surveys require specialized analysis methodologies. In the absence of early data, we instead produce synthetic 4MOST high-resolution fibre quasar spectra. To do so, we use the TNG50 cosmological magnetohydrodynamical simulation, combining photo-ionization post-processing and ray tracing, to capture MgII (λ2796\lambda2796, λ2803\lambda2803) absorbers. We then use this sample to train a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) which searches for, and estimates the redshift of, MgII absorbers within these spectra. For a test sample of quasar spectra with uniformly distributed properties (λMgII,2796\lambda_{\rm{MgII,2796}}, EWMgII,2796rest=0.055.15\rm{EW}_{\rm{MgII,2796}}^{\rm{rest}} = 0.05 - 5.15 \AA, SNR=350\rm{SNR} = 3 - 50), the algorithm has a robust classification accuracy of 98.6 per cent and a mean wavelength accuracy of 6.9 \AA. For high signal-to-noise spectra (SNR>20\rm{SNR > 20}), the algorithm robustly detects and localizes MgII absorbers down to equivalent widths of EWMgII,2796rest=0.05\rm{EW}_{\rm{MgII,2796}}^{\rm{rest}} = 0.05 \AA. For the lowest SNR spectra (SNR=3\rm{SNR=3}), the CNN reliably recovers and localizes EWMgII,2796rest_{\rm{MgII,2796}}^{\rm{rest}} \geq 0.75 \AA\, absorbers. This is more than sufficient for subsequent Voigt profile fitting to characterize the detected MgII absorbers. We make the code publicly available through GitHub. Our work provides a proof-of-concept for future analyses of quasar spectra datasets numbering in the millions, soon to be delivered by the next generation of surveys.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Protocol designs for NOON states

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    The ability to reliably prepare non-classical states will play a major role in the realization of quantum technology. NOON states, belonging to the class of Schrödinger cat states, have emerged as a leading candidate for several applications. Here we show how to generate NOON states in a model of dipolar bosons confined to a closed circuit of four sites. This is achieved by designing protocols to transform initial Fock states to NOON states through use of time evolution, application of an external field, and local projective measurements. The evolution time is independent of total particle number, offering an encouraging prospect for scalability. By variation of the external field strength, we demonstrate how the system can be controlled to encode a phase into a NOON state. We also discuss the physical feasibility, via ultracold dipolar atoms in an optical superlattice setup. Our proposal showcases the benefits of quantum integrable systems in the design of protocols

    Fast-exchanging spirocyclic rhodamine probes for aptamer-based super-resolution RNA imaging

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    Live-cell RNA imaging with high spatial and temporal resolution remains a major challenge. Here we report the development of RhoBAST:SpyRho, a fluorescent light-up aptamer (FLAP) system ideally suited for visualizing RNAs in live or fixed cells with various advanced fluorescence microscopy modalities. Overcoming problems associated with low cell permeability, brightness, fluorogenicity, and signal-to-background ratio of previous fluorophores, we design a novel probe, SpyRho (Spirocyclic Rhodamine), which tightly binds to the RhoBAST aptamer. High brightness and fluorogenicity is achieved by shifting the equilibrium between spirolactam and quinoid. With its high affinity and fast ligand exchange, RhoBAST:SpyRho is a superb system for both super-resolution SMLM and STED imaging. Its excellent performance in SMLM and the first reported super-resolved STED images of specifically labeled RNA in live mammalian cells represent significant advances over other FLAPs. The versatility of RhoBAST:SpyRho is further demonstrated by imaging endogenous chromosomal loci and proteins

    The Fate of Sub-Micron Circumplanetary Dust Grains I: Aligned Dipolar Magnetic Fields

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    We study the stability of charged dust grains orbiting a planet and subject to gravity and the electromagnetic force. Our numerical models cover a broad range of launch distances from the planetary surface to beyond synchronous orbit, and the full range of charge-to-mass ratios from ions to rocks. Treating the spinning planetary magnetic field as an aligned dipole, we map regions of radial and vertical instability where dust grains are driven to escape or crash into the planet. We derive the boundaries between stable and unstable trajectories analytically, and apply our models to Jupiter, Saturn and the Earth, whose magnetic fields are reasonably well represented by aligned dipoles.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Icaru