30 research outputs found

    Äldre och sömn : en litteraturstudie om hur det naturliga åldrandet påverkar sömnen, förekomsten av sömnstörningar samt orsaker till sömnstörningar bland äldre

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    Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur sömnen inverkar på hälsan, hur sömnen förändras till följd av åldrande, sömnproblem och vanliga orsaker till sömnproblem hos äldre. Examensarbetet är ett beställningsarbete från projektet Aktiverande TV. Litteraturstudien grundar sig på 20 vetenskapliga artiklar mellan åren 2001 och 2012 vilka berör ämnet äldre och äldres sömn, sömnstörningar och hur det naturliga åldrandet inverkar på sömnen. Analysen av resultatkapitlet gjordes med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. En sammanfattning av artiklarna finns i form av en resumé i slutet av arbetet. Som vetenskaplig utgångspunkt använde respondenterna sig utav Erikssons (1996) hälsobegrepp innefattande sundhet, friskhet och välbefinnande. Resultatet indikerar att många äldre upplever att de lider av sömnproblem. Sömnens arkitektur ändras med åldern och sömnen tenderar att bli ytligare, kortare och mer fragmenterad. Även förändringar i dygnsrytmen inverkar negativt på sömnen. Sömnproblem har konstaterats förekomma mer frekvent i relation till ökande ålder.Insomni är vanligare bland kvinnor än bland män och förekomsten ökar med åldern. Sömnstörningar beror i synnerhet på fysiska och psykiska sjukdomar samt miljömässiga orsaker och läkemedelsbiverkningar. En broschyr har utformats utifrån resultatkapitlet.This bachelor’s thesis is a literature study focusing on sleep and elderly people describing how the natural aging process affects sleep, the prevalence of sleep disorders and causes of sleep disorders amongst the elderly. This thesis is a commissioned work from the project Activating Television (Aktiverande TV) of Vaasa city. The literature study is based on 20 scientific articles published between the years 2001 and 2012. The focus of the articles is elderly and the sleep of elderly, sleep disorders and how the natural aging process affects sleep. The analysis of the results chapter was conducted using qualitative content analysis. A summary of the scientific articles is written in the form of a review. As scientific framework the respondents used Eriksson’s (1996) concept of health.The results indicate that many older adults are experiencing problems with sleep. Sleep architecture changes with age and sleep tend to be lighter, shorter and more fragmented.Changes in the circadian rhythm also negatively affect sleep. Sleep problems have been found to occur more frequently in relation to increasing age. Insomnia is more common among women than men and the incidence also increases with age. In particularly physical and mental illnesses cause sleep disorders, also environmental causes and side effects of medications have a negative impact on sleep. A brochure has been made based on the results of the articles

    High-resolution superparameterization of OpenIFS with DALES

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    Poster about superparameterization of clouds, convection and turbulence in the global atmospheric model OpenIFS, using DALES, a high-resolution, three-dimensional large-eddy simulation code

    Regional superparameterization in a global circulation model using Large Eddy Simulations

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    As a computationally attractive alternative for global large eddy simulations (LESs), we investigate the possibility of using comprehensive three‐dimensional LESs as a superparameterization that can replace all traditional parameterizations of atmospheric processes that are currently used in global models. We present the technical design for a replacement of the parameterization for clouds, convection, and turbulence of the global atmospheric model of the European Centre for Medium‐Range Weather Forecasts by the Dutch Atmospheric Large Eddy Simulation model. The model coupling consists of bidirectional data exchange between the global model and the high‐resolution LES models embedded within the columns of the global model. Our setup allows for selective superparameterization, that is, for applying superparameterization in local regions selected by the user, while keeping the standard parameterization of the global model intact outside this region. Computationally, this setup can result in major geographic load imbalance, because of the large difference in computational load between superparameterized and nonsuperparameterized model columns. To resolve this issue, we use a modular design where the local and global models are kept as distinct model codes and organize the model coupling such that all the local models run in parallel, separate from the global model. First simulation results, employing this design, demonstrate the potential of our approach

    Representing cloud mesoscale variability in superparameterized climate models

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    In atmospheric modeling, superparameterization (SP) has gained popularity as a technique to improve cloud and convection representations in large-scale models by coupling them locally to cloud-resolving models. We show how the different representations of cloud water in the local and the global models in SP lead to a suppression of cloud advection and ultimately to a systematic underrepresentation of the cloud amount in the large-scale model. We demonstrate this phenomenon in a regional SP experiment with the global model OpenIFS coupled to the local model Dutch Atmospheric Large Eddy Simulation, as well as in an idealized setup, where the large-scale model is replaced by a simple advection scheme. As a starting point for mitigating the problem of suppressed cloud advection, we propose a scheme where the spatial variability of the local model's total water content is enhanced in order to match the global model's cloud condensate amount. The proposed scheme enhances the cloud condensate amount in the test cases, however a large discrepancy remains, caused by rapid dissipation of the clouds added by the proposed scheme

    A Python interface to the Dutch Atmospheric Large-Eddy Simulation

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    We present a Python interface for the Dutch Atmospheric Large Eddy Simulation (DALES), an existing Fortran code for high-resolution, turbulence-resolving simulation of atmospheric physics. The interface is based on an infrastructure for remote and parallel function calls and makes it possible to use and control the DALES weather simulations from a Python context. The interface is designed within the OMUSE framework, and allows the user to set up and control the simulation, apply perturbations and forcings, collect and analyse data in real time without exposing the user to the details of setting up and running the parallel Fortran DALES code. Another significant possibility is coupling the DALES simulation to other models, for example larger scale numerical weather prediction (NWP) models that can supply realistic lateral boundary conditions. Finally, the Python interface to DALES can serve as an educational tool for exploring weather dynamics, which we demonstrate with an example Jupyter notebook

    Strong Coulomb Coupling in Graphene : Microscopic theory of a many-body ground state and its excitations

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    I avhandlingen beskrivs våra studier av elektroner i materialet grafen. Grafen är ett tvådimensionellt material som består av kolatomer. Ett grafenskikt är starkt och flexibelt och har en mycket hög elektrisk ledningsförmåga. Elektronernas beteende bestämmer många av materialets egenskaper, t.ex. den elektriska ledningsförmågan och spektret, dvs. hur materialet reagerar på ljus. I vanliga fall bestäms elektronernas beteende i ett material av atomerna eller jonerna som utgör materialet. I vissa speciella fall kan dock elektronernas inbördes växelverkan skapa ett exotiskt kollektivt tillstånd som ändrar materialegenskaperna radikalt - det här är den starka Coulomb-kopplingen som avhandlingens titel syftar på. Vi har utvecklat en metod för att studera elektronernas rörelse i grafen med kvantmekaniska ekvationer. Med hjälp av numeriska datorsimulationer av dessa ekvationer kan vi räkna ut hur elektronerna beter sig och reagerar. Med hjälp av vår metod undersöker vi också under vilka omständigheter elektronerna i grafen kunde vara i det starkt kopplade tillståndet. Denna möjlighet skulle vara avgörande t.ex. för att använda grafen som medium i en transistor. En stor del av våra undersökningar handlar också om hur dessa beteenden ändrar sig beroende på yttre omständigheter som man kan utsätta grafenskiktet för, t.ex. elektriska fält eller närhet till andra material. Studierna har utförts delvis vid ÅA och delvis vid TU Berlin och Philipps-universitetet i Marburg. Våra metoder kan också tillämpats på andra liknande tvådimensionella material, t.ex. elektroner i kolnanorör och i tvålagersgrafen som också behandlas i avhandlingen. Också inom det högaktuella området av skräddarsydda tvådimensionella material har våra metoder tillämpats för att hitta elektroniska tillstånd och fenomen

    Individers upplevelser av ofrivillig barnlöshet i samband med utredning och behandling : En litteraturstudie

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    Background: One in ten couples suffers from some form of involuntary childlessness or infertility in Sweden. Involuntary childlessness or infertility is when an individual or a couple has a desire for a child but are unable to conceive on their own. To suffer from involuntary childlessness can be a mental strain that can result in a personal crisis, where the existential issues become central and contested. Regardless of the reason for their changed life world is because of involuntary childlessness or infertility, it is always important for the nurse to have an understanding of individual’s life-changing world and experiences.  Aim: The aim of the study was to describe men and women experiences of involuntary childlessness during investigation and treatment. Method: Selected method was a literature review. The study was based on articles from systematic and unsystematic searches in databases and analyzed from the chosen method. Results: Four main themes emerged from the analysis, 'The changing life-world', 'The mental strain', 'Perceptions of relationships and social life' and 'experiences related to treatment'. Conclusion: Being involuntarily childless and infertile create a mental, physical and social stress. Clinically, this means a responsibility to offer a personalized support. For the nurse it is important to have an understanding of individual life-world and how the involuntary childlessness affects them.

    Individers upplevelser av ofrivillig barnlöshet i samband med utredning och behandling : En litteraturstudie

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    Background: One in ten couples suffers from some form of involuntary childlessness or infertility in Sweden. Involuntary childlessness or infertility is when an individual or a couple has a desire for a child but are unable to conceive on their own. To suffer from involuntary childlessness can be a mental strain that can result in a personal crisis, where the existential issues become central and contested. Regardless of the reason for their changed life world is because of involuntary childlessness or infertility, it is always important for the nurse to have an understanding of individual’s life-changing world and experiences.  Aim: The aim of the study was to describe men and women experiences of involuntary childlessness during investigation and treatment. Method: Selected method was a literature review. The study was based on articles from systematic and unsystematic searches in databases and analyzed from the chosen method. Results: Four main themes emerged from the analysis, 'The changing life-world', 'The mental strain', 'Perceptions of relationships and social life' and 'experiences related to treatment'. Conclusion: Being involuntarily childless and infertile create a mental, physical and social stress. Clinically, this means a responsibility to offer a personalized support. For the nurse it is important to have an understanding of individual life-world and how the involuntary childlessness affects them.