427 research outputs found

    Bien-être, perception et quotidien : une mise en perspective heuristique

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    ACLNNational audienceCet article présente une réflexion tiré d'un doctorat intitulé " Sentir Paris : bien-être et valeurs des lieux " qui avait pour objet de recherche de déterminer la valeur des lieux à partir du bien-être que les habitants y éprouvent. Le quotidien, espace-temps caractérisé par son ordinaire, est propice au bien-être mais il n'est pas sans l'amoindrir ni le conditionner. Malgré cette ambivalence, en quoi ce quotidien se révèle-t-il heuristique par rapport à cette recherche ? Le contexte scientifique du doctorat, fondé sur l'interdisciplinarité entre la géographie et les neurosciences, est préalablement explicité. Ce travail s'appuie sur les récentes découvertes en neurosciences qui confirment la posture phénoménologique. Les notions de bien-être, de vécu et de perception sont alors définies et leurs liens neurologiques expliqués grâce à un nouveau modèle de perception. La manière dont fut utilisé implicitement le quotidien dans la sélection des terrains et dans la conception de la méthode est ensuite exposée. L'article s'achève sur les implications de cet espace-temps sur le bien-être des parisiens rencontrés

    Methodology : from speaking about writing to tracking text production

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    Doing writing research from an applied linguistics perspective means investigating individual, collaborative, and organizational writing and text production as language-based activities in complex and dynamic real-life contexts. In doing so, micro and macro levels, product and process perspectives, as well as theoretical and practical questions are combined in transdisciplinary approaches. Appropriate methods have to be deliberately chosen and transparently explained across disciplinary boundaries. Methodological questions need to be clarified, such as: which method fits which problem – and how should and can various methods complement each other? In this chapter, we start from two methodologically complementary ways of doing research into real-life writing processes (Part 1). These approaches illustrate why collecting data represents a key problem in the history of writing research (2). We then outline a typology of state-of-the-art methods in writing research (3) and explain chal- lenges of combining perspectives and methods in research projects (4). This allows us to evaluate what sophisticated methodology in writing research can contribute to applied linguistics (5) and to conclude by sketching a related research roadmap (6). In the reference section, we focus on work combining approaches from writing research and applied linguistics in methodologically innovative ways (7)

    Turbulence in a toroidal magnetized plasma investigated by collective light scattering: plasma form factor and plasma diffusion

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    12th International Congress on Plasma Physics, 25-29 October 2004, Nice (France)On the toroidal magnetized plasma discharge ToriX, a collective light scattering device has been set to investigate plasma turbulence and transport. The light scattering intensity provides a measurement of the static form factor, at the scale of the scattering wave number k. The form factor is found to be very large, five to eight orders of magnitude above the equilibrium level. As a function of the k wave number, an exponential decay is found instead of a scaling law. This implies long range spatial correlation. The scattered light frequency spectral line shape is compared to the frequency Doppler transform (omega = k . v) of the plasma velocity in the observed volume. This is investigated by using both the classical Langmuir probes technique and the superheterodyne detection of the scattered light. The line shape is found to be mainly due to the non uniform convection velocity. To minimize the large scale convection velocity along the large radius, we added a vertical field to the horizontal toroidal B field. A significant decay of the form factor intensity is also observed. In this convection regulated regime, the scattered line profile modification as a function of k is investigated. It is interpreted as an effect of a brownian type of turbulent motion. According to this model, the signal auto-correlation function is expected to be the Ornstein function: C(t)=A exp{-k^2 D tc (t/tc -1 + exp(-t/tc))}, where tc is the correlation time of turbulent mouvement and D is the turbulent diffusion coefficient [1]. From this interpretation, the turbulent diffusion coefficient D across B is obtained for different plasma and observation conditions. As a function of the toroidal field intensity, D shows a characteristic Bohm behavior. These detailed investigations of the collective light scattering line profile validate the use of scattering device to get quantified measurements about plasma turbulent motion

    Storhy : un modèle de prévision fondé sur la séparation entre écoulement de versants et propagation dans le réseau hydrographique

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    On présente ici un modèle global de prévision de crue fondé sur une séparation nouvelle entre fonction de production et fonction de transfert. Son principe repose, pour la production, sur une génération d'écoulements localisée aux versants du bassin, et pour la partie transfert, sur une propagation dans le seul réseau hydrographique. Cela implique que les pluies nettes continuent bien après la fin des pluies, ce qu'on modélise par la vidange de réservoirs représentant les versants. Cela conduit aussi à un transfert de courte durée. On utilise l'algorithme itératif et alterné de la DPFT, adapté à nos hypothèses, pour identifier une telle fonction de transfert courte ainsi qu'un jeu de pluies nettes à partir desquelles on procède au dimensionnement des réservoirs de versant. La méthode est illustrée en calibration et validation de données sur plusieurs bassins versants : le Réal Collobrier, le Gardon d'Anduze et Valescure. (Résumé d'auteur

    Spatiotemporal coherent control of light through a multiply scattering medium with the Multi-Spectral Transmission Matrix

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    We report broadband characterization of the propagation of light through a multiply scattering medium by means of its Multi-Spectral Transmission Matrix. Using a single spatial light modulator, our approach enables the full control of both spatial and spectral properties of an ultrashort pulse transmitted through the medium. We demonstrate spatiotemporal focusing of the pulse at any arbitrary position and time with any desired spectral shape. Our approach opens new perspectives for fundamental studies of light-matter interaction in disordered media, and has potential applications in sensing, coherent control and imaging.Comment: revised version, 5 pages, 4 figures, and supplementary materials(including 5 figure

    Metropolising Marseille: Mission impossible? Challenges and opportunities of metropolisation processes in the métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence

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    Dieser Beitrag liefert Erkenntnisse auf der Ebene der metropolitanen Governance und analysiert zu diesem Zweck ein konkretes Beispiel: die südfranzösische Metropole Marseille. Marseille wird weithin als Großstadt erachtet, die sich in einer postindustriellen Krise befindet: Sie hat es verpasst, einen funktionalen Wandel zu vollziehen und sich an die veränderten Rahmenbedingungen im Zeitalter der Globalisierung anzupassen. Regionalisierte und integrierte Metropolisierungsprozesse haben in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten jedoch die Aussichten auf eine urbane Renaissance der Großstadt verbessert. Der Beitrag stellt drei zentrale Projekte vor, die die einzelnen Teile der Metropolisierungsprozesse von Marseille sowohl symbolisch darstellen als auch konkretisieren: Euroméditerranée (seit 1995), die Europäische Kulturhauptstadt "Marseille-Provence" 2013 und die institutionelle Gründung der Métropole d'Aix-Marseille-Provence . Dieser Beitrag schlägt einen Ansatz vor, der die Metropolisierung als multidimensionales Phänomen erachtet. Aufbauend auf den drei genannten Beispielprojekten werden die einzelnen relevanten territorial-räumlichen Ebenen und die verschiedenen räumlichen Dimensionen der beteiligten Governance-Akteure analysiert. Mit dem Ziel, die Herausforderungen und Chancen der mehrdimensionalen Metropolisierung von Aix-Marseille-Provence zu untersuchen, analysiert der Beitrag den Wirkungsbereich der Projekte und diskutiert, inwiefern diese konfliktreiche Pluralität zukünftig zu einer besseren und konsensorientierten metropolitanen Integration beitragen kann. Abschließend soll unter Berücksichtigung der Besonderheiten, Erfolge und Fehlschläge dieser Region gezeigt werden, dass die Studie über die Metropolisierung von Marseille für die Entwicklung von ähnlich großen Metropolen Frankreichs und Europas neue Erkenntnisse liefert und zu einem tiefgreifenderen Verständnis beiträgt.This paper aims to contribute to knowledge on the level of metropolitan governance through the analysis of a specific case: the Marseille metropolis in southern France. Marseille is broadly considered a postindustrial city in crisis, which has failed to achieve a functional transformation and a change of narrative in the age of globalisation. Over the last two decades, however, processes of regionalised and integrated metropolisation have had an impact on the city's urban renaissance prospects. The paper identifies three central projects, which symbolically represent and concretely articulate different axes of Marseille's metropolisation processes: Euroméditerranée (1995-*), The European Capital of Culture Marseille-Provence 2013 and the institutional creation of the Métropole d'Aix-Marseille-Provence . This paper proposes to approach metropolisation as a multi-dimensional phenomenon. Drawing on the three aforementioned cases, we analyse the different territorial-spatial scales affected, as well as the various geographic scales of governance stakeholders involved. Reflecting on their scopes of impact, the aim of the study is to investigate the challenges and opportunities of multi-scalar metropolisation for Aix-Marseille-Provence, and to discuss to what extent this conflictual plurality might be promising (or not) for better consensual metropolitan integration in the future. In conclusion, we show that the study on metropolisation in the Marseille region, including the region's unique features, successes and failures, sheds light on and contributes to a better understanding of the evolution of other metropolises of a similar size in France and Europe

    L'approche débit-durée-fréquence : historique et avancées

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    La prévention du risque d'inondation nécessite une connaissance détaillée du régime hydrologique en crue du bassin étudié. Dans ce but, l'approche débit-durée-fréquence (QdF), développée depuis déjà plusieurs années, a permis de définir un modèle statistique décrivant les crues observées en fonction de leur débit, de leur durée et de leur fréquence. Un récent travail a revisité cette approche. Grâce à son nombre réduit de paramètres, le modèle proposé, appelé modèle local convergent, peut être facilement ajusté pour chaque bassin. Dans l'ancienne approche, que nous appelons approche " bassin de référence ", l'ajustement local avait été effectué sur seulement trois bassins, dits de référence, et réputés être chacun représentatif d'une typologie d'écoulement différente. Ces trois paramétrisations types ont ensuite donné lieu à trois modèles adimensionnels, capables de caractériser la majorité des régimes observés. Le modèle adimensionnel correspondant au régime du bassin étudié devait être dénormé par deux caractéristiques locales du bassin : le débit instantané maximal de crue décennale et une durée caractéristique de crue. Une comparaison du nouveau modèle, appelé modèle local convergent, et de l'approche type " bassin de référence " a été effectuée sur une cinquantaine de bassins jaugés. Elle met en évidence la robustesse du modèle convergent et permet de discuter du choix du modèle relatif à l'approche " bassin de référence ". Le modèle local convergent autorise d'envisager le développement d'un modèle QdF régional, s'inspirant de différentes méthodes de régionalisation. Ceci permettra alors une application à des bassins peu ou non observés.Flood risk mitigation requires a good knowledge of hydrological flood regime, which can be described by a flow-duration-frequency (QdF) approach. New developments of this approach are presented and compared to the former method.Usually, flood frequency analysis deals only with the maximum flood peak distribution or the maximum daily discharge distribution. The QdF approach analyses maximum average flows over different durations d (d =1, 3, …, N days). Similar to intensity-duration-frequency curves, each of the QdF curves represents the flood frequency distribution, for the duration d. QdF modelling aims to express QdF curves by a Q(d,T) function (d : the duration; T : the return period).Before this present work, QdF modelling was associated with the "reference basin" approach. In this approach, QdF curves (plotted as a function of d, for fixed T) of many studied basins are converted into a dimensionless form. The two characteristics used are the 10-year peak flood, Q(d=0, T=10 years), and a characteristic flood duration (D) of the studied catchment, calculated from different flood hydrographs. Then, three different families are determined, grouping basins with similar dimensionless QdF curves. For each of these families, one reference basin is chosen. Their dimensionless curves are parameterised, in order to obtain a continuous formulation, as a function on T and d. By denormalising one of these dimensionless QdF models with the local parameters Q(0,10) and D, it is possible to obtain the continuous Q(d,T) formulation for the studied basin. The choice of the correct dimensionless model is made via a choice criterion. It involves Q(0,10), D and shape parameters of local maximal rainfall distributions (a Gumbel law is assumed), for different durations, d. These distributions are obtained according to the intensity-duration-frequency approach. If the studied basin is ungauged, local parameters Q(0,10) and D are estimated by regional formulas, involving significant variables such as catchment area and rainfall.Recent work has improved this "reference basin" approach. A new QdF model, called convergent local, has been developed. For fixed T, the model assumes that the Q(d,T) is described by a hyperbolic form, as a function of d. This choice of the hyperbolic form is based on the observation of many catchments (about one hundred). It has also been observed that QdF curves, plotted for fixed d as a function of T, converge toward the same point, when T decreases. Using these observations as assumptions, the model is then able to calculate Q(d,T) for any return period T and any duration d.If a two-parameter statistical law (such as the exponential law) is adopted, the model contains only 4 parameters. The first parameter is the limit of Q(d,T), when d tends to infinity. It is estimated by calculating the average value over the entire observed period of the Q(t) discharge time series. The second one gives the hyperbolas curvatures and is ∆. The ∆ parameter has a time dimension and is consequently a characteristic duration of the studied basin. The final two parameters are the location and shape parameters, x0 (0) and aq (0), of the exponential maximal flood distribution for d=0. x0 (0), aq (0) and ∆ parameters are directly adjusted on observed QdF curves of the studied basin.The comparison between the convergent local model and the "reference basin" approach has been carried out on about 50 basins, drawn from different regions of France. For each basin, the two approaches have been tested. First, the two characteristic durations D and∆, defined respectively by the "reference basins" approach and the convergent local model, are compared. As mentioned earlier, ∆ characteristic duration is an adjusted parameter and its calculation does not depend on D. In spite of their different definitions, a strong correlation between these two parameters is observed. This shows a good coherence between the two tested approaches. Second, in order to compare results, a relative mean error between calculated and observed values is determined for each basin and each model. Only the observed domain (T ≤ 20 years) has been considered, because the extrapolations cannot been validated with observed data.Concerning the "reference basin" approach, the three reference basin models are studied, and the choice criterion is applied. Results show that this choice criterion is not relevant. Concerning the convergent local model, the observed mean relative error is lower than in the "reference basin" approach. These good results are confirmed by a very small error dispersion. Consequently, the convergent local model is robust.As a conclusion, this paper presents new developments of the QdF approach: the convergent local continuous model. This model, locally adjusted, yields very satisfactory results. The next step is to apply it on ungauged basins, as is possible in the "reference basins" approach. This could be done by adapting regional methods, such as the index flood method

    Alguns pontos sobre a história da crítica genética

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    O que é a "crítica genética", assim batizada em 1979 pelo crítico Louis Hay? O que se faz, quando se faz crítica genética? O artigo procura definir um novo campo interdisciplinar que tem produzido perplexidade entre teóricos e críticos literários. Os momentos principais (positivos ou negavitos) da recepção da crítica genética são postos em relevo.What is the "genetic criticism", that was called by the critic Louis Hay in 1979?What do we do when we deal with the genetic criticism? This article defines a new interdisciplinary field, which has caused perplexity amongst the literary theorists and critics. The most importam moments (positive and negative) of the reception of the genetic criticism are stressed
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