1,357 research outputs found

    Conditional Independence Restrictions: Testing and Estimation

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    We propose a nonparametric empirical distribution function based test of an hypothesis of conditional independence between variables of interest. This hypothesis is of interest both for model specification purposes, parametric and semiparametric, and for non-model based testing of economic hypotheses. We allow for both discrete variables and estimated parameters. The asymptotic null distribution of the test statistic is a functional of a Gaussian process. A bootstrap procedure is proposed for calculating the critical values. Our test has power against alternatives at distance n^{-1/2} from the null; this result holding independently of dimension. Monte Carlo simulations provide evidence on size and power. Finally, we invert the test statistic to provide a method for estimating the parameters identified through the conditional independence restriction. They are asymptotically normal at rate root-n.Conditional independence, empirical distribution, independence, nonparametric, smooth bootstrap, test

    Local Nonlinear Least Squares Estimation: Using Parametric Information Nonparametrically

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    We introduce a new kernel smoother for nonparametric regression that uses prior information on regression shape in the form of a parametric model. In effect, we nonparametrically encompass the parametric model. We derive pointwise and uniform consistency and the asymptotic distribution of our procedure. It has superior performance to the usual kernel estimators at or near the parametric model. It is particularly well motivated for binary data using the probit or logit parametric model as a base. We include an application to the Horowitz (1993) transport choice dataset.Kernel, nonparametric regression, parametric regression, binary choice

    The Role of γ\u3csub\u3eс\u3c/sub\u3e Cytokines in T Cell Development, T Cell Homeostasis and CD8+ T Cell Function: A Dissertation

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    T lymphocytes are essential components of the immune system and as such are continually regulated by a variety of factors. Every step of their development, survival and function is tightly monitored to ensure their ability to recognize most foreign agents and mount adaptive immune responses during pathogenic infections, while remaining tolerant to self-antigens. Among the many factors that participate in the regulation of T cell development and function are the cytokines. Cytokines that signal through the common gamma (γс) chain and the Janus kinase 3 (Jak3) include IL-2, -4, -7, -9, -15, and -21 and have been implicated in the regulation of every stage in the life of a T cell. Therefore, it is not surprising that mutations in the γс chain or Jak3 lead to a SCID condition in humans and mice. Specifically, Jak3-deficient mice are characterized by a reduction in thymic cellularity and dysregulated T cell homeostasis. They have an expansion of memory-like CD4+ mature T cells and an almost complete absence of mature CD8+ T cells. By investigating the TCR repertoire of CD4+ T cells in the thymus and spleen of Jak3-/- mice, I deduced that the CD4+ T cell activation and expansion is TCR-specific and takes place in the periphery of the mice. After crossing Jak3-deficient mice to Bcl-2 transgenic mice I showed that the developmental block observed in Jak3-/- mice could not be rescued by the anti-apoptotic factor, despite the fact that its expression did increase, slightly, the total numbers of developing thymocytes. The enforced expression of Bcl-2 was also not sufficient to revert the dysregulation of T cell homeostasis in Jak3-/- mice. Finally, in order to further understand the role played by γс cytokines during T cell function, I investigated the ability of mature Jak3-/- CD8+ T cells to become activated and differentiate into effector cells in response to a viral infection. My results indicate that CD8+ T cells are activated and proliferate in response to a viral infection, but their survival, as well as their ability to proliferate and differentiate into effector cells are greatly impaired, resulting in the inability of Jak3-deficient mice to mount a protective response

    Sociología del alto clero en la España del siglo ilustrado

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    Después de ofrecer unas ideas generales sobre el acceso a la carrera eclesiástica, me centré en el estudio del alto clero y, más en concreto, de los obispos que rigen las diócesis españolas en el siglo XVIII, analizando los criterios de selección, los rasgos sociológicos de los electos y su poder económico con el fin de mostrar una visión general de este grupo social.Després d'oferir unes línies generals sobre l'accés a la carrera eclesiàstica, l'autor es centra en l'estudi de l'alt clergat, especialment dels bisbes que regiren les diòcesis espanyoles en el segle XVIII. Per tal de mostrar una visió general d'aquest grup social, Maximiliano Barrio analitza els criteris de selecció i els trets sociològics i el potencial econòmic dels electes.Thereafter showing a general knowledge about the access to the clerical life, I shall try to manage the study of the high clergy, and mainly, the Bishops, who ruled the Spanish dioceses during the eighteenth century. I shall try to ponder the enrolment criteria, the sociology features from the elected ones and their economic power to give away a general view of their social status

    La Curia Romana y los obispos españoles ante la libertad de imprenta en el Trienio Liberal (1820-1823)

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    The Liberal Triennium became an appropriate period to consolidate the revolution started in Cadiz, rescuing the lost work after the coup of 1814. The Inquisition was abolished and freedom of the press was restored to sensitize public opinion and win support for ecclesiastical reform was going to attack. With this in mind, in this article I analyze two aspects of freedom of the press: the criticism that the press and pamphlets held against the clergy and religious things, and the reaction of the ecclesiastical authorities of both the Roman Curia and Spanish bishops.El Trienio liberal se convirtió en un periodo apropiado para consolidar la revolución iniciada en Cádiz, rescatando la obra perdida tras el golpe de Estado de 1814. Se abolió la Inquisición y se restableció la libertad de imprenta a fin de sensibilizar a la opinión pública y ganar su apoyo a la reforma eclesiástica que se iba a acometer. Teniendo esto presente, en este artículo analizo dos aspectos de la libertad de imprenta: la crítica que la prensa y los opúsculos llevan a cabo contra el clero y las cosas religiosas, y la reacción de las autoridades eclesiásticas, tanto de la Curia romana como de los obispos españoles

    Dexmedetomidine for balanced anaesthesia in horses

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    Revisión de los cuidados del ojo para la protección frente a las radiaciones ultravioleta

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    Continuamente nos encontramos expuestos a las radiaciones ultravioleta procedentes del sol. Aunque es cierto que en pequeñas dosis sobre la piel poseen ciertas propiedades beneficiosas, como la síntesis de vitamina D, sobre el ojo no se conoce ningún efecto positivo. Se ha identificado a la radiación ultravioleta como factor de riesgo en la aparición de determinadas patologías oculares, tales como fotoftalmia, pterigium, pinguécula, queratopatía de banda, cataratas o degeneración macular asociada a la edad. Mediante el conocimiento de las radiaciones ultravioleta, cómo pueden resultar más dañinas, los daños oculares que pueden causar y las técnicas de protección, se podrían prevenir un gran número de estas patologías. Desde enfermería podemos estudiar qué cuidados relacionados con la protección frente a las radiaciones ultravioleta podemos ofrecer al paciente, así como poder identificar a los grupos de mayor riesgo.Departamento de EnfermeríaGrado en Enfermerí

    El castigo de los obispos liberales después del Trienio: Pedro González Vallejo, obispo de Mallorca (1819-1825)

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    Durante el Trienio Liberal (1820-1823) no fueron fáciles las relaciones entre la Iglesia y el Estado, y el nombramiento de los obispos agudizó el problema. En este artículo, después de describir el proyecto liberal de formar un equipo episcopal adicto al nuevo régimen y su fracaso por la oposición de la Curia romana, a través del análisis de lo sucedido al obispo de Mallorca, estudio el castigo que el gobierno absolutista y la Santa Sede impusieron a los obispos que habían apoyado el régimen constitucional durante el Trienio.During the Liberal Triennium (1820-1823) the relations between Church and State were not easy, and the appointment of bishops exacerbated the problem. In this article, after describing liberal project of building a team episcopal addicted to the new regime and its failure by the opposition of the Roman Curia, trough the analysis of what happened the the Bishop of Mallorca, study the punishment that the absolutist government and the Holy See imposed on the bishops who had supported the constitutional regime during the Triennium