22 research outputs found


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    Este artigo apresenta alguns resultados de uma pesquisa realizada com estudantes da UNESP, Campus de Rio Claro, para avaliar alguns fatores relacionados à sua vitimização na mobilidade urbana, com foco na vitimização sexual das mulheres em meios de transporte público. Neste estudo foram analisadas as inter-relações entre características pessoais, influências socioculturais e condições de infraestrutura de ambientes relacionados a transporte urbano. A pesquisa foi realizada no primeiro semestre de 2018, quando foram coletados 462 questionários com respostas válidas. O perfil dos participantes se constituiu de 46,6% do sexo feminino e 42,6% do sexo masculino, sendo 69,7% de brancos e 19,5% de não-brancos (por auto declaração). Estudantes que declararam pertencer ao grupo LGBT+ representam 19,8% do total de respondentes. Os estudantes da UNESP usam 6 diferentes modais de transporte: bicicleta, carro, motocicleta, táxi, transporte por aplicativo e ônibus. Os grupos de estudantes mais vulneráveis foram identificados como LGBT+ com 31,7% de vítimas, mulheres com 26,5% de vítimas e não-brancos com 21,4% de vítimas

    Biodegradation and toxicity of waste from anaerobic fermentation of stillage

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    Several studies have been carried out to produce biofuels by anaerobic digestion of stillage from ethanol fermentation. This type of process, known as ABE Fermentation, generates by-products such as acetone, butanol and ethanol. This fermentation can use pure or mixed cultures of anaerobic bacteria, mainly of the genus Clostridium. In this context, there is the need for deeper studies for proper disposal of the residue resulting from Anaerobic Fermentation of ethanolic stillage, hereinafter referred to as AF stillage (stillage from Anaerobic Fermentation), obtained after this fermentation. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the biodegradation and toxicity of stillage from Anaerobic Fermentation. The biodegradation of AF stillage in soil samples in the presence and absence of commercial inoculum was evaluated using a respirometric method described by Bartha & Pramer, according to the standard NBR 14283 (ABNT, 1999). The production of CO2 was evaluated for 57 days. Additionally, quantification of microorganisms was carried out at the beginning and end of the experiment. Toxicity tests were performed with the microcrustacean Daphnia similis using raw AF stillage and leachate from the respirometry test, according to the standard NBR 12713 (ABNT, 2009). The results of the respirometry test showed that, after 13 days of incubation, the biodegradation efficiency of all samples was above 30%. Using the Friedman statistical test, results showed that adding the inoculum caused no statistically significant difference in the biodegradation of AF stillage. The acute toxicity tests were performed on raw AF stillage and on the leachates showed that toxicity was removed after biodegradation in soil at all concentrations used. Thus, discharge of AF stillage into soil is an alternative viable disposal.16371863187

    Alternative model to determine the characteristic strength value of wood in the compression parallel to the grain

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    Wood strength values are calculated based on the characteristic value, which corresponds to the 5 % percentile of a given probability distribution model. For a few number of samples (12 samples), the Brazilian standard ABNT NBR (7190) establishes an estimator of the characteristic compressive strength parallel to grain of the wood, which may provide a different result when compared with the characteristic value coming from a suitable probability distribution model. Considering the strength results in the parallel compression to the grain of 45 wood species of the hardwood group, Normal, LogNormal, Weibull and Exponential probability distribution models were used for each specie with the purpose of determining the one with the highest adhesion. Calculated the characteristic values by the best probability model distribution, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed in the estimation of the characteristic value of compressive strength, making it possible to identify the most significant terms of the models as well as the quality of the adjustment obtained on such models. The proposed regression model (R2 adj= 96,56 %) proved to be equivalent to the empirical model of the Brazilian standard. The model proposed here only depends on the mean and the lowest value obtained from the compressive strength in the parallel direction to the grain

    Use of Bioscreen C for growth of Mucor hiemalis in different carbon and nitrogen sources

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    O sistema automatizado Bioscreen C foi utilizado para o crescimento de quatro linhagens de Mucor hiemalis, isoladas do solo da Estação Ecológica de Juréia-Itatins (EEJI), estado de São Paulo, em meios líquidos com uma única fonte de carbono (2%) ou de nitrogênio (1%), pH 5,0, a 25ºC, e agitação de 150rpm por 5 dias. O meio com somente uma única fonte de nitrogênio foi adicionado com 2% de glicose. As leituras de densidade óptica foram realizadas a 540nm, em intervalos de 2h, por cinco dias. Os resultados foram analisados estatisticamente com o Teste de Friedman (alfa = 5%). Os melhores crescimentos foram obtidos com as linhagens M1, M2 e M3, que atingiram o início da fase log em 60 horas de cultivo. As melhores fontes de carbono variaram de acordo com a linhagem estudada, e extrato de levedura provou ser a melhor fonte de nitrogênio para todas as linhagens. Acetato de sódio inibiu o crescimento das quatro linhagens, sendo a M3 a mais afetada. O uso do sistema automatizado foi muito conveniente para as culturas em meio liquido, sendo rápido e automático, constituindo em uma boa técnica para a determinação das condições ambientais ótimas para crescimento de fungos filamentosos.The automated Bioscreen C system was used for growth of four Mucor hiemalis strains isolated from the soil in the Juréia-Itatins Ecology Station (JIES), São Paulo state, in liquid culture media containing different carbon (2%) and nitrogen (1%) sources, pH 5.0, at 25ºC, and agitated at 150 rpm for 5 days. The medium containing only one nitrogen source had been added with 2% glucose. The readings were taken at lambda = 540 nm, at 2-hour intervals, up to five days. The results were compared using the Friedman Test (alpha = 5%). The best growth was obtained for strains M1, M2 and M3, reaching the log phase in 60 hours. The best carbon sources varied according to the strain, and yeast extract proved to be the best nitrogen source. Sodium acetate inhibited the growth of the four strains, being the M3 strain the most affected. The use of the automated system was very convenient for cultures in liquid media, as it is rapid and automated, providing a good technique for determination of the optimal environmental factors for growth of the filamentous fungi.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Produtividade em colônias de Polistes (Aphanilopterus) versicolor Olivier, 1791 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae, Polistinae)

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    No período de agosto de 2000 a dezembro de 2003, 185 colônias de Polistes versicolor foram observadas no Biotério do Instituto de Biologia, UNESP, Campus de Rio Claro, SP. Em 14 4 (7 7,84%) não emergiram adultos e das 41 (22,1 6%) colônias restantes, em 16 não foi possível obter o total de mecônios, pois foram atacadas, em intensidades diversas, por inimigos naturais como formigas, pássaros e vespas parasíticas. A determinação da produtividade colonial foi obtida através da contagem do número de mecônios encontrados em células de 25 colônias, com variação de 1 até 6 mecônios por célula

    Contamination of wetland soils and floodplain sediments from agricultural activities in the Cerrado Biome (State of Minas Gerais, Brazil)

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    The expansion and intensification of agriculture are responsible for the increase in nonpoint pollution and the release of chemical considered toxic to flora, fauna and human health. Since 1970s, the Cerrado Biome in the State of Minas Gerais (Brazil) has been converted to agriculture. This land use change has not been accompanied by research to evaluate pollution levels associated with inorganic elements in natural wetlands and river sediments. In this study samples were collected in natural wetlands and river sediments recently deposited in floodplain areas to determine the total concentration of inorganic compounds that can be considered potentially toxic and to perform risk assessment. The total concentration of 18 elements (As, Ba, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Sr, Ti, V, Zn and Zr) and oxides present at the organic soil layer (0-30 cm) and at the mineral subsurface horizon (30-60 cm) of the wetlands in the upper oxidized layer (0-10 cm) of sediments was determined by ICP-OES and XRF. Contamination levels were determined and a risk assessment performed by comparing the obtained values with those proposed by the Guidelines for Agricultural Soils of Brazil (CONAMA no. 420) as well as the pedogeochemical background for soils formed from sandstone. The results showed high average concentrations of As, Cr and Cu in soils and floodplain sediments (as well as of Ba, Pb and Ni in some samples) with values exceeding (p significant at 5%) the pedogeochemical background and the threshold value for clean soil established by CONAMA. The concentrations of As and Cr in the soil were above the threshold level in 100% and 60% of samples, respectively, which may impact the environment and living organisms. The calculated contamination index (P-i) indicates that the wetlands exhibit moderate contamination (2 < P-i <= 3) by As > Cr > Cu in the topsoil and in the sub-superficial horizons whereas the floodplain sediments exhibit either no contamination (P-i <= 1) or low level of contamination (1 < P-i <= 2). When compared with sediments, the results suggest that the Cerrado wetland soils have a tendency to acquire pollutants and thus store agrochemicals. This poses a real risk to the environment and living organisms if no BMP are established.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    The use of a multivariate statistical procedure in analysing the germination process of two bean cultivars, compared with a univariate approach

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    Several studies on plant physiology are aimed at describing or assessing seed germination processes under laboratory conditions. With respect to seed germination of crop species, some statistical complexities have been discussed, but they have not been developed much in practice. That is, such discussions are not as common as in other areas of plant biology. Additionally, the current literature that is concerned directly with the application of statistics in seed germination indicates that simple and well-known statistical procedures still merit further consideration. Regarding the use of multivariate statistical methods in agriculture, several field studies have used such procedures as a means of clarifying some underlying ecological principles that govern crop production. Nonetheless, multivariate tests have not been widely employed in germination experiments. Therefore, in the present study a simple multivariate statistical procedure (Hotelling’s T2 statistic) was utilised in order to compare two common bean cultivars, using germination indices as variables. The outcome derived from the multivariate approach was compared with that obtained from the utilisation of the univariate t test. The simultaneous application of both methods (that is, the classical univariate t test and the multivariate T2 test) showed that the outcomes may well depend on the approach utilised.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Existe utilização efetiva dos recursos vegetais conhecidos em comunidades caiçaras da Ilha do Cardoso, estado de São Paulo, Brasil?

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    Resumo O presente trabalho buscou verificar se os recursos vegetais da Ilha do Cardoso são efetivamente usados pelos seus caiçaras, além de avaliar se a origem biogeográfica e a finalidade de uso das plantas, bem como se fatores sócioeconômicos influem no conhecimento local. O estudo consistiu na realização de 51 entrevistas semi-estruturadas, com residentes do local há pelo menos cinco anos e maiores de 18 anos. Os resultados permitiram-nos concluir que os entrevistados retêm amplo e diverso conhecimento sobre plantas e que grande parte do que conhecem é por eles utilizado (82%). As plantas mais conhecidas são em sua maioria nativas, apesar de verificarmos maior proporção de uso entre as exóticas (95%). O conhecimento e uso variaram conforme a categoria de uso dos recursos e se mostraram, de modo geral, equivalentes em relação à idade e gênero dos informantes. Em relação à atividade exercida, constatou-se que as donas de casa usam um maior número de plantas exóticas medicinais, que os pescadores conhecem e usam mais plantas nativas manufatureiras e que monitores ambientais e os que exercem atividades relacionadas ao turismo demonstraram conhecimento semelhante, predominando o de plantas medicinais, apesar de menos usadas, em comparação com os de outras atividades profissionais