43 research outputs found

    Predicting the impacts of climate change on the distribution and conservation of endemic forest land snails of Madeira Island

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    Climate change is emerging as one of the major threats to natural communities of the world’s ecosystems; and biodiversity hotspots, such as Madeira Island, might face a challenging future in the conservation of endangered land snails’ species. With this thesis, progresses have been made in order to properly understand the impact of climate on these vulnerable taxa; and species distribution models coupled with GIS and climate change scenarios have become crucial to understand the relations between species distribution and environmental conditions, identifying threats and determining biodiversity vulnerability. With the use of MaxEnt, important changes in the species suitable areas were obtained. Laurel forest species, highly dependent on precipitation and relative humidity, may face major losses on their future suitable areas, leading to the possible extinction of several endangered species, such as Leiostyla heterodon. Despite the complexity of the biological systems, the intrinsic uncertainty of species distribution models and the lack of information about land snails’ functional traits, this analysis contributed to a pioneer study on the impacts of climate change on endemic species of Madeira Island. The future inclusion of predictions of the effect of climate change on species distribution as part of IUCN assessments could contribute to species prioritizing, promoting specific management actions and maximizing conservation investment

    Relatório de estágio profissionalizante : Centro de Desenvolvimento da Criança Professor Torrado da Silva

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    Mestrado em Reabilitação PsicomotoraO presente relatório traduz o trabalho desenvolvido, durante o estágio inserido no Ramo de Aprofundamento de Competências Profissionais do Mestrado em Reabilitação Psicomotora, no âmbito da Intervenção Precoce e da Psicomotridade em Idade Escolar. A realização da prática profissional decorreu no Centro de Desenvolvimento da Criança – Professor Torrado da Silva, do Hospital Garcia de Orta, onde foi elaborado um processo de intervenção para vários casos acompanhados no mesmo. No processo de intervenção foram realizadas avaliações, planos de intervenção, elaborados relatórios de observação, avaliação e de intervenção. A terapia psicomotora teve como objetivo agir sobre as crianças com o intuito de promover capacidades nos vários domínios de desenvolvimento, nas sessões individuais mas também nas sessões realizadas em pequeno grupo. Neste sentido, a psicomotricidade, através de inúmeras vivências corporais, teve como objetivos gerais desenvolver competências psicomotoras, cognitivas e comportamentais. Assim, neste documento serão apresentados estudos de caso que poderão ilustrar os resultados do trabalho realizado durante o estágio profissionalizante

    Atitudes e práticas dos professores do 2.º e 3.º ciclos face à inclusão de alunos com Necessidades Educativas na sala de aula, da rede pública e privada da Região Autónoma da Madeira

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    Inclusão, palavra de ordem nos nossos dias, assume-se como o princípio fundamental na construção de uma escola que se quer equitativa e justa. A escola que hoje se defende, assume um papel decisivo no desenvolvimento e formação dos alunos e por conseguinte, deve adaptar-se às necessidades, interesses e características de cada um, exigindo ao professor um refletir constante do seu papel e das suas práticas pedagógicas. Este estudo, essencialmente descritivo, tem como objetivo compreender quais as atitudes e práticas dos professores dos 2.º e 3.º ciclos promotoras de inclusão de alunos com Necessidades Educativas (NE) na sala de aula da rede pública e privada da Região Autónoma da Madeira (RAM). Não obstante, pretende ainda compreender se as atitudes e práticas dos professores dos 2.º e 3.º ciclos variam consoante a tipologia de escola (pública ou privada), género, faixa etária, grau académico, tempo de serviço, ciclo que leciona e função que desempenha. O mesmo estudo pretende, ainda, compreender se as atitudes e práticas dos docentes se correlacionam. Para a realização do estudo utilizou-se um questionário, ao qual responderam 73 professores dos 2.º e 3.º ciclos da rede pública e privada da RAM. Os resultados encontrados mostram que, de uma maneira geral, os professores dos 2.º e 3.º ciclos da rede pública e privada da RAM parecem revelar atitudes e práticas favoráveis à inclusão de alunos com NE na sala de aula. No que se refere à tipologia de escola, verificou-se que os professores da escola pública da RAM, na sua maioria, evidenciam atitudes mais inclusivas do que os seus homólogos da escola privada. Constata-se, ainda, que são os professores do género masculino, mais velhos, detentores do grau de mestre, a lecionarem num só ciclo e que desempenham a função de docente de educação especial que evidenciam atitudes mais inclusivas. Os resultados mostram, também, que são os docentes do 3.º ciclo que desenvolvem com maior frequência práticas inclusivas e que as atitudes dos professores face à inclusão de alunos com NE se correlacionam com as práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas nas salas de aula. Conclui-se assim, que os docentes que evidenciam atitudes mais favoráveis à inclusão, tendem a promover práticas mais inclusivas, havendo, porém, um longo caminho a ser percorrido para a concretização efetiva de uma educação que seja verdadeiramente inclusiva.Inclusion, watchword in our day, is assumed as the fundamental principle in the construction of a school that wants to be equitable and fair. The school that we defend today plays a decisive role in the development and formation of students and, therefore, must adapt to the needs, interests and characteristics of each one, requiring the teacher to constantly reflect on their role and pedagogical practices. This descriptive study aims to understand the attitudes and practices of 2nd and 3rd cycle teachers promoting inclusion of students with Educational Needs (EN) in the Região Autónoma da Madeira public and private classroom. Nevertheless, it also intends to understand if the attitudes and practices of the 2nd and 3rd cycle teachers vary according to the type of school (public or private), gender, age group, academic degree, service, cycle of teaching and position held. The same study also aims to understand if teachers' attitudes and practices are correlated. To carry out the study, a questionnaire was used, which answered 73 teachers from 2nd and 3rd cycles of public and private RAM schools. The results show that, in general, the teachers of the 2nd and 3rd cycles of the public and private schools of RAM seem to reveal attitudes and practices favorable to the inclusion of students with EN in the classroom. It was, also, found that the teachers of the public school in RAM, in their majority, show more inclusive attitudes than their counterparts in the private school. It is also noted that male teachers, older, hold a master's degree, teaching in a single cycle and who perform the role of special education teacher who demonstrate more inclusive attitudes. The results also show that it is the teachers of the 3rd cycle that most often develop inclusive practices and that teachers' attitudes towards the inclusion of students with EN correlate with the pedagogical practices developed in the classroom. Thus, it is concluded that teachers who show more favorable attitudes towards inclusion tend to promote more inclusive practices, but there is a long way to go for the effective realization of a truly inclusive education

    A utilização dos códigos de barras ao longo da cadeia de abastecimento : estudo de caso da empresa Luís Simões

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    Mestrado em Gestão e Estratégia IndustrialNos dias de hoje, a preocupação das empresas recai em novas formas de competir e serem eficientes nos mercados em que atuam. Assim, a logística é uma área que tem vindo a ganhar importância na gestão da cadeia de abastecimento. Os desafios atuais são colocados nas relações de interdependência entre os vários intervenientes das cadeias e nas soluções que permitem a otimização dos processos logísticos. Neste seguimento, a escolha da tecnologia de etiquetagem a utilizar é um fator que se pode traduzir em um aumento de eficiência e produtividade ou até possibilitar a redução de custos, entre outros benefícios, quando implementada corretamente. Ao longo deste estudo foram confrontadas as duas tecnologias de etiquetagem existentes - códigos de barras e RFID - e procurou-se perceber qual a tecnologia que é utilizada por uma empresa nacional de transportes e logística. Para tal, foi elaborado o Estudo de Caso da empresa Luís Simões, onde são entrevistados colaboradores da empresa e também colaboradores de empresas stakeholders, a montante e jusante da mesma, com o intuito de perceber as vantagens e desvantagens da tecnologia adotada percecionadas por estes, bem como as razões da sua implementação. Com este trabalho concluiu-se as empresas em análise utilizam os códigos de barras GS1-128 e que a razão primordial identificada na escolha é a utilização de uma solução global e uniformizada nos negócios de forma a facilitar a comunicação entre todos os parceiros e tornar as cadeias de abastecimento mais eficientes e competitivas.Nowadays, the company's concern aims for new ways to compete and become more efficient in their markets. So, the logistics is a field that has earned a lot of importance in the supply chain management. The current challenges are placed in the interdependency relations between the various stakeholders in the chain and in the solutions that allows the optimization of the logistic process. According, the choice about the labeling technology to use is an important factor to increase efficiency and productivity or even reduce costs, among others benefits, when correctly implemented. Throughout this study we confronted two existent labeling technology - barcodes and RFID - and sought to realize which technology is used in the national companies, of transports and logistic. For that purpose, we elaborated a study case in the company Luís Simões, where workers of the company and others workers of the stakeholders companies are interviewed for the purpose of quantitative analysis of the subject. We conclude that the companies in the logistic and transports sector use the barcodes GS1-128 and the main reason for that is the need for a global and uniform solution in business, to facilitate the communication between all the partners and build a supply chain more efficient and competitive

    Shame Memories and Depression Symptoms: The Role of Cognitive Fusion and Experiential Avoidance

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    Previous studies have suggested that shame memories can have a pervasive impact on depression symptoms, and avoidant-focused processes may play a mediating role. In addition, it is stated in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) literature that experiential avoidance is a consequence of cognitive fusion. This study aims to explore the role of cognitive fusion and experiential avoidance in the relationship between shame memories (with caregivers and traumatic shame memories with others) and depression symptoms. In order to do that, we used Structural Equation Modeling to conduct a path analysis in a sample of 181 subjects of the general population. Our results add new information on the processes through which shame memories impacts on both experiential avoidance and depression symptoms. It is suggested that shame memories are not itself pervasive, but the entanglement with painful internal experiences (cognitive fusion) and/or the attempts to control them (experiential avoidance). This suggests the importance of planning an intervention that targets these processes when dealing with shame memories, particularly in patients with depression symptoms

    Food skills among the academic community of a Lisbon institute and their relation with Mediterranean diet adherence

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    Healthier eating habits are associated with a higher level of food and cooking skills (FCSk). The Mediterranean Diet (MD) is one of the healthiest diets in the world and it is defined by the high intake of plant-based foods and the habits it promotes. Among these, are cooking skills (CSk), a component of FCSk. Only 26% of the Portuguese (PT) population have a high MD adherence (MDA). This study aims to evaluate the level of FCSk among the academic community and to determine the existence of a correlation between FCSk level and MD adherence.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Conservação dos vertebrados terrestres das Flores e do Corvo

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    XIII Expedição Científica do Departamento de Biologia - Flores e Corvo 2007.As Flores e o Corvo encontram-se mais afastadas dos continentes mais próximos (Europeu e Africano) do que as restantes ilhas do Arquipélago dos Açores. Consequentemente são as que suportam menor biodiversidade. No entanto, o facto de apresentarem alguma diversidade de habitats naturais constitui um factor que minimiza a redução de biodiversidade. Para além disso o baixo número de habitantes por Km2 (28 - Flores e 25 - Corvo) diminui, de um modo geral, a pressão humana sobre os diferentes habitats naturais. Aquelas ilhas podem, como resultado, constituir um reservatório natural por excelência para a ocorrência de espécies raras de vertebrados, que se deslocam com autonomia no meio aéreo, como as aves e os morcegos. Consequentemente, as mesmas ilhas, podem contribuir para a coexistência de espécies com distribuição mundial restrita como o cagarro (Calonectris diomedea borealis), de espécies migratórias provenientes dos continentes Americano ou Europeu, de espécies ameaçadas, ou de espécies que se encontram, nos Açores, no limite da sua distribuição geográfica mundial, como é o caso de algumas espécies de aves pertencentes aos Procellariformes

    Functional neurorehabilitation in dogs with an incomplete recovery 3 months following intervertebral disc surgery : a case series

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    Research Areas: Agriculture ; Veterinary Sciences: This case series study aimed to evaluate the safety, feasibility, and positive outcome of the neurorehabilitation multimodal protocol (NRMP) in 16 chronic post-surgical IVDD Hansen type I dogs, with OFS 0/DPP− (n = 9) and OFS 1/DPP+ (n = 7). All were enrolled in the NRMP for a maximum of 90 days and were clinically discharged after achieving ambulation. The NRMP was based on locomotor training, functional electrical stimulation, transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation, and 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) pharmacological management. In the Deep Pain Perception (DPP)+ dogs, 100% recovered ambulation within a mean period of 47 days, reaching OFS ≥11, which suggests that a longer period of time is needed for recovery. At follow-up, all dogs presented a positive evolution with voluntary micturition. Of the DPP− dogs admitted, all achieved a flexion/extension locomotor pattern within 30 days, and after starting the 4-AP, two dogs were discharged at outcome day 45, with 78% obtaining Spinal Reflex Locomotion (SRL) and automatic micturition within a mean period of 62 days. At follow-up, all dogs maintained their neurological status. After the NRMP, ambulatory status was achieved in 88% (14/16) of dogs, without concurrent events. Thus, an NRMP may be an important therapeutic option to reduce the need for euthanasia in the clinical setting.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in systemic inflammatory response syndrome

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    Research Areas: Veterinary Sciences(1) Background: Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) can occur due to a large number of traumatic or non-traumatic diseases. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) may be used as a main or adjuvant treatment for inflammation, leading to the main aim of this study, which was to verify the applicability of HBOT as a safe and tolerable tool in SIRS-positive dogs. (2) Methods: This prospective cohort study included 49 dogs who showed two or more parameters of SIRS, divided into the Traumatic Study Group (n = 32) and the Non-Traumatic Study Group (n = 17). All dogs were submitted to HBOT for 60–90 min sessions, with 2.4–2.8 ATA. (3) Results: This study revealed that 73.5% (36/49) of dogs showed improvement, and the minimum number of HBOT sessions was two, with a mean of 12.73. The number of days between diagnosis and the beginning of HBOT showed statistical significance (p = 0.031) relative to the clinical outcome. No dogs showed any major side effects. (4) Conclusions: We concluded that HBOT may be safe and tolerable for SIRS-positive dogs, and that it should be applied as early as possible.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    3D digital breast cancer models with multimodal fusion algorithms

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    Breast cancer image fusion consists of registering and visualizing different sets of a patient synchronized torso and radiological images into a 3D model. Breast spatial interpretation and visualization by the treating physician can be augmented with a patient-specific digital breast model that integrates radiological images. But the absence of a ground truth for a good correlation between surface and radiological information has impaired the development of potential clinical applications. A new image acquisition protocol was designed to acquire breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and 3D surface scan data with surface markers on the patient's breasts and torso. A patient-specific digital breast model integrating the real breast torso and the tumor location was created and validated with a MRI/3D surface scan fusion algorithm in 16 breast cancer patients. This protocol was used to quantify breast shape differences between different modalities, and to measure the target registration error of several variants of the MRI/3D scan fusion algorithm. The fusion of single breasts without the biomechanical model of pose transformation had acceptable registration errors and accurate tumor locations. The performance of the fusion algorithm was not affected by breast volume. Further research and virtual clinical interfaces could lead to fast integration of this fusion technology into clinical practice.publishersversionpublishe