42 research outputs found

    La radio, el medio invisible

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    Reseña de varias referencias sobre la radi

    Application of Biofeedback in the Training of Radio and Television Broadcasters

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    La propuesta de formación que hemos ensayado incorpora junto al aprendizaje convencional- estrategias psicológicas para que el individuo pueda afrontar mejor una situación típicamente estresante: hablar en público y mantener la atención menguante de las audiencias.La aplicación de técnicas de Biofedback ayuda al comunicador a acercarse a su estado óptimo para desenvolverse en la distancia personal de comunicación emocional que domina el espacio público.; Lan honetan komunikatzaileen prestakuntzarako programa bat proposatzen dugu. Lokuzio ikastaroen eduki konbentzionalez gain, programak estrategia psikologikoak barneratzen ditu, parte hartzaileek oso estresagarria izan daitekeen egoera bati aurre egiten ikas dezaten, hotz, jendaurrean hitz egiteari audientzien arretari eutsiz. Biofeedback tekniken aplikazioa lagungarri zaio komunikatzaileari bere egoera psikologiko hoberenera hurbiltzeko, eta horrela, eremu publikoan nagusi den komunikazio emozionalari dagokion distantzia pertsonalean hobeto moldatzeko.; The training proposal that we have tested includes, along with traditional learning techniques, psychological strategies so that the individual can better face a typically stressful situation:speaking in public and holding the waning attention of the audience. The application of biofeedback techniques helps the communicator to approach an optimum state for managing the personal distance of emotional communication that dominates the public space

    A proposal for the training of communicators: developing psychological skills and connecting with professional challenges.

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    Nuestra propuesta docente para “Locución y presentación en radio-televisión” incorpora ejercicios de relajación muscular, control respiratorio, modelado, reestructuración cognitiva y visualización. El alumnado trabaja para mejorar sus dotes interpretativas, y para conseguir una actitud positiva, atención plena y la activación idónea para afrontar el miedo escénico. El procedimiento se basa en la práctica progresiva y guiada. El objetivo es proporcionarles experiencias de dominio que construyan una creciente autoeficacia percibida. Nuestros resultados demuestran la relación entre las habilidades psicológicas desarrolladas y la calidad de la comunicación lograda por los/as estudiantes. Por otro lado, entrevistas en profundidad con comunicadores profesionales confirman la pertinencia de nuestro enfoque, centrado en la psicología del comunicador como determinante de la resonancia conseguida en el público.Our approach for the course “Locution and presentation in radio and television” incorporates muscle relaxation exercises, breathing control, modeling, visualization and cognitive restructuring. Students work to improve their acting skills, but also to get a positive attitude, mindfulness and an optimal activation level to cope with stage fright. The procedure is based on progressive and guided practice. The goal is to provide mastery experiences that build a sense of self-efficacy. Our research demonstrate a relationship between the psychological skills developed and the quality of the communication achieved by students. Furthermore, in-depth interviews with top level professionals confirm the relevance of our approach, which focuses on the psychology of the communicator and its relationship with the resonance achieved in the audience

    Bis(2,3,5,6-tetra-2-pyridyl­pyrazine-κ3 N 2,N 1,N 6)nickel(II) dithio­cyanate dihydrate

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    In the title compound, [Ni(C24H16N6)2](NCS)2·2H2O, the central NiII ion is octahedrally coordinated by six N atoms of two tridentate 2,3,5,6-tetra-2-pyridyl­pyrazine ligands (tppz). Two thio­cyanate anions act as counter-ions and two water mol­ecules act as solvation agents. O—H⋯N hydrogen bonds are observed in the crystral structure

    Revisiting the thiosemicarbazonecopper(II) reaction with glutathione. Activity against colorectal carcinoma cell lines

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    Thiosemicarbazones (TSCs), and their copper derivatives, have been extensively studied mainly due to the potential applications as antitumor compounds. A part of the biological activity of the TSC-CuII complexes rests on their reactivity against cell reductants, as glutathione (GSH). The present paper describes the structure of the [Cu(PTSC)(ONO2)]n compound (1) (HPTSC =pyridine-2-carbaldehyde thiosemicarbazone) and its spectroscopic and magnetic properties. ESI studies performed on the reaction of GSH with 1 and the analogous [{Cu (PTSC*)(ONO2)}2] derivative (2, HPTSC* =pyridine-2-carbaldehyde 4N-methylthiosemicarbazone) show the absence of peaks related with TSC-Cu-GSH species. However GSH-Cu ones are detected, in good agreement with the release of CuI ions after reduction in the experimental conditions. The reactivity of 1 and 2 with cytochrome c and myoglobin and their activities against HT-29 and SW-480 colon carcinoma cell lines are compared with those shown by the free HPTSC and HPTSC* ligands.Obra Social “la Caixa” (OSLC-2012-007), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and FEDER funds (CTQ2013-48937-C2-1-P, CTQ2015-70371-REDT, MAT2015-66441-P, BIO2015-67358-C2-2-P), Junta de Castilla y León (BU237U13), Gerencia Regional de Salud, Consejería de Sanidad, Junta de Castilla y León (GRS 1023/A/14), the Basque Government (project IT-779-13

    Selectivity of a thiosemicarbazonatocopper(II) complex towards duplex RNA. Relevant noncovalent interactions both in solid state and solution

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    Thiosemicarbazones and their metal derivatives have long been screened as antitumor agents, and their interactions with DNA have been analysed. Herein, we describe the synthesis and characterization of compounds containing [CuL]+ entities (HL = pyridine-2-carbaldehyde thiosemicarbazone) and adenine, cytosine or 9-methylguanine, and some of their corresponding nucleotides. For the first time, crystal structures of adenine- and 9-methylguanine-containing thiosemicarbazone complexes are reported. To the best of our knowledge, the first study on the affinity thiosemicarbazone–RNA is also provided here. Experimental and computational studies have shown that [CuL(OH2)]+ entities at low concentration intercalate into dsRNA poly(rA)·poly(rU) through strong hydrogen bonds involving uracil residues and π–π stacking interactions. In fact, noncovalent interactions are present both in the solid state and in solution. This behaviour diverges from that observed with DNA duplexes and creates an optimistic outlook in achieving selective binding to RNA for subsequent possible medical applications.Obra Social “la Caixa” (OSLC-2012-007), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and FEDER funds (CTQ2013-48937-C2-1-P, CTQ2015-70371- REDT, MAT2012-34740 and CTQ2014-58812-C2-2-R), Junta de Castilla y León (BU237U13), the Basque Government (IT-779- 13), Gerencia Regional de Salud, Consejería de Sanidad, Junta de Castilla y León (GRS 1023/A/14 and GR172)

    El Gran Hermano y otras estrategias de iniciación en el fútbol

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    En la iniciación al fútbol se ha sustituido el ritmo natural de aprendizaje de los niños por un sucedáneo del fútbol adulto, cada vez más desacreditado en el alto rendimiento. El texto ofrece un decálogo para adaptarse a los nuevos tiempos, entrenar mejor a estos jóvenes, y no perder la cabeza en el empeño.Futbolaren hastapenari dagokionez, haurren ikasketaren berezko erritmoaren ordez helduen futbolaren suzedaneo bat ezarri dute, baina hori gero eta gaizkiago ikusia dago goi errendimenduaren esparruan. Testu honek dekalogo bat eskaintzen du garai berrietara egokitzeko, gazte horiei hobeto entrenatzeko eta saio horretan burua ez galtzeko.Dans l'initiation au football on a remplacé le rythme naturel d'apprentissage des enfants par un succédané de football adulte, de plus en plus discrédité dans le haut rendement. Le texte offre un décalogue en vue de s'adapter à la nouvelle époque, d'entraîner ces jeunes, et de ne pas se prendre la tête en s'acharnant.In the initiation to the football, the natural rhytm of learning of the children has been substituted by a succedaneum of the adult's soccer, already discredited in the high performance. The text offers a decalogue to coach better to these children's, and not to lose the main objectives

    Radio, sociedad e información

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    Las tendencias que observamos en los medios de comunicación masivos, la radio entre ellos, no permite, más bien al contrario, aventurar la expansión generalizada de una sociedad de la información. El tránsito hacia una nueva Era del Saber, reservada para las élites, aumenta los riesgos de dualización y exclusión social.Komunikabide masiboetan, irratia barne, antzematen ditugun joerek ez dute ahalbideratzen, aitzitik baizik, informazioaren gizarte baten hedapen orokortua aurrikustea. Jakintzaren Aro berri baterako iragaitzak, eliteen eskumeneko bakarrik izanik, gizartea bitan banatzeko eta bazterketaren arriskua areagotzen du.Les tendances que nous observons dans les moyens de communication de masses, entre autres la radio, ne nous permettent pas de pronostiquer l'expansion généralisée d'une société de l'information. La transition vers une Ere nouvelle du Savoir, réservée aux élites, augmente au contraire le risque de dualité et d'exclusion sociales.The trends that we observe in mass media, radio stations among them, do not allow to venture the generalised expansion of a society of information. On the contrary: the transit towards a new Era of Knowledge, reserved for the elite, increases the hazards of duality and social exclusion