15 research outputs found

    Genetic diversity of ancient grape cultivars of the Crimea region

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    A total of 76 accessions of Crimean autochthonous grape cultivars from the collection of the National Institute of Vine and Wine "Magarach" were genotyped using 22 nuclear and 3 chloroplast microsatellite loci (SSR) to characterize their genetic diversity. The total number of alleles was 238, the mean number of alleles per locus was 10.8 and the range of expected heterozygosity was 0.4-0.88. Several synonyms were identified based on the comparison of microsatellite profiles with INRA and EVD databases. Morphological, eno-carpological and eno-chemical characterization of number of cultivars using BBCH scale and OIV descriptors were performed. A short synopsis of the origin and historical development of Crimean autochthonous grape cultivars is presented

    A parentage study of closely related Ukrainian wine grape varieties using microsatellite markers

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    Four bred grapevine varieties released for commercial cultivation in Ukraine, namely ‘Antey Magarachskii’, ‘Rubinovyi Magaracha’, ‘Granatovyi Magaracha’ and ‘Rubin Golodrigi’, and their putative parental forms were genotyped using six microsatellite loci.Четыре селекционных сорта винограда Антей Магарачский, Рубиновый Магарача, Рубин Голодриги и Гранатовый Магарача, которые культивируются в Украине для приготовления сухих и крепленых вин, и их предполагаемые родительские формы были генотипированы с использованием шести микросателлитных локусов.Чотири селекційних сорти винограду Антей Магарацький, Рубіновий Магарача, Рубін Голодриги та Гранатовий Магарача, що культивують в Україні для приготування сухих і десертних вин, та їх потенційні батьківські форми були генотиповані з використанням шести мікросателітних локусів

    Description of the Vitis vinifera L. phenotypic variability in eno-carpological traits by a Euro-Asiatic collaborative network among ampelographic collections

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    The grapevine intra-specific variability captured an increasing interest during the last decades, as demonstrated by the number of recently funded European projects focused on the grapevine biodiversity preservation. However, nowadays, crop plants are mainly characterized by genotyping methods. The present work summarizes the phenotype data collected among 20 ampelographic collections spread in 15 countries, covering mostly of the viticultural areas in the Euro-Asiatic range: from Portugal to Armenia and from Cyprus to Luxembourg. Together with agro-climatic characterization of the experimental site, in two years, about 2400 accessions were described, following a common experimental protocol mainly focused on the carpological and oenological traits, obtaining a general overview of the distribution of the considered phenotypic traits in the cultivated Vitis vinifera species. The most replicated cultivars were selected and, for the subset of these reference cultivars, their behavior in the different environmental conditions over sites and years was described by ANOVA methods

    Description of the vitis vinifera L. Phenotypic variability in eno-carpological traits by a Euro-Asiatic collaborative network among ampelographic collections

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    The grapevine intra-specific variability captured an increasing interest during the last decades, as demonstrated by the number of recently funded European projects focused on the grapevine biodiversity preservation. However, nowadays, crop plants are mainly characterized by genotyping methods. The present work summarizes the phenotype data collected among 20 ampelographic collections spread over 15 countries, covering most of the viticultural areas in the Euro-Asiatic region: from Portugal to Armenia and from Cyprus to Luxembourg. Together with agro-climatic characterization of the experimental site, over two years about 2,400 accessions were described. A common experimental protocol mainly focused on the carpological and oe-nological traits was followed, obtaining a general overview of the distribution of the considered phenotypic traits in the cultivated Vitis vinifera species. The most replicated cultivars were selected and, for the subset of these reference cultivars, their behavior in the different environmental conditions over sites and years was described by ANOVA methods

    Оценка уровня аллельного полиморфизма SSR-маркеров и генетических дистанций некоторых сортов винограда Юга России разных эколого-географических групп

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    Представлены результаты оценки генетического разнообразия 24 местных сортов юга России, поддержива – емых на ампелографической коллекции ФГБУН « ВННИИВиВ « Магарач ». ДНК – типирование сортов И оценка аллельного разнообразия выполнено с использованием 9 ядерных (nSSR) и 3 хлоропластных (cpSSR) микросателлитных Локусов. Уровень полиморфизма nSSR локусов составил 100 %. Всего было идентифицировано 73 аллеля, в среднем 9.1 аллеля / локус. Минимальное количество аллелей идентифицировано в локусах ssrVrZAG64 и ssrZag83. Наибольшее количество аллелей выявлено в локусе ssrVvUCH29 (13 аллелей), диапазон размера которых составил 203 п.н. – 309 п.н. В результате анализа полиморфизма с pSSR-Локусов идентифицировано 4 хлоротипа : А, В , С, D. Наиболее распростанен в группе из - ученных сортов хлоротип D (58 %). В статье обсуждается происхождение сортов на основе анализа их гаплотипов. По результатами анализа аллельного полиморфизма nSSR-локусов рассчитана матрица генетических дистанций, значения которой находились в диапазоне 0,33–0,94, построена дендрограмма, отражающая взаимоотношения между образцами. По степени генетического сходства выделились 3 основных кластера, в которых наблюдалась дифференциация или тенденция к дифференциации по эколого - географическим группам.The assessment results of genetic diversity of 24 local varieties of the South of Russia, maintained in the ampelographic collection of the FSBSI Institute Magarach are presented. DNA typing of cultivars and assessment of allelic diversity was performed using 9 nuclear (nSSR) and 3 chloroplast (cpSSR) microsatellite loci. The level of polymorphism of nSSR loci was 100%. A total of 73 alleles were identified with an average of 9.1 alleles per locus. The minimal number of alleles was observed in the ssrVrZAG64 and ssrZag83 loci. The biggest number of alleles was found in the ssrVvUCH29 locus (13 alleles), the size range of which was 203 bp-309 bp. As a result of polymorphism analysis of cpSSR loci, 4 chlorotypes were identified: A, B, C, D. Chlorotype D is the most widespread in the group of the studied cultivars (58%). The article discusses the origin of varieties based on the analysis of their haplotypes. Based on the results of the analysis of allelic polymorphism of nSSR loci, a matrix of genetic distances was calculated, the values of which were in the range of 0.33-0.94, and a dendrogram, reflecting the relationship between the samples, was constructed. According to the degree of genetic similarity, 3 main clusters were distinguished, in which differentiation or a tendency towards differentiation by ecological-geographical groups was observed

    Genetic diversity of ancient grape cultivars of the Crimea region

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    UMR AGAP équipe DAAV (Diversité, adaptation et amélioration de la vigne)International audienceA total of 76 accessions of Crimean autochthonous grape cultivars from the collection of the National Institute of Vine and Wine "Magarach" were genotyped using 22 nuclear and 3 chloroplast microsatellite loci (SSR) to characterize their genetic diversity. The total number of alleles was 238, the mean number of alleles per locus was 10.8 and the range of expected heterozygosity was 0.4-0.88. Several synonyms were identified based on the comparison of microsatellite profiles with INRA and EVD databases. Morphological, eno-carpo-logical and eno-chemical characterization of number of cultivars using BBCH scale and OIV descriptors were performed. A short synopsis of the origin and historical development of Crimean autochthonous grape cultivars is presented

    A parentage study of closely related ukrainian wine grape varieties using microsatellite markers

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    International audienceFour bred grapevine varieties released for commercial cultivation in Ukraine, namely ‘Antey Magarachs_ kii’, ‘Rubinovyi Magaracha’, ‘Granatovyi Magaracha’ and ‘Rubin Golodrigi’, and their putative parental forms were genotyped using six microsatellite loci. Genotypes were compared with breeding records to verify genetic rela_ tionships among varieties. Results of the analysis confirmed four of six parent_offspring relationships. Results of the analysis allow to assume that genotype ‘Seyve Villard 20347’ is the direct parent of ‘Antey Magarachskii’ instead of its grandparent. The first_studied accession believed to be that of ‘Granatovyi Magaracha’ was identified as impurity.In order to verify the parentage of ‘Granatovyi Magaracha’, rest accessions of that variety and its putative parent ‘Antey Magarachskii’ were additionally genotyped at 13 nuclear loci and at three chloroplast loci. The parent_off_ spring relationship was confirmed, as all ‘Granatovyi Magaracha’ accessions had a common allele with the parent variety ‘Antey Magarachskii’ at each locus and the same chlorotype A. Different ‘Granatovyi Magaracha’ accessions could have been obtained via vegetative propagation of two seedlings which arose from one crossing