523 research outputs found

    Spontaneous Z2 Symmetry Breaking in the Orbifold Daughter of N=1 Super Yang-Mills Theory, Fractional Domain Walls and Vacuum Structure

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    We discuss the fate of the Z2 symmetry and the vacuum structure in an SU(N)xSU(N) gauge theory with one bifundamental Dirac fermion. This theory can be obtained from SU(2N) supersymmetric Yang--Mills (SYM) theory by virtue of Z2 orbifolding. We analyze dynamics of domain walls and argue that the Z2 symmetry is spontaneously broken. Since unbroken Z2 is a necessary condition for nonperturbative planar equivalence we conclude that the orbifold daughter is nonperturbatively nonequivalent to its supersymmetric parent. En route, our investigation reveals the existence of fractional domain walls, similar to fractional D-branes of string theory on orbifolds. We conjecture on the fate of these domain walls in the true solution of the Z2-broken orbifold theory. We also comment on relation with nonsupersymmetric string theories and closed-string tachyon condensation.Comment: 37 pages, 7 figures. v2: various significant changes; revisions explained in the introduction. Final version to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Dualities in integrable systems and N=2 theories

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    We discuss dualities of the integrable dynamics behind the exact solution to the N=2 SUSY YM theory. It is shown that T duality in the string theory is related to the separation of variables procedure in dynamical system. We argue that there are analogues of S duality as well as 3d mirror symmetry in the many-body systems of Hitchin type governing low-energy effective actions.Comment: 16 pages, Latex, Talk given at QFTHEP-99, Moscow, May 27-June

    Deconfinement at the Argyres-Douglas point in SU(2) gauge theory with broken N=2 supersymmetry

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    We consider chiral condensates in SU(2) gauge theory with broken N=2 supersymmetry. The matter sector contains an adjoint multiplet and one fundamental flavor. Matter and gaugino condensates are determined by integrating out the adjoint field. The only nonperturbative input is the Affleck-Dine-Seiberg (ADS) superpotential generated by one instanton plus the Konishi anomaly. These results are consistent with those obtained by the `integrating in' procedure, including a reproduction of the Seiberg-Witten curve from the ADS superpotential. We then calculate monopole, dyon, and charge condensates using the Seiberg-Witten approach. We show that the monopole and charge condensates vanish at the Argyres-Douglas point where the monopole and charge vacua collide. We interpret this phenomenon as a deconfinement of electric and magnetic charges at the Argyres-Douglas point.Comment: LaTeX file, 21 pages, no figures. Dependence of monopole condensate on Yukawa coupling is corrected, references adde

    Anomalous Zero Sound

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    We show that the anomalous term in the current, recently suggested by Son and Yamamoto, modifies the structure of the zero sound mode in the Fermi liquid in a magnetic field.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Spectral Duality in Integrable Systems from AGT Conjecture

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    We describe relationships between integrable systems with N degrees of freedom arising from the AGT conjecture. Namely, we prove the equivalence (spectral duality) between the N-cite Heisenberg spin chain and a reduced gl(N) Gaudin model both at classical and quantum level. The former one appears on the gauge theory side of the AGT relation in the Nekrasov-Shatashvili (and further the Seiberg-Witten) limit while the latter one is natural on the CFT side. At the classical level, the duality transformation relates the Seiberg-Witten differentials and spectral curves via a bispectral involution. The quantum duality extends this to the equivalence of the corresponding Baxter-Schrodinger equations (quantum spectral curves). This equivalence generalizes both the spectral self-duality between the 2x2 and NxN representations of the Toda chain and the famous AHH duality

    Type I Superconductivity upon Monopole Condensation in Seiberg-Witten Theory

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    We study the confinement scenario in N=2 supersymmetric SU(2) gauge theory near the monopole point upon breaking of N=2 supersymmetry by the adjoint matter mass term. We confirm claims made previously that the Abrikosov-Nielsen-Olesen string near the monopole point fails to be a BPS state once next-to-leading corrections in the adjoint mass parameter taken into account. Our results shows that type I superconductivity arises upon monopole condensation. This conclusion allows us to make qualitative predictions on the structure of the hadron mass spectrum near the monopole point.Comment: LaTex, 25 pages. Minor changes. To be published in NP

    Low energy theorems and the Dirac operator spectral density in QCD

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    We discuss the behaviour of the spectral density of the massless Dirac operator at the small eigenvalues and quark masses compatible with the restrictions imposed by the low energy theorems in QCD. Sum rule for its derivative over the quark mass is found.Comment: Latex, 6 pages, minor changes and reference adde

    Global AdS Picture of 1/2 BPS Wilson Loops

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    We study the holographic dual string configuration of 1/2 BPS circular Wilson loops in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory by using the global coordinate of AdS. The dual string worldsheet is given by the Poincare disk AdS_2 sitting at a constant global time slice of AdS_5. We also analyze the correlator of two concentric circular Wilson loops from the global AdS perspective and study the phase transition associated with the instability of annulus worldsheet connecting the two Wilson loops.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, v2: discussion on two branches corrected, v3: reference adde

    Quantum Vortex Strings: A Review

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    The quantum worldsheet dynamics of vortex strings contains information about the 4d non-Abelian gauge theory in which the string lives. Here I tell this story. The string worldsheet theory is typically some variant of the CP^{N-1} sigma-model, describing the orientation of the string in a U(N) gauge group. Qualitative parallels between 2d sigma-models and 4d non-Abelian gauge theories have been known since the 1970s. The vortex string provides a quantitative link between the two. In 4d theories with N=2 supersymmetry, the exact BPS spectrum of the worldsheet coincides with the bulk spectrum in 4d. Moreover, by tuning parameters, the CP^{N-1} sigma-model can be coaxed to flow to an interacting conformal fixed point which is related to the 4d Argyres-Douglas fixed point. For theories with N=1 supersymmetry, the worldsheet theory suffers dynamical supersymmetry breaking and, more interestingly, supersymmetry restoration, in a way which captures the physics of Seiberg's quantum deformed moduli space.Comment: Adams Prize Essay. 40 pages with 4 colourful picture
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