99 research outputs found

    Expanding the Role of the Histone Lysine-Specific Demethylase LSD1 in Cancer

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    Studies of alterations in histone methylation in cancer have led to the identification of histone methyltransferases and demethylases as novel targets for therapy. Lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1, also known as KDM1A), demethylates H3K4me1/2, or H3K9me1/2 in a context-dependent manner. In addition to the well-studied role of LSD1 in the epigenetic regulation of histone methylation changes, LSD1 regulates the methylation dynamic of several non-histone proteins and participates in the assembly of different long noncoding RNA (lncRNA_ complexes. LSD1 is highly expressed in various cancers, playing a pivotal role in different cancer-related processes. Here, we summarized recent findings on the role of LSD1 in the regulation of different biological processes in cancer cells through dynamic methylation of non-histone proteins and physical association with dedicated lncRNA

    Towards a comprehensive view of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine: Highlighting the intertwined roles of DNA damage and epigenetics in genomic instability

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    8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG), a major product of DNA oxidation, is a pre-mutagenic lesion which is prone to mispair, if left unrepaired, with 2'-deoxyadenosine during DNA replication. While unrepaired or incompletely repaired 8-oxodG has classically been associated with genome instability and cancer, it has recently been reported to have a role in the epigenetic regulation of gene expression. Despite the growing collection of genome-wide 8-oxodG mapping studies that have been used to provide new insight on the functional nature of 8-oxodG within the genome, a comprehensive view that brings together the epigenetic and the mutagenic nature of the 8-oxodG is still lacking. To help address this gap, this review aims to provide (i) a description of the state-of-the-art knowledge on both the mutagenic and epigenetic roles of 8-oxodG; (ii) putative molecular models through which the 8-oxodG can cause genome instability; (iii) a possible molecular model on how 8-oxodG, acting as an epigenetic signal, could cause the translocations and deletions which are associated with cancer

    Genome-wide mapping of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine reveals accumulation of oxidatively-generated damage at DNA replication origins within transcribed long genes of mammalian cells

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    8-Oxo-7,8-dihydro-2-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) is one of the major DNA modifications and a potent pre-mutagenic lesion prone to mispair with 2- deoxyadenosine (dA). Several thousand residues of 8-oxodG are constitutively generated in the genome of mammalian cells, but their genomic distribution has not yet been fully characterized. Here, by using OxiDIP-Seq, a highly sensitive methodology that uses immuno-precipitation with efficient anti– 8-oxodG antibodies combined with high-throughput sequencing, we report the genome-wide distribution of 8-oxodG in human non-tumorigenic epithelial breast cells (MCF10A), and mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). OxiDIP-Seq revealed sites of 8- oxodG accumulation overlapping with H2AX ChIPSeq signals within the gene body of transcribed long genes, particularly at the DNA replication origins contained therein. We propose that the presence of persistent single-stranded DNA, as a consequence of transcription-replication clashes at these sites, determines local vulnerability to DNA oxidation and/or its slow repair. This oxidatively-generated damage, likely in combination with other kinds of lesion, might contribute to the formation of DNA double strand breaks and activation of DNA damage response

    A Standardized Method for Experimental Human Approach Trials on Wild Wolves

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    "Copyright © 2022 Eriksen, Versluijs, Fuchs, Zimmermann, Wabakken, Ordiz, Sunde, Wikenros, Sand, Gillich, Michler, Nordli, Carricondo-Sanchez, Gorini and Rieger. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms"As wolves recolonize areas of Europe ranging from moderate to high anthropogenic impact, fear of wolves is a recurring source of conflict. Shared tools for evaluating wolf responses to humans, and comparing such responses across their range, can be valuable. Experiments in which humans approach wild wolves can increase our understanding of how wolves respond to humans, facilitating human-wolf coexistence. We have developed the first standardized protocol for evaluating wolf responses to approaching humans using high-resolution GPS data, and tested it on wild wolves. We present a field protocol for experimentally approaching GPS-collared wolves, a descriptive comparison of two statistical methods for detecting a measurable flight response, a tutorial for identifying wolf flight initiation and resettling positions, and an evaluation of the method when reducing GPS positioning frequency. The field protocol, a data collection form, and the tutorial with R code for extracting flight parameters are provided. This protocol will facilitate studies of wolf responses to approaching humans, applicable at a local, national, and international level. Data compiled in a standardized way from multiple study areas can be used to quantify the variation in wolf responses to humans within and between populations, and in relation to predictors such as social status, landscape factors, or human population density, and to establish a baseline distribution of wolf response patterns given a number of known predictors. The variation in wolf responses can be used to assess the degree to which results can be generalized to areas where GPS studies are not feasible, e.g., for predicting the range of likely wolf behaviors, assessing the likelihood of wolf-human encounters, and complementing existing tools for evaluating reports of bold wolves. Showing how wolves respond to human encounters should help demystify the behavior of wild wolves toward humans in their shared habitat.publishedVersio

    New insights into irritable bowel syndrome pathophysiological mechanisms: contribution of epigenetics

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    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a complex multifactorial condition including alterations of the gut-brain axis, intestinal permeability, mucosal neuro-immune interactions, and microbiota imbalance. Recent advances proposed epigenetic factors as possible regulators of several mechanisms involved in IBS pathophysiology. These epigenetic factors include biomolecular mechanisms inducing chromosome-related and heritable changes in gene expression regardless of DNA coding sequence. Accordingly, altered gut microbiota may increase the production of metabolites such as sodium butyrate, a prominent inhibitor of histone deacetylases. Patients with IBS showed an increased amount of butyrate-producing microbial phila as well as an altered profile of methylated genes and micro-RNAs (miRNAs). Importantly, gene acetylation as well as specific miRNA profiles are involved in different IBS mechanisms and may be applied for future diagnostic purposes, especially to detect increased gut permeability and visceromotor dysfunctions. In this review, we summarize current knowledge of the role of epigenetics in IBS pathophysiology

    Burden of disease from exposure to secondhand smoke in children in Europe

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    Background Secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure at home and fetal SHS exposure during pregnancy are a major cause of disease among children. The aim of this study is quantifying the burden of disease due to SHS exposure in children and in pregnancy in 2006–2017 for the 28 European Union (EU) countries. Methods Exposure to SHS was estimated using a multiple imputation procedure based on the Eurobarometer surveys, and SHS exposure burden was estimated with the comparative risk assessment method using meta-analytical relative risks. Data on deaths and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) were collected from National statistics and from the Global Burden of Disease Study. Results Exposure to SHS and its attributable burden stalled in 2006–2017; in pregnant women, SHS exposure was 19.8% in 2006, 19.1% in 2010, and 21.0% in 2017; in children it was 10.1% in 2006, 9.6% in 2010, and 12.1% in 2017. In 2017, 35,633 DALYs among children were attributable to SHS exposure in the EU, mainly due to low birth weight. Conclusions Comprehensive smoking bans up to 2010 contributed to reduce SHS exposure and its burden in children immediately after their implementation; however, SHS exposure still occurs, and in 2017, its burden in children was still relevant

    A harmonized and efficient clinical research environment would benefit patients and enhance European competitiveness

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    Background. Implementation of the EU Regulation No. 536/2014 through national guidelines is a great opportunity to make sponsors reconsider Europe as a prime location for clinical trials. Methods. In November 2014, a Panel of clinical researchers and representatives of the pharmaceutical industry, patient organisations and Italian regulatory agency discussed potential advances fostering Italian competitiveness in terms of clinical research. As a case study, this analysis of the Italian situation can be representative of the average European situation. Results. Features characterising Italian clinical research patterns were analysed. Considerable engagement and cooperation by all stakeholders is required in addition to a well-structured interaction between National Authorities and ethical committees to comply with the strict timeframes mandated by the new Regulation. Conclusions. In the Panel’s view, harmonisation of the approval process and strengthening of clinical site performance are mandatory to provide a good return on investment in Europe for the pharmaceutical industry, access for patients to innovative treatments and new resources for clinical sites.                                                                                                                                                                 

    Burden of disease attributable to second-hand smoke exposure: a systematic review

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    Our aim was to provide a systematic review of studies on the burden of disease due to second-hand smoke (SHS) exposure, reviewing methods, exposure assessment, diseases causally linked to SHS, health outcomes, and estimates available to date. A literature review of studies on the burden of disease from SHS exposure, available in PubMed and SCOPUS, published 2007–2018 in English language, was carried out following the PRISMA recommendations. Overall, 588 studies were first identified, and 94 were eligible. Seventy-two studies were included in the systematic review. Most of them were based on the comparative risk assessment approach, assessing SHS exposure using mainly surveys on exposure at home/workplaces. Diseases more frequently studied were: lung cancer, ischemic heart disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma and breast cancer in adults; lower respiratory tract infection, otitis media, asthma, sudden infant death syndrome and low birth weight in children. The SHS exposure assessment and the reported population attributable fractions (PAF) were largely heterogeneous. As an example, the PAF from lung cancer varied between 0.6% and 20.5%. Moreover, PAF were estimated applying relative risks and SHS exposures with no consistent definitions or with different age classes. The research gap on the SHS exposure burden is shrinking. However, estimates are not yet available for a number of countries, particularly the Middle Eastern and African countries, and not all diseases with the strongest evidence of causation, such as sudden infant death syndrome, have been explored. Moreover, in some cases the applied methodology revealed relatively low quality of data