125 research outputs found

    Биомониторинг загађености ваздуха градске средине суспендованим честицама, елементима у траговима и полицикличним ароматичним угљоводоницима коришћењем маховина Sphagnum girgensohnii Russow и Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw

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    With concerns of public health escalating, monitoring programmes are increasingly being promoted globally as means for assessing urban air pollution. Although regulatory monitoring has reached the stage of development that is challenging and promising, data collection of air pollutant levels is often unevenly distributed across examined areas. In this context, active moss biomonitoring appears as a complementary method to standardized measurements of air pollutants by filling gaps in the regulatory monitoring network. In urban areas, where mosses are often scarce or even absent, the “moss bag technique” has been developed for assessment of air pollution. The aspects concerning methodological steps in the technique – selection, preparation of moss, preparation of bags and post-exposure treatments, were tested. However, further investigation of various aspects of the technique application in the field, i.e., urban environment, is still required.This doctoral dissertation addresses several key aspects in the practical application of the moss bag technique, especially in the urban environment, demonstrating its usefulness. In the series of experiments, the moss bags were exposed over the city of Belgrade, for ten-week period, to assess content of particulate matter (PM), major, trace, and rare earth elements (REEs), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). After exposure, the moss samples were analysed by different analytical methods: magnetic measurements, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and gas chromatography‒mass spectrometry (GC-MS).In the experimental set-up in five street canyons, one city tunnel, and four parking garages, vertical and horizontal spatial distribution of the elements were tested during the summer/autumn 2011 and winter 2011/2012, respectively. Within these urban environments, an emphasis was put on investigation of the exposure height of moss bag. In the street canyons, the moss bags were exposed at the heights of 4 m, 8 m, and 16 m. Based on the results, height of 4 m was recommended as optimal for the moss bag exposure. The results also indicated that the moss bags are sensitive to small-scale spatial distribution of the elements. An ability of the moss bags for biomagnetic monitoring was also outlined through the measurements of saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM). Very high correlation coefficients (r ≥ 0.95) were found between moss SIRM values and moss concentrations of Cr, Cu, Fe, and Ni.For extensive screening of urban air pollution over the city, the moss bags were exposed at 153 sampling sites during the summer 2013. Two species, Sphagnum girgensohnii (a species of the most recommended biomonitoring moss genus) and Hypnum cupressiforme (a common moss in the studyarea), were used...Мјерење и праћење параметара квалитета ваздуха у градској средини представља обавезу дефинисану међународним и домаћим законодавством. Постављање мреже за мониторинг са задовољавајућом просторном резолуцијом мјерних мјеста ограничено је високом цијеном потребних инструмената, као и њиховог одржавања. Стога, активни биомониторинг коришћењем маховина све више добија на значају као метода комплементарна стандардизованим мјерењима загађујућих супстанци у ваздуху. У градским срединама, тзв. условима „антропогене пустиње“, гдје маховине одсуствују, развијена је примјена технике „врећице с маховином“. До сада су, у примјени ове технике, утврђени методолошки кораци, као што су избор одговарајуће врсте маховине, начин припреме врећица и одабир третмана након излагања врећица с маховином. Међутим, и даље је неопходна валидација ове технике у реалним условима, односно у градској средини.У овој докторској дисертацији је испитивано неколико кључних корака у практичној примјени врећица с маховином за процјену садржаја суспендованих честица, елемената у траговима, елемената ријетких земаља и полицикличних ароматичних угљоводоника (ПАУ) у ваздуху градске средине. У низу експеримената, маховине у врећици су излагане атмосферској депозицији на подручју Београда, у периоду од 10 недеља. Након излагања, узорци маховина су анализирани различитим аналитичким методама: мјерења магнетних параметара, индуктивно спрегнута плазма-оптичка емисиона спектроскопија (ICP-OES); индуктивно спрегнута плазма-масена спектроскопија (ICP-MS) и гасна хроматографија-масена спектроскопија (GC-MS).Вертикална и хоризонтална дистрибуција елемената у траговима је испитивана у експерименту спроведеном у пет улица кањонског типа, градском тунелу и четири паркинг гараже (љето/јесен 2011; зима 2011/2012). С циљем утврђивања оптималне висине за излагање у градској средини, врећице с маховином су излагане атмосферској депозицији на 4 m, 8 m и 16 m у улицама кањонског типа. На основу добијених резултата, висина од 4 m је препоручена као оптимална за излагање врећица с маховином. Такође, испитивањем и мјерењем магнетних параметара излаганих маховина, потврђена је могућност употребе врећица с маховином у биомагнетном мониторингу.Да би се испитао квалитет ваздуха на ширем подручју Београда, врећице с маховином су излагане на 153 мјерна мјеста (љето 2013). Коришћене су двије врсте маховина, Sphagnumgirgensohnii, као најпрепоручљивија биомониторска врста, и Hypnum cupressiforme, најзаступљенија врста у Србији..

    Doprinos fonološke i sintaksičke svesnosti u početnom čitanju

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    The purpose of this research is to identify the relations between some of the pre-reading abilities as predictor variables and reading success as acrierion variable in first grade primary school pupils. The sample consisted of 200 respondents. The research was conducted in two phases. In Phase I, pre-school children were tested. The ELLA test was applied and it enabled the assessment of phonological awareness, memory, verbal fluency, fast naming and deciphering. Additionally, syntactic awareness was assessed by using the List of experimental tasks for evaluating knowledge on syntax. In Phase II, the reading abilities were assessed by applying the Three-Dimensional Reading Test on the same group of respondents who had been tested at their pre-school age; at the time of the reading test they were finalising the first grade of primary school. To establish the predictor variable of pre-reading abilities, Multiple Regression Analysis and Hierarchical Regression Analysis were conducted. The results indicate that phonological and syntactic awareness are significant predictors of early reading, whereas the phonological awareness has a stronger predicative value. However, we consider that the established importance of syntactic awareness in early reading is an important finding of our research, having in mind that syntactic awareness is more important for later reading stages.Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrdi odnos između nekih od prečitačkih sposobnosti kao prediktorskih varijabli i uspeha u čitanju kao kriterijumske varijable kod učenika prvog razreda osnovne škole. Uzorak je činilo 200 ispitanika. Istraživanje je obavljeno u dve faze. U prvoj fazi je izvršeno testiranje dece predškolskog uzrasta. Primenjen je ELLA test kojim su procenjene fonološka svesnost, pamćenje, verbalna fluentnost, brzo imenovanje i dekodiranje. Pored toga, procenjena je sintaksička svesnost pomoću Liste eksperimentalnih zadataka za ispitivanje znanja o sintaksi. U drugoj fazi istraživanja testirana je sposobnost čitanja primenom Trodimenzionalnog testa čitanja kod iste grupe ispitanika koji su testirani na predškolskom uzrastu, a koji su u vreme testiranja čitanja završavali prvi razred osnovne škole. Da bi se utvrdila prediktivna vrednost prečitačkih sposobnosti za čitanje, urađena je multipla regresiona analiza i hijerarhijska regresiona analiza. Rezultati su pokazali da fonološka svesnost i sintaksička svesnost predstavljaju značajne prediktore početnog čitanja, s tim što fonološka svesnost ima snažniju prediktivnu vrednost, ali utvrđen značaj sintaksičke svesnosti u početnom čitanju smatramo važnim nalazom našeg istraživanja s obzirom da se sintaksičkoj svesnosti pridaje značaj uglavnom u kasnijim fazama čitanja

    Severe acute caffeine poisoning due to intradermal injections: Mesotherapy hazard

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    Introduction. Caffeine is indicated in the treatment of migraine headaches, as well as neonatal apnea and bradycardia syndrome. In mild poisoning, the most prevalent symptoms are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, tremor, anxiety and headache. In more severe cases, symptoms consist of heart rythym abnormalities, myocardial infarction and seizures. Due to its common lipolytic effect, caffeine is used in mesotherapy, usually in combination with drugs of similar effect. We presented a patient with acute iatrogenic caffeine poisoning. Case report. A 51-year-old woman, with preexisting hypertension and hypertensive cardiomyopathy was subjected to cosmetic treatment in order to remove fat by intradermal caffeine injections. During the treatment the patient felt sickness, an urge to vomit, and a pronounced deterioration of general condition. Upon examination, the patient exhibited somnolence, hypotension and nonsustained ventricular tachycardia, which was sufficient enough evidence for further hospitalization. On admission to the intensive care unit the patient was anxious with increased heart rate, normotensive, with cold, damp skin, and visible traces of injection sites with surrounding hematomas on the anterior abdominal wall. Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) on electrocardiographic monitoring was found. The laboratory analysis determined a lowered potassium level of 2.1 mmol/L (normal range 3,5 - 5.2 mmol/L), and a toxicological analysis (liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection) proved a toxic concentration of caffeine in plasma - 85.03 mg/L (toxic concentration over 25 mg/L). On application of intensive therapy, antiarrhythmics, and substitution of potassium, as well as both symptomatic and supportive therapy, there was a significant recovery. The patient was discharged without any sequele within four days. Conclusion. A presented rare iatrogenic acute caffeine poisoning occured due to massive absorption of caffeine from the subcutaneous adipose tissue into the circulation when injected directly into the tiny blood vessels, as evidenced by hematoma formation. Poisoning manifestations were registered in gastrointestinal, CNS (anxiety, somnolence) and cardiovascular (hypotension, ventricular tachycardia and nonsustained PSVT) system. In this era of mesotherapeutic treatment promotion, one should keep in mind toxic prevention, with application being carried out exclusively in a specialized institutio

    Giant Aneurysm of Basilar Artery

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    In the article we showed the patient, a woman with unruptured giant aneurysm of basilar artery, we showed the done examinations, and therapy dilemmas about what to do in the given case. We found in literature a number of examples which suggest operation treatment, but of embolisation too, some suggest conservative treatment

    Head Trauma and Posttraumatic Epilepsy in Slavonski Brod, East Croatia, 1988-2008

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    Posttraumatic epilepsy is result of head trauma. The aim of our research was to establish how many patients after head trauma developed posttraumatic epilepsy (PTE). Retrospectively we analyzed 50 patients with head trauma different severity in period from 1989. to 2008., which we werified radiological, electroenfephalographic, and psychical changes were established according pto psychiatric examination. From 50 patient with head trauma, 40 developed seizures (3 in the firs 24 hours and 6 after first 24 hours to the end of first week, 31 after first week). By introducing antiepileptic therapy (AETh), 30 patients were seizure free, 10 patients had 1-2 epileptic seizure monthly (EPA/CPA), 10 patients got prophylactic AETh in period 6-12 months. 14 patients developed psychical changes which were verified by psychiatrist. The experience and literature show that posttraumatic epilepsy is good for treating with 1 or 2 antiepileptic, and remission is more difficult in case psychiatric comorbidity

    Citotoksični i apoptotički učinak strukturno sličnih flavonoida na stanice roditeljske i otporne stanične linije karcinoma cerviksa

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    Flavonoids are phytochemicals characterized by a wide range of biological activities, including antioxidant activity, the ability to modulate enzyme or cell receptor activity patterns, and to interfere with essential biochemical pathways. Using HeLa cells of a human cervical carcinoma, and their drug-resistant HeLa CK subline, the effects of three structurally related flavonoids (quercetin, fisetin and luteolin) have been examined, in terms of their: (i) cytotoxicity, (ii) influence on intracellular glutathione (GSH) level, (iii) influence on glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity, and (iv) influence on the expression of apoptosis-related genes (PARP, Bcl-2, survivin). Fisetin was more toxic to resistant HeLa CK cell line than to parental cell line, causing decreased expression of survivin in the same cell line. Concentrations of 5 μM of the examined flavonoids caused PARP degradation in parental cell line, leading HeLa cell line into apoptotic cell death. The same event was not determined in the resistant cell line. Fisetin and luteolin induce glutathione and GST in the resistant cell line, pointing to complex cellular effects which could be responsible for higher sensitivity of the resistant cell line in comparison with the parental cell line. Prooxidative nature of the investigated flavonoids was not detected, so free radical formation is not responsible for the induction of GSH, GST and proapoptotic enzymes.Flavonoidi pripadaju skupini fitokemikalija koje imaju mnogo bioloških aktivnosti, i to antioksidativnu aktivnost, modulacijsko djelovanje na enzime i stanične receptore te djelovanje na osnovne biokemijske puteve. U ovom je radu istražen utjecaj tri strukturno slična flavonoida (kvercetin, fisetin i luteolin) na stanične linije karcinoma cerviksa, HeLa, te sublinije otporne na citostatike, HeLa CK. Utvrđen je: i) citotoksični učinak flavonoida, ii) utjecaj flavonoida na promjenu koncentracije unutarstaničnoga glutationa (GSH), iii) utjecaj flavonoida na aktivnost glutation S-transferaze (GST) i iv) utjecaj flavonoida na ekspresiju gena koji sudjeluju u apoptozi (PARP, Bcl-2, survivin). Fisetin je djelovao toksičnije na otpornu subliniju HeLa CK u usporedbi s roditeljskom staničnom linijom HeLa, uzrokujući smanjenje ekspresije proteina survivina. Zbog tih koncentracija flavonoida (5 μM) došlo je do razgradnje PARP proteina u roditeljskoj staničnoj liniji, uzrokujući apoptotičku staničnu smrt u liniji HeLa. Taj događaj nije uočen u otpornoj subliniji. Fisetin i luteolin uzrokuju indukciju glutationa i povećanu aktivnost GST u otpornoj subliniji, upućujući na složenost staničnih procesa koji bi mogli biti odgovorni za veću osjetljivost rezistentne sublinije u usporedbi s roditeljskom staničnom linijom. Prooksidativna priroda istraživanih flavonoida nije bila utvrđena, pa se može zaključiti da slobodni radikali nisu odgovorni za indukciju GSH, GST i proapoptotičkih enzima

    Potrošnja antibiotika u bolnicama i stopa otpornosti bakterija Klebsiella pneumoniae i Escherichia coli u Crnoj Gori

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    Inappropriate use of antibiotics leads to an increase in antibiotic resistance. Infections caused by antibiotic-resistant gram-negative bacteria are a serious threat to public health. This study aimed to compare data on inpatient antibiotic consumption with antimicrobial resistance (AMR) rate of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli invasive strains in Montenegro and provide targets for improving antibiotic use. We used the national data on antibiotic consumption from 2009 to 2015, Point Prevalence Survey data on inpatient antibiotic consumption from 2015, and national AMR data on 79 Klebsiella pneumoniae and 68 Escherichia coli isolates collected from 8 hospitals from 2016 to 2018. The most commonly used antibiotics were third-generation cephalosporins with a median annual consumption of 0.66 DDD/1000/day. Ceftriaxone was the most frequently prescribed antibiotic in the treatment of community/hospital acquired infections and surgical/medical prophylaxis. The highest resistance rates were recorded for Klebsiella pneumoniae to ceftriaxone, ceftazidime and gentamicin (93.59%, 90.79% and 89.87%, respectively), and Escherichia coli to aminopenicillins, ceftriaxone and ceftazidime (89.06%, 70.15% and 61.54%, respectively). High consumption of broadspectrum antibiotics in Montenegro is accompanied by the high rate of resistance of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli to these agents. Antibiotic misuse demands the introduction of an antimicrobial stewardship program in Montenegrin hospitals.Neodgovarajuća upotreba antibiotika dovodi do povećanja otpornosti na antibiotike. Infekcije uzrokovane gram-negativnim bakterijama otpornima na antibiotike ozbiljna su prijetnja javnom zdravlju. Ovo istraživanje imalo je za cilj usporediti podatke o potrošnji antibiotika u bolnicama sa stopom antimikrobne rezistentnosti (AMR) invazivnih sojeva Klebsiella pneumoniae i Escherichia coli u Crnoj Gori i osigurati ciljeve za poboljšanje upotrebe antibiotika. Rabili smo nacionalne podatke o potrošnji antibiotika od 2009. do 2015. godine, podatke iz studije presjeka o potrošnji antibiotika u bolnicama u 2015. godini i nacionalne podatke AMR za 79 izolata Klebsiella pneumoniae i 68 izolata Escherichia coli prikupljena iz 8 bolnica od 2016. do 2018. godine. Najčešće primijenjeni antibiotici bili su cefalosporini treće generacije s medijanom godišnje potrošnje od 0,66 DDD/1000/dan. Ceftriakson je najčešće propisivani antibiotik u liječenju izvanbolničkih i bolničkih infekcija te u kirurškoj/medicinskoj profilaksi. Stopa otpornosti Klebsiella pneumoniae bila je najviša na ceftriakson, ceftazidim i gentamicin (93,59%, 90,79% odnosno 89,87%), a Escherichia coli na aminopeniciline, ceftriakson i ceftazidim (89,06%, 70,15% odnosno 61,54%). Visoka potrošnja antibiotika širokog spektra u Crnoj Gori praćena je visokom stopom otpornosti Klebsiella pneumoniae i Escherichia coli na njih. Zlouporaba antibiotika zahtijeva uvođenje programa antimikrobnog upravljanja u crnogorskim bolnicama

    Head Trauma and Posttraumatic Epilepsy in Slavonski Brod, East Croatia, 1988-2008

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    Posttraumatic epilepsy is result of head trauma. The aim of our research was to establish how many patients after head trauma developed posttraumatic epilepsy (PTE). Retrospectively we analyzed 50 patients with head trauma different severity in period from 1989. to 2008., which we werified radiological, electroenfephalographic, and psychical changes were established according pto psychiatric examination. From 50 patient with head trauma, 40 developed seizures (3 in the firs 24 hours and 6 after first 24 hours to the end of first week, 31 after first week). By introducing antiepileptic therapy (AETh), 30 patients were seizure free, 10 patients had 1-2 epileptic seizure monthly (EPA/CPA), 10 patients got prophylactic AETh in period 6-12 months. 14 patients developed psychical changes which were verified by psychiatrist. The experience and literature show that posttraumatic epilepsy is good for treating with 1 or 2 antiepileptic, and remission is more difficult in case psychiatric comorbidity

    Can Proper Funding Enhance Sustainable Tourism in Rural Settings? Evidence from a Developing Country

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    Rural tourism is often considered to be a factor in the development tendencies of rural space, a factor in the development of agriculture, as well as a factor in reducing rural depopulation. The primary aim of the research was to look at the problems in financing sustainable rural tourism in the case study of Serbia. The secondary one was to analyze the factors that may influence the self-financing capacity of rural tourism service providers. The findings confirmed the main hypothesis that financial resources are a significant limitation of the development of sustainable rural tourism. It was found that there is a high correlation between the amount of income generated and the structure of the workforce. The results verified that rural tourism entities were not making sufficient investments due to lack of financial resources, i.e., adequate financing modalities. It can be concluded thatin order to develop sustainable rural tourism, financial investments are needed, both at the level of service providers and at the macro level