179 research outputs found

    Publications in English in biomedical sciences - Part I: Proper use of prepositions

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    It is well known that English represents the main language of communication in contemporary biomedical sciences. One of the major problems that occur in communication (both oral and written) in English, which should not be underestimated, is the correct usage of the language by authors whose mother tongue is not English. Our aim was to single out the most common and frequent mistakes made in the use of prepositions so that they could be avoided by authors of scientific papers in English

    An integrated model of management with the quality and sustainability of the realization process under the conditions of uncertainty

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    REZIME: Predmet ove doktorske disertacije je razvoj integrisanog modela za ocenu kvaliteta i održivosti procesa realizacije koji se realizuju u uslovima neizvesnosti u komunalnim preduzećima koja posluju u promenljivom okruženju. Primenom razvijenog modela može se značajno poboljšati poslovanje komunalnog sektora . Obzirom da se promene brzo i neprekidno dešavaju, vrednosti upravljačkih promenljivih je gotovo nemoguće opisati preciznim brojevima. Ove promenljive se sasvim dobro opisuju lingvističkim iskazima koji su modelirani primenom teorije fazi skupova. Problem upravljanja procesima realizacije sa aspekta operativnih rizika, kvaliteta i održivosti, moguće je rešiti primenom egzaktnih metoda koje su razvijene u ovoj disertaciji. Osnovni cilj rada je definisan kao razvijanje integrisanog modela menadžmenta čijom primenom je: (1) određen uticaj faktora operativnih rizika na efektivnost procesa realizacije, (2) ocenjen kvalitet i održivost razmatranih poslovnih procesa, i (3) utvrđen oblik i jačina zavisnosti rizika i kvaliteta na održivost procesa realizacije. Pokazano je da razvijeni model, prikazan na slici, može da koristi menadžerima komunalnih preduzeća kao sredstvo za podršku donošenju odluka u oblasti procene i upravljanja kvalitetom, rizicima i održivošću procesa realizacije i donošenju adekvatnih strategija.The subject of this doctoral dissertation is the development of an integrated model for evaluating the quality and sustainability of the implementation processes that are implemented under the conditions of uncertainty in utility companies which operate in a changeable environment. Applying the developed model can significantly improve the business of the utility companies sector. Since changes occur quickly and continuously, the values of control variables are almost impossible to describe with precise numbers. These variables are quite well described by linguistic statements modeled on the application of the theory of fuzzy sets. The problem of managing the implementation processes from the aspects of operational risks, quality and sustainability can be solved by applying the exact methods which are developed in this dissertation. The main objective of the paper is defined as the development of an integrated model of management, the application of which is: (1) determined the influence of operational risk factors on the effectiveness of the implementation process, (2) evaluated the quality and sustainability of the considered business processes, and (3) determined the form and strength of risk and quality dependence on the sustainability of the implementation process. It is shown that the developed model, shown in the picture, can be used by utility companies' managers as a supporting tool for decision making in the area of assessment and management of quality, in risks and sustainability of the implementation process and in adopting adequate strategies

    Informacijska pismenost na radnom mjestu

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    Rad Informacijska pismenost na radnom mjestu nudi sustavan prikaz fenomena informacijske pismenosti, od početaka do današnjih dana, koncentrirajući se posebno na informacijsku pismenost na radnom mjestu. Informacijska pismenost veoma je važna kao element informacijske kulture. Sa svojim modelima, standardima i povijesnim pravcima predstavlja put kojim započinje formalno obrazovanje i nastavlja se na radnom mjestu te se proširuje novim spoznajama i posebice iskustvom. Za navedeno je nužno cjeloživotno učenje i formalno, ali i neformalno učenje, naročito u organizacijama. Model sedam lica informacijske pismenosti, predstavljen od C. Bruce predstavlja osnovu za stvaranje informacijske pismenosti na radnom mjestu. Istovremeno, u skladu s novim trendovima i u današnjem turbulentnom okružju, pojavljuju se novi termini kao što su informirano učenje, informacijski rad, informacijska elastičnost, radnici znanja, pismenost znanja te informacijska kultura. Navedeni termini pokušavaju odgovoriti na izazove vremena u kojima se nalazi informacijska pismenost na radnome mjestu. Uvodi se i pojam multipismenosti koji predstavlja kombinaciju svih vrsta pismenosti i pokušava odgovoriti na izazove suvremenog života. Iako se smatra da je informacijska pismenost krovna pismenost svim pismenostima, pretpostavka je da je multipismenost, pojam koji će u budućnosti stupiti na njeno mjesto, makar terminološki. U radu su prikazani i rezultati najvažnijih istraživanja iz svjetske literature, o informacijskoj pismenosti na radnom mjestu. Rad je pokušao odgovoriti na pitanja što je to informacijska pismenost i posebno informacijska pismenost na radnom mjestu i na koje izazove danas nailazi učeća organizacija u želji za korištenjem potencijala svojih djelatnika te koje su karakteristike novih radnika znanja i što se od njih očekuje

    Transfer of Cs-134 and Cs-137 from soils to plants in cultivated and uncultivated soils in different regions of Yugoslavia

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    10th international congress of the International Radiation Protection Association; May 14-19, 2000; Hiroshima, Japa

    Self-concept and Teachers’ Professional Roles

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    AbstractThis paper is concerned with the association of teachers’ self-assessment of the effectiveness in different teachers’ roles performing and their self-concept. The study was conducted on a sample of 120 teachers who were given the Self-concept scales (Opačić, 1995) and the Inventory of teachers’ roles, designed for the purposes of this research. The results show that self- assessed effectiveness in all teachers’ roles is significantly correlated with global competence – dimension of self-concept that indicates subjective feeling of capability for any action and its successful performance. Other dimensions of self-concept are in correlation with self-evaluated success in some of investigated teachers’ roles

    Immunoreactive neuropeptides in the cells of human thymus

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    The study was designed to explore the expression of different neuropeptides, viz. vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP), substance P (SP), bombesin and motilin in the cells of fetal and adult human thymus. Immunohistochemical staining revealed that cortical and medullary thymocytes were labeled by all antibodies, except those specific for motilin. Immunoreactive VIP and SP were observed in the solitary epithelial cells located in the subcapsular/subtrabecular cortex, at the corticomedullary junction and in the medulla. The cells within the subcapsular/subtrabecular monolayer, rare solitary cells in the deep cortex and epithelial cell network in the medulla, were labeled with antibodies to CGRP and bombesin. Hassall's corpuscles were labeled with all antibodies except that specific for SP. The obtained data obtained testify to the expression of different neuropeptides in human thymic lymphoid and non-lymphoid cells and suggest a role for neuroendocrine hormone-mediated mechanisms in the regulation of thymic homeostasis in humans

    Komponente genetičke varijabilnosti i heritabilnost prinosa zrna silažnog kukuruza

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the following parameters for the grain yield of silage maize: variability of inbred lines and their diallel hybrids, superior-parent heterosis and components of genetic variability and heritability on the basis of the diallel set. The two-year four-replicate trial was set up according to the randomized complete-block design at Zemun Polje. It was determined that a genotype, year and their interaction significantly affected variability of this trait. The highest. i.e. the lowest grain yield, on the average for both investigation years. was recorded in the silage maize inbred lines ZPLB402 and ZPLB405. respectively. The analysis of components of genetic variance for grain yield shows that the additive component (D) was lower than the dominant (H1 and H2) genetic variance, while a positive component F and the frequency of dominant (u) and recessive (v) genes for this observed trait point to prevalence of dominant genes over recessive ones. Furthermore. this is confirmed by the ratio of dominant to recessive genes in parental genotypes for grain yield (Kd/Kr> 1) that is greater than unity in both years of investigation. The estimated value of the average degree of dominance (H1/D)1/2 exceeds unity, pointing out to superdominance in inheritance of this trait in both years of investigation. Results of Vr/Vr regression analysis indicate superdominance in inheritance of grain yield. Moreover. a registered presence of non-allelic interaction points out to the need to study effects of epistasis, as it can have a greater significance in certain hybrids. A greater value of dominant than additive variance resulted in high values of broad-sense heritability for grain yield in both investigation years (98.71%, i.e. 97.19% in 1997, i.e. 1998, respectively). and low values of narrow-sense heritability (11.9% in 1997 and 12.2% in 1998).Pravilna procena heterozisa, genetičke varijabilnosti i heritabilnosti neke osobine je veoma bitna sa stanovišta praktične selekcije, što je i bio cilj ovih istraživanja. Rezultati analize varijanse pokazuju visoko značajne razlike između ispitivanih genotipova za prinos zrna. kao i značajan uticaj godine i interakcija godina x genotip na varijabilnost ove osobine. Najveći prinos zrna su imali hibridi ZPLB401 x ZPLB406 (1997) i ZPLB404 x ZPLB406 (1998). Hibridi su u odnosu na linije ispoljili veće prosečne vrednosti za prinos zrna što je i očekivano obzirom da pri inbridingu dolazi do depresije ove osobine kod linija. Za većinu hibridnih kombinacija utvrđene su visoke vrednosti heterozisa, dok je hibrid ZPLB402 x ZPLB403 pokazao negativnu vrednost heterozisa za prinos zrna (-11.0 do -31.7%). Analiza komponenti genetičke varijanse pokazuje da su dominantne komponente (H1 i H2) bile veće od aditivne (D) i imale važniju ulogu u nasleđivanju prinosa zrna u F, generaciji. Komponenta F je pozitivna za ovu osobinu što ukazuje da dominantni geni preovlađuju nad recesivnim. Izračunata vrednost prosečnog stepena dominacije (H1/D)1/2 je veća od jedinice za ovu osobinu i pokazuje da se u nasleđivanju ovih osobina radi o superdominaciji. Odnos dominantih gena prema recesivnim kod roditeljskih genotipova pokazuje da su kod prinosa zrna preovladavali dominantni geni nad recesivnim [Kd/Kr>l) u obe godine. Rezultati Vr/Vr regresione analize ukazuju na superdominaciju u nasleđivanju prinosa zrna. Prisustvo nealelne interakcije ustanovljeno je za ovu osobinu. To ukazuje na potrebu proučavanja efekta epistaze pošto može imati veći značaj kod pojedinih hibrida. Za prinos zrna su dobijene visoke vrednosti heritabilnosti u širem smislu (98.4% (1997) i 97.9% (1998)) i niske vrednosti heritabilnosti u užem smislu (11.9% (1997) i 12.2% (1998))

    A new fuzzy risk management model for production supply chain economic and social sustainability

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    The issues of operational, organisational and process risk assessment in supply chains (SCs) are the most usually analysed, while other risk groups (like economic and social risks) are not taken into account, even though they have a critical effect on the competitive advantage and SCs sustainability over long time periods. The determination of risk value that may arise due to the materialisation of each defined risk factor (RF) is based on the assessment of the severity of RF consequences and frequency of RF occurrence. These judgments are obtained by decision makers and modelled by using fuzzy set theory. The relative importance of RFs are stated by fuzzy pair-wise comparison matrices in compliance with fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP). The risk level of SCs could be obtained in an exact way by applying fuzzy logic. The proposed model, to be presented in this paper, provides a possibility to easily and simply determine risk level from the automotive industry SC and to propose appropriate management initiatives that should lead to a reduction or elimination of RF influenc

    Comparatioions of two methods for HPGe detector efficiency calibration for charcoal canister radon measurement

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    The charcoal canister method of radon concentration estimation according to US EPA protocol 520/5-87-005, is the most widely used method of screening. This method is based on radon adsorption on coal and measurement of gamma radiation of radon daughters. For the purpose of gamma spectrometry, appropriate efficiency calibration of the measuring system must be performed. The most usual method of calibration is using standard canister, a sealed canister with the same matrix and geometry as the canisters used for measurements, but with the known activity of radon. In absence of standard canister, a different method of efficiency calibration has to be implemented. This paper presents the results of efficiency calibration using EFTRAN efficiency transfer software. Efficiency was calculated using soil matrix cylindrical secondary reference material as a starting point. Calculated efficiency is then compared to the one obtained using standard canister and applied to a realistic measurement in order to evaluate the results of the efficiency transfer.2nd International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (RAD), May 27-30, Niš, 2014

    Comparison of two different methods for gross alpha and beta activity determination in water samples

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    Measurement of the gross alpha and beta activity concentrations in various matrices is suitable as a preliminary screening procedure to determine whether further analysis related to specific radionuclide is necessary. In Serbia, according to current regulations, radioactivity concentrations in drinking water for gross alpha and gross beta should be LT 0.5 and LT 1.0 Bq L-1, respectively. The generally accepted methods for gross alpha and beta activity analysis of drinking water in different countries are: EPA 900.0 and ISO methods (ISO 9696, water quality - measurement of gross alpha activity in non-saline water - thick source method, and ISO 9697, water quality - measurement of gross beta activity in non-saline water). This paper describes comparison of preparations and measurement gross alpha and beta activity in bottled mineral waters as well as in tap waters in Serbia using two methods: EPA 900.0 with and without ash, and ISO methods. Concentration of total dissolved solids (TDS) in investigated water samples was determined. Based on obtained TDS, certain volume was evaporated. The instrumentation used to count the gross alpha and gross beta activities for both methods is alpha/beta low level proportional counter Thermo Eberline FHT 770 T