207 research outputs found

    Actualidad del pensamiento histórico-político de Alexis de Tocqueville

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    Fil: Gorayeb de Perinetti, Yasmin. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letra

    Análisis crítico historiográfico : pensamiento político social de Arturo Alessandri

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    Fil: Gorayeb de Perinetti, Yazmín. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letra

    Una confrontación entre historiografía y postmodernismo

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    Este estudio examina el debate protagonizado por los historiadores Lawrence Stone y Gabrielle Spiegel por un lado, y por el otro, Patrick Joyce y Catriona Kelly. Los primeros advierten acerca de los peligros, para las bases de la ciencia histórica, provenientes del postmodernismo. El postmodernismo cuestiona el concepto de una coherencia histórica ampliamente abarcadora y la posibilidad del saber objetivo. Stone se orienta a resolver estos antagonismos manifestando lo que resultaría enriquecedor y lo que es verdaderamente rechazable de este movimiento. Él y Spiegel objetan la afirmación de que no existe diferencia entre realidad y lenguaje, que la experiencia no posee un rango fuera de la convención lingüística. Pero reconocen que el "giro lingüístico" ha enseñado a los historiadores a examinar los textos cautelosamente para descubrir mensajes encubiertos y a escuchar los silencios dentro del lenguaje. Asimismo, para descifrar el significado de cambios gramaticales sutiles.Fil: Gorayeb de Perinetti, Yasmin. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letra

    Spiritual experiences of a seriously ill elderly: a case report

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    Objetivo: Relatar as experiências espirituais de uma idosa internada em uma enfermaria de cuidados paliativos. Método: As informações foram estruturadas a partir de revisão de prontuário, entrevista com a paciente e acompanhante e revisão de literatura. Conclusão: O caso relatado sinaliza a importância de maior discussão sobre a atenção aos aspectos espirituais dos pacientes no fim da vida. Neste caso, por apresentar-se de forma controlada, positiva e com insight presente, entende-se o exposto como uma experiência espiritual, livre de psicopatologia. Logo, observa-se a necessidade de pesquisas futuras que objetivem o incremento da abordagem espiritual com o intuito de instrumentalizar o profissional para a sua prática.Objective: To report spiritual experiences of an elderly woman admitted to a palliative care ward. Method: Information was structured from review of medical charts, interview with the patient and her caregiver, and literature review. Conclusion: The reported case highlights the importance of having a greater discussion on the attention to spiritual aspects of patients at end of life. In this case, due to the fact of presenting herself in a controlled manner, positive and with actual insight, one should understand the exposed as a spiritual experience, free of psychopathology. Therefore, one should observe the need for future surveys aimed at enhancing the spiritual approach with the purpose of training professionals for its practice

    Tabanidae (Diptera) da Amazônia, I - Uma nova armadilha suspensa e primeiros registros de mutucas de copas de árvores

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    A new method for capturing tabanids and other Insects in the canopy and other tree strata, the "Suspended Trap", is described here. Its advantages and some comparative aspects with other methods are discussed, and a list is presented of horse-flies captured using the new method in treetops near Manaus and Belém, Brazil

    A psicologia do consumo de tabaco: Uma revisão da literatura

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    Este artigo apresenta um resumo da literatura sobre a relação entre perfil psicológico e consumo de tabaco nas últimas décadas. Estudos revelam que fumantes tendem a ser mais extrovertidos, ansiosos, tensos, impulsivos e com mais traços de neuroticismo, psicoticismo e histórico de desordens depressivas e traços de ansiedade, em relação a ex-fumantes e não-fumantes. Um corpo crescente de evidências sugere ainda que a prevalência de tabagismo é maior em portadores de quadros psicopatológicos, em especial a esquizofrenia. Contudo, essa relação não está completamente elucidada e ainda são necessários mais estudos, para comprovação dos resultados. O conhecimento acerca desse assunto, pode servir como suporte para o trabalho de profissionais da área de saúde, como médicos, psicólogos, fisioterapeutas (entre outros). A identificação de traços de personalidade que dificultam o abandono do hábito, pode subsidiar a elaboração e aperfeiçoamento de terapias, como técnicas de aconselhamento, por exemplo, no sentido de aumentar as possibilidades de êxito dos pacientes durante o tratamento e minimizar as recaídas. Além disso, o conhecimento sobre características de personalidade que favorecem a iniciação do consumo de tabaco, pode facilitar a elaboração e aperfeiçoamento dos programas profiláticos (educativo / preventivo) contra o início e progressão do tabagismo. ------ ABSTRACT ------ The present study is a review of the literature concerning the relationship between psychological profile and smoking during the last decades. Studies have shown that smokers tend to be more extroverted, anxious, tense, impulsive, and present more traces of neuroticism, psychosis, a history of depressive disorders and traces of anxiety than ex-smokers and non-smokers. An increasing body of evidence even suggests that the prevalence of smoking is higher in subjects with psychopathological signs and symptoms, particularly subjects with schizophrenia. However, this relationship is still not completely understood and further studies are required to prove these results. An increased understanding of this subject can help the work of health professionals such as doctors, psychologists and physiotherapists, among others. The identification of personality traits that prevent individuals from giving up smoking may help in the elaboration and improvement of therapies, for example, counseling techniques, in order to increase the possibility of successful treatment and to minimize relapse. In addition, knowledge about personality characteristics that favor the initiation of smoking may facilitate the elaboration and improvement of prophylactic educational/preventive programs against the initiation and progression of smoking

    Sobre aludes y derrumbes

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Belles Arts. Facultat de Belles Arts. Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2016-2017[spa] Este proyecto se basa en el concepto de colapso como resultado de una situación inestable, que conduce al derrumbe del sistema establecido. Estudiando los procesos geológicos de colapso, establezco paralelismos con el hundimiento de la sociedad occidental contemporánea que puede derivarse del fracaso de un sistema socio-económico basado en la utopía del crecimiento ilimitado.El resultado es una propuesta artística formada por instalación, fotografías y dibujos que analizan el momento justo de la caída: desde la fragilidad del equilibrio previo, el juego de tensiones y los intentos por evitar el derrumbe, hasta la caída y el desorden inmediatamente posterior. Es en ese justo momento, entre el equilibrio previo inestable y el equilibrio estable de lo ya caído, cuando se revelan las dimensiones del colapso. Un colapso que puede resultar una catástrofe, pero que también puede derivar en un proceso generador de nuevos órdenes.[eng] This project is based on the concept of collapse as the result of an unstable situation, which leads to the downfall of the established system. By studying the geological processes of collapse, I draw parallels with the crash of contemporary Western society that can be derived from the failure of a socio-economic system based on the utopia of unlimited growth. The result is an artistic proposal consisting of an installation, photographs and drawings that analyze the right moment of fall: from the fragility of the previous balance, the play of tensions and the attempts to avoid collapse, until fall and disorder that comes immediately after. It is at that precise moment, between the previous unstable equilibrium and the stable equilibrium of the already fallen, when the dimensions of collapse are revealed. A collapse that can result in a catastrophe, but it can also lead to a process that generates new orders

    Relação entre tabagismo e transtornos psiquiátricos

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    This paper presents a non systematic literature review on the relationship between smoking behavior and psychiatric disorders, pointing out the new perspectives on the matter. The aim was to identify and describe the hypotheses on the nature of the association between smoking and major depression, schizophrenia and anxiety disorders, in the last decades. The different research approaches, as well as the possible contributions of this knowledge to intervention programs to assist smokers psychiatric patients are discussed.Este artigo apresenta uma revisão não sistemática da literatura sobre a relação entre tabagismo e doenças mentais, destacando algumas perspectivas recentes sobre o assunto. Buscou-se identificar e descrever as hipóteses levantadas por estudiosos nas últimas décadas acerca da natureza da associação entre o tabagismo e as perturbações psiquiátricas como depressão maior, esquizofrenia e transtornos de ansiedade. Discutem-se, também, as reflexões sobre as abordagens utilizadas nas pesquisas, bem como as possíveis contribuições desse conhecimento para os programas de intervenção e assistência a pacientes psiquiátricos fumantes

    Participatory Methodologies and the Production of Data on Artisanal Fishing in Areas with Offshore Wind Farm Projects in Ceará, Brazil

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    Offshore wind farms (OWF) are an essential emerging energy source. In Brazil, environmental licensing of OWFs requires an identification map of multiple preexisting uses, targeting potentially conflicting activities, such as fishing and navigation routes. The objective of the work was to evaluate the application of participatory methodologies in the construction of data on fishing activity, aiming at analyzing potential impacts of OWFs in marine territories of the state of Ceará, with a focus on artisanal fishing. A participatory map and fishing calendar were produced in Colônia Z18, Amontada, Ceará. Data collection took place through four participatory workshops with 45 participants. The data were digitized in a GIS environment and later validated with the community. The results show complete overlap between an OWF and the local fishing activity. Thus, participatory methodologies can help in the acquisition of fishery data and the assessment of the multiple uses of marine territories.Offshore wind farms (OWF) are an essential emerging energy source. In Brazil, environmental licensing of OWFs requires an identification map of multiple preexisting uses, targeting potentially conflicting activities, such as fishing and navigation routes. The objective of the work was to evaluate the application of participatory methodologies in the construction of data on fishing activity, aiming at analyzing potential impacts of OWFs in marine territories of the state of Ceará, with a focus on artisanal fishing. A participatory map and fishing calendar were produced in Colônia Z18, Amontada, Ceará. Data collection took place through four participatory workshops with 45 participants. The data were digitized in a GIS environment and later validated with the community. The results show complete overlap between an OWF and the local fishing activity. Thus, participatory methodologies can help in the acquisition of fishery data and the assessment of the multiple uses of marine territories.Offshore wind farms (OWF) are an essential emerging energy source. In Brazil, environmental licensing of OWFs requires an identification map of multiple preexisting uses, targeting potentially conflicting activities, such as fishing and navigation routes. The objective of the work was to evaluate the application of participatory methodologies in the construction of data on fishing activity, aiming at analyzing potential impacts of OWFs in marine territories of the state of Ceará, with a focus on artisanal fishing. A participatory map and fishing calendar were produced in Colônia Z18, Amontada, Ceará. Data collection took place through four participatory workshops with 45 participants. The data were digitized in a GIS environment and later validated with the community. The results show complete overlap between an OWF and the local fishing activity. Thus, participatory methodologies can help in the acquisition of fishery data and the assessment of the multiple uses of marine territories.Offshore wind farms (OWF) are an essential emerging energy source. In Brazil, environmental licensing of OWFs requires an identification map of multiple preexisting uses, targeting potentially conflicting activities, such as fishing and navigation routes. The objective of the work was to evaluate the application of participatory methodologies in the construction of data on fishing activity, aiming at analyzing potential impacts of OWFs in marine territories of the state of Ceará, with a focus on artisanal fishing. A participatory map and fishing calendar were produced in Colônia Z18, Amontada, Ceará. Data collection took place through four participatory workshops with 45 participants. The data were digitized in a GIS environment and later validated with the community. The results show complete overlap between an OWF and the local fishing activity. Thus, participatory methodologies can help in the acquisition of fishery data and the assessment of the multiple uses of marine territories