23 research outputs found

    Intrusion Detection System Resiliency to Byzantine Attacks: The Case Study of Wormholes in OLSR

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    In this paper we extend the work presented in [1], [2] by quantifying the effects of in-band wormhole attacks on Intrusion Detection Systems. More specifically, we propose a mathematical framework for obtaining performance bounds of Byzantine attackers and the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) in terms of detection delay. We formulate the problem of distributed collaborative defense against coordinated attacks in MANET as a dynamic game problem. In our formulation we have on the one hand a group of attackers that observe what is going on in the network and coordinate their attack in an adaptive manner. On the other side, we have a group of defending nodes (the IDS nodes) that collaboratively observe the network and coordinate their actions against the attackers. Using extensions of the game theoretic framework of [3] we provide a mathematical framework for efficient identification of the worst attacks and damages that the attackers can achieve, as well as the best response of the defenders. This approach leads to quantifying resiliency of the routing-attack IDS with respect to Byzantine attacks

    Mobility and Cognition in Seniors. Report from the 2008 Institute of Aging (CIHR) Mobility and Cognition Workshop

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    Background The annual Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology was held on October 24 and 25, 2008 in London, Ontario. Prior to the annual meeting, mobility and cognition experts met on October 23, 2008 to engage in a pre-conference workshop. Methods Discussions during the workshop addressed novel areas of research and knowledge and research gaps pertaining to the interaction between mobility and cognition in seniors. Results Workshop presenters moved from the neuromuscular, biomechanics, and neurology of gait impairments, and falls through the role of cognition and mood on mobility regulation to the whole person in the environment. Research gaps were identified. Conclusions Despite a consensus that mobility and cognition are increasingly correlated as people age, several gaps in our understanding of mechanisms and how to assess the interaction were recognized. The gaps originally identified in 2008 are still pertinent today. Common and standardized assessments for “mobility and cognition” are still not in place in current practice. Interventions that target mobility and cognitive decline as a single entity are still lacking

    Single valproic acid treatment inhibits glycogen and RNA ribose turnover while disrupting glucose-derived cholesterol synthesis in liver as revealed by the [U-13C6]-d-glucose tracer in mice

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    Previous genetic and proteomic studies identified altered activity of various enzymes such as those of fatty acid metabolism and glycogen synthesis after a single toxic dose of valproic acid (VPA) in rats. In this study, we demonstrate the effect of VPA on metabolite synthesis flux rates and the possible use of abnormal 13C labeled glucose-derived metabolites in plasma or urine as early markers of toxicity. Female CD-1 mice were injected subcutaneously with saline or 600 mg/kg) VPA. Twelve hours later, the mice were injected with an intraperitoneal load of 1 g/kg [U-13C]-d-glucose. 13C isotopomers of glycogen glucose and RNA ribose in liver, kidney and brain tissue, as well as glucose disposal via cholesterol and glucose in the plasma and urine were determined. The levels of all of the positional 13C isotopomers of glucose were similar in plasma, suggesting that a single VPA dose does not disturb glucose absorption, uptake or hepatic glucose metabolism. Three-hour urine samples showed an increase in the injected tracer indicating a decreased glucose re-absorption via kidney tubules. 13C labeled glucose deposited as liver glycogen or as ribose of RNA were decreased by VPA treatment; incorporation of 13C via acetyl-CoA into plasma cholesterol was significantly lower at 60 min. The severe decreases in glucose-derived carbon flux into plasma and kidney-bound cholesterol, liver glycogen and RNA ribose synthesis, as well as decreased glucose re-absorption and an increased disposal via urine all serve as early flux markers of VPA-induced adverse metabolic effects in the host

    Amyloid Triggers Extensive Cerebral Angiogenesis Causing Blood Brain Barrier Permeability and Hypervascularity in Alzheimer's Disease

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    Evidence of reduced blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity preceding other Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology provides a strong link between cerebrovascular angiopathy and AD. However, the “Vascular hypothesis”, holds that BBB leakiness in AD is likely due to hypoxia and neuroinflammation leading to vascular deterioration and apoptosis. We propose an alternative hypothesis: amyloidogenesis promotes extensive neoangiogenesis leading to increased vascular permeability and subsequent hypervascularization in AD. Cerebrovascular integrity was characterized in Tg2576 AD model mice that overexpress the human amyloid precursor protein (APP) containing the double missense mutations, APPsw, found in a Swedish family, that causes early-onset AD. The expression of tight junction (TJ) proteins, occludin and ZO-1, were examined in conjunction with markers of apoptosis and angiogenesis. In aged Tg2576 AD mice, a significant increase in the incidence of disrupted TJs, compared to age matched wild-type littermates and young mice of both genotypes, was directly linked to an increased microvascular density but not apoptosis, which strongly supports amyloidogenic triggered hypervascularity as the basis for BBB disruption. Hypervascularity in human patients was corroborated in a comparison of postmortem brain tissues from AD and controls. Our results demonstrate that amylodogenesis mediates BBB disruption and leakiness through promoting neoangiogenesis and hypervascularity, resulting in the redistribution of TJs that maintain the barrier and thus, provides a new paradigm for integrating vascular remodeling with the pathophysiology observed in AD. Thus the extensive angiogenesis identified in AD brain, exhibits parallels to the neovascularity evident in the pathophysiology of other diseases such as age-related macular degeneration

    Description of the ScrumBan Methodology and its Implementation in Practice

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    Cílem této práce bylo popsat metodiku ScrumBan, její charakteristické vlastnosti a role, které se při její implementaci využívají. Problém této metodiky je v malém počtu zdrojů, které jsou v roce 2019 na toto téma k dispozici, což může být důvodem, proč většina firem při zvažování implementace nové metodiky využívá převážně Scrum, případně Kanban. Ty jsou popsány výrazně lépe. Při snaze zachytit komplexní charakteristiky této metodiky, či praktických rad při nasazení metodiky ScrumBan v praxi, neexistuje v tuto chvíli zdroj, který by obsáhl všechny zmíněné aspekty. Přitom se ScrumBan hodí u projektů, u kterých se předpokládá kromě samotného vývoje i následná údržba softwaru, což může mít pozitivní efekt v tom, že jsou tím členové týmu motivovaní psát zdrojový kód aplikace takovým způsobem, aby byla z dlouhodobého hlediska upravitelná a její provoz efektivní. Téma jsem si vybral z toho důvodu, že se ve své praxi zabývám implementací agilních metodik. V první kapitole jsou nejprve rozebrány metodiky Scrum a Kanban, ze kterých ScrumBan vychází. Následně je představena metodika ScrumBan, s jejími specifiky a výhodami. Dále je provedeno hodnocení metodiky ScrumBan pomocí systému METES (což je systém, který slouží k výběru metodiky na základě způsobu fungování firmy). Poté je představena společnost Neoris, s rozborem jejího vnitřního způsobu fungování. Dále jsou stanoveny parametry (kritéria) v systému METES pro společnost Neoris. Následuje návrh metodiky využitím systému METES (rozšířeného o metodiku ScrumBan). Na základě výstupu z tohoto modelu, je provedena změna metodiky ze Scrum na ScrumBan ve společnosti Neoris.The goal of this diploma thesis was to describe the ScrumBan methodology, including its characteristics, as well as roles used during its implementation. The problem of this methodology lies in the lack of sources of relevant information, which are available on the subject in 2019, which could be the reason, why most companies which are considering a change in methodology, primarily chose Scrum or Kanban, which are significantly better described. When trying to understand the complex characteristics specific for this methodology, or practical guidance when deploying ScrumBan in real-life, there is currently no source of information which would provide guidance in all the areas mentioned. In actual fact the ScrumBan methodology is highly suitable for projects where in addition to software development, the target is also subsequent software maintenance, which could have a positive effect in that it motivates team members to write source code which is maintainable in the long-term and suitably efficient. I selected this topic because I implement agile methodologies as part of my job. The first chapter is dedicated to an analysis of the Scrum and Kanban methodologies on which ScrumBan is based. Next, the ScrumBan methodology itself is explained, including its specifics and advantages. This is followed by an analysis of the ScrumBan methodology using METES (a system used to support methodology selection based on how a company operates). Subsequently, the company Neoris is introduced, including an analysis of its internal operations. Next, the parameters (criteria) of Neoris are defined in the METES system. This is followed by a proposal of the methodology selection using METES (which is expanded to include the ScrumBan methodology). Based on the output from this model a transition from Scrum to ScrumBan in Neoris is performed

    Design approaches for stealthy probing mechanisms in battlefield networks

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    Various approaches have been proposed in the past for monitoring a network to diagnose failures and performance bottlenecks. One such approach for efficient and effective monitoring is probing. Probes such as ICMP pings are an effective tool for detecting network nodes which have been compromised by an attacker who tries to delay or drop traffic passing through the captured node. However an intelligent attacker may evade detection by giving preferential treatment to probe traffic. This is usually possible because probe packets have a different format from regular application packets and are easily distinguishable. Hence, it is important to probe in a stealthy manner so as to avoid identification of probes by an attacker and to ensure the collection of accurate system health statistics. In this paper, we review design approaches for generating stealthy probes and describe various possible mechanisms that can be used for such a design. These approaches are evaluated according to the design criteria and we identify what may be feasible solutions for stealthy probing in battlefield ad-hoc wireless networks. 1