1,926 research outputs found

    Scattering of g-process longitudinal optical phonons at hotspots in silicon

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    Transistors with gate lengths below 100 nm generate phonon hotspots with dimensions on the order of 10 nm and peak power densities of about 50 W/mum(3). This work employs molecular dynamics to investigate the impact of lattice energy density on phonon scattering at the hotspot. The hotspot studied in this work consists of longitudinal optical phonons involved in the g-type intervalley scattering of conduction electrons in silicon. A comparison of the decay modes in hotspots with high and moderate energy densities reveals that the decay mechanisms are the same but the relaxation rates differ. Scattering occurs through a three phonon process of the form LO-- \u3e LA+TA, involving the zone-edge transverse acoustic modes. An increase in the energy density from a moderate value of 5 to 125 W/mum(3) changes the relaxation time from 79 to 16 ps, approximately proportional to the the maximum initial amplitude of the phonons. This work improves the accuracy of the scattering rates of optical phonons and helps in advancing the electro-thermal modeling of nanotransistors

    The Mid-Infrared Instrument for the James Webb Space Telescope, VIII: The MIRI Focal Plane System

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    We describe the layout and unique features of the focal plane system for MIRI. We begin with the detector array and its readout integrated circuit (combining the amplifier unit cells and the multiplexer), the electronics, and the steps by which the data collection is controlled and the output signals are digitized and delivered to the JWST spacecraft electronics system. We then discuss the operation of this MIRI data system, including detector readout patterns, operation of subarrays, and data formats. Finally, we summarize the performance of the system, including remaining anomalies that need to be corrected in the data pipeline

    Nanoscale thermal transport

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    Rapid progress in the synthesis and processing of materials with structure on nanometer length scales has created a demand for greater scientific understanding of thermal transport in nanoscale devices, individual nanostructures, and nanostructured materials. This review emphasizes developments in experiment, theory, and computation that have occurred in the past ten years and summarizes the present status of the field. Interfaces between materials become increasingly important on small length scales. The thermal conductance of many solid–solid interfaces have been studied experimentally but the range of observed interface properties is much smaller than predicted by simple theory. Classical molecular dynamics simulations are emerging as a powerful tool for calculations of thermal conductance and phonon scattering, and may provide for a lively interplay of experiment and theory in the near term. Fundamental issues remain concerning the correct definitions of temperature in nonequilibrium nanoscale systems. Modern Si microelectronics are now firmly in the nanoscale regime—experiments have demonstrated that the close proximity of interfaces and the extremely small volume of heat dissipation strongly modifies thermal transport, thereby aggravating problems of thermal management. Microelectronic devices are too large to yield to atomic-level simulation in the foreseeable future and, therefore, calculations of thermal transport must rely on solutions of the Boltzmann transport equation; microscopic phonon scattering rates needed for predictive models are, even for Si, poorly known. Low-dimensional nanostructures, such as carbon nanotubes, are predicted to have novel transport properties; the first quantitative experiments of the thermal conductivity of nanotubes have recently been achieved using microfabricated measurement systems. Nanoscale porosity decreases the permittivity of amorphous dielectrics but porosity also strongly decreases the thermal conductivity. The promise of improved thermoelectric materials and problems of thermal management of optoelectronic devices have stimulated extensive studies of semiconductor superlattices; agreement between experiment and theory is generally poor. Advances in measurement methods, e.g., the 3ω method, time-domain thermoreflectance, sources of coherent phonons, microfabricated test structures, and the scanning thermal microscope, are enabling new capabilities for nanoscale thermal metrology. © 2003 American Institute of Physics.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/70161/2/JAPIAU-93-2-793-1.pd

    Changing times in England: the influence on geography teachers’ professional practice

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    School geography in England has been characterised as a pendulum swinging between policies that emphasise curriculum and pedagogy alternately. In this paper, I illustrate the influence of these shifts on geography teacher's professional practice, by drawing on three “moments” from my experience as a student, teacher and teacher educator. Barnett's description of teacher professionalism as a continuous project of “being” illuminates how geography teachers can adapt to competing influences. It reflects teacher professionalism as an unfinished project, which is responsive, but not beholden, to shifting trends, and is informed by how teachers frame and enact policies. I argue that recognising these contextual factors is key to supporting geography teachers in “being” geography education professionals. As education becomes increasingly competitive on a global scale, individual governments are looking internationally for “solutions” to improve educational rankings. In this climate, the future of geography education will rest on how teachers react locally to international trends. Geography teacher educators can support this process by continuing to inform the field through meaningful geography education research, in particular in making the contextual factors of their research explicit. This can be supported through continued successful international collaboration in geography education research

    Simulation-Based Investigation of a Model for the Interaction Between Stellar Magnetospheres and Circumstellar Accretion Disks

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    We examine, parametrically, the interaction between the magnetosphere of a rotating, young stellar object (YSO) and a circumstellar accretion disk using 2.5-D (cylindrically symmetric) numerical magnetoydrodynamic simulations. The interaction drives a collimated outflow, and we find that the jet formation mechanism is robust. For variations in initial disk density of a factor of 16, variations of stellar dipole strength of a factor of 4, and for various initial conditions with respect to the disk truncation radius and the existence of a disk field, outflows with similar morphologies were consistently produced. Secondly, the system is self-regulating, where the outflow properties depend relatively weakly on the parameters above. The large scale magnetic field structure rapidly evolves to a configuration that removes angular momentum from the disk at a rate that depends most strongly on the field and weakly on the rotation rate of the foot-points of the field in the disk and the mass outflow rate. Third, the simulated jets are episodic, with the timescale of jet outbursts identical to the timescale of magnetically induced oscillations of the inner edge of the disk. To better understand the physics controlling these disk oscillations, we present a semi-analytical model and confirm that the oscillation period is set by the spin down rate of the disk inner edge. Finally, our simulations offer strong evidence that it is indeed the interaction of the stellar magnetosphere with the disk, rather than some primordial field in the disk itself, that is responsible for the formation of jets from these systems.Comment: Accepted by ApJ; 34 pages, including 12 figures and 3 table

    High orders of the perturbation theory for hydrogen atom in magnetic field

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    The states of hydrogen atom with principal quantum number n≀3n\le3 and zero magnetic quantum number in constant homogeneous magnetic field H{\cal H} are considered. The coefficients of energy eigenvalues expansion up to 75th order in powers of H2{\cal H}^2 are obtained for these states. The series for energy eigenvalues and wave functions are summed up to H{\cal H} values of the order of atomic magnetic field. The calculations are based on generalization of the moment method, which may be used in other cases of the hydrogen atom perturbation by a polynomial in coordinates potential.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, 6 figures (ps, eps

    Launching of Conical Winds and Axial Jets from the Disk-Magnetosphere Boundary: Axisymmetric and 3D Simulations

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    We investigate the launching of outflows from the disk-magnetosphere boundary of slowly and rapidly rotating magnetized stars using axisymmetric and exploratory 3D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations. We find long-lasting outflows in both cases. (1) In the case of slowly rotating stars, a new type of outflow, a conical wind, is found and studied in simulations. The conical winds appear in cases where the magnetic flux of the star is bunched up by the disk into an X-type configuration. The winds have the shape of a thin conical shell with a half-opening angle 30-40 degrees. The conical winds may be responsible for episodic as well as long-lasting outflows in different types of stars. (2) In the case of rapidly rotating stars (the "propeller regime"), a two-component outflow is observed. One component is similar to the conical winds. A significant fraction of the disk matter may be ejected into the winds. A second component is a high-velocity, low-density magnetically dominated axial jet where matter flows along the opened polar field lines of the star. The jet has a mass flux about 10% that of the conical wind, but its energy flux (dominantly magnetic) can be larger than the energy flux of the conical wind. The jet's angular momentum flux (also dominantly magnetic) causes the star to spin-down rapidly. Propeller-driven outflows may be responsible for the jets in protostars and for their rapid spin-down. The jet is collimated by the magnetic force while the conical winds are only weakly collimated in the simulation region.Comment: 29 pages and 29 figures. This version has a major expansion after comments by a referee. The 1-st version is correct but mainly describes the conical wind. This version describes in greater detail both the conical winds and the propeller regime. Accepted to the MNRA
