1,798 research outputs found

    Caveolin-1 is a risk factor for postsurgery metastasis in preclinical melanoma models

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    Melanomas are highly lethal skin tumours that are frequently treated by surgical resection. However, the efficacy of such procedures is often limited by tumour recurrence and metastasis. Caveolin-1 (CAV1) has been attributed roles as a tumour suppressor, although in late-stage tumours, its presence is associated with enhanced metastasis. The expression of this protein in human melanoma development and particularly how the presence of CAV1 affects metastasis after surgery has not been defined. CAV1 expression in human melanocytes and melanomas increases with disease progression and is highest in metastatic melanomas. The effect of increased CAV1 expression can then be evaluated using B16F10 murine melanoma cells injected into syngenic immunocompetent C57BL/6 mice or human A375 melanoma cells injected into immunodeficient B6Rag1−/− mice. Augmented CAV1 expression suppresses tumour formation upon a subcutaneous injection, but enhances lung metastasis of cells injected into the tail vein in both models. A procedure was initially developed using B16F10 melanoma cells in C57BL/6 mice to mimic better the situation in patients undergoing surgery. Subcutaneous tumours of a defined size were removed surgically and local tumour recurrence and lung metastasis were evaluated after another 14 days. In this postsurgery setting, CAV1 presence in B16F10 melanomas favoured metastasis to the lung, although tumour suppression at the initial site was still evident. Similar results were obtained when evaluating A375 cells in B6Rag1−/− mice. These results implicate CAV1 expression in melanomas as a marker of poor prognosis for patients undergoing surgery as CAV1 expression promotes experimental lung metastasis in two different preclinical models

    Análisis musical aplicado a la interpretación como estrategia de práctica instrumental

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    Esta investigación pretende estudiar la implementación de la estrategia de análisis , comprensión e interiorización armónico-formal como propuesta de práctica en 30 estudiantes del Conservatorio Superior de Música de Aragón de 16 especialidades instrumentales diferentes. Se llevó a cabo una metodología observacional y un diseño ideográfico, multidimensional y de seguimiento en el tiempo, con el formato de campo como instrumento de observación. Para el análisis de datos se recurrió a la detección de T-Patterns mediante el programa THÈME. Como resultado se evidencia que, en todas las ocasiones en las que se ha practicado la estrategia de análisis, se ha logrado obtener una interpretación musical resultante satisfactoria para el instrumentista. This research aims to study the implementation of the analysis strategy, understanding and harmonic-formal interiorisation as a proposal for practice in 30 music majors from 16 different instrumental specialties enrolled at the Higher Conservory of Aragon. An observational methodology, a multidimensional ideographic design, and of follow-up in the time, with the format of field as instrument of observation were carried out. For data analysis, T-Patterns were detected by means of the THEME program. As a result, it is evident that, in all the occasions in which the analysis strategy has been practiced, it has been possible to obtain a satisfactory musical interpretation for the players

    Pancreatic Necrosectomy Through a Novel Double-flange Lumen-apposing Covered Metal Stent (Video)

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    AbstractPancreatic fluid collections (PFCs) represent a complication of acute pancreatitis. Endoscopic management of PFCs is an alternative to surgery [1]. Classic strategies include access to the collection under endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guidance and placement of several double-pigtail stents. PFCs containing organized necrosis are classified as walled-off necrosis (WON). In those cases necrosis is hardly evacuated and will require necrosectomy in most cases. Every necrosectomy session needs prior removal of the stents, dilatation of the tract, debridement and placement of new stents adding up a considerable overall cost to the intervention. A novel double-flanged lumen-apposing fully-covered self-expandable metal stent (FC-SEMS) with a 15mm diameter accelerates exit of the necrosis and facilitates multiple necrosectomy sessions.We present a 60 year old patient admitted to the intensive care unit for severe acute pancreatitis that developed WON with superinfection. The intensivists and surgeons indicated endoscopic cystgastrostomy to evacuate the collection. Using the echoendoscope we found a large collection adherent to the gastric wall. The collection was accessed under EUS-guidance using the Hot AXIOSâ„¢ catheter that features a cautery tip, then a 15mm AXIOSâ„¢ stent was deployed through the cystgastrostomy orifice to keep it patent. The patient required two necrosectomy sessions to clean the cavity. The WON resolved in 6 weeks and the stent was removed unevently. The patient was discharged.A double flange lumen apposing FC-SEMS used as a port for necrosectomy significantly improves management of walled-off pancreatic necrosis. Placement of this stents should be considered when multiple necrosectomy sessions are anticipated. Procedure time can be significantly decreased using a catheter that combines a cautery tip and stent delivery system

    Conceptual design of the ITER fast-ion loss detector

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    et al.A conceptual design of a reciprocating fast-ion loss detector for ITER has been developed and is presented here. Fast-ion orbit simulations in a 3D magnetic equilibrium and up-to-date first wall have been carried out to revise the measurement requirements for the lost alpha monitor in ITER. In agreement with recent observations, the simulations presented here suggest that a pitch-angle resolution of ∼5° might be necessary to identify the loss mechanisms. Synthetic measurements including realistic lost alpha-particle as well as neutron and gamma fluxes predict scintillator signal-to-noise levels measurable with standard light acquisition systems with the detector aperture at ∼11 cm outside of the diagnostic first wall. At measurement position, heat load on detector head is comparable to that in present devices.This research was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Grant Nos. RYC2011-09152, FIS2015-69362-P, and ENE2012- 31087) and the Marie Curie FP7 Integration Grant (No. PCIG11-GA2012-321455).Peer Reviewe

    Velocity-Based Heuristic Evaluation for Path Planning and Vehicle Routing for Victim Assistance in Disaster Scenarios

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    Published in "Robot 2019: Fourth Iberian Robotics Conference. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol 1093. Silva M., Luís Lima J., Reis L., Sanfeliu A., Tardioli D. (eds)" published by Springer, Cham. Avalaible online at: https://doi.org/10.1007.987-3-030-36150-1_10Natural and human-made disasters require effective victim assistance and last-mile relief supply operations with teams of ground vehicles. In these applications, digital elevation models (DEM) can provide accurate knowledge for safe vehicle motion planning but grid representation results in very large search graphs. Furthermore, travel time, which becomes a crucial cost optimization criterion, may be affected by inclination and other challenging terrain characteristics. In this paper, our goal is to evaluate a search heuristic function based on anisotropic vehicle velocity restrictions for building the cost matrix required for multi-vehicle routing on natural terrain and disaster sites. The heuristic is applied to compute the fastest travel times between every pair of matrix elements by means of a path planning algorithm. The analysis is based on a case study on the ortophotographic-based DEM of natural terrain with different target points, where theUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This work has received funding from the national project RTI2018-093421-B-I00 (Spanish Government), the University of Malaga (Andalucía Tech) and the grant BES-2016-077022 of the European Social Fund

    On the semiclassical mass of S2{\mathbb S}^2-kinks

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    One-loop mass shifts to the classical masses of stable kinks arising in a massive non-linear S2{\mathbb S}^2-sigma model are computed. Ultraviolet divergences are controlled using the heat kernel/zeta function regularization method. A comparison between the results achieved from exact and high-temperature asymptotic heat traces is analyzed in depth.Comment: RevTex file, 15 pages, 2 figures. Version to appear in Journal of Physics

    Optical multi-trapping by Kinoform m-Bonacci lenses

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    [EN] Optical manipulation is interfacing disciplines in the micro and nanoscale, from molecular biology to quantum computation. Versatile solutions for increasingly more sophisticated technological applications require multiple traps with which to maneuver dynamically several particles in three dimensions. The axial direction is usually overlooked due to difficulties in observing particles away from an objective-lens focal plane, a normal element in optical tweezers, and in managing interparticle distances along the trapping beam propagating direction, where strong radiation pressure and shadowing effects compromise the simultaneous and stable confinement of the particles. Here, aperiodic kinoform diffractive lens based on the m-Bonacci sequence are proposed as a newtrapping strategy. This lens provides split first-order diffractive foci whose separation depends on the generalized m-golden ratio. We show the extended manipulation capabilities of a laser tweezers system generated by these lens, in which concomitant trapping of particles in different focal planes takes place. Positioning particles in the axial direction with computer-controlled distances allows dynamic three-dimensional all-optical lattices, useful in a variety of microscale and nanoscale applications. (C) 2022 Optica Publishing Group under the terms of the Optica Open Access Publishing AgreementMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovacion (PID2019-107391RB-I00); Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2019/048); Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (PAID-01-20-25).Muñoz-Pérez, FM.; Ferrando, V.; Furlan, WD.; Monsoriu Serra, JA.; Arias-Gonzalez, JR. (2022). Optical multi-trapping by Kinoform m-Bonacci lenses. Optics Express. 30(19):34378-34384. https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.4656723437834384301

    A logic-based reasoner for discovering authentication vulnerabilities between interconnected accounts

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    With users being more reliant on online services for their daily activities, there is an increasing risk for them to be threatened by cyber-attacks harvesting their personal information or banking details. These attacks are often facilitated by the strong interconnectivity that exists between online accounts, in particular due to the presence of shared (e.g., replicated) pieces of user information across different accounts. In addition, a significant proportion of users employs pieces of information, e.g. used to recover access to an account, that are easily obtainable from their social networks accounts, and hence are vulnerable to correlation attacks, where a malicious attacker is either able to perform password reset attacks or take full control of user accounts. This paper proposes the use of verification techniques to analyse the possible vulnerabilities that arises from shared pieces of information among interconnected online accounts. Our primary contributions include a logic-based reasoner that is able to discover vulnerable online accounts, and a corresponding tool that provides modelling of user ac- counts, their interconnections, and vulnerabilities. Finally, the tool allows users to perform security checks of their online accounts and suggests possible countermeasures to reduce the risk of compromise

    Precipitation Process in Fe-Ni-Al-based Alloys

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    This chapter covers first the precipitation and coarsening processes in Fe-Ni-Al alloys aged artificially at high temperatures, as well as their effect on the mechanical properties. These results show the precipitation evolution, morphology of precipitates, coarsening kinetics and mechanical properties such as hardness. Additionally, the effect of alloying elements such as copper and chromium is also studied on the precipitation and coarsening processes. The main results of this section are concerning on the coarsening kinetics and its effect on hardness. Besides, the diffusion couple method is employed to study the precipitation and coarsening process in different Fe-Ni-Al alloy compositions, as well as its effect on the hardness. All the above aspects of precipitation and coarsening are also supported with Thermo-Calc calculations
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