195 research outputs found

    Editorial: Interactions Between Education, Practice of Physical Activity and Psychological Well-Being

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    During the elaboration of this Research Topic, our dear colleague Valerii Malkin from the Federal University of the Urals (Russia) passed away. We hope that this work constitutes some kind of homage to his person and academic figure, very relevant in the complex effort to make visible the Russian Psychology of Sport, of such a long and fruitful tradition in past years. AM-M was a recipient of a José Castillejo Fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (CAS19/00265)

    Decision making and skill development In youth football players

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    Este artículo presenta como se desarrolla la toma de decisiones y la habilidad técnica en jugadores con alto nivel de pericia desde los 6-7 a 13-14 años. El marco teórico está basado en la perspectiva de los sistemas dinámicos y la enseñanza comprensiva de los deportes. Se tomó como muestra a 57 jugadores del primer equipo de cada categoría de edad del Albacete Balompié: prebenjamín, benjamín, alevín e infantil. El instrumento usado fue la Herramienta de Evaluación del Rendimiento de Juego (HERJ), que mide la toma de decisiones y la ejecución, incluyendo el análisis ecológico atendiendo a principios tácticos (Bayer, 1992), comparando la situación en el juego con la decisión aplicada. Los resultados se basan en el análisis inferencial y correlacional. La evolución del rendimiento de juego se orienta desde el ataque hasta la defensa. Se han encontrado diferencias significativas en las variables entre las cuatro categorías de formación estudiadas, especialmente en el principio táctico de progresar hacia la portería contraria y en el desmarque, así como en el marcaje y la ayuda en defensa.This paper presents how decision-making and skills are developed in high level of expertise players from 6-7 to 13-14 years. The framework is based on the dynamical systems and teaching games for understanding approaches. Participants were 57 first team players of each age (n = 13 to 16) of Albacete Balompié: U-8, U-10, U-12 and U-14. The Game Performance Assessment Tool (GPET) was the instrument used for assessment, which measures decision-making and execution from an ecological view in relation to tactical principles (Bayer, 1992), comparing the game situation with the decision applied. The results are based on inferential and correlation analysis. The evolution of knowledge evolves attack to defensive. We have found significant differences in variables between the four age categories studied. These differences have been shown in attack: the progress toward goal tactical principle and shake off; on defence: marking and cover (off-ball defenders)

    Percepciones y comportamientos de discriminación sexual en la práctica de ejercicio físico entre los hombres y mujeres pre-adolescentes en el tiempo de ocio

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    En este trabajo se presenta un estudio empírico descriptivo sobre las percepciones y comportamientos de discriminación sexual en la práctica de ejercicio físico entre los hombres y mujeres pre-adolescentes en el tiempo de ocio durante su etapa de Educación Primaria. Se han analizado 1094 alumnos de 6º (edad media de 11.31 ± 0.48 años), pertenecientes a centros educativos de España. Para ello, se utilizó un cuestionario con 10 ítems, con una redacción lingüística diferente para chicas y chicos. Los resultados indican que existen algunas barreras por discriminación de género en la práctica de actividades físicas, juegos y deportes no organizados en su tiempo de ocio para los chicos/as analizados. Los principales resultados muestran que existen diferencias significativas entre sexos, entre otras en la variable participación en juegos, considerarse más fuertes que los de distinto sexo, o burlas por la victoria con el sexo opuesto. Como conclusión se confirma que el alumnado pre-adolescentes afirman tener percepciones y comportamientos de discriminación sexual sutil.This paper presents a descriptive empirical study on habits and customs that have the children in physical activities, games and sports not organized in leisure School periods. A sample of 1094 students of sixth grade of Primary School (11.31 ± 0.48 years), belonging to Schools in Spain. For this purpose, a questionnaire with 10 items, with a different linguistic wording for girls and boys was used. The results indicate that are some barriers for gender discrimination in the practice of physical activities, games and sports, not organized in times of leisure for children analyzed. The main results show that there are significant differences between boys and girls, including: participation in games, consider stronger than those of opposite-sex, or teasing for the victory with the opposite gender. Conclusion, it is confirmed that children of this age claim to have perceptions and behaviors of subtle sex discrimination.O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um estudo empírico descritivo sobre perceções e comportamentos de discriminação sexual durante a realização de exercício físico entre homens e mulheres pré-adolescentes no seu tempo livre na educação primária. Foram analisados 1094 alunos de 6º ano (idade média de 11.31 ± 0.48 anos), de escolas espanholas. Para levar a cabo este estudo, os alunos responderam a um questionário com 10 ítems, onde as perguntas foram redigidas de forma diferente para homens e para mulheres. Os resultados obtidos mostravam que existiam diferenças relevantes por sexos, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à participação de jogos, ao facto de se considerar mais forte que alguém do sexo oposto ou fazer burlas no momento da vitória sobre o outro sexo. Em conclusão, confirma-se que os alunos pré-adolescentes afirmam ter perceções e comportamentos de discriminação sexual subtil

    Predicting Density and Refractive Index of Ionic Liquids

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    The determination of the physicochemical properties of ionic liquids (ILs), such as density and refractive index, is essential for the design of processes that involve ILs. Density has been widely studied in ILs because of its importance whereas refractive index has received less attention even though its determination is rapid, highly accurate and needs a small amount of sample in most techniques. Due to the large number of possible cation and anion combinations, it is not practical to use trial and error methods to find a suitable ionic liquid for a given function. It would be preferable to predict physical properties of ILs from their structure. We compile in this work different methods to predict density and refractive index of ILs from literature. Especially, we describe the method developed by the authors in a previous work for predicting density of ILs through their molecular volume. We also correlate our experimental measurements of density and refractive index of ILs in order to predict one of the parameters knowing the other one as a function of temperature. As the measurement of refractive index is very fast and needs only a drop of the ionic liquid, this is also a very useful approach

    The attention as a key element to improve tactical behavior efficiency of young soccer players

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    The aim of this study was to examine the associations between attention and tactical behavior efficiency of young soccer players with similar formal practice time and competitive level. The sample consisted of 80 young male soccer players from Brazilian clubs. The Vienna Test System was used to assess players' attention. The System of Tactical Assessment in Soccer (FUT-SAT) was used to assess players' tactical behavior efficiency. The Generalized Linear Models were used to verify the associations between attention and tactical behavior efficiency. The results showed that attention is positively associated with tactical behavior efficiency of young soccer players. Based on the results, high levels of attention will enable young soccer players with similar formal practice time and competitive level to display better responses regarding the tactical actions of the game.El objetivo del estudio fue verificar las asociaciones entre la atención y la eficiencia del comportamiento táctico de jóvenes jugadores de fútbol con tiempo de práctica formal y nivel competitivo similares. La muestra consistió en 80 jugadores de fútbol jóvenes del sexo masculino de clubes de Brasil. El Vienna Test System fue utilizado para evaluar la atención de los jugadores. El Sistema de Evaluación Táctica en el Fútbol (FUT-SAT) fue utilizado para evaluar la eficiencia del comportamiento táctico de los jugadores. Los Modelos Lineales Generalizados se utilizaron para verificar las asociaciones entre la atención y la eficiencia del comportamiento táctico. Los resultados revelaron que la atención está positivamente asociada a la eficiencia del comportamiento táctico de jóvenes jugadores de fútbol. Basado en estos resultados, altos niveles de atención permitirán que los jóvenes jugadores con tiempo de práctica formal y nivel competitivo similares presenten mejores respuestas en relación a las acciones tácticas en el juego.O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar as associações entre a atenção e a eficiência do comportamento tático de jovens jo-gadores de futebol com tempo de prática formal e nível competitivo similares. A amostra foi composta por 80 jogadores de futebol jovens do sexo masculino de clubes do Brasil. O Vienna Test System foi utilizado para avaliar a atenção dos jogadores. O Sistema de Avaliação Tática no Futebol (FUT-SAT) foi utilizado para avaliar a eficiência do comportamento tático dos jogadores. Os Modelos Lineares Generalizados foram utilizados para verificar as associações entre a atenção e a eficiência do comportamento tático. Os resultados mostraram que a atenção está positivamente associada à eficiência do comportamento tático de jovens jogadores de futebol. Baseado nesses resultados, altos níveis de atenção irão permitir que jovens jogadores com tempo de prática formal e nível competitivo similares apresentem melhores respostas em relação às ações táticas no jogo

    L’efecte de l’edat relativa en el futbol espanyol: temporada 2013/14

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    Els agrupaments per edat cronològica posen de manifest diferències de desenvolupament entre les persones que el componen. Aquestes diferències de fins a dotze mesos d’edat és el que es coneix com a edat relativa, i les seves conseqüències configuren l’anomenat efecte de l’edat relativa (RAE). Actualment, estudis relacionats amb el futbol indiquen la possible selecció de jugadors amb talent influenciat per aquest fenomen, el qual perjudica aquells esportistes nascuts en els últims mesos de l’any. L’objectiu d’aquest treball és analitzar la presència de l’efecte de l’edat relativa en la lliga de futbol professional espanyola espanyola durant la temporada 2013/2014. L’anàlisi ha inclòs la totalitat dels futbolistes de la primera divisió durant la temporada esmentada (20 equips, n = 474). Es van establir freqüències per trimestres i semestres, i es va procedir amb l’estadístic khi quadrat per comprovar l’homogeneïtat en la distribució. Els resultats van confirmar una major representació de jugadors nascuts en el primer semestre de l’any, tot indicant valors estadísticament significatius (p  0,05). Les conclusions confirmen un lleuger augment de RAE en la temporada 2013/2014, per tant, es fa necessària una revisió en els processos de selecció de jugadors amb l’objectiu d’equilibrar les probabilitats d’èxit dels jugadors nascuts a fi d’any

    Perfil emocional según el nivel de competición : aplicación al squash

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    El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido identificar el perfil emocional de jugadores de squash de diferente nivel de competición. La muestra estaba compuesta por 80 jugadores, divididos en cuatro niveles de competición (Primera categoría nacional, Segunda categoría nacional, nivel autonómico y nivel provincial). Se utilizó el Cuestionario del Perfil Emocional Óptimo Individual del modelo IZOF-Emoción (Hanin, 2000a). Los resultados muestran perfiles emocionales diferenciados tanto en su contenido, intensidad e impacto funcional según el nivel de competición. Por tanto, los resultados confirman el carácter individualizado del perfil emocional y la dedicación específica que debe de recibir cada jugador.The aim of this study was to identify the emotional profile of squash players at different levels of expertise. The sample was made up of 80 players, divided into four expertise levels (National First Division, National Second Division, Regional level and Provincial level). The study used the Individual Zones of Optimal Functioning model questionnaire: IZOF-emotion (Hanin, 2000a). The results show emotional profiles which differ in functional content, intensity and impact depending on the level of expertise. Therefore, the results confirm the individualistic nature of emotional profiles and the specific dedication that each player must receive.O objectivo do presente estudo foi identificar o perfil emocional de jogadores de squash de diferentes níveis competitivos. A amostra foi composta por 80 jogadores, divididos em quatro níveis de competição (Primeira divisão nacional, Segunda divisão nacional, Nível autónomo e Nível regional). Foi aplicado o Questionário de Perfil Emocional Individual Óptimo do modelo IZOF-Emoção (Hanin, 2000a). Os resultados mostram perfis emocionais diferenciados tanto no conteúdo, como na intensidade e impacto funcional, de acordo com o nível competitivo. Portanto, os resultados confirmam o carácter individualizado do perfil emocional e a dedicação específica que deve receber cada jogador

    Developing talented soccer players: a analysis of socio-spatial factors as possible key constraints

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    Most studies on the identification and development of soccer talent have been one-dimensional in nature. Although some multi-dimensional analyses have been conducted, few research studies have assessed in any depth the socio-spatial factors influencing talent development. The aim of this particular study was to analyse variations in the international representation of clubs (n = 821) and countries (n = 59) in the development of players who took part in the 2014 FIFA Soccer World Cup. Clubs and countries were ranked and divided into quartiles according to the number of players developed between the ages of 15 and 21 (clubs and countries that developed players for at least three years between these ages) and the number of official league matches played by these players up to the age of 23. Significant variations were observed between clubs in terms of the number of developed players who took part in the World Cup and the number of official league matches played by these players up to the age of 23 (p < .05), and also between countries (p < .05). The findings reveal the need to carry out more in-depth studies into the type of training and competition engaged in by elite players in the period of development between the ages of 15 and 21. It may be the case that these factors are potentially decisive socio-spatial constraints in the development of soccer talent

    Cambios en la empatía, la asertividad y las relaciones sociales por la aplicación del modelo de instrucción educación deportiva

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    Sport Education is an instruction model from the Anglo-Saxon context, whose main goals are to develop literate, enthusiastic and competent people. The aim of this study was to analyse the development of empathy, assertiveness and social relations that are usually attributed to this instructional model. Sport Education was implemented in an intact group of 21 subjects (10 boys and 11 girls) aged 10-11 years for 18 sessions, assessing variables using test-retest. The Empathy Questionnaire, Children's Assertiveness Behaviour Scale and a Sociometric questionnaire were applied. Different ANOVA were conducted and results showed that the group did not improve its empathy, assertiveness, aggressiveness, positive friends or negative friends. However, significant differences were found in reducing passive behaviour in the whole group, aggressiveness in some roles and negative friends among girls. Significant differences were also found in increasing positive friends among the components of each team