523 research outputs found

    Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Latin Library: a Historiographical Approach

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    Este texto tentará delimitar e definir o tipo de aproximação de Elizabeth Barrett Browning (EBB) ao latim e à literatura latina a partir da análise da sua biblioteca pessoal. Desta maneira, observar-se-á o processo de aprendizagem de EBB, tendo em atenção tanto os manuais e textos académicos que utilizou como as amizades e contactos pessoais que a acompanharam na sua aproximação aos estudos clássicos. Estes dados permitirão avaliar até que ponto o interesse de EBB por esta matéria corresponde a uma opção pessoal ou foi determinado por outras circunstânciasThis article seeks to delimit and define Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s (EBB) type of approach to Latin and Latin literature, drawing on the analysis of her personal library. We will therefore examine EBB’s learning process, bearing in mind both the manuals and academic textbooks she used, as well as the friends and personal connections who guided her in her approach to Classical studies. This information will allow us to judge whether EBB’s interest in this matter corresponds to a personal option or was rather determined by other circumstancesEn este artículo se tratará de delimitar y definir el tipo de aproximación de Elizabeth Barrett Browning (EBB) al latín y a la literatura latina a partir del análisis de su biblioteca personal. De esta manera, se observará el proceso de aprendizaje de EBB, atendiendo tanto a los manuales y los textos académicos que utilizó como a las amistades y los contactos personales que la acompañaron en su acercamiento a los estudios clásicos. Estos datos permitirán valorar hasta qué punto el interés de EBB por esta materia responde a una opción personal o está determinado por otras circunstancia

    Reconstructing the myth of Lamia in modern fiction: stories of motherhood, miscarriage, and vengeance

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    The myth of Lamia is a story of frustrated mother who never becomes one. This article will examine how modern fiction has recreated this tragedy. I will analyse the novels “By the Pricking of My Thumbs” and “The Woman in Black” and the films “The Hand That Rocks the Cradle,” “À l’intérieur,” and “Mama.” All these works have an antecedent in Shelley’s “Frankenstein,” where miscarriage and revenge also play a central role. The myth of Lamia still fulfils a social function nowadays, explaining the disturbances that child loss and a frustrated motherhood may causeThis article is framed within the projects "Acis & Galatea" (S2015/HUM-3362), "Marginalia Classica Hodierna" (FFI2015-66942-P), and "Diccionario Hispánico de la Tradición Clásica" (FFI2017-83894-P

    Work, Professional Development And Teaching Commitment: Deconstructing Meanings

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    The paper we present is part of the research project "The professional identity of teacher studies", that we are development for last 3 years. The third phase of this research put the focus on the experience of job placement of novel teachers, graduated no more than 5 years. We work with focal groups and professional experience and teacher education accounts of teachers implied in this research. Also, for any teachers, we do biographical interviews to deepen on processes of construction of professional identity. In this paper we present the Ana Belen History, a female teacher of pre-school education with an experience of 4 years in school, working in a urban school with students in risk of exclusion. This school have a educative project, commitment with the neighbourhood, joint with the community and other social groups. Ana Belen story, from professional perspective, is linked with the social politic and educational commitment of this school. Our interest is focused in the comprehension of professional identity that Ana Belen has gone forging along her personal story and how her education and job placement has contributed for it. Also we are interested in knowing how early professional experiences have influenced in her professional development as teacher. Specifically we ask ourselves about what influence have for her professional identity, that her career starts in this particular school. In consequence, this paper leads us to question the current teacher education model. In particular we are interested on the kind of professional experience that have place and, so, the kinds of commitments that enables. We understand that frameworks in which professional education and experience have place are relevant to enable more or less transformer understandings about teaching. From conceptual perspective this paper adopts a socio-critical point of view (Gergen, 1985; Kincheloe, 2001; Wenger, 1988, etc.). We understand that teaching has to be analysing according work contexts and personal stories of teachers, because we face processes historical and collective building. Teaching is the result of action of their actors, over time, and in specific stage. So, with this research we intend to break with the old gap between pre and in-service education. We think that both of them are part of the same process and are formed according similar logical; although scenes change. We understand that they are part of a continuous process in which is giving sense to different and complex settings where teaching profession is built, but they are not differenced and independent stages. The teacher work, so, is subject to particular conditions, generated from such different fields as institutional, corporative, cultural, social, political, moral, etc. It displays a kaleidoscopic view on space, time, context, ... These are the axis in which the teaching is formed, from the complexity and heterogeneity. How this complexity is articulated results in different ways to face the teacher work, according different personal and professional stories. The teacher acts with subjects in instituted contexts from relationships he has with them, which gives a situated and contingent character. But, these contexts are strongly structured and ruled according centralized and generalized positions; which is, at the very least, paradoxical. Possibly, from our point of view, same of the crisis of teaching have to explain from this paradoxical perspective and the conflict, which characterize this job (Rivas, Leite y Cortés, 2011)Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    El mito de Frankenstein en series de televisión contemporáneas: Monstruosidad, rebelión y maternidad en la construcción de la identidad del siglo XXI

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    [ES] Los estudios de caso que integran el presente monográfico analizan muestras de las diversas transformaciones que se han venido llevando a cabo en el género gótico desde los años 70 hasta la actualidad en los ámbitos de la ficción, las artes visuales y otras formas de cultura popular. Se hace especial énfasis en los patrones de influencia, apropiación y reformulación, así como en la continuidad del imaginario gótico en la posmodernidad. Se invita así a la reflexión sobre las ansiedades del mundo contemporáneo y su reflejo o expresión en las diferentes manifestaciones artísticas y literarias del género del terror.[EN] The case studies in this volume assess the transformations undergone by the Gothic genre since the 1970s until today within the fields of fiction, the visual arts and other forms of popular culture. Special emphasis falls into the patterns of influence, appropriation and reformulation in the works under assessment, as well as the durability of gothic imagery in postmodernity. We thereby invite readers to reflect on how these visual and literary works echo, reflect or give voice to the anxieties in our contemporary society

    El Prometeo de Esquilo y la estética romántica. Un estudio comparado de las lecturas de Thoreau y Menéndez Pelayo

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    During the Romanticism the figure of Prometheus went beyond its mythological frame and became a symbol of the new aesthetical and ideological trends that started to emerge in this time. The homonymous play of Aeschylus became a text of reference for the Romantic writers, who regarded it as a reflection of their concerns and their aspirations. The North-American essayist Henry David Thoreau and the Spanish academician Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo also felt engaged by the Greek play, and each of them wrote a translation of Prometheus, into English and into Spanish respectively. The comparative study of Thoreau’s and Menéndez Pelayo’s translations, as well as the relevance of this literary choice in each case, will allow to show the alluring effect of this classical playwright in the literature of Romanticism, trespassing both national and linguistic frontiersEste trabajo se inscribe en el proyecto de investigación FFI2010-14963, "Historiografía de la literatura grecolatina en España, de la Ilustración al Liberalismo (HLGE0)", financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovació

    Degree of roasting of carob flour affecting the properties of gluten-free cakes and cookies

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    Carob flour is a product rich in fibre obtained from by-products of the locust bean gum extraction processing. The flour is commercialised with different degrees of roasting in order to improve its organoleptic characteristics. In this study, carob flour with three different roasting degrees was used to replace rice flour (15%) in gluten-free cakes and cookies. The influence of this replacement was studied on the psychochemical characteristics and acceptability of the final products. The incorporation of carob flour increased the viscosity of cake batters and increased the solid elastic-like behaviour of the cookie doughs, indicating a stronger interaction among the formula ingredients. The inclusion of carob flour, with a low time of roasting, did not lead to any significant differences in the specific volume and hardness of the cakes, but reduced cake staling and the thickness and width of the cookies. Darker colours were obtained when carob flour was incorporated into the product. The acceptability of cakes was only reduced with the addition of highly roasted carob flour, while in the case of cookies there was a decline in the acceptability of all carob flour cookies, which was mostly perceived with the highest roasting degree, something mainly attributed to the bitter taste of the products.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project AGL2014-52928-C2

    The relationship between inflation rates in advanced economies

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    Artículo de revistaThis article analyses the link between the changes in and the drivers of inflation in a broad range of advanced economies, with special emphasis on those of the euro area. Inflation rates are seen to be highly synchronised across countries, especially in the euro area economies, reflecting their close economic and financial links and the common monetary policy. Also, the comovement of inflation is found to be a phenomenon that tends to be more visible in the medium and long-term. At the same time, the synchronisation of core inflation, which is based on products with more stable prices, is seen to be limited. The interdependence of headline inflation, by contrast, is significantly higher and has increased considerably in recent years. The drivers of inflation, according to New Keynesian Phillips curve models, such as inflation expectations, the cyclical position and external prices, also help to explain the relationship between inflation rates in advanced economies and especially in those of the euro area