2,605 research outputs found

    Book review: Le lapin. De la biologie à l’élevage

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    González-Redondo, P. (2016). Book review: Le lapin. De la biologie à l’élevage. World Rabbit Science. 24(4):333-334. doi:10.4995/wrs.2016.4675.SWORD33333424

    Canibalismo neonatal en conejos silvestres (Oryctolagus cuniculus) alojados en jaula

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la práctica de canibalismo neonatal por conejas silvestres (Oryctolagus cuniculus) alojadas individualmente en jaulas ubicadas al aire libre. Se controló la incidencia de canibalismo en 98 partos producidos durante cinco años consecutivos por 19 conejas silvestres nacidas en jaula. Esta alteración de la conducta maternal, que estuvo limitada exclusivamente al periparto, tuvo una elevada incidencia (13,3% de los partos) y estuvo asociada significativamente con una inadecuada conducta maternal, tal como la no introducción de pelo y paja en los nidales por parte de las conejas o los partos fuera del nidal. En el 84,6% de los partos en los que ocurrió canibalismo las conejas no introdujeron pelo en los nidales, y en el 92,3% de los partos con gazapos canibalizados las conejas no introdujeron paja en los nidales. El canibalismo también estuvo asociado con una gran proporción de conejas que parían fuera de los nidales (53,8%). Se discute que el canibalismo practicado por las conejas silvestres alojadas en jaula es una manifestación del fracaso en el desarrollo de la conducta maternal como consecuencia del estrés que experimentan en cautividad

    Tipificación y caracterización de granjas cinegéticas de faisán (Phasianus colchicus) en España

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    This research typified and characterised the pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) game farms in Spain using structural and marketing variables. A structured survey was given to 25 private-owned farms in May 2010. A categorical principal components analysis performed to typify the farms yielded two dimensions. First dimension explained 50.5% of the variance and included the variables “number of females in the breeding flock”, and “the farm is of complete-cycle or not”. Second dimension explained 32.3% of the variance and included the variables “age of the farm” and “the farm advertises its activity in the game press”. A cluster analysis differentiated four farm typologies. Farm type 1 included 28% of the farms, being recent (established between 1990 and 2003), complete-cycle and medium-sized (breeding flock of 15 to 300 females), with low advertising activity in the game press and without a hunting preserve. Farm type 2 included 28% of the farms, being the most recent (established between 1994 and 2008), without breeding flock, with low advertising activity, and most have hunting preserve. Farm type 3 included 20% of the farms, being old (established between 1983 and 1992), without breeding flock and with high advertising activity; 40% of them have hunting preserve. Farm type 4 included 24% of the farms, being old (established between 1980 and 1995), complete-cycle and high-sized (breeding flock of 50 to 1,000 females), with high advertising activity; most have hunting preserve. In conclusion, this is an alternative poultry sub-sector consolidated in Spain, despite being only three decades old.Se tipificaron y caracterizaron granjas cinegéticas de faisán (Phasianus colchicus) en España usando variables de estructura y comercialización obtenidas mediante encuesta a 25 granjas privadas en 2010. Un análisis de componentes principales categóricos realizado para tipificar las granjas generó dos dimensiones. La primera dimensión explicó el 50,5% de la varianza e incluyó las variables “número de hembras reproductoras” y “la granja es de ciclo completo o no”. La segunda dimensión explicó el 32,3% de la varianza e incluyó las variables “edad de la granja” y “la granja se publicita en prensa cinegética”. Un análisis de conglomerados subsiguiente diferenció cuatro tipologías de granjas. La tipología 1 incluyó al 28% de las granjas, siendo recientes (fundadas entre 1990 y 2003), de ciclo completo y tamaño medio (15 a 300 hembras reproductoras), con baja actividad publicitaria en prensa cinegética y sin coto de caza. La tipología 2 incluyó un 28% de las granjas, siendo las más recientes (fundadas entre 1994 y 2008), sin reproductores, con baja actividad publicitaria y la mayoría con coto. La tipología 3 incluyó un 20% de las granjas, siendo antiguas (fundadas entre 1983 y 1992), sin plantel reproductor y con elevada actividad publicitaria; el 40% tienen coto. La tipología 4 incluyó un 24% de las granjas, siendo antiguas (fundadas entre 1980 y 1995), de ciclo completo y gran tamaño (50 a 1.000 hembras reproductoras), con elevada actividad publicitaria y la mayoría con coto. Con sólo tres décadas de existencia este subsector avícola alternativo está consolidado en Españ

    An experimental model of mixing processes generated by an array of top-heavy turbulent plumes

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    The mixing process of two fluids of unequal density generated by the evolution of an array of forced turbulent plumes is studied in the laboratory. The corresponding qualitative conclusions and the quantitative results based on measures of the density field and of the height of the fluid layers are described. The partial mixing process is characterized and analyzed, and the conclusions of this analysis are related to the mixing efficiency and the volume of the final mixed layer as functions of the Atwood number, which ranges from 0.010 to 0.134. An exponential fit is used to evaluate the mixing efficiency versus the Atwood showing the role of initial conditions on mixing efficiency variability

    Osteitis condensante de clavícula

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    La osteítis condensante de clavícula es una lesión ósea infrecuente, benigna y de etiología desconocida. Se caracteriza por esclerosis densa y homogénea de la porción infero-medial clavicular con obliteración de la cavidad medular sin afectación de la articulación esternoclavicular. Hasta ahora sólo se había descrito en mujeres, en el presente trabajo presentamos un caso en un paciente varón. Se discute el diagnóstico diferencial con otras entidades que producen afectación similar y proponemos la TC como método diagnóstico de elección, defendiendo el tratamiento conservador.Condensing osteitis of the clavicle is a benign and uncommon bone lesion of unknown cause, characterized by homogeneously dense sclerotic patch with obliteration of the marrow cavity at the medial end of the clavicle without involvement of the sternoclavicular joint. To date it had been described only in women. In this work we report a case in a male patient. The differential diagnosis with other disorders of similar findings is discussed. We propose CT-scan as the elective diagnostic test and we defend the conservative treatment

    Length of the artificial incubation in red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa)

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    La incubación artificial de los huevos es una fase del manejo clave para la viabilidad de las granjas cinegéticas de perdiz roja (Alectoris rufa). Sin embargo, la duración de la incubación artificial y la dispersión de las eclosiones no han sido previamente cuantificadas en esta especie. Con este objetivo se analizaron cuatro ensayos de incubación artificial de huevos de perdiz roja procedentes de tres granjas cinegéticas del sur de España realizados incluyendo variabilidad de factores de manejo de los reproductores y de la incubación. La duración media de la incubación fue de 23,4 días, difiriendo entre ensayos (P = 0,004), con un valor modal de 23 días y finalizando la mayoría de las eclosiones (percentil 95) el día 24,5 de incubación. La eclosión mostró una distribución asimétrica positiva y leptocúrtica, como corresponde al patrón de eclosión de las especies precociales. Las eclosiones, que pueden comenzar el día 21,5 y finalizar el día 26 de incubación, se extendieron en promedio durante cuatro días, periodo mayor que el descrito en la literatura divulgativa probablemente porque en el presente estudio los huevos no estuvieron en contacto entre sí, lo que pudo limitar la sincronía en la eclosión. Los resultados de este estudio son útiles para conocer la distribución de la eclosión en las granjas cinegéticas de perdiz roja, posibilitando la mejora del manejo de los lotes de huevos en la nacedoraThe artificial incubation of the eggs is a key management phase for the feasibility of the red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) game farms. However, the length of the artificial incubation and the spreading pattern of the hatching have not been previously quantified in this species. To this end, four trials of artificial incubation of eggs from three red-legged partridge game farms located in southern Spain were analised. The trials included a wide range of variability with regard to management of breeders and incubation process. The average length of the incubation period was 23.4 days, with differences among trials (P = 0,004), showing a modal value of 23 days. Most of the chicks (percentile 95) hatched before 24.5 days of incubation. The distribution of the hatch was leptokurtic and showed positive asymmetry, fitting with the hatching pattern of the precocial species. The hatching, that can start on day 21.5 and finish on day 26 of incubation, were spread over four days on average. This period was longer than that described in the informative literature, probably because in the present study the eggs were not in contact with each other, which could have limited the hatching synchrony. The results of the present study are useful to understand the distribution of hatching in the red-legged game farms, enabling improved management of the batches of eggs in the hatchery

    Orientation-Constrained System for Lamp Detection in Buildings Based on Computer Vision

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    Computer vision is used in this work to detect lighting elements in buildings with the goal of improving the accuracy of previous methods to provide a precise inventory of the location and state of lamps. Using the framework developed in our previous works, we introduce two new modifications to enhance the system: first, a constraint on the orientation of the detected poses in the optimization methods for both the initial and the refined estimates based on the geometric information of the building information modelling (BIM) model; second, an additional reprojection error filtering step to discard the erroneous poses introduced with the orientation restrictions, keeping the identification and localization errors low while greatly increasing the number of detections. These enhancements are tested in five different case studies with more than 30,000 images, with results showing improvements in the number of detections, the percentage of correct model and state identifications, and the distance between detections and reference positions.Authors want to give thanks to the Xunta de Galicia under Grant ED481A and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the National Science Program TEC2017-84197-C4-2-R

    Maternal behaviour and welfare of the domestic and wild rabbit doe and its litter

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    The European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), in addition to its faunal interest in the western Mediterranean, is a relevant species which in several European countries is the basis of a meat-oriented, industrial livestock subsector, while in many developing countries rabbits are raised under alternative systems aimed at income integration and food security. In addition to meat production, other productive orientations exist that generate a variety of rabbit production systems. This paper reviews the ethology of maternal behaviour of the breeding doe and her litter, including its endocrine regulation, both in wild animal and in industrial and alternative farming systems, and its relation to management factors, productivity and performance as well as the welfare of the species. It also discusses the implications of the regulations concerning animal welfare on housing, management and satisfaction of behavioural needs of breeding does and their litters, which in some countries tend to provide more space and environmental enrichment in cages

    Clinical utility of intralesional methotrexate to distinguish crateriform keratinocytic tumors before surgery

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    Clinical utility of intralesional methotrexate to distinguish crateriform keratinocytic tumors before surgeryDear Editors,Keratoacanthoma (KA) and cutaneous squamous cell carci-noma (CSCC) may adopt an identical crateriform morpho-logy. Nowadays, the debate about whether KA is a distinct entity, or a low-grade variant of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC) still persists. Since CSCC is a more ag-gressive neoplasm, misdiagnosing crateriform lesions may have a negative impact on the patient's prognosis. Evaluating a partial biopsy is extremely challenging to confidently dis-tinguish KA from CSCC [1]. No distinctive gene expression profiles have been identified and no pathognomonic criteria to unequivocally differentiate between KA and CSCC exist [2]. Consequently, the surgical approach remains the gold standard in the management of crateriform tumors, especi-ally those arising on the face