983 research outputs found

    Comprensión y contención de la depresión durante el distanciamiento social por COVID-19

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    Introduction: the high contagiousness of COVID-19, the increase of confirmed cases and deaths, and the social isolation have caused negative emotions and thoughts, threatening the mental health of the elderly population. Objective: to identify the emotional states of seniors in social isolation during COVID-19. Method: a descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out between May to June 2020, in the health area part of the Policlínico Universitario “Dr. Rudesindo Antonio García del Rijo”, in Sancti Spíritus. The study population was made of 100 seniors. The variables evaluated were: age, gender, marital status, coexistence, occupation, comorbidity, anxiety, depression, irritability, stress. The information was obtained through semi-structured interview, observation and psychological tests. Results: 61.0% were female; 57.0% in the 70-79 age group; most of them lived with their partner, a minor or a disabled person (64.0%), only 36.0% actually lived alone. 65.0% had no employment relationship. 89.0% had pathologies considered risky for COVID-19. A normal level of irritability prevailed, both external (68.0%) and internal (70.0%), a mild level of anxiety (73.0%) and a mild level of depression (50.0%). 47.0% showed alteration in stress levels. Conclusions: social isolation as a measure to avoid contagion by COVID-19 has had an impact on the mental health of the elderly.Introducción: la alta contagiosidad de la COVID-19, el crecimiento de casos confirmados, las muertes y el aislamiento social han ocasionado que las emociones y pensamientos negativos se extiendan, con amenaza a la salud mental de la población adulta mayor. Objetivo: identificar los estados emocionales de adultos mayores en aislamiento social durante la COVID-19. Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, entre mayo y junio de 2020, en el área de salud perteneciente al Policlínico Universitario “Dr. Rudesindo Antonio García del Rijo”, Sancti Spíritus. La población de estudio fue de 100 adultos mayores. Se evaluaron las variables: edad, sexo, estado civil, convivencia, ocupación, comorbilidad, ansiedad, depresión, irritabilidad, estrés. La información se obtuvo mediante la entrevista semiestructurada, la observación y test psicológicos. Resultados: el 61,0 % correspondió al sexo femenino; el 57,0 % pertenecía al grupo de 70-79 años; la mayoría de los ancianos vivía acompañado con su pareja, un menor de edad o un discapacitado (64,0 %), solo el 36,0 % vivía efectivamente solo. El 65,0 % no tenía vínculo laboral. El 89,0 % presentaba patologías consideradas de riesgo para la COVID-19. Predominó un nivel de irritabilidad normal, tanto externa (68,0 %) como interna (70,0 %), un nivel leve de ansiedad (73,0 %) y un nivel leve de depresión (50,0 %). El 47,0 % mostró alteración en los niveles de estrés. Conclusiones: el aislamiento social como medida para evitar el contagio por COVID-19 ha repercutido en la salud mental de los adultos mayores.Introdução: a alta contagiosidade do COVID-19, o crescimento de casos confirmados, mortes e isolamento social têm causado a disseminação de emoções e pensamentos negativos, ameaçando a saúde mental da população idosa. Objetivo: identificar os estados emocionais de idosos em isolamento social durante o COVID-19. Método: estudo descritivo, transversal, realizado entre maio e junho de 2020, na área de saúde pertencente ao Policlínico Universitario “Dr. Rudesindo Antonio García del Rijo”, Sancti Spíritus. A população do estudo foi de 100 idosos. As variáveis avaliadas foram: idade, sexo, estado civil, convivência, ocupação, comorbidade, ansiedade, depressão, irritabilidade, estresse. As informações foram obtidas por meio da entrevista semiestruturada, observação e testes psicológicos. Resultados: 61,0% corresponderam ao sexo feminino; 57,0% pertenciam à faixa dos 70-79 anos; A maioria dos idosos morava com o companheiro, menor de idade ou com deficiência (64,0%), apenas 36,0% morava realmente sozinho. 65,0% não tinham vínculo empregatício. 89,0% tinham patologias consideradas de risco para COVID-19. Prevaleceu nível normal de irritabilidade, tanto externa (68,0%) quanto interna (70,0%), nível leve de ansiedade (73,0%) e nível leve de depressão (50,0%). 47,0% apresentaram alteração nos níveis de estresse. Conclusões: o isolamento social como medida para evitar o contágio pelo COVID-19 tem repercussões na saúde mental dos idosos

    Dietary fatty acids and lipoproteins on progression of age-related macular degeneration

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a medical condition of central loss vision and blindness. Numerous studies have revealed that changes on certain dietary fatty acids (FAs) could have useful for AMD management. This review summarizes the effects of dietary omega-3 long-chain PUFAs, MUFAs, and SFAs, and lipoproteins on AMD. Findings are consistent with the beneficial role of dietary omega-3 long-chain PUFAs, while the effects of dietary MUFAs and SFAs appeared to be ambiguous with respect to the possible protection from MUFAs and to the possible adverse impact from SFAs on AMD. Some of the pathological mechanisms associated with lipoproteins on AMD share those observed previously in cardiovascular diseases. It was also noticed that the effects of FAs in the diet and lipoprotein on AMD could be modulated by genetic variants. From a population health perspective, the findings of this review are in favour of omega-3 long-chain FAs recommendations in a preventive and therapeutic regimen to attain lower AMD occurrence and progression rates. Additional long-term and short-term nutrigenomic studies are required to clearly establish the role and the relevance of interaction of dietary FAs, lipoproteins, and genes in the genesis and progression of AMD

    Ethnic background and CYP2D6 genetic polymorphisms in Costa Ricans

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    Las diferencias entre el CYP2D6 ya han sido demostradas dentro de las poblaciones latinoamericanas por el Consorcio CEIBA.FP de la Red Iberoamericana de Farmacogenética (RIBEF, por sus siglas en inglés). Sin embargo, dentro de la población de Costa Rica, hasta el momento no se han realizado investigaciones, aunque esta población tiene una ascendencia trihíbrida que representa una condición interesante. Por lo tanto, el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la frecuencia de los Metabolizadores Ultra Rápidos (UMs) y los Pobres Metabolizadores (PMs) en una población costarricense, así como determinar si existen diferencias en las frecuencias del fenotipo predicho por CYP2D6 entre tres Costa Grupos étnicos con diferentes orígenes étnicos. Adicionalmente, se compararon estas frecuencias de PMs y UMs con datos publicados de poblaciones iberoamericanas. Finalmente, se pretendió describir frecuencias alélicas entre diferentes grupos étnicos de Costa Rica. Esta investigación se ha realizado en el marco de los estudios del Consorcio RIBEF CEIBA sobre poblaciones latinoamericanas. Un total de 385 individuos fueron incluidos en el estudio: 139 mestizos, 197 amerindios y 49 afro-caribes. CYP2D6 genotipos fueron determinados por XL-PCR y Real-Time PCR. También se determinaron los alelos de la variante CYP2D6 * 2, * 3, * 4, * 5, * 6, * 10, * 17, * 29, * 35 y * 41. Para toda la población costarricense, la frecuencia de PMs y UMs fue de 6% y 6,5%, respectivamente. El porcentaje de UM en la población mestiza fue mayor que en la población amerindia. Los UM de CYP2D6 varían de 3,6% a 10,1% y los PMs de 1,4% a 10,2% entre los tres grupos costarricenses. Las mayores frecuencias de UMs (10,1%) y PM (10,2%) se encontraron en las poblaciones mestiza y amerindia, respectivamente. En conclusión, las frecuencias de UMs y PMs para CYP2D6 variaron ampliamente a través de las poblaciones mestizas, amerindias y afrocaribeñas costarricenses. La investigación futura en esta población debe estar orientada a identificar nuevas variantes de CYP2D6 mediante métodos de secuenciación, así como determinar el fenotipo CYP2D6, con el fin de establecer la relación fenotipo-genotipo. Finalmente, se necesitan más estudios que incluyan marcadores genéticos de ascendencia en la población costarricense.CYP2D6 differences have already been demonstrated within Latin American populations by the CEIBA.FP Consortium of the Ibero-American Network of Pharmacogenetics (RIBEF, as per the acronym in Spanish). However, within the population of Costa Rica, no research has been conducted until now, even though this population has a trihybrid component ancestry that represents an interesting condition. Thus, the present study was aimed to determine the frequency of Ultra-rapid Metabolizers (UMs) and Poor Metabolizers (PMs) in a Costa Rican population, as well as to determine whether there are differences in the CYP2D6-predicted phenotype frequencies among three Costa Rican groups with different ethnic backgrounds. Additionally, these frequencies of PMs and UMs obtained were compared with Ibero-American populations published data. Finally, we also aimed to describe allele frequencies among different Costa Rican ethnic groups. This research has been undertaken within the framework of the RIBEF CEIBA Consortium studies on Latin American populations. A total of 385 individuals were included in the study: 139 mestizos, 197 Amerindians, and 49 Afro-Caribbeans. CYP2D6 genotypes were determined by XL-PCR and Real-Time PCR. The CYP2D6 variant alleles *2, *3, *4, *5, *6, *10, *17, *29, *35 and *41 were also determined. For the entire Costa Rican population, the frequency of PMs and UMs was 6% and 6.5%, respectively. The percentage of UMs in the mestizo population was higher than in the Amerindian population. CYP2D6 UMs vary from 3.6% to 10.1% and PMs from 1.4% to 10.2% among three Costa Rican groups. The highest frequencies of UMs (10.1%) and PMs (10.2%) were found in the mestizo and Amerindian populations, respectively. In conclusion, the frequencies of UMs and PMs for CYP2D6 varied widely across the mestizo, Amerindian and Afro-Caribbean Costa Rican populations. Future research in this population should be oriented to identify new CYP2D6 variants through sequencing methods, as well as to determine CYP2D6 phenotype, in order to establish the phenotype-genotype relation. Finally, further studies involving genetic markers of ancestry are needed in the Costa Rican population.Acuerdo entre la Universidad de Extremadura y la Universidad de Costa Rica, patrocinio para Carolina Céspedes Garro Universidad de Costa Rica. Proyecto de investigación 742-93-903 y 742-90-416 Acuerdo entre el Gobierno de Extremadura. Consejería de Empleo, Empresa e Innovación y el Fondo Social Europeo. Beca PD10199 para María Eugenia González Naranjo AEXCID. Beca 13IA002 para María Eugenia González NaranjopeerReviewe

    The effects of exogenous fatty acids and niacin on human monocyte-macrophage plasticity

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    Scope: Macrophage plasticity allows adapting to different environments, having a dual activity in inflammatory-related diseases. Our hypothesis is that the type of dietary fatty acids into human postprandial triglyceride-rich lipoproteins (TRLs), alone or in combination with niacin (vitamin B3), could modulate the plasticity of monocytes-macrophages. Methods and results: We isolated TRLs at the postprandial peak from blood samples of healthy volunteers after the ingestion of a meal rich in saturated fatty acids (SFAs), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) or MUFAs plus omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs). Autologous monocytes isolated at fasting were first induced to differentiate into naïve macrophages. We observed that postprandial TRL-MUFAs, particularly in combination with niacin, enhance competence to monocytes to differentiate and polarise into M2 macrophages. Postprandial TRL-SFAs made polarised macrophages prone to an M1 phenotype. In contrast to dietary SFAs, dietary MUFAs in the meals plus immediate-release niacin primed circulating monocytes for a reduced postprandial pro-inflammatory profile. Conclusion: Our study underlines a role of postprandial TRLs as a metabolic entity in regulating the plasticity of the monocyte-macrophage lineage and also brings an understanding of the mechanisms by which dietary fatty acids are environmental factors fostering the innate immune responsiveness in humans.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación AGL2011- 2900

    Long COVID at different altitudes: A Countrywide Epidemiological Analysis

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    Background: Several reports from around the world have reported that some patients who have recovered from COVID-19 have experienced a range of persistent or new clinical symptoms after a SARS-CoV-2 infection. These symptoms can last from weeks to months, impacting everyday functioning to a significant number of patients. Methods: A cross-sectional analysis based on an online, self-reporting questionnaire was conducted in Ecuador from April to July 2022. Participants were invited by social media, radio, and TV to voluntarily participate in our study. A total of 2103 surveys were included in this study. We compared socio-demographic variables and long-term persisting symptoms at low (2500 m). Results: Overall, 1100 (52.3%) responders claimed to have Long-COVID symptoms after SARS-CoV-2 infection. Most of these were reported by women (64.0%); the most affected group was young adults between 21 to 40 years (68.5%), and most long-haulers were mestizos (91.6%). We found that high altitude residents were more likely to report persisting symptoms (71.7%) versus those living at lower altitudes (29.3%). The most common symptoms were fatigue or tiredness (8.4%), hair loss (5.1%) and difficulty concentrating (5.0%). The highest proportion of symptoms was observed in the group that received less than 2 doses. Conclusions: This is the first study describing post-COVID symptoms' persistence in low and high-altitude residents. Our findings demonstrate that women, especially those aging between 21-40, are more likely to describe Long-COVID. We also found that living at a high altitude was associated with higher reports of mood changes, tachycardia, decreased libido, insomnia, and palpitations compared to lowlanders. Finally, we found a greater risk to report Long-COVID symptoms among women, those with previous comorbidities and those who had a severer acute SARS-CoV-2 infection

    Consumo alimentario y hábitos dietéticos y tóxicos en embarazadas de la Provincia de Villa Clara

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    Introduction: advances in the knowledge of Epigenetics and its relationship with morbidity in adulthood emphasize more strongly the impact that a woman's diet has during pregnancy. Objective: to know the consumption of food and the dietary and toxic habits of pregnant women. Method: a descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted in which a standardized interview was applied through the use of a semi-structured questionnaire to 100 pregnant women who attended the Genetics Services in the period between June and November 2016 in the Province of Villa Clara. Results: a large number of pregnant women consume fresh meat, milk, fish and fruits and in smaller quantities, vegetables; Pork meat is the most commonly consumed and many have no habit eat the pork liver ; A large number of woman did not take folic acid before pregnancy due to ignorance. Some pregnant women practice smoking and drink alcohol because they are unaware of the effects on pregnancy and its product. Conclusions: the majority of the pregnant women interviewed, report that they prefer to consume milk, pork and chicken, just over half reported eating liver, the highest percentage do not consume folic acid before pregnancy, and persist pregnant women who drink alcoholic beverages, coffee and cigarettes and expose your health and that of the future baby to its harmful effects.Introducción: los avances en los conocimientos de la Epigenética y su relación con la morbilidad en la edad adulta enfatizan con más fuerza en el impacto que tiene la alimentación de la mujer durante el embarazo. Objetivo: conocer el consumo de alimentos y los hábitos dietéticos y tóxicos de las gestantes. Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal en el que se aplicó una entrevista estandarizada mediante el uso de un cuestionario semi-estructurado a 100 gestantes que asistieron a los Servicios de Genética en el período comprendido entre junio y noviembre de 2016 en la Provincia de Villa Clara. Resultados: un gran número de embarazadas consume carne, leche, pescado y frutas frescas y, en menor cantidad, vegetales; la carne de cerdo es la que se consumen con mayor frecuencia y muchas no tienen hábito de consumir hígado; un gran número no tomó el ácido fólico preconcepcional por desconocimiento. Algunas practican el hábito de fumar e ingieren bebidas alcohólicas porque desconocen los efectos sobre el embarazo y su producto. Conclusiones: de las gestantes entrevistadas la mayoría refieren consumir preferentemente leche, carne de cerdo y pollo, poco más de la mitad refirió ingerir hígado, el mayor por ciento no consume ácido fólico preconcepcional y persisten embarazadas que ingieren bebidas alcohólicas, café y cigarros y exponen su salud y la del futuro bebé a sus efectos nocivos

    Overoxidation of chloroplast 2-Cys peroxiredoxins: balancing toxic and signaling activities of hydrogen peroxide

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    Photosynthesis, the primary source of biomass and oxygen into the biosphere, involves the transport of electrons in the presence of oxygen and, therefore, chloroplasts constitute an important source of reactive oxygen species, including hydrogen peroxide. If accumulated at high level, hydrogen peroxide may exert a toxic effect; however, it is as well an important second messenger. In order to balance the toxic and signaling activities of hydrogen peroxide its level has to be tightly controlled. To this end, chloroplasts are equipped with different antioxidant systems such as 2-Cys peroxiredoxins (2-Cys Prxs), thiol-based peroxidases able to reduce hydrogen and organic peroxides. At high peroxide concentrations the peroxidase function of 2-Cys Prxs may become inactivated through a process of overoxidation. This inactivation has been proposed to explain the signaling function of hydrogen peroxide in eukaryotes, whereas in prokaryotes, the 2-Cys Prxs of which were considered to be insensitive to overoxidation, the signaling activity of hydrogen peroxide is less relevant. Here we discuss the current knowledge about the mechanisms controlling 2-Cys Prx overoxidation in chloroplasts, organelles with an important signaling function in plants. Given the prokaryotic origin of chloroplasts, we discuss the occurrence of 2-Cys Prx overoxidation in cyanobacteria with the aim of identifying similarities between chloroplasts and their ancestors regarding their response to hydrogen peroxide.España , Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación BIO2010-15430España, Junta de Andalucía BIO-182España, Junta de Andalucía CVI-591

    Caracterización del dolor neuropático en la neuropatía epidémica cubana

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    Epidemic neuropathy in Cuba has been perhaps the largest of its kind reported for a non-infectious neurological disease in the past century and also among the most studied, at least in its beginnings, but no major research has been done to support the behaviour of this epidemic over time.Aim: to characterize the neuropathic pain in the Cuban epidemic neuropathy at one municipality, from 1992 to 2018.Method: a cohort study was conducted with 810 defined cases of epidemic neuropathy in Manzanillo, Cuba, starting from 1992 to December 2018. Two standardized instruments were applied: the pain scale and the McGill questionnaire for pain. Both instruments showed good internal consistency as determined by Cronbach’s Alpha.Results: the comparison of proportions and mean values in each of the variables of the pain scale indicated that most patients reported having only one type of pain at all times, of medium intensity, and the McGill questionnaire provided a description of the semiographic characteristics of pain. Both instruments related to items reflected similar pain characteristics, and all Pearson’s correlation coefficients were significant for p < 0.01.Conclusions: McGill’s questionnaire and the pain scale are useful tools to characterize the neuropathic pain.Introducción: la neuropatía epidémica en Cuba ha sido quizás la mayor de su tipo reportada para una enfermedad neurológica no infecciosa en la pasada centuria y también una de las más estudiadas, al menos en sus inicios, pero no se han realizado mayor número de investigaciones que avalen el comportamiento de esta epidemia con el tiempo.Objetivo: caracterizar el dolor neuropático en la neuropatía epidémica cubana en un municipio, de 1992 a 2018.Método: se realizó la evaluación de una cohorte histórica de 810 casos definidos de neuropatía epidémica en Manzanillo, Cuba, con medidas iniciales en 1992 y finales en diciembre del 2018. Se aplicaron dos instrumentos estandarizados: la escala de dolor y el cuestionario de McGill para el dolor. Ambos instrumentos mostraron buena consistencia interna medida por Alfa de Cronbach.Resultados: La comparación de proporciones y de valores medios en cada uno de las variables de la escala del dolor demostraron que la mayoría de los enfermos referían tener un solo tipo de dolor todo el tiempo, de intensidad media y el cuestionario de McGill permitió por vez primera describir las características semiográficas propias del dolor en los casos de esta epidemia. Al relacionar ambos instrumentos con los ítems que reflejaban características similares del dolor, se obtuvo que todos los coeficientes de correlación de Pearson fueron significativos para p < 0,01.Conclusiones: el cuer¡stionario de McGill y la escala de dolor son herramientas de utilidad en la caracterización del dolor neuropático

    Minor compounds from virgin olive oil attenuate LPS-induced inflammation via visfatin-related gene modulation on primary human monocytes

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    We have analyzed the effects of minor compounds found in the unsaponifiable fraction (UF) and in the phenolic fraction (PF) of virgin olive oil (VOO) on LPS-induced inflammatory response via visfatin modulation in human monocytes. For this purpose, monocytes were incubated with UF and PF at different concentrations and the pro-inflammatory stimulus LPS for 24 hr; squalene (SQ) and hydroxytyrosol (HTyr), the main components in UF and PF, respectively, were also used. The relative expression of both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory genes, as well as other genes related to the NAD+-biosynthetic pathway was evaluated by RT-qPCR; and the secretion of some of these markers was assessed by ELISA procedures. We found that UF, SQ, PF, and HTyr prevented from LPS-induced dysfunctional gene expression and secretion via visfatin-related gene modulation in human monocytes. These findings unveil a potential beneficial role for minor compounds of VOO in the prevention of inflammatory-disorders. Practical application: In this project, potential health benefits of VOO micronutrients (unsaponifiable and phenolic compounds) were confirmed through anti-inflammatory assays. Our results reveal new interesting researching goals concerning nutrition by considering the role of bioactive VOO compounds in the prevention and progress of diseases related to inflammation

    Evolución de la escritura de palabras de ortografía arbitraria en lengua española

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    RESUMEN: El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en estudiar la evolución de la escritura de palabras con ortografía arbitraria en alumnado de Educación Primaria (EP). La muestra estaba compuesta por 1.045 escolares de segundo a sexto curso de EP de 4 centros de la Isla de Tenerife, entre 7 y 12 años de edad (M= 113.8; DT= 17.6). Se les dictaban palabras con ortografía arbitraria, reglada y no reglada, y se les pidió también que realizaran tareas de composición escrita (i.e., escritura de una historia apoyada en viñetas, descripción de un personaje y escritura de un cuento). Se analizaron tanto los aciertos como los errores ortográficos en el dictado y la composición escrita. Los resultados encontrados señalan que la ortografía arbitraria, cuando no es reglada, se adquiere a partir de 4º curso de EP, mientras que la escritura de palabras de ortografía reglada la adquieren a partir de 5º curso de EP. Analizando los errores ortográficos en la escritura al dictado se observó que existía mayor confusión en la escritura de los grafemas c/s/z/x. En las diferentes tareas de composición escrita encontramos que, hasta la finalización del segundo ciclo, los escolares tienden a confundir los grafemas b/v, h y c/s/z/x.ABSTARCT: Spelling development in the Spanish language. This study focused on spelling development in Spanish children from elementary grades. A sample of 1045 was selected from 2nd to 6th grade belonging to four schools in Tenerife Island with an age range between 7 and 12 years old (M= 113.8, SD= 17.6). We administered a standardized writing test that includes diverse subtests to assess spelling, ruled and not ruled, and various written composition tasks (i.e., writing a story based on vignettes, describing a character and writing a story). We calculated the average of correct spellings in each variable and school level, and we also analyzed the type of misspellings that children made across different writing tasks. We found that spelling is acquired by 4th-grade children when it is not ruled, whereas the spelling of ruled words is acquired by 5th-grade children. When we analyzed the misspellings in a dictation task, we found that the children confused spelling of the graphemes c/s/z/x. Across different writing tasks, we found that students committed more misspellings with the graphemes b/v, h y c/s/z/x before they finished the 4th elementary grade