638 research outputs found

    Are developers fixing their own bugs?: Tracing bug-fixing and bug-seeding committers

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    This is the post-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2011 IGI GlobalThe process of fixing software bugs plays a key role in the maintenance activities of a software project. Ideally, code ownership and responsibility should be enforced among developers working on the same artifacts, so that those introducing buggy code could also contribute to its fix. However, especially in FLOSS projects, this mechanism is not clearly understood: in particular, it is not known whether those contributors fixing a bug are the same introducing and seeding it in the first place. This paper analyzes the comm-central FLOSS project, which hosts part of the Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, Lightning extensions and Sunbird projects from the Mozilla community. The analysis is focused at the level of lines of code and it uses the information stored in the source code management system. The results of this study show that in 80% of the cases, the bug-fixing activity involves source code modified by at most two developers. It also emerges that the developers fixing the bug are only responsible for 3.5% of the previous modifications to the lines affected; this implies that the other developers making changes to those lines could have made that fix. In most of the cases the bug fixing process in comm-central is not carried out by the same developers than those who seeded the buggy code.This work has been partially funded by the European Commission, under the ALERT project (ICT-258098)

    Estimating development effort in free/open source software projects by mining software repositories: A case study of OpenStack

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    Because of the distributed and collaborative nature of free/open source software (FOSS) projects, the development effort invested in a project is usually unknown, even after the software has been released. However, this information is becoming of major interest, especially-but not only-because of the growth in the number of companies for which FOSS has become relevant for their business strategy. In this paper we present a novel approach to estimate effort by considering data from source code management repositories. We apply our model to the OpenStack project, a FOSS project with more than 1,000 authors, in which several tens of companies cooperate. Based on data from its repositories and together with the input from a survey answered by more than 100 developers, we show that the model offers a simple, but sound way of obtaining software development estimations with bounded margins of error.Gregorio Robles, Carlos Cervig on and Jes us M. Gonz alez-Barahona, project SobreSale (TIN2011-28110). and The work of Daniel Izquierdo has been funded in part by the Torres Quevedo program (PTQ-12-05577

    Thermal and electrohydrodynamic plumes: a compartive study

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    This paper deals with self similar thermal and electrohydrodynamic (EHD) plumes. The former arises from hot lines or points, whereas the latter arises when sharp metallic contours submerged in non conducting liquids support high electrostatic potential, resulting in charge injection. Although the motive force is buoyancy in one case and Coulomb force in the other, it is shown that the solution for EHD plumes is the same as for thermal plumes in the limit of large Prandtl numbers. We present the analysis of axisymmetric plumes for large values of Prandtl number, and this analysis is subsequently applied to EHD plumes. The validity of the approximations for EHD plumes is discussed in the light of experimental data.Ministerio de ciencia y tecnología PB93-118

    Investigación sobre el concepto de grafo a través del modelo de Van Hiele

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo indagar en la comprensión de los estudiantes universitarios sobre problemas de la Matemática discreta, en particular sobre la Teoría de Grafos (Biggs, 1994). Debido a las similitudes con la geometría por la fuerte componente visual de la teoría de grafos (más topológica que métrica), al menos en los primeros acercamientos a ella, hemos considerado como marco teórico para abordar esta investigación el modelo de Van Hiele adaptado a esta área de la Matemática

    Solitary Waves in Massive Nonlinear S^N-Sigma Models

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    The solitary waves of massive (1+1)-dimensional nonlinear S^N-sigma models are unveiled. It is shown that the solitary waves in these systems are in one-to-one correspondence with the separatrix trajectories in the repulsive N-dimensional Neumann mechanical problem. There are topological (heteroclinic trajectories) and non-topological (homoclinic trajectories) kinks. The stability of some embedded sine-Gordon kinks is discussed by means of the direct estimation of the spectra of the second-order fluctuation operators around them, whereas the instability of other topological and non-topological kinks is established applying the Morse index theorem

    N=2 Supersymmetric Kinks and real algebraic curves

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    The kinks of the (1+1)-dimensional Wess-Zumino model with polynomic superpotential are investigated and shown to be related to real algebraic curves.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, epsfig, 4 figures include

    Genetic characterization of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars from Castilla La Mancha (Spain) using microsatellite markers

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    A total of 73 accessions of Vitis vinifera L., corresponding to local grape cultivars from Castilla La Mancha (Spain) mostly collected in the districts around the Serranía de Cuenca, were analyzed with 12 microsatellite markers in order to ascertain identity and to detect synonymy and homonymy. The allelic pattern of the 73 accessions belonged to 39 different cultivars: 23 coincided with those of known grape cultivars and 16 were different such as 'Flamenca', 'Churriago', 'Pintailla', and 'Gallera Negra'. Homonymous designations were also detected like 'Coloraillo', 'Moravia Dulce' and 'Botón de Gallo' and synonymous names such as 'Garnacha' and 'Tinto Basto', 'Machina', 'Tortosi' and 'Rojal' as well as 'Moravio' and 'Bobal'.

    10-y Risks of Death and Emergency Re-admission in Adolescents Hospitalised with Violent, Drug- or Alcohol-Related, or Self-Inflicted Injury: A Population-Based Cohort Study.

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    BACKGROUND: Hospitalisation for adversity-related injury (violent, drug/alcohol-related, or self-inflicted injury) has been described as a "teachable moment", when intervention may reduce risks of further harm. Which adolescents are likely to benefit most from intervention strongly depends on their long-term risks of harm. We compared 10-y risks of mortality and re-admission after adversity-related injury with risks after accident-related injury. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We analysed National Health Service admissions data for England (1 April 1997-31 March 2012) for 10-19 y olds with emergency admissions for adversity-related injury (violent, drug/alcohol-related, or self-inflicted injury; n = 333,009) or for accident-related injury (n = 649,818). We used Kaplan-Meier estimates and Cox regression to estimate and compare 10-y post-discharge risks of death and emergency re-admission. Among adolescents discharged after adversity-related injury, one in 137 girls and one in 64 boys died within 10 y, and 54.2% of girls and 40.5% of boys had an emergency re-admission, with rates being highest for 18-19 y olds. Risks of death were higher than in adolescents discharged after accident-related injury (girls: age-adjusted hazard ratio 1.61, 95% CI 1.43-1.82; boys: 2.13, 95% CI 1.98-2.29), as were risks of re-admission (girls: 1.76, 95% CI 1.74-1.79; boys: 1.41, 95% CI 1.39-1.43). Risks of death and re-admission were increased after all combinations of violent, drug/alcohol-related, and self-inflicted injury, but particularly after any drug/alcohol-related or self-inflicted injury (i.e., with/without violent injury), for which age-adjusted hazard ratios for death in boys ranged from 1.67 to 5.35, compared with 1.25 following violent injury alone (girls: 1.09 to 3.25, compared with 1.27). The main limitation of the study was under-recording of adversity-related injuries and misclassification of these cases as accident-related injuries. This misclassification would attenuate the relative risks of death and re-admission for adversity-related compared with accident-related injury. CONCLUSIONS: Adolescents discharged after an admission for violent, drug/alcohol-related, or self-inflicted injury have increased risks of subsequent harm up to a decade later. Introduction of preventive strategies for reducing subsequent harm after admission should be considered for all types of adversity-related injury, particularly for older adolescents

    Air conditioning in the region of Madrid, Spain: an approach to electricity consumption, economics and CO₂emissions

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    An understanding of electricity consumption due to residential air conditioning (AC) may improve production and environmental impact strategy design. This article reports on a study of peak and seasonal electricity consumption for residential air conditioning in the region of Madrid, Spain. Consumption was assessed by simulating the operation of AC units at the outdoor summer temperature characteristics of central Spain. AC unit performance when operating under part load conditions in keeping with weather conditions was also studied to find cooling demand and energy efficiency. Like wise final electricity consumption was computed and used to calculate energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). Cooling demand, when family holidays outside the region were factored into the calculations, came to 1.46x10⁹ kWh. Associated seasonal electricity demand was 617x10⁶ kWh and seasonal performance of AC units around 2.4. Electricity consumption in the whole region was observed to peak on 30 June 2008 at 5.44x10⁶ kW, being the load attributable to residential AC 1.79x10⁶ kW, resulting about 33% of the total peak consumption. The seasonal cost per household was about €156 and the total equivalent warming impact was 572x10³t CO₂. The method proposed can be adapted for use in other regionsThis study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under Projects INVISO, sub-project SP3 “Sustainable power generation in housing” and ENE2010-20650-C02-01. Author A. Gonzalez-Gil is grateful to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) for its support while he worked toward his PhD. The authors also wish to thank J. Cabetas from Iberdrola de Distribución Eléctrica S.A.U. for the information furnishedPublicad

    On domain walls in a Ginzburg-Landau non-linear S^2-sigma model

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    The domain wall solutions of a Ginzburg-Landau non-linear S2S^2-sigma hybrid model are unveiled. There are three types of basic topological walls and two types of degenerate families of composite - one topological, the other non-topological- walls. The domain wall solutions are identified as the finite action trajectories (in infinite time) of a related mechanical system that is Hamilton-Jacobi separable in sphero-conical coordinates. The physical and mathematical features of these domain walls are thoroughly discussed.Comment: 26 pages, 18 figure