189 research outputs found

    Construcción y proyección mediática de la crisis sismo-volcánica del micro-destino de la isla El Hierro: un análisis antropológico sobre el papel de los medios de comunicación en la gestión del riesgo

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    El Hierro es la isla más pequeña y menos poblada del archipiélago Canario (España). En 2011 sufrió una erupción volcánica submarina que atrajo la mirada de los medios de comunicación regionales, nacionales e incluso internacionales durante meses. Desde la Antropología Social, analizaremos la construcción y proyección mediática de la crisis sismovolcánica en la isla. Trabajaremos en torno a las acciones comunicativas desplegadas entre julio y octubre de 2011; período cuando se da a conocer el evento sísmico-volcánico, su evolución y clímax tras las evacuaciones practicadas en dos localidades. Valoraremos los discursos en los medios y el papel de aquellos en la construcción social del riesgo y la incertidumbre; revelados como elementos clave en el devenir de los destinos turísticos. Con este trabajo pretendemos demostrar la importancia de la comunicación, de cara a la gestión de fenómenos ambientales en contextos turísticos.El Hierro es the smallest and least populated island of the Canary archipelago (Spain). In 2011, it suffered an underwater volcanic eruption which attracted the attention of regional, national and even international media, for months. With the perspective of Social Anthropology, we analysed the construction and media projection of the seismic-volcanic crisis on the island. We worked on communicative actions deployed between July and October 2011. This period coincides with the first publication on the natural event, its evolution and the evacuations carried out in two locations. We assessed the media discourse and the role of the media in the social construction of risk and uncertainty, revealed as key elements in the development of tourist destinations. The aim of this research is to demonstrate the importance of media discourse in the management of environmental phenomena in tourist contexts

    Crecimiento, crisis y recuperación turística en Canarias. Un estudio de caso 2000-2019

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    En el presente trabajo se realiza un estudio del impacto de la crisis del año 2008 en el sector turístico empresarial en Canarias. Desde el enfoque teórico, analizaremos las principales macromagnitudes del sector y sus cambios a lo largo de los años, incluyendo la crisis financiera del 2008, sus consecuencias en Canarias y junto a ello, un análisis de caso de 2 empresas hoteleras canarias, HD Hoteles y GF Costa Adeje Gran Hotel. El objetivo principal del trabajo es estudiar el crecimiento, crisis y recuperación del sector turístico en Canarias entre el año 2000 y el 2019. Para ello nos ayudaremos de ciertas macromagnitudes y variables que consideramos importantes para la investigación y un análisis de dos empresas del sector turístico como son HD Hoteles y GF Costa Adeje Gran Hotel. El principal motivo es comprender los diferentes cambios e incidencias que este sector ha sufrido a lo largo de estos años, a nivel económico-financiero, sobre todo en nuestro archipiélago siendo este un porcentaje muy elevado de nuestra economía. La metodología que usaremos se basa en un análisis económico-financiero a partir de los datos proporcionados por el “Sabi” y un estudio de diferentes fuentes de información. El trabajo concluye con un breve epígrafe sobre las conclusiones alcanzadas en la memoria, considerando los resultados cuantitativos y cualitativos obtenidos; y haciendo una breve referencia a esta nueva crisis de la COVID19, comparando y especulando sobre el posible progreso de ésta teniendo en cuenta el desarrollo de la del año 2008.This paper studies the impact of the 2008 crisis on the tourism business sector in the Canary Islands. From the theoretical approach, we will analyze the main macro magnitudes of the sector and its changes over the years, including the financial crisis of 2008, its consequences in the Canary Islands and together with this, a case analysis of 2 Canary Islands hotel companies, HD Hotels and GF Costa Adeje Gran Hotel. The main objective of the work is to study the growth, crisis and recovery of the tourism sector in the Canary Islands between 2000 and 2019. To do so, we will be helped by certain macro magnitudes and variables that we consider important for the research and an analysis of two companies in the sector previously named. The main reason is to understand the different changes and incidences that this sector has suffered throughout these years, at an economic-financial level, especially in our archipelago being this a very high percentage of our economy. The methodology we will use is based on an economic-financial analysis from the data provided by the "Sabi" and a study of different sources of information. The work concludes with a brief section on the conclusions reached in the report, considering the quantitative and qualitative results obtained; and making a brief reference to this new COVID19 crisis, comparing and speculating on its possible progress taking into account the development of the 2008 crisis

    Hippocampal dysfunction is associated with memory impairment in multiple sclerosis: A volumetric and functional connectivity study

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies have suggested a relationship between neuroanatomical and neurofunctional hippocampal alterations and episodic memory impairments in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients OBJECTIVE: We examined hippocampus volume and functional connectivity (FC) changes in MS patients with different episodic memory capabilities. METHODS: hippocampal subfield volume and FC changes were compared in two subgroups of MS patients with and without episodic memory impairment (MSi and MSp, respectively) and healthy controls. A discriminant function (DF) analysis was used to identify which of these neuroanatomical and neurofunctional parameters were the most relevant components of the mnemonic profiles of HC, MSp and MSi. RESULTS: MSi showed reduced volume in several hippocampal subfields compared to MSp and HC. Ordinal gradation (MSi>MSp>HC) was also observed for FC between the posterior hippocampus and several cortical areas. DF-based analyses revealed that reduced right fimbria volume and enhanced FC at the right posterior hippocampus were the main neural signatures of the episodic memory impairments observed in the MSi group. CONCLUSIONS: Before any sign of episodic memory alterations (MSp), FC increased on several pathways that connect the hippocampus with cortical areas. These changes further increased when the several hippocampal volumes reduced and memory deficits appeared (MSi).This study was sponsored by grants P1-1B2014-15 awarded by Universitat Jaume I and PSI2015-67285-R awarded by MINECO to Dr. Cristina For

    Small but strong: Socioeconomic and ecological resilience of a small European fishing community affected by a submarine volcanic eruption

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    [Abstract] Small-scale coastal fishing communities are facing many new challenges, such as rapid ecological changes created by anthropogenic and natural events like earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. This paper explores how a coastal population has responded to such an event and highlights the diverse coping strategies used to tackle it. This research was conducted on the island of El Hierro (Spain), where a submarine volcanic eruption occurred in 2011, affecting a multiple-use Marine Protected Area (MPA) and the nearby fishing community of La Restinga. Our study illustrates how the local population coped with this situation by combining multiple monetary and non-monetary activities (e.g., informal exchanges) as well as the role of institutions in increasing local resilience by supporting fishers' demands and allowing their participation in the decision-making process in the immediate wake of a catastrophic event. Local families also exploited various natural resources in and near the MPA, thus ensuring access to crucial marine resources and continued recreational/cultural services. The results suggest that collective action played a key role in the recovery process after the eruption, creating some advantages for different local groups despite the hazardous nature of the event.This was supported by the Cajacanarias Foundation and Fundación Bancaria “La Caixa'' [grant number 2017REC23], and the Ramón Areces Foundation through the XVII Call for Social Research Grant [grant number CISP17A5887]. Some specific research activities were also supported by the INTURMAR project supported by the ‘Smart Specialization Strategy of the Canary Islands RIS-3 co-financed by the Operational Program FEDER Canarias 2014–2020’ [grant number ProID2017010128]. RCM, JPF, JAG and AST would also like to acknowledge the Macarofood project (Interreg-MAC/2.3d/015), with the support of the European Regional Development Fund. CPC and RBL received funding from Xunta de Galicia (Axudas para a consolidación e estruturación de unidades de investigación competitivas do SUG, grants ED431D 2017/20, ED431B 2018/49). CPC received financial support from Xunta de Galicia “Axudas de apoio á etapa de formación posdoutoral” (grant ED481B-2021/095). We acknowledge the collaboration of the Network of Marine Reserves of the General Secretary of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment of Spain, as well as the participation of several families and small-scale fishers from La Restinga in this study. We also thank Inés Chinea-Mederos, Jeramin Herra and Alejandro Rodríguez-Pais for their collaboration during the fieldwork and data voids, also Eilyn Pérez-Amores and Nemesio Pérez in preparing some figuresFundación CajaCanarias; 2017REC23Fundación Bancaria "la Caixa"; 2017REC23Fundación Ramón Areces; CISP17A5887Xunta de Galicia; ED431D 2017/20Xunta de Galicia; ED431B 2018/49Xunta de Galicia; ED481B-2021/09

    Melanoma in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients

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    Melanoma; Skin cancer; Solid organ transplantMelanoma; Cáncer cutáneo; Trasplante de órgano sólidoMelanoma; Càncer cutani; Trasplantament d'òrgan sòlidEl melanoma en receptores de un trasplante de órgano sólido (RTOS) puede aparecer en 3 situaciones clínicas, objeto de esta revisión: pacientes con historia de melanoma previa al trasplante, pacientes que desarrollan el melanoma posteriormente al trasplante y pacientes con melanoma procedente del donante. Los factores más relevantes a considerar en pacientes con antecedentes de melanoma candidatos a un trasplante son el estadio del tumor, la presencia o no de enfermedad residual y el periodo entre el diagnóstico y el trasplante. Los RTOS tienen mayor riesgo de padecer un melanoma que la población inmunocompetente. La mortalidad por melanoma es también mayor, especialmente en aquellos con estadios avanzados, que suponen un verdadero reto terapéutico. Finalmente, la historia clínica y la exploración física del donante son las herramientas más útiles para evitar la transmisión de un melanoma al receptor, situación con pronóstico infausto.In this review, we analyze the 3 clinical scenarios related to the development of melanoma in solid organ transplant recipients: melanoma in patients with a history of the tumor prior to a transplant, de novo melanoma following a transplant, and melanoma of donor origin. The main factors to consider in organ-transplant candidates with a history of melanoma are tumor stage, presence or absence of residual disease, and time from diagnosis to transplantation. Solid organ transplant recipients have a greater risk of melanoma than immunocompetent individuals. Mortality is also higher in this population, especially in patients with advanced melanoma, as treatment is especially challenging. Clinical history and physical examination provide the most useful information for preventing donor-to-recipient transmission of melanoma. Donor-derived melanoma has a very poor prognosis

    Characteristics of alcoholic drinks consumption and consumption pattern among Dental students.

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    Objetivo: Describir características del consumo de bebidas alcohólicas e identificar patrón de consumo en estudiantes de odontología de la Universidad San Sebastián, sede Concepción. Materiales y métodos: Estudio exploratorio, descriptivo, transversal, no experimental. La muestra estuvo constituida por 601 alumnos (65% del total). Se aplicaron dos cuestionarios durante el segundo semestre del año 2015. El primero: cuestionario estructurado diseñado para recolectar datos sobre el consumo de alcohol y sus características. El segundo: cuestionario autoadministrado de”Identificación de Trastornos Relacionados con el Consumo de Alcohol”. Los datos fueron analizados mediante estadígrafos descriptivos. La asociación de la variable dependiente “alcohol” con las variables independientes “edad”, ”género”, “ubicación geográfica de origen” y “semestre académico” fueron evaluados mediante una prueba de regresión logística binomial. Sólo los datos de los sujetos que consumían alcohol fueron evaluados. El nivel de significación empleado en todos los casos fue de α≤0,05. Resultados: El 15% de los estudiantes es consumidor de riesgo y 18% presenta consumo perjudicial o posible dependencia. En estudiantes que consumen alcohol, la variable ingreso familiar, en relación con las variables época del año en que consumen y la presencia de problemas están asociadas. Conclusión: Existe mayor prevalencia de consumo en el género masculino y un alto consumo de bebidas alcohólicas en ambos géneros en cualquier época del año. El consumo de bebidas alcohólicas es independiente del ingreso familiar

    Antioxidants (carotenoids and phenolics) profile of cherry tomatoes as influenced by deficit irrigation, ripening and cluster

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between the effect of regulated deficit irrigation, cluster, developmental stages and two seasons (autumn 2015 and spring 2016) on the commercial and functional quality (carotenoids and plenolics levels) in ‘Lazarino’ and 'summerbrix’ tomatoes. Autumn had a positive effect on the commercial quality, with larger fruits (22% in 'summerbrix’; 26% in ‘Lazarino’) and higher soluble solids (16% in 'summerbrix’; 12% in ‘Lazarino’). Total carotenoids did not change significantly with irrigation and variety while total phenolics did with the cluster and season. In most cases, the main amounts of carotenoids and phenolic were found in the higher cluster and carotenoids in ripe fruit. Thus, irrigation of such varieties could be reduced drastically (ca. 80%) without affecting considerably the overall quality of their fruits (changes not greater than 30%).Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2012-37610, BIO2015-71703-RED

    Effect of regulated deficit irrigation on commercial quality parameters, carotenoids, phenolics and sugars of the black cherry tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) ʽSunchocolaʼ

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    In this preliminary study, the effect of regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) on the commercial quality (size, weight, soluble solids, firmness and colour), content of carotenoids, phenolics and sugars of black tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) ʽSunchocolaʼ was studied. Two water irrigation treatments were applied: regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) and control with 82,7 and 398 mm of water supplied, respectively. Tomato of the first cluster harvested at three stages of maturity were studied. The size and weight of the tomato did not present significant differences regarding the RDI and maturity. In both groups the concentration of carotenoids and phenolics increased with the degree of maturity (on average 57 % and 8 % respectively). On the other hand, in most cases, the content of carotenoids, phenolics and sugars showed significant differences between irrigation treatments (p < 0.1). In conclusion, with the application of the RDI, it was possible to maintain the size and weight and increase the carotenoid levels of the fruits.Secretaría Nacional de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovacion (SENESCYT)Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2012-37610Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2015-71703- RED

    Abordaje de la comunicación en un caso de afasia global

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    Global aphasia is an acquired language disorder that seriously affects comprehension, language expression, reading and writing, showing a right hemiplegia. Because of this inability to process language and these motor difficulties, global aphasia is the worst prognosis aphasia. Sometimes patient’s rehabilitation abilities to take advantage of rehabilitation and to restore a functional communicative interaction with the environment are underestimated. Here we report a case in which a patient with global aphasia comes in the healthcare service of the Pontificia University of Salamanca after an unsuccessful period of traditional rehabilitation and recovers some communication skills through training in communication through signs.La afasia global es un trastorno adquirido del lenguaje que afecta gravemente a la expresión, la comprensión, la lectura y escritura, cursando además con una hemiplejia derecha. Esta imposibilidad para el procesamiento del lenguaje y las dificultades motrices la convierte en la afasia de peor pronóstico. de esta forma, en algunas ocasiones se sibestiman las capacidades del enfermo para aprovechar la rehabilitación y poder reestablecer una interacción comunicativa funcional con el entorno. presentamos un caso en el que un paciente con afasia global acude al ServicioAsistencial de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. TRas un periodo de rehabilitación tradicional, sin éxito, logra recuperar cierta capacidad de comunicación a través de un entrenamiento en comunicación signada

    Fatigue, emotional distress, and illness uncertainty in patients with metastatic cancer: results from the prospective NEOETIC_SEOM study

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    A cancer diagnosis can have a substantial impact on a patient's mental health and quality of life. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of fatigue, emotional distress, and uncertainty and examine the predictive value they have on the quality of life of advanced cancer patients. A prospective, multicenter study was conducted between February 2020 and May 2021 of individuals diagnosed with an advanced, unresectable neoplasm prior to initiating systemic antineoplastic treatment. Participants completed questionnaires to quantify fatigue, emotional distress, disease uncertainty, and quality of life. A linear regression analysis was performed to study the predictive QoL variables. The study population comprised 508 patients, 53.7% of whom were male and had a mean age of 54.9 years. The most common cancers were digestive (40.6%), bronchopulmonary (29.1%), and breast (8.5%); the most frequent histology was adenocarcinoma (63%); and most were stage IV (79.7%). More than half (55.7%) suffered fatigue, and 47.7% exhibited emotional distress; both were more prevalent among women. Fatigue, emotional distress, and disease uncertainty all correlate with diminished quality of life. Similarly, ECOG performance status and the demographic variables of age, sex, and comorbidities impacted quality of life. This patient sample displayed a high prevalence of fatigue and emotional distress, together with illness uncertainty, which are clearly linked to waning quality of life. To decrease the experience of fatigue and improve mental health treatment in cancer patients, interventions based on a biopsychosocial model must be intensified