17 research outputs found

    Propuesta metodológica de zonificación ambiental en la Sierra de Altomira mediante Sistemas de Información Geográfica

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una propuesta metodológica de zonificación ambiental en la Sierra de Altomira. Por la biodiversidad que alberga ha sido declarada Zona de Especial Protección para las Aves (ZEPA) y Zona de Especial Conservación (ZEC) y forma parte de la Red Natura 2000. En un plazo de seis años deberá disponer de un Plan de Gestión. Anticipándose a este requerimiento, este trabajo realiza una propuesta de zonificación ambiental con objeto de diferenciar áreas para una ordenación y gestión adecuada de los recursos naturales. Esta zonificación se basa en una valoración paisajística y ecológica teniendo en cuenta indicadores de ecología de paisaje y las figuras de protección presentes en el área de estudio. Los resultados son integrados, mediante sumatoria ponderada, empleando un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG). Como resultado, se proponen cinco zonas de distinto valor ambiental.Peer reviewe

    Detección de errores temáticos en el CORINE Land Cover a través del estudio de cambios: Comunidad de Madrid (2000-2006)

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    Thematic cartography use to be the starting point in several works. It is necessary to be careful with the errors that data source may have to achieve a good outcome. Using a simple methodology we can identify thematic errors in the CORINE Land Cover cartography from the years 2000 and 2006 through the database intersection. That map intersection will give us a group of stable and changing polygons and a cross tabulation matrix with which the surface gain or loss can be interpreted. By means of studies through sampling stable and changing polygons and their verification with orthophotos we can find several thematic errors in the cartography used. Besides, the use of confusion matrices determines the level of global accuracy and categories most prone to error.La cartografía temática suele ser el punto de partida en muchos trabajos. Es necesario tener cuidado con los errores que pueda presentar la fuente de datos para conseguir un buen resultado. Utilizando una sencilla metodología se pueden determinar errores temáticos en las cartografías CORINE Land Cover de los años 2000 y 2006 a través de la intersección de ambas bases de datos. Dicha intersección de mapas nos dará una serie de polígonos estables y de cambio y una matriz de cruce con la que interpretar el balance de superficie ganada o perdida. Mediante el estudio a través de muestreos de los diferentes tipos de cambio y su verificación con ortofotos se puede llegar a encontrar diversos errores de asignación temática en las cartografías empleadas. Además, el uso de las matrices de confusión permite establecer el nivel de exactitud global y de las categorías más propensas a errores. [fr] La cartographie thématique est généralement le point de départ pour de nombreuses activités. Des précautions doivent être prises pour les erreurs qui peuvent survenir dans la source de données pour obtenir un bon résultat. En utilisant une méthode simple permet de déterminer les erreurs dans les cartes thématiques de la CORINE Land Cover 2000 et 2006 par l’intersection de deux bases de données. Cette intersection des cartes nous donnent un ensemble de polygones stables et de changement et une matrice du croisement avec laquelle interpréter le bilan de surface gagnée ou perdue. Au moyen de l’étude à travers des échantillonnages de différents taux de change et sa vérification avec ortofotos on peut arriver à trouver de diverses erreurs d’assignation thématique dans la cartographie employée. De plus, l’usage des matrices de confusion permet d’établir le niveau d’exactitude globale et des catégories les plus enclines aux erreurs

    Detección de cambios en los usos del suelo de la Alcarria Conquense : análisis de su sostenibilidad

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    Este artículo analiza los cambios de ocupación y usos del suelo registrados entre 1990 y 2003 en La Alcarria Conquense, en el NW de la provincia de Cuenca, España. Compara los usos del suelo actuales con los usos potenciales con objeto de analizar posibles disfunciones en relación a la capacidad agroforestal del territorio. Este estudio ha fundamentado la aceptación de algunos proyectos enmarcados en un Plan de Acción Local, elaborado mediante planificación participativa, con el fin de corregir impactos ambientales y de progresar hacia un desarrollo sostenible de la comarca.This article analyzes the land use and cover changes registered between 1990 and 2003 in The Alcarria Conquense, in the NW of the province of Cuenca, Spain. Likewise, it compares the current land use with the potential uses with purpose to analyze dysfunctions relating to the agroforestry capacity of the territory. This study has supported the acceptance of some projects framed in a Local Action Plan, elaborate by means of participatory planning, in order to correcting environmental impacts and of progressing toward a sustainable development of the region

    Climate warming triggers the emergence of native viruses in Iberian amphibians

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    The number of epizootics in amphibian populations caused by viruses of the genus Ranavirus is increasing worldwide. Yet, causes for pathogen emergence are poorly understood. Here, we confirmed that the Common midwife toad virus (CMTV) and Frog virus 3 (FV3) are responsible for mass mortalities in Iberia since the late 1980s. Our results illustrate the Iberian Peninsula as a diversity hotspot for the highly virulent CMTV. Although this pattern of diversity in Europe is consistent with spread by natural dispersal, the exact origin of the emergence of CMTV remains uncertain. Nevertheless, our data allow hypothesizing that the Iberian Peninsula might harbor the ancestral population of CMTVs that could have spread into the rest of Europe. In addition, we found that climate warming could be triggering the CMTV outbreaks, supporting its endemic status in the Iberian Peninsula.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Good practice regarding smoking cessation management in Spain: Challenges and opportunities for primary care physicians and nurses

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    INTRODUCTION We analyze the activities carried out by primary care (PC) physicians and nurses with respect to smoking cessation and evaluate their self-reported training, knowledge, and behavior. METHODS A cross-sectional study was conducted including 1514 PC physicians and nurses from June 2016 to March 2017, in Spain. The main variable was Good Practice (GP) in attention to smokers. To identify associated factors, a multilevel logistic regression model was used adjusted for sex, age, type of center, contract, years of employment, tobacco consumption, and self-reported training/knowledge. RESULTS Of the 792 physicians and 722 nurses, 48.6% referred to GP in smoking cessation management. The finding related to: being a non-smoker (OR=1.8; 95% CI: 1.2-2.5) or ex-smoker (OR= 1.4; 95% CI: 1.02-2.1), having a good level of knowledge (OR=1.8; 95% CI: 1.3-2.4) and training (OR=2.4; 95% CI: 1.8-3.2), and, to a lesser extent, being female (OR=1.3; 95% CI: 1.03-1.7), and work experience >10 years (OR=1.4; 95% CI: 1.03-1.9). The main GP barriers were: lack of time (45.5%), organizational problems (48.4%), and 35.4% lack of training. CONCLUSIONS The GP of PC physicians and nurses regarding smoking cessation management is related to being non-smokers or ex-smokers, and having sufficient training and knowledge. Lack of time and organizational problems were considered to be the main barriers. The promotion of training activities in the Spanish National Health Service with the support of scientific societies is required

    CIBERER : Spanish national network for research on rare diseases: A highly productive collaborative initiative

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    Altres ajuts: Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.CIBER (Center for Biomedical Network Research; Centro de Investigación Biomédica En Red) is a public national consortium created in 2006 under the umbrella of the Spanish National Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII). This innovative research structure comprises 11 different specific areas dedicated to the main public health priorities in the National Health System. CIBERER, the thematic area of CIBER focused on rare diseases (RDs) currently consists of 75 research groups belonging to universities, research centers, and hospitals of the entire country. CIBERER's mission is to be a center prioritizing and favoring collaboration and cooperation between biomedical and clinical research groups, with special emphasis on the aspects of genetic, molecular, biochemical, and cellular research of RDs. This research is the basis for providing new tools for the diagnosis and therapy of low-prevalence diseases, in line with the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC) objectives, thus favoring translational research between the scientific environment of the laboratory and the clinical setting of health centers. In this article, we intend to review CIBERER's 15-year journey and summarize the main results obtained in terms of internationalization, scientific production, contributions toward the discovery of new therapies and novel genes associated to diseases, cooperation with patients' associations and many other topics related to RD research

    Land-use changes and biodiversity conservation in agricultural landscapes. A case study

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    A wide range of global biodiversity is concentrated in rural landscapes. Indeed, many wild species and natural habitats are directly or indirectly associated with agricultural systems. In turn, some genomes of wild species can contribute, on one hand, to agricultural productivity and quality and, on the other, to ongoing biological control of crop-specific pests. Thus, management of these landscapes should consider applying agricultural practices adapted to biodiversity conservation, which will also result in enhanced production levels. One way to infer the state of conservation of biodiversity in rural landscapes is through knowledge of their spatial structure, i.e., the configuration and composition of different land uses and remnant natural vegetation. This knowledge can serve to evaluate the behavior of the ecological processes associated with the above mentioned structure and to assess the integrity of the landscape and its potential biodiversity. The current spatial pattern of the landscape is the result of changes in land uses and management practices therein throughout time, essentially as a result of socioeconomic changes. Study of these changes enables us to propose future scenarios based upon the design and implementation of management policies that consider the history of the aforementioned changes Moreover, it is interesting to note the growing interest of agricultural policies, at different levels (for example, the Common Agriculture Policy at European level), in ecological compensation measures for agricultural areas (specific subsidies) involving conservation and improvement of biodiversity. The receiving of certain subsidies depends on the correct application of feasible agro-environmental models. In this sense, spatial analysis of the landscape and changes therein can be useful for more effective conservation of biodiversity while maintaining an optimum level of productivity, which can be seen in the diverse models applied in different regions. The present study, conducted in Andalusia in southern Spain,consisted of analysing the structure of a rural landscape of olive groves, as well as the dynamics of change in land uses and land cover over a period of 50 years. The study results show a trend towards intensification of olive cultivation (mainly irrigation and increased energy inputs), a greater area occupied by these crops and maintenance of the area covered by natural vegetation and even an increase therein. As a result of these processes, the landscape has maintained an acceptable level of connectivity,diversity of land uses and spatial heterogeneity.This situation enabled us to infer a good situation for biodiversity conservation and for the potential restoration of the rural landscape studied. Our results highlight the need for an agro-environmental model at landscape-scale for the conservation of biodiversity and maintenance of a reasonable level of profitable productivity. We therefore recommend the abandonment of less productive farmland and a spatial landscape configuration based upon the ‘land sparing’ alternative. This alternative involves the persistence of remnants of useful native vegetation such as:natural or semi-natural habitats (essential for species specialised in agricultural systems); discontinuous corridors (stepping stones) and the potential restoration of native vegetation.This study was supported by the research project of the National Plan (R + D + i) of the Government of Spain (CSO2009-08154 2010/2013, PI Sanz-Cañada, J): Territorial Externalities in local agro-food systems: rural development, landscapes and public goods in olive oil designations of origin (EXTERSIAL).Peer reviewe

    Propuesta metodológica para el análisis de la sostenibilidad en la provincia de Cuenca

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    En este artículo se define un índice global de sostenibilidad, a nivel municipal, que integra las dimensiones económica, social y ambiental. Su fin es orientar a los gestores en la toma de decisiones en materia de ordenación territorial. Se utilizan fuentes estadísticas, cartográficas y encuestas. Se propone una metodología basada en sumas ponderadas, componentes principales, cluster y técnicas de regresión. Se ensaya en la provincia de Cuenca, ejemplo representativo de las zonas rurales de montaña de España peninsular. Los resultados permiten establecer cinco tipos de municipios.Peer reviewe

    Colaborando en la investigación del cambio climático mediante la digitalización

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    Esta colección de datos de investigación se encuadra en el proyecto internacional Bryozoa Identification Tool (BIT) for Quaternary and Recent Mediterranean and North Atlantic Bryozoans que se ha llevado a cabo gracias a la convocatoria Synthesys Virtual Access (VA) y liderado por Consuelo Sendino. El MNCN es uno de los participantes con otros cinco museos europeos más y es uno de los que aporta más datos de briozoos. Facilitar el acceso a este banco de imágenes ha sido una prioridad en el proyecto y es la primera vez que se muestran los datos de briozoos geolocalizados en un mapa (https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/d985394959164ccfb5140b835adc27b3) Se participó con un póster (“Helping climate change research with digitisation”) con los datos de este proyecto en la Asamblea y Jornada de Innovación PTI (Plataforma Temática Interdisciplinar) Ciencia Digital. CSIC, Madrid, 23-24 Noviembre, 2023.The MNCN has participated in the international project Bryozoa Identification Тооl (BIT) for Quaternary and Recent Mediterranean and North Atlantic Bryozoans within the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation framework. The Horizon program includes DiSCCo and, within this SYNTHESYS + Virtual Access, which supports the digitization of collections based оп the community's demand, provided that the data are availabIe in ореп access, thus facilitating virtual access to collections.Synthesys Virtual AccessPeer reviewe

    Regeneration of the native vegetation in the marginal olive groves. Extersial Project

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    Through the use of GIS techniques, we will be able to obtain a range of territorial synthesis indicators: i) the level of physical marginalisation of the olive growing areas, based on the assessment of the usage capacity or suitability of the physical setting for olive cultivation; ii) the degree of economic marginalisation, based on a calculation of the cost structures; iii) the existence of the spatial correlation between the physical and the economic marginalisation; iv) the erosion potentiality; v) the potential for vegetation colonisation; vi) the structural and spatial configuration of the landscape; vii) the analisyst of the spatial correlations and casual relationships between the syntesis indicatiors obtained in the previous stages made by geo-statistical models.Peer reviewe